void _bridge_signal_handler_for(int signal_number,
																signal_handler_t old_handler) {
	// There are five cases interesting here:
	// 1) The user has no handler set. Then we decide to exit (and destroy the
	// bridge) by calling exit().
	// 2) The user has a handler set and ignores the signal. Then we ignore it too
	// and everything can go on normally.
	// 3) The user has a handler set and calls exit() at the end. Then our bridge
	// will be destroyed via the function we registered with atexit() (all good).
	// 4) The signal is SIGABRT (abort) and the user has a handler set and exits
	// the program via exit(). Then our handler will be called and we're good.
	// 5) The signal is SIGABRT (abort) and the user has a handler set and returns
	// from his handler. According to the man pages, when a signal handler for
	// SIGABRT returns, it replaces the current handler with the default handler
	// (which does a core dump) and re-raises the SIGABRT signal. So when we
	// call the user's handler for SIGABRT and he returns, we kill the bridge
	// because we know (and hopefully the user knew) that the process will be
	// terminated anyway.

	// Note: PostGres seems to ignore SIGINT at one point. SQLite exit()s after
	// three SIGINTs are sent (maybe to prevent accidental ^C from killing it...)

	if (old_handler != NULL) {
	} else {

	if (signal_number == SIGABRT) {
static int
bridge_if_destroy(struct bridge_if *bif)
	if (bridge_destroy(bif->bif_name) < 0)
		return (-1);


	return (0);
void _bridge_exit_handler() {