int bro_server_fist (const bro_fist_t * input_fist, bro_fist_t * out_fist, int scicos_sock, int spam_sock) { // Variable used to store the communications results. int rc; /* Check that the sockets are initialized correctly. It's a double check, * really, because every connection initialization function has its own * way to check if there were some problems. But in these cases it's a good * idea to be sure that everything is ok. */ assert(scicos_sock >= 0 && spam_sock >= 0); // Let's receive the Fists from the client (Scicos or whatever) rc = recv(scicos_sock, input_fist, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE, 0); if (rc < 0) { perror("recv() failed"); return -1; } if (rc == 0 || rc < sizeof(bro_fist_t)) { printf("The client closed the connection before all of the\n"); printf("data was sent\n"); return -1; } if (input_fist[0].operation != BRO_END_COMMUNICATION) { // We are now sending the data to the SPAM and then receive the results... bro_bt_client_fist (input_fist, out_fist, spam_sock); } else { printf("Received END COMMUNICATION packet!\n"); }; // Send the data back to the client with the results rc = send(scicos_sock, out_fist, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE, 0); if (rc < 0) { perror("send() failed"); return -1; } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int bro_server_socket = -1; int bro_client_socket = -1; int bro_spam_socket = -1; bro_fist_t in_packet[BUFFER_SIZE]; bro_fist_t out_packet[BUFFER_SIZE]; int i, comm_res, packet_no; bro_opts_t options; memset (in_packet, 0, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); memset (out_packet, 0, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); srand ( time(NULL) ); if (bro_opts_parse (&options, argc, argv) == -1) { return 0; }; if(bro_bt_connect_device (&bro_spam_socket, options.mac)==0) printf("Connection successful\n"); else { printf("Connection Failed: terminating\n"); return 0; } //prepare packets for(i = 0; i < packets;i++) { in_packet[i].port = MOTOR_A; in_packet[i].operation = SET_POWER; if(armonicMeasure) {; //toDO chiediamo a Palopoli } else { in_packet[i].data = power; in_packet[i].timestamp = 0; } } //last packet to stop the motor in_packet[packets-1].port = MOTOR_A; in_packet[packets-1].operation = SET_POWER; in_packet[packets-1].data = 0; in_packet[packets-1].timestamp = 0; //initializing CSV file FILE* data = fopen(fileName, "w"); //fprintf(data,"Count, Time(ms)\n"); printf("Press ENTER to start"); getchar(); bro_bt_client_fist (in_packet, out_packet, bro_spam_socket); //read the results int t0 = out_packet[0].timestamp; //time starts when you turn on the brick for(i = 0; i < packets ; i++) { //fprintf(data,"%d,",out_packet[i].port); //fprintf(data,"%d,",out_packet[i].operation); fprintf(data,"%f",out_packet[i].timestamp-t0); fprintf(data,","); fprintf(data,"%f",out_packet[i].data); fprintf(data,"\n"); } printf("\n\n Operation successful, data saved on: %s\n", fileName); bro_bt_close_connection(bro_spam_socket); return 0; //experimental time set to 0 /* int expTime = 0; int t0 = 0; while(expTime < duration) { // bro_start_server (&bro_server_socket, &bro_client_socket); if (armonicMeasure) in_packet[0].data = power * sin(expTime); else //send data to robot bro_bt_client_fist (in_packet, out_packet, bro_spam_socket); //write to csv fprintf(data,"%f,",out_packet[0].data); fprintf(data,"%f\n",out_packet[0].timestamp-t0); //wait for sending the next packet //usleep(samplingTime*1000); //microsecond here expTime += samplingTime; } //stop the motor and close connection in_packet[0].data = 0; bro_bt_client_fist (in_packet, out_packet, bro_spam_socket); bro_bt_close_connection(bro_spam_socket); return 0; } packet_no = 0; do { // TODO: Fare il loop di comunicazione con, magari, una word per il blocco // comm_res = bro_server_fist(in_packet, out_packet, bro_client_socket, bro_spam_socket); packet_no++; printf("Pacchetto numero: %i\n", packet_no); for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { printf("Istruzione %i:\n", i+1); printf("\tOperazione: %i\n", in_packet[i].operation); printf("\tPorta: %i\n", in_packet[i].port); printf("\tDati: %.2f\n", in_packet[i].data); printf("\tDati settati: %.2f\n\n", out_packet[i].data); } } while ((in_packet[0].operation != BRO_END_COMMUNICATION) && (comm_res >= 0)); printf("Exited communication loop after %i packets!\n", packet_no); bro_bt_close_connection(bro_spam_socket); bro_stop_server(bro_server_socket, bro_client_socket); return 0; */ }
main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int bro_server_socket = -1; int bro_client_socket = -1; int bro_spam_socket = -1; bro_fist_t in_packet[BUFFER_SIZE]; bro_fist_t out_packet[BUFFER_SIZE]; char file_name[200]; sprintf(file_name, "/home/ubuntu/NXT/AppliedRobotics/motor_data/p%i", (int) MOTOR_POWER); int i, comm_res, packet_no; bro_opts_t options; memset (in_packet, 0, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); memset (out_packet, 0, sizeof(bro_fist_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); srand ( time(NULL) ); if (bro_opts_parse (&options, argc, argv) == -1) { return 0; }; printf("Connecting to the device...\n"); int conect_status = bro_bt_connect_device (&bro_spam_socket, options.mac);; if (conect_status == 0) { printf("Connected. Press RUN>.\n"); } else { printf("Can`t connect to brick.\n"); exit(1); } printf("Open File: %s", file_name); FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "w"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Error opening file!\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(f, "TIME, TACHO_COUNT\n"); packet_no = 0; int time = 0 , elapsed_time, start_time, distance; int time_setted = 0; do { bro_fist_t countFist; countFist.operation = TACHO_COUNT; countFist.port = MOTOR_B; in_packet[0] = countFist; if(packet_no == 0) { bro_fist_t startFist; startFist.operation = SET_POWER; startFist.port = MOTOR_B; = MOTOR_POWER; in_packet[1] = startFist; } else { in_packet[1] = countFist; } comm_res = bro_bt_client_fist(in_packet, out_packet, bro_spam_socket); if (comm_res < 0) { printf("Conection closed by brick\n"); break; } for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { if(out_packet[i].operation == 6) { distance = (int) out_packet[i].data; time = out_packet[i].timestamp; } } if (!time_setted && time != 0) { start_time = time; time_setted = 1; } elapsed_time = time - start_time; fprintf(f, "%i,%i\n", elapsed_time, distance); if (WRITE_PACKETS_TO_STD) { printf("TIME: %i, TACHO_COUNT: %i\n", elapsed_time, distance); } packet_no++; //usleep(READ_PERIOD * 1000); } while ((time - start_time) < MEASURE_TIME); printf("Exited communication loop after %i packets!\n", packet_no); printf("closing connection..."); bro_bt_close_connection(bro_spam_socket); fclose(f); bro_stop_server(bro_server_socket, bro_client_socket); return 0; }