bool Octree::boxTriangleIntersection(BoundingBox Box, Triangle triangle)
  //This algorithm is a composition of 13 tests to determine intersection
	//if all pass, there is overlap

	float min,max,d,p0,p1,p2,rad,fex,fey,fez;

  //center the box at (0,0,0) with respect to the triangle

	//translate triangle vertices
	Vector v0,v1,v2;
	//edges of new triangle
	Vector e0,e1,e2;

	//Vector that goes half the diagonal of the bounding box
	Vector boxHalfSize = (Box.boxMaxExtent - Box.boxMinExtent) / 2.0;

	point boxCenter( (Box.boxMinExtent.px + Box.boxMaxExtent.px)/2.0,
                   (Box.boxMinExtent.py + Box.boxMaxExtent.py)/2.0,
									 (Box.boxMinExtent.pz + Box.boxMaxExtent.pz)/2.0 );


	v0 = triangle.Vertex[0] - boxCenter;
	v1 = triangle.Vertex[1] - boxCenter;
	v2 = triangle.Vertex[2] - boxCenter;

  e0 = v1 - v0;
	e1 = v2 - v1;
	e2 = v0 - v2;

	//the first 9 tests
   fex = fabs(e0.px);
   fey = fabs(e0.py);
   fez = fabs(e0.pz);
   AXISTEST_X01(e0.pz, e0.py, fez, fey);
   AXISTEST_Y02(e0.pz, e0.px, fez, fex);
   AXISTEST_Z12(e0.py, e0.px, fey, fex);

   fex = fabs(e1.px);
   fey = fabs(e1.py);
   fez = fabs(e1.pz);
   AXISTEST_X01(e1.pz, e1.py, fez, fey);
   AXISTEST_Y02(e1.pz, e1.px, fez, fex);
   AXISTEST_Z0(e1.py, e1.px, fey, fex);

   fex = fabs(e2.px);
   fey = fabs(e2.py);
   fez = fabs(e2.pz);
   AXISTEST_X2(e2.pz, e2.py, fez, fey);
   AXISTEST_Y1(e2.pz, e2.px, fez, fex);
   AXISTEST_Z12(e2.py, e2.px, fey, fex);

	 //now the 3 tests
	 //X test
   if(min>boxHalfSize.px || max<-boxHalfSize.px) 
		 return false;

   //Y test
   if(min>boxHalfSize.py || max<-boxHalfSize.py) 
		 return false;

   //Z test
   if(min>boxHalfSize.pz || max<-boxHalfSize.pz) 
		 return false;

	Vector normal = e0.crossProduct(e1);
	d = -(normal.dotProduct(v0));

		return false;

	return true;
void Octree::buildOctree(BoundingBox** Box)
  //if we get below the threshold number of objects in a box, don't subdivide any longer
	if ( (*Box)->Storage.size() <= maxObjectsPerBox )

	//(*Box)->childBoxes = new BoundingBox*[8];

	for (int i=0; i < 8; i++)
		(*Box)->childBoxes[i] = new BoundingBox;

	int count = 0;

	Vector displacement;

	point boxCenter( ((*Box)->boxMinExtent.px + (*Box)->boxMaxExtent.px)/2.0,
                   ((*Box)->boxMinExtent.py + (*Box)->boxMaxExtent.py)/2.0,
									 ((*Box)->boxMinExtent.pz + (*Box)->boxMaxExtent.pz)/2.0 );

	Vector diagonal = ((*Box)->boxMaxExtent - (*Box)->boxMinExtent) / 2.0;

	//if not, subdivide box into eight equal octants
  for (int z=0; z < 2; z++)
		for (int y=0; y < 2; y++)
			for (int x=0; x < 2; x++)
				displacement.set(diagonal.px*(float)x, diagonal.py*(float)y, diagonal.pz*(float)z);
        (*Box)->childBoxes[count++]->set((*Box)->boxMinExtent+displacement, boxCenter+displacement);

	//now, see whether the children lie inside the child boxes
  //this requires a triangle-box intersection and sphere-box intersection tests
	for (int i=0; i < (*Box)->Storage.size(); i++)
		for (int k=0; k < 8; k++)
		  if ( (*Box)->Storage[i]->getRadius() > 0.0 )
				if ( boxSphereIntersection(*((*Box)->childBoxes[k]), *((*Box)->Storage[i])) )
			  for (int j=0; j < (*Box)->Storage[i]->pNumTriangles; j++)
		      if ( boxTriangleIntersection(*((*Box)->childBoxes[k]), (*Box)->Storage[i]->Triangle_Array[j]) )
					  //add obj inc numObj, break

	//now, recursively go to each of the children and see if they need to be subdivided
	for (int i=0; i < 8; i++)
bool CommandCrossSection::process(ccCommandLineInterface &cmd)
	cmd.print("[CROSS SECTION]");

	static QString s_xmlCloudCompare = "CloudCompare";
	static QString s_xmlBoxThickness = "BoxThickness";
	static QString s_xmlBoxCenter = "BoxCenter";
	static QString s_xmlRepeatDim = "RepeatDim";
	static QString s_xmlRepeatGap = "RepeatGap";
	static QString s_xmlFilePath = "FilePath";
	static QString s_outputXmlFilePath = "OutputFilePath";

	//expected argument: XML file
	if (cmd.arguments().empty())
		return cmd.error(QString("Missing parameter: XML parameters file after \"-%1\"").arg(COMMAND_CROSS_SECTION));
	QString xmlFilename = cmd.arguments().takeFirst();

	//read the XML file
	CCVector3 boxCenter(0, 0, 0), boxThickness(0, 0, 0);
	bool repeatDim[3] = { false, false, false };
	double repeatGap = 0.0;
	bool inside = true;
	bool autoCenter = true;
	QString inputFilePath;
	QString outputFilePath;
		QFile file(xmlFilename);
		if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
			return cmd.error(QString("Couldn't open XML file '%1'").arg(xmlFilename));

		//read file content
		QXmlStreamReader stream(&file);

		//expected: CloudCompare
		if (!stream.readNextStartElement()
		        || stream.name() != s_xmlCloudCompare)
			return cmd.error(QString("Invalid XML file (should start by '<%1>')").arg(s_xmlCloudCompare));

		unsigned mandatoryCount = 0;
		while (stream.readNextStartElement()) //loop over the elements
			if (stream.name() == s_xmlBoxThickness)
				QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = stream.attributes();
				if (!readVector(attributes, boxThickness, s_xmlBoxThickness, cmd))
					return false;
			else if (stream.name() == s_xmlBoxCenter)
				QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = stream.attributes();
				if (!readVector(attributes, boxCenter, s_xmlBoxCenter, cmd))
					return false;
				autoCenter = false;
			else if (stream.name() == s_xmlRepeatDim)
				QString itemValue = stream.readElementText();
				bool ok = false;
				int dim = itemValue.toInt(&ok);
				if (!ok || dim < 0 || dim > 2)
					return cmd.error(QString("Invalid XML file (invalid value for '<%1>')").arg(s_xmlRepeatDim));
				repeatDim[dim] = true;
			else if (stream.name() == s_xmlRepeatGap)
				QString itemValue = stream.readElementText();
				bool ok = false;
				repeatGap = itemValue.toDouble(&ok);
				if (!ok)
					return cmd.error(QString("Invalid XML file (invalid value for '<%1>')").arg(s_xmlRepeatGap));
			else if (stream.name() == s_xmlFilePath)
				inputFilePath = stream.readElementText();
				if (!QDir(inputFilePath).exists())
					return cmd.error(QString("Invalid file path (directory pointed by '<%1>' doesn't exist)").arg(s_xmlFilePath));
			else if (stream.name() == s_outputXmlFilePath)
				outputFilePath = stream.readElementText();
				if (!QDir(outputFilePath).exists())
					return cmd.error(QString("Invalid output file path (directory pointed by '<%1>' doesn't exist)").arg(s_outputXmlFilePath));
				cmd.warning(QString("Unknown element: %1").arg(stream.name().toString()));

		if (mandatoryCount < 1 || (!repeatDim[0] && !repeatDim[1] && !repeatDim[2]))
			return cmd.error(QString("Some mandatory elements are missing in the XML file (see documentation)"));

	//safety checks
	if (	boxThickness.x < ZERO_TOLERANCE
	        ||	boxThickness.y < ZERO_TOLERANCE
	        ||	boxThickness.z < ZERO_TOLERANCE
		return cmd.error(QString("Invalid box thickness"));

	CCVector3 repeatStep = boxThickness + CCVector3(repeatGap, repeatGap, repeatGap);
	if (	(repeatDim[0] && repeatStep.x < ZERO_TOLERANCE)
	        ||	(repeatDim[1] && repeatStep.y < ZERO_TOLERANCE)
	        ||	(repeatDim[2] && repeatStep.z < ZERO_TOLERANCE)
		return cmd.error(QString("Repeat gap can't be equal or smaller than 'minus' box width"));

	if (outputFilePath.isEmpty())
		outputFilePath = inputFilePath;

	int iterationCount = 1;

	//shall we load the entities?
	QStringList files;
	QDir dir;
	bool fromFiles = false;
	if (!inputFilePath.isEmpty())
		//look for all files in the input directory
		dir = QDir(inputFilePath);
		files = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
		iterationCount = files.size();
		fromFiles = true;

		//remove any cloud or mesh in memory!

	for (int f = 0; f < iterationCount; ++f)
		//shall we load files?
		QString filename;
		if (fromFiles)
			assert(f < files.size());
			filename = dir.absoluteFilePath(files[f]);
			QFileInfo fileinfo(filename);
			if (!fileinfo.isFile() || fileinfo.suffix().toUpper() == "XML")

			//let's try to load the file
			cmd.print(QString("Processing file: '%1'").arg(files[f]));

			bool result = false;
				//hack: replace the current argument list by a fake 'load file' sequence
				QStringList realArguments = cmd.arguments();

				QStringList loadArguments;
				loadArguments << filename;
				cmd.arguments() = loadArguments;
				result = CommandLoad().process(cmd);

				//end of hack: restore the current argument list
				cmd.arguments() = realArguments;

			if (!result)
				cmd.warning("\tFailed to load file!");
			assert(iterationCount == 1);

		//repeat crop process on each file (or do it only once on the currently loaded entities)
			ccHObject::Container entities;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd.clouds().size(); ++i)
				for (size_t j = 0; j < cmd.meshes().size(); ++j)
			catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
				return cmd.error("Not enough memory!");

			for (size_t i = 0; i < entities.size(); ++i)
				//check entity bounding-box
				ccHObject* ent = entities[i];
				ccBBox bbox = ent->getOwnBB();
				if (!bbox.isValid())
					cmd.warning(QString("Entity '%1' has an invalid bounding-box!").arg(ent->getName()));

				//browse to/create a subdirectory with the (base) filename as name
				QString basename;
				if (fromFiles)
					basename = QFileInfo(filename).baseName();
					basename = i < cmd.clouds().size() ? cmd.clouds()[i].basename : cmd.meshes()[i - cmd.clouds().size()].basename;

				if (entities.size() > 1)
					basename += QString("_%1").arg(i + 1);

				QDir outputDir(outputFilePath);
				if (outputFilePath.isEmpty())
					if (fromFiles)
						outputDir = QDir::current();
						outputDir = QDir(i < cmd.clouds().size() ? cmd.clouds()[i].path : cmd.meshes()[i - cmd.clouds().size()].path);

				if (outputDir.cd(basename))
					//if the directory already exists...
					cmd.warning(QString("Subdirectory '%1' already exists").arg(basename));
				else if (outputDir.mkdir(basename))
					cmd.warning(QString("Failed to create subdirectory '%1' (check access rights and base name validity!)").arg(basename));

				int toto = ceil(-0.4);
				int toto2 = ceil(-0.6);

				//place the initial box at the beginning of the entity bounding box
				CCVector3 C0 = autoCenter ? bbox.getCenter() : boxCenter;
				unsigned steps[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
				for (unsigned d = 0; d < 3; ++d)
					if (repeatDim[d])
						PointCoordinateType boxHalfWidth = boxThickness.u[d] / 2;
						PointCoordinateType distToMinBorder = C0.u[d] - boxHalfWidth - bbox.minCorner().u[d];
						int stepsToMinBorder = static_cast<int>(ceil(distToMinBorder / repeatStep.u[d]));
						C0.u[d] -= stepsToMinBorder * repeatStep.u[d];

						PointCoordinateType distToMaxBorder = bbox.maxCorner().u[d] - C0.u[d] - boxHalfWidth;
						int stepsToMaxBoder = static_cast<int>(ceil(distToMaxBorder / repeatStep.u[d]) + 1);
						assert(stepsToMaxBoder >= 0);
						steps[d] = std::max<unsigned>(stepsToMaxBoder, 1);

				cmd.print(QString("Will extract up to (%1 x %2 x %3) = %4 sections").arg(steps[0]).arg(steps[1]).arg(steps[2]).arg(steps[0] * steps[1] * steps[2]));

				//now extract the slices
				for (unsigned dx = 0; dx < steps[0]; ++dx)
					for (unsigned dy = 0; dy < steps[1]; ++dy)
						for (unsigned dz = 0; dz < steps[2]; ++dz)
							CCVector3 C = C0 + CCVector3(dx*repeatStep.x, dy*repeatStep.y, dz*repeatStep.z);
							ccBBox cropBox(C - boxThickness / 2, C + boxThickness / 2);
							cmd.print(QString("Box (%1;%2;%3) --> (%4;%5;%6)")
							ccHObject* croppedEnt = ccCropTool::Crop(ent, cropBox, inside);
							if (croppedEnt)
								QString outputBasename = basename + QString("_%1_%2_%3").arg(C.x).arg(C.y).arg(C.z);
								QString errorStr;
								//original entity is a cloud?
								if (i < cmd.clouds().size())
									CLCloudDesc desc(static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(croppedEnt),
									                 entities.size() > 1 ? static_cast<int>(i) : -1);
									errorStr = cmd.exportEntity(desc);
								else //otherwise it's a mesh
									CLMeshDesc desc(static_cast<ccMesh*>(croppedEnt),
									                entities.size() > 1 ? static_cast<int>(i) : -1);
									errorStr = cmd.exportEntity(desc);

								delete croppedEnt;
								croppedEnt = 0;

								if (!errorStr.isEmpty())
									return cmd.error(errorStr);

			if (fromFiles)
				//unload entities

	return true;