Cube::Cube(const position_type &where, std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture )
		: Object3D(where) {
	// 8 points, 6 surfaces

			    blf(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0)    // front rectangle
	,       brf(1.0, -1.0, 1.0)
	,       trf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
	,       tlf(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
	,       blr(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)    // rear rectangle
	,       brr(1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
	,       trr(1.0, 1.0, -1.0)
	,       tlr(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0);

    negZ(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    , posZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    , negY(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
    , posY(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    , negX(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    , posX(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	// if changing the order, make sure to change accessors so they grab the correct object
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { blf, blr, brr, brf }, { negY, negY, negY, negY }, texture));    // bottom negY
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { trr, brr, blr, tlr }, { negZ, negZ, negZ, negZ }, texture));    // rear   negZ
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { trf, brf, brr, trr }, { posX, posX, posX, posX }, texture));    // right  posX
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlr, blr, blf, tlf }, { negX, negX, negX, negX }, texture));    // left   negX
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlf, blf, brf, trf }, { posZ, posZ, posZ, posZ }, texture));    // front  posZ
  this->add_child(new Rectangle(POSITION_INHERIT, { tlr, tlf, trf, trr }, { posY, posY, posY, posY }, texture));    // top    posY

}    // Cube
void test( const std::string & filename, const Vector3<uint_t> & size, const std::string & datatype, const bool vtkOut )
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Testing unscaled" );
   BinaryRawFile brf( filename, size, datatype );

   auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( uint_t(1), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), 
      size[0], size[1], size[2], 
      real_t( 1 ), 
      uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ) );

   typedef GhostLayerField< uint8_t, uint_t( 1 ) > ScalarField;

   BlockDataID scalarFieldID = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" );

   for ( auto & block : *blocks)
      auto field = block.getData<ScalarField>( scalarFieldID );
      CellInterval ci( 0, 0, 0, cell_idx_c( size[0] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( size[1] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( size[2] ) - 1 );

      for (const Cell & c : ci)
         field->get( c ) = brf.get( uint_c( c[0] ), uint_c( c[1] ), uint_c( c[2] ) );

   if (vtkOut)
      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Writing unscaled" );
      auto vtkOutput = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" );
      vtkOutput->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< ScalarField, uint8_t > >( scalarFieldID, "BinaryRawFile" ) );
      writeFiles( vtkOutput, true )();
bool RobotBrainServiceService::start(int argc, char* argv[])

  char adapterStr[255];

  //Create the adapter
  int port = RobotBrainObjects::RobotBrainPort;
  bool connected = false;

  // try to connect to ports until successful
  LDEBUG("Opening Connection");
      LINFO("Trying Port:%d", port);
      sprintf(adapterStr, "default -p %i", port);
      itsAdapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints
        ("GistSal_Navigation", adapterStr);
      connected = true;

  //Create the manager and its objects
  itsMgr = new ModelManager("BeoRoadFinderService");

  LINFO("Starting BeoRoadFinder System");
    brf(new BeoRoadFinder(*itsMgr, "BeoRoadFinder", "BeoRoadFinder"));
  LINFO("BeoRoadFinder created");
  LINFO("BeoRoadFinder Added As a subcomponent");
  brf->init(communicator(), itsAdapter);
  LINFO("BeoRoadFinder initiated");

  // check command line inputs/options
  if (itsMgr->parseCommandLine((const int)argc, (const char**)argv,
                               "", 0, 0)
      == false) return(1);

  // activate manager and adapter

  return true;
void testScaled( const std::string & filename, const Vector3<uint_t> & size, const std::string & datatype, const bool vtkOut )
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Testing scaled" );
   BinaryRawFile brf( filename, size, datatype );

   Vector3<uint_t> scaledSize( std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[0] / uint_t( 2 ) ),
                               std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[1] / uint_t( 3 ) ),
                               std::max( uint_t( 1 ), size[2] / uint_t( 5 ) ) );

   auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ),
      scaledSize[0], scaledSize[1], scaledSize[2],
      real_t( 1 ),
      uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ), uint_t( 1 ) );

   BinaryRawFileInterpolator brfi( blocks->getDomain(), brf, BinaryRawFileInterpolator::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR );

   typedef GhostLayerField< uint8_t, uint_t( 1 ) > ScalarField;

   BlockDataID scalarFieldID = field::addToStorage<ScalarField>( blocks, "BinaryRawFile" );

   for (auto & block : *blocks)
      auto field = block.getData<ScalarField>( scalarFieldID );

      CellInterval ci( 0, 0, 0, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[0] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[1] ) - 1, cell_idx_c( scaledSize[2] ) - 1 );

      for (const Cell & c : ci)
         auto pos = blocks->getBlockLocalCellCenter( block, c );
         field->get( c ) = brfi.get( pos );

   if (vtkOut)
      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "Writing scaled" );
      auto vtkOutput = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "BinaryRawFileScaled" );
      vtkOutput->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< ScalarField, uint8_t > >( scalarFieldID, "BinaryRawFile" ) );
      writeFiles( vtkOutput, true )();
Cube::Cube( const position_type &where, Texture::pointer_type texture )
	: Object( where, texture )
		blf( -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 )    // front rectangle
		, brf( 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 )
		, trf( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
		, tlf( -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
		, blr( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 )    // rear rectangle
		, brr( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 )
		, trr( 1.0, 1.0, -1.0 )
		, tlr( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0 )

		negZ( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 )
		, posZ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
		, negY( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 )
		, posY( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
		, negX( -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
		, posX( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

	// gl_triangle strip
	// for ccw winding:  top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right

	auto add_components = [ &]( const std::vector<Component::pointer_type>& vec )
		for ( auto& v : vec )
			this->components.emplace_back( v );

	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { blf, blr, brf, brr } ), negY, texture ) );	// bottom
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { trr, brr, tlr, blr } ), negZ, texture ) );	// rear
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { trf, brf, trr, brr } ), posX, texture ) );    // right  posX
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlr, blr, tlf, blf } ), negX, texture ) );    // left   negX
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlf, blf, trf, brf } ), posZ, texture ) );    // front  posZ
	add_components( Triangle::from_quad( std::vector<glm::vec3>( { tlr, tlf, trr, trf } ), posY, texture ) );    // top    posY
QString KicadSchematic2Svg::convertField(const QString & xString, const QString & yString, const QString & fontSizeString, const QString &orientation, 
					 const QString & hjustify, const QString & vjustify, const QString & t)
	QString text = t;
	bool notName = false;
	if (text.startsWith("~")) {
		notName = true;
		text.remove(0, 1);

	int x = xString.toInt();
	int y = -yString.toInt();						// KiCad flips y-axis w.r.t. svg
	int fontSize = fontSizeString.toInt();

	bool rotate = (orientation == "V");
	QString rotation;
	QMatrix m;
	if (rotate) {
		m = QMatrix().translate(-x, -y) * QMatrix().rotate(-90) * QMatrix().translate(x, y);
		// store x, y, and r so they can be shifted correctly later
		rotation = QString("transform='%1' _x='%2' _y='%3' _r='-90'").arg(TextUtils::svgMatrix(m)).arg(x).arg(y);

	QFont font;
	font.setPointSizeF(72.0 * fontSize / GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI);

	QString style;
	if (vjustify.contains("I")) {
		style += "font-style='italic' ";
	if (vjustify.endsWith("B")) {
		style += "font-weight='bold' ";
	QString anchor = "middle";
	if (vjustify.startsWith("T")) {
		anchor = "end";
	else if (vjustify.startsWith("B")) {
		anchor = "start";
	if (hjustify.contains("L")) {
		anchor = "start";
	else if (hjustify.contains("R")) {
		anchor = "end";

	QFontMetricsF metrics(font);
	QRectF bri = metrics.boundingRect(text);

	// convert back to 1000 dpi
	QRectF brf(0, 0,
			   bri.width() * GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI, 
			   bri.height() * GraphicsUtils::StandardFritzingDPI / GraphicsUtils::SVGDPI);

	if (anchor == "start") {
		brf.translate(x, y - (brf.height() / 2));
	else if (anchor == "end") {
		brf.translate(x - brf.width(), y - (brf.height() / 2));
	else if (anchor == "middle") {
		brf.translate(x - (brf.width() / 2), y - (brf.height() / 2));

	if (rotate) {
		brf = m.map(QPolygonF(brf)).boundingRect();


	QString s = QString("<text x='%1' y='%2' font-size='%3' font-family='%8' stroke='none' fill='#000000' text-anchor='%4' %5 %6>%7</text>\n")
					.arg(y + (fontSize / 3))		
	if (notName) {
		s += QString("<line fill='none' stroke='#000000' x1='%1' y1='%2' x2='%3' y2='%4' stroke-width='2' />\n")
			.arg(rotate ? brf.left() : brf.right())
			.arg(rotate ? brf.bottom() : brf.top());
	return s;