文件: slider.cpp 项目: Adamiko/los
void Slider::drawSlider(QPainter *p, const QRect &r)
	const QPalette& pal = palette();
	QBrush brBack(pal.window());
	QBrush brMid;
	QBrush brDark(pal.dark());

	QRect cr;

	int ipos, dist1;
	double rpos;
	int lineDist;

	if (d_bwTrough > 0)
		//      qDrawShadePanel(p, r.x(), r.y(),
		//r.width(), r.height(),
		//pal, TRUE, d_bwTrough,0);
		cr.setRect(r.x() + d_bwTrough,
				r.y() + d_bwTrough,
				r.width() - 2 * d_bwTrough,
				r.height() - 2 * d_bwTrough);
		brMid = pal.mid();
		cr = r;
		brMid = brBack;

	rpos = (value() - minValue()) / (maxValue() - minValue());

	lineDist = d_borderWidth - 1;
	if (lineDist < 1) lineDist = 1;

	if (d_orient == Qt::Horizontal)

		dist1 = int(double(cr.width() - d_thumbLength) * rpos);
		ipos = cr.x() + dist1;
		markerPos = ipos + d_thumbHalf;

		// draw background
		if (d_bgStyle & BgSlot)
			drawHsBgSlot(p, cr, QRect(ipos, cr.y(), d_thumbLength, cr.height()), brMid);
			//p->fillRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), dist1, cr.height(), brMid);
			//p->fillRect(ipos + d_thumbLength, cr.y(),
			//		cr.width() - d_thumbLength - dist1, cr.height(), brMid);

		//  Draw thumb
		//qDrawShadePanel(p,ipos, cr.y(), d_thumbLength, cr.height(),
		//    pal, FALSE, d_borderWidth, &brBack);
		QPixmap thumbp;
		bool loaded = thumbp.load(":images/slider_thumb_new_h.png");
		if (loaded)
			p->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceAtop); //QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
			p->drawPixmap(ipos, cr.y()-2, thumbp);

		/*if (lineDist > 1)
			qDrawShadeLine(p, markerPos, cr.y() + lineDist, markerPos,
				cr.y() + cr.height() - lineDist,
				pal, TRUE, 1);
			p->drawLine(markerPos - 1, cr.y() + lineDist, markerPos - 1,
					cr.y() + cr.height() - lineDist - 1);
			p->drawLine(markerPos, cr.y() + lineDist, markerPos,
					cr.y() + cr.height() - lineDist - 1);

	{//Vertical slider
		dist1 = int(double(cr.height() - d_thumbLength) * (1.0 - rpos));
		ipos = cr.y() + dist1;
		markerPos = ipos + d_thumbHalf;

		//NOTE: this is adding the middle line in the slider
		if (d_bgStyle & BgSlot)
			drawVsBgSlot(p, cr, QRect(cr.left(), ipos, cr.width(), d_thumbLength), brMid);
			//p->fillRect(cr.x(), ipos + d_thumbLength, cr.width(),
			//cr.height() - d_thumbLength - dist1, brMid);

		//This adds the thumb slider
		//qDrawShadePanel(p,cr.x(),ipos , cr.width(), d_thumbLength,
		//    pal,FALSE,d_borderWidth, &brBack);
		QPixmap thumbp;
		bool loaded = thumbp.load(":images/slider_thumb_new.png");
		int knobx = cr.x() + 2;
		int knoby = ipos - 12;
		QRect knobRect(knobx, knoby, 18, 33);
		//printf("Slider: Knob position X: %d  Y: %d\n", knobx, knoby);
		if (loaded)
			p->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceAtop); //QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
			//p->drawPixmap(knobx, knoby, thumbp);
			p->drawPixmap(knobRect, thumbp);
		// if (lineDist > 1)
		//    qDrawShadeLine(p, cr.x() + lineDist , markerPos,
		//       cr.x() + cr.width() - lineDist, markerPos,
		//       pal, TRUE, 1);
		// else
		// {
		//   p->setPen(pal.dark().color());
		//   p->drawLine(cr.x() + lineDist, markerPos - 1 ,
		//         cr.x() + cr.width() -  lineDist - 1, markerPos - 1);
		//   p->setPen(pal.light().color());
		//   p->drawLine(cr.x() + lineDist, markerPos,
		//         cr.x() + cr.width() -  lineDist - 1 , markerPos);
		// }

void ThinSlider::drawSlider(QPainter *p, const QRect &r)

    const QPalette& pal = palette();
    QBrush brBack(pal.window());
    QBrush brMid(pal.mid());
    QBrush brDark(pal.dark());

    QRect cr;
    int ipos,dist1;
    double rpos;

    int xrad = 4;
    int yrad = 4;

    // for the empty side
    QColor e_mask_edge = pal.mid().color();
    QColor e_mask_center = pal.midlight().color();
    int e_alpha = 215;
    QLinearGradient e_mask;
    e_mask.setColorAt(0, e_mask_edge);
    e_mask.setColorAt(0.5, e_mask_center);
    e_mask.setColorAt(1, e_mask_edge);
    // for the full side
    rpos = (value()  - minValue()) / (maxValue() - minValue());
    int f_brightness = 155 * rpos + 100;
    int f_alpha;
    int f_edge;
    if (pal.currentColorGroup() == QPalette::Disabled)
        f_alpha = 185;
        f_edge = 100;
        f_alpha = 127;
        f_edge = 0;
    QColor f_mask_center = QColor(f_brightness, f_brightness, f_brightness, f_alpha);
    QColor f_mask_edge = QColor(f_edge, f_edge, f_edge, f_alpha);
    QLinearGradient f_mask;
    f_mask.setColorAt(0, f_mask_edge);
    f_mask.setColorAt(0.5, f_mask_center);
    f_mask.setColorAt(1, f_mask_edge);
    // for the thumb
    QLinearGradient thumbGrad;
    QColor thumb_edge = pal.dark().color();
    QColor thumb_center = pal.midlight().color();
    thumbGrad.setColorAt(0, thumb_edge);
    thumbGrad.setColorAt(0.5, thumb_center);
    thumbGrad.setColorAt(1, thumb_edge);
    if (d_orient == Qt::Horizontal)

                   r.y() + d_mMargin,
                   r.height() - 2*d_mMargin);

        // Draw background
        QPainterPath bg_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(cr, 
                                           xrad, yrad, 
                                           (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperLeft | MusECore::UpperRight | MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        p->fillPath(bg_rect, d_fillColor);
        dist1 = int(double(cr.width() - d_thumbLength) * rpos);
        ipos =  cr.x() + dist1;
        markerPos = ipos + d_thumbHalf;

        // Draw empty right side
        e_mask.setStart(QPointF(0, cr.y()));
        e_mask.setFinalStop(QPointF(0, cr.y() + cr.height()));

        QPainterPath e_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(ipos + d_thumbLength, cr.y(), 
                                          cr.width() - d_thumbLength - dist1, cr.height(), 
                                          xrad, yrad, (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperRight | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        p->fillPath(e_rect, QBrush(e_mask));
        // Draw full left side
        f_mask.setStart(QPointF(0, cr.y()));
        f_mask.setFinalStop(QPointF(0, cr.y() + cr.height()));
        QPainterPath f_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(cr.x(), cr.y(), 
                                          ipos + 1, cr.height(),
                                          xrad, yrad, 
                                          (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::UpperLeft) );

        p->fillPath(f_rect, QBrush(f_mask));
        //  Draw thumb
        QPainterPath thumb_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(ipos, r.y(), 
                                              d_thumbLength, r.height(), 
                                              2, 2, 
                                              (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperLeft | MusECore::UpperRight | MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        thumbGrad.setStart(QPointF(0, cr.y()));
        thumbGrad.setFinalStop(QPointF(0, cr.y() + cr.height()));
        p->fillPath(thumb_rect, QBrush(thumbGrad));
        // center line
        p->fillRect(ipos + d_thumbHalf, cr.y(), 1, cr.height(), pal.dark().color());

    else // (d_orient == Qt::Vertical)
        cr.setRect(r.x() + d_mMargin,
                   r.width() - 2*d_mMargin,

        // Draw background
        QPainterPath bg_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(cr,
                                           xrad, yrad, 
                                           (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperLeft | MusECore::UpperRight | MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        p->fillPath(bg_rect, d_fillColor);

        dist1 = int(double(cr.height() - d_thumbLength) * (1.0 - rpos));
        ipos = cr.y() + dist1;
        markerPos = ipos + d_thumbHalf;

        // Draw empty upper filling

        e_mask.setStart(QPointF(cr.x(), 0));
        e_mask.setFinalStop(QPointF(cr.x() + cr.width(), 0));
        QPainterPath e_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(cr.x(), cr.y(), 
                                          cr.width(), ipos + 1,
                                          xrad, yrad, 
                                          (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperLeft | MusECore::UpperRight) );
        p->fillPath(e_rect, QBrush(e_mask));
        // Draw lower filling mask

        f_mask.setStart(QPointF(cr.x(), 0));
        f_mask.setFinalStop(QPointF(cr.x() + cr.width(), 0));
        QPainterPath f_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(cr.x(), ipos + d_thumbLength, 
                                          cr.width(), cr.height() - d_thumbLength - dist1,
                                          xrad, yrad, (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        p->fillPath(f_rect, QBrush(f_mask));
        //  Draw thumb
        QPainterPath thumb_rect = MusECore::roundedPath(r.x(), ipos, 
                                              r.width(), d_thumbLength,
                                              2, 2, 
                                              (MusECore::Corner) (MusECore::UpperLeft | MusECore::UpperRight | MusECore::LowerLeft | MusECore::LowerRight) );
        thumbGrad.setStart(QPointF(cr.x(), 0));
        thumbGrad.setFinalStop(QPointF(cr.x() + cr.width(), 0));
        p->fillPath(thumb_rect, QBrush(thumbGrad));
        // center line
        p->fillRect(cr.x(), ipos + d_thumbHalf, cr.width(), 1, pal.dark().color());
