void HairyBrush::fromDabWithDensity(KisFixedPaintDeviceSP dab, qreal density) { int width = dab->bounds().width(); int height = dab->bounds().height(); int centerX = width * 0.5; int centerY = height * 0.5; // make mask Bristle * bristle = 0; qreal alpha; quint8 * dabPointer = dab->data(); quint8 pixelSize = dab->pixelSize(); const KoColorSpace * cs = dab->colorSpace(); KoColor bristleColor(cs); srand48(12345678); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { alpha = cs->opacityF(dabPointer); if (alpha != 0.0){ if (density == 1.0 || drand48() <= density){ memcpy(bristleColor.data(), dabPointer, pixelSize); bristle = new Bristle(x - centerX, y - centerY, alpha); // using value from image as length of bristle bristle->setColor(bristleColor); m_bristles.append(bristle); } } dabPointer += pixelSize; } } }
void HairyBrush::colorifyBristles(KisPaintDeviceSP source, QPointF point) { KoColor bristleColor(m_dab->colorSpace()); KisCrossDeviceColorPickerInt colorPicker(source, bristleColor); Bristle *b = 0; int size = m_bristles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { b = m_bristles[i]; int x = qRound(b->x() + point.x()); int y = qRound(b->y() + point.y()); colorPicker.pickOldColor(x, y, bristleColor.data()); b->setColor(bristleColor); } }
void HairyBrush::paintLine(KisPaintDeviceSP dab, KisPaintDeviceSP layer, const KisPaintInformation &pi1, const KisPaintInformation &pi2, qreal scale, qreal rotation) { m_counter++; qreal x1 = pi1.pos().x(); qreal y1 = pi1.pos().y(); qreal x2 = pi2.pos().x(); qreal y2 = pi2.pos().y(); qreal dx = x2 - x1; qreal dy = y2 - y1; // TODO:this angle is different from the drawing angle in sensor (info.angle()). The bug is caused probably due to // not computing the drag vector properly in paintBezierLine when smoothing is used //qreal angle = atan2(dy, dx); qreal angle = rotation; qreal mousePressure = 1.0; if (m_properties->useMousePressure) { // want pressure from mouse movement qreal distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); mousePressure = (1.0 - computeMousePressure(distance)); scale *= mousePressure; } // this pressure controls shear and ink depletion qreal pressure = mousePressure * (pi2.pressure() * 2); Bristle *bristle = 0; KoColor bristleColor(dab->colorSpace()); m_dabAccessor = dab->createRandomAccessorNG((int)x1, (int)y1); m_dab = dab; // initialization block if (firstStroke()) { initAndCache(); } // if this is first time the brush touches the canvas and we use soak the ink from canvas if (firstStroke() && m_properties->useSoakInk) { if (layer) { colorifyBristles(layer, pi1.pos()); } else { dbgKrita << "Can't soak the ink from the layer"; } } KisRandomSourceSP randomSource = pi2.randomSource(); qreal fx1, fy1, fx2, fy2; qreal randomX, randomY; qreal shear; float inkDeplation = 0.0; int inkDepletionSize = m_properties->inkDepletionCurve.size(); int bristleCount = m_bristles.size(); int bristlePathSize; qreal treshold = 1.0 - pi2.pressure(); for (int i = 0; i < bristleCount; i++) { if (!m_bristles.at(i)->enabled()) continue; bristle = m_bristles[i]; randomX = (randomSource->generateNormalized() * 2 - 1.0) * m_properties->randomFactor; randomY = (randomSource->generateNormalized() * 2 - 1.0) * m_properties->randomFactor; shear = pressure * m_properties->shearFactor; m_transform.reset(); m_transform.rotateRadians(-angle); m_transform.scale(scale, scale); m_transform.translate(randomX, randomY); m_transform.shear(shear, shear); if (firstStroke() || (!m_properties->connectedPath)) { // transform start dab m_transform.map(bristle->x(), bristle->y(), &fx1, &fy1); // transform end dab m_transform.map(bristle->x(), bristle->y(), &fx2, &fy2); } else { // continue the path of the bristle from the previous position fx1 = bristle->prevX(); fy1 = bristle->prevY(); m_transform.map(bristle->x(), bristle->y(), &fx2, &fy2); } // remember the end point bristle->setPrevX(fx2); bristle->setPrevY(fy2); // all coords relative to device position fx1 += x1; fy1 += y1; fx2 += x2; fy2 += y2; if (m_properties->threshold && (bristle->length() < treshold)) continue; // paint between first and last dab const QVector<QPointF> bristlePath = m_trajectory.getLinearTrajectory(QPointF(fx1, fy1), QPointF(fx2, fy2), 1.0); bristlePathSize = m_trajectory.size(); memcpy(bristleColor.data(), bristle->color().data() , m_pixelSize); for (int i = 0; i < bristlePathSize ; i++) { if (m_properties->inkDepletionEnabled) { inkDeplation = fetchInkDepletion(bristle, inkDepletionSize); if (m_properties->useSaturation && m_transfo != 0) { saturationDepletion(bristle, bristleColor, pressure, inkDeplation); } if (m_properties->useOpacity) { opacityDepletion(bristle, bristleColor, pressure, inkDeplation); } } else { if (bristleColor.opacityU8() != 0) { bristleColor.setOpacity(bristle->length()); } } addBristleInk(bristle, bristlePath.at(i), bristleColor); bristle->setInkAmount(1.0 - inkDeplation); bristle->upIncrement(); } } m_dab = 0; m_dabAccessor = 0; }