struct dcb *spawn_bsp_init(const char *name)
    MSG("spawning '%s' on BSP core\n", name);
    /* Only the first core can run this code */

    /* Allocate bootinfo */
    lpaddr_t bootinfo_phys = bsp_alloc_phys_aligned(BOOTINFO_SIZE, BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
    memset((void *)local_phys_to_mem(bootinfo_phys), 0, BOOTINFO_SIZE);

    /* store pointer to bootinfo in kernel virtual memory */
    bootinfo = (struct bootinfo *) local_phys_to_mem(bootinfo_phys);

    /* Construct cmdline args */
    char bootinfochar[16];
    snprintf(bootinfochar, sizeof(bootinfochar), "%u", INIT_BOOTINFO_VBASE);
    const char *argv[] = { "init", bootinfochar };
    int argc = 2;

    /* perform common spawning of init domain */
    struct dcb *init_dcb = spawn_init_common(name, argc, argv,bootinfo_phys,
            bsp_alloc_phys, bsp_alloc_phys_aligned);

    /* map boot info into init's VSPACE */
    spawn_init_map(init_l3, ARMV8_INIT_VBASE, INIT_BOOTINFO_VBASE, bootinfo_phys,
                   BOOTINFO_SIZE, INIT_PERM_RW);

    /* load the image */
    genvaddr_t init_ep, got_base;
    struct startup_l3_info l3_info = { init_l3, ARMV8_INIT_VBASE };
    load_init_image(&l3_info, BSP_INIT_MODULE_NAME, &init_ep, &got_base);

    MSG("init loaded with entry=0x%" PRIxGENVADDR " and GOT=0x%" PRIxGENVADDR "\n",
         init_ep, got_base);

    struct dispatcher_shared_aarch64 *disp_aarch64 =

    /* setting GOT pointers */
    disp_aarch64->got_base = got_base;
    /* XXX - Why does the kernel do this? -DC */
    disp_aarch64->enabled_save_area.named.x10  = got_base;
    disp_aarch64->disabled_save_area.named.x10  = got_base;

    /* setting entry points */
    disp_aarch64->disabled_save_area.named.pc   = init_ep;
    disp_aarch64->disabled_save_area.named.spsr = AARCH64_MODE_USR | CPSR_F_MASK;

    /* Create caps for init to use */
    lpaddr_t init_alloc_end = bsp_alloc_phys(0);
    create_phys_caps(armv8_glbl_core_data->start_kernel_ram, init_alloc_end);

    /* Fill bootinfo struct */
    bootinfo->mem_spawn_core = KERNEL_IMAGE_SIZE; // Size of kernel

    return init_dcb;
 * \brief Map init user-space memory.
 * This function maps pages of the init user-space module. It expects
 * the virtual base address 'vbase' of a program segment of the init executable,
 * its size 'size' and its ELF64 access control flags. It maps pages
 * into physical memory that is allocated on the fly and puts
 * corresponding frame caps into init's segcn.
 * \param vbase Virtual base address of program segment.
 * \param size  Size of program segment in bytes.
 * \param flags ELF64 access control flags of program segment.
 * \param ret   Used to return base region pointer
errval_t startup_alloc_init(void *state, genvaddr_t gvbase, size_t size,
                            uint32_t flags, void **ret)

    errval_t err;

    struct spawn_state *spawn_state = state;

    lvaddr_t vbase = (lvaddr_t)gvbase; /* XXX */
    lvaddr_t offset = BASE_PAGE_OFFSET(vbase);

    /* Page align the parameters */
    paging_align(&vbase, NULL, &size, BASE_PAGE_SIZE);

    lpaddr_t pbase = 0, paddr = 0;
    for(lvaddr_t i = vbase; i < vbase + size; i += BASE_PAGE_SIZE) {
        if (apic_is_bsp()) {
            paddr = bsp_alloc_phys(BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
        } else {
            paddr = app_alloc_phys(BASE_PAGE_SIZE);

        if(pbase == 0) {
            pbase = paddr;

        err = startup_map_init(i, paddr, BASE_PAGE_SIZE, flags);

    if (apic_is_bsp()) {
        // Create frame caps for segcn
        paddr += BASE_PAGE_SIZE;

              "Allocated physical memory [0x%"PRIxLPADDR", 0x%"PRIxLPADDR"]\n",
              pbase, paddr - pbase);

        err = create_caps_to_cnode(pbase, paddr - pbase,
                                   RegionType_RootTask, spawn_state, bootinfo);
        if (err_is_fail(err)) {
            return err;

    assert(ret != NULL);
    *ret = (void *)(vbase + offset);

    return SYS_ERR_OK;
/// Setup the module cnode, which contains frame caps to all multiboot modules
void create_module_caps(struct spawn_state *st)
    errval_t err;

    /* Create caps for multiboot modules */
    struct multiboot_modinfo *module =
        (struct multiboot_modinfo *)local_phys_to_mem(glbl_core_data->mods_addr);

    // Allocate strings area
    lpaddr_t mmstrings_phys = bsp_alloc_phys(BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
    lvaddr_t mmstrings_base = local_phys_to_mem(mmstrings_phys);
    lvaddr_t mmstrings = mmstrings_base;

    // create cap for strings area in first slot of modulecn
    assert(st->modulecn_slot == 0);
    err = caps_create_new(ObjType_Frame, mmstrings_phys, BASE_PAGE_BITS,

    /* Walk over multiboot modules, creating frame caps */
    for (int i = 0; i < glbl_core_data->mods_count; i++) {
        struct multiboot_modinfo *m = &module[i];

        // Set memory regions within bootinfo
        struct mem_region *region =

        genpaddr_t remain = MULTIBOOT_MODULE_SIZE(*m);
        genpaddr_t base_addr = local_phys_to_gen_phys(m->mod_start);

        region->mr_type = RegionType_Module;
        region->mr_base = base_addr;
        region->mrmod_slot = st->modulecn_slot;  // first slot containing caps
        region->mrmod_size = remain;  // size of image _in bytes_
        region->mrmod_data = mmstrings - mmstrings_base; // offset of string in area

        // round up to page size for caps
        remain = ROUND_UP(remain, BASE_PAGE_SIZE);

        // Create max-sized caps to multiboot module in module cnode
        while (remain > 0) {
            assert((base_addr & BASE_PAGE_MASK) == 0);
            assert((remain & BASE_PAGE_MASK) == 0);

            // determine size of next chunk
            uint8_t block_size = bitaddralign(remain, base_addr);

            assert(st->modulecn_slot < (1UL << st->modulecn->cap.u.cnode.bits));
            // create as DevFrame cap to avoid zeroing memory contents
            err = caps_create_new(ObjType_DevFrame, base_addr, block_size,

            // Advance by that chunk
            base_addr += ((genpaddr_t)1 << block_size);
            remain -= ((genpaddr_t)1 << block_size);

        // Copy multiboot module string to mmstrings area
        strcpy((char *)mmstrings, MBADDR_ASSTRING(m->string));
        mmstrings += strlen(MBADDR_ASSTRING(m->string)) + 1;
        assert(mmstrings < mmstrings_base + BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
static lpaddr_t bsp_alloc_phys_aligned(size_t size, size_t align)
	bsp_init_alloc_addr = round_up(bsp_init_alloc_addr, align);
	return bsp_alloc_phys(size);
void arm_kernel_startup(void *pointer)
    /* Initialize the core_data */
    /* Used when bringing up other cores, must be at consistent global address
     * seen by all cores */

    // Initialize system timers

    struct dcb *init_dcb;

    if (cpu_is_bsp()) {
        MSG("Doing BSP related bootup \n");

        /* Initialize the location to allocate phys memory from */
        printf("start_free_ram = 0x%lx\n", armv8_glbl_core_data->start_free_ram);
        bsp_init_alloc_addr = armv8_glbl_core_data->start_free_ram;

        /* allocate initial KCB */
        kcb_current= (struct kcb *)local_phys_to_mem(
        memset(kcb_current, 0, sizeof(*kcb_current));

        init_dcb = spawn_bsp_init(BSP_INIT_MODULE_NAME);

//        pit_start(0);
    } else {
        MSG("Doing non-BSP related bootup \n");
        struct armv8_core_data *core_data = (struct armv8_core_data *)pointer;

        my_core_id = core_data->dst_core_id;

        /* Initialize the allocator */

        app_alloc_phys_start = (core_data->memory.base);
        app_alloc_phys_end   = (core_data->memory.length + app_alloc_phys_start);

        MSG("Memory: %lx, %lx, size=%zu kB\n", app_alloc_phys_start, app_alloc_phys_end,
            (app_alloc_phys_end - app_alloc_phys_start + 1) >> 10);

        kcb_current= (struct kcb *)local_phys_to_mem(core_data->kcb);

        init_dcb = spawn_app_init(core_data, APP_INIT_MODULE_NAME);

       // uint32_t irq = gic_get_active_irq();
       // gic_ack_irq(irq);
    // enable interrupt forwarding to cpu

    MSG("Calling dispatch from arm_kernel_startup, entry point %#"PRIxLVADDR"\n",

    // Should not return

    panic("Error spawning init!");

/// Setup the module cnode, which contains frame caps to all multiboot modules
void create_module_caps(struct spawn_state *st)
    errval_t err;

    /* Create caps for multiboot modules */
    struct multiboot_header_tag *multiboot =
        (struct multiboot_header_tag *)local_phys_to_mem(armv8_glbl_core_data->multiboot_image.base);

    // Allocate strings area
    lpaddr_t mmstrings_phys = bsp_alloc_phys(BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
    lvaddr_t mmstrings_base = local_phys_to_mem(mmstrings_phys);
    lvaddr_t mmstrings = mmstrings_base;

    // create cap for strings area in first slot of modulecn
    assert(st->modulecn_slot == 0);
    err = caps_create_new(ObjType_Frame, mmstrings_phys, BASE_PAGE_SIZE,
                          BASE_PAGE_SIZE, my_core_id,

    bootinfo->regions_length = 0;

    /* Walk over multiboot modules, creating frame caps */
    size_t position = 0;
    size_t size = armv8_glbl_core_data->multiboot_image.length;

    struct mem_region *region;

    lpaddr_t acpi_base = (lpaddr_t)-1;
    /* add the ACPI regions */
    struct multiboot_tag_new_acpi *acpi_new;
    acpi_new = (struct multiboot_tag_new_acpi *)
           multiboot2_find_header(multiboot, size, MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_ACPI_NEW);
    if (acpi_new) {
        acpi_base = mem_to_local_phys((lvaddr_t)&acpi_new->rsdp[0]);
    } else {
        struct multiboot_tag_old_acpi *acpi_old;
        acpi_old = (struct multiboot_tag_old_acpi *)
           multiboot2_find_header(multiboot, size, MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_ACPI_OLD);
        if (acpi_old) {
            acpi_base = mem_to_local_phys((lvaddr_t)&acpi_old->rsdp[0]);

    if (acpi_base != (lpaddr_t)-1) {
        region = &bootinfo->regions[bootinfo->regions_length++];
        region->mr_base = acpi_base;
        region->mr_type = RegionType_ACPI_TABLE;

    /* add the module regions */
    position = 0;
    struct multiboot_tag_module_64 *module = (struct multiboot_tag_module_64 *)
            multiboot2_find_header(multiboot, size, MULTIBOOT_TAG_TYPE_MODULE_64);
    while (module) {
        // Set memory regions within bootinfo
        region = &bootinfo->regions[bootinfo->regions_length++];

        genpaddr_t remain = module->mod_end - module->mod_start;
        genpaddr_t base_addr = local_phys_to_gen_phys(module->mod_start);
        region->mr_type = RegionType_Module;
        region->mr_base = base_addr;
        region->mrmod_slot = st->modulecn_slot;  // first slot containing caps
        region->mrmod_size = remain;  // size of image _in bytes_
        region->mrmod_data = mmstrings - mmstrings_base; // offset of string in area

        // round up to page size for caps
        remain = ROUND_UP(remain, BASE_PAGE_SIZE);
        assert((base_addr & BASE_PAGE_MASK) == 0);
        assert((remain & BASE_PAGE_MASK) == 0);

        assert(st->modulecn_slot < cnode_get_slots(&st->modulecn->cap));
        // create as DevFrame cap to avoid zeroing memory contents
        err = caps_create_new(ObjType_DevFrame, base_addr, remain,
                              remain, my_core_id,

        // Copy multiboot module string to mmstrings area
        strcpy((char *)mmstrings, module->cmdline);
        mmstrings += strlen(module->cmdline) + 1;
        assert(mmstrings < mmstrings_base + BASE_PAGE_SIZE);

        module = ((void *) module) + module->size;
        position += module->size;
        module = (struct multiboot_tag_module_64 *) multiboot2_find_header(
                (struct multiboot_header_tag *) module, size - position,
void cleanup_bios_regions(char *mmap_addr, char **new_mmap_addr,
                          uint32_t *new_mmap_length)
#define PRINT_REGIONS(map, map_length) do {\
        for(char * printcur = map; printcur < map + map_length;) {\
            struct multiboot_mmap * printcurmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(printcur);\
            printf("\t0x%08"PRIx64" - 0x%08"PRIx64" Type: %"PRIu32" Length: 0x%"PRIx64"\n", printcurmmap->base_addr, printcurmmap->base_addr + printcurmmap->length, printcurmmap->type, printcurmmap->length);\
            printcur += printcurmmap->size + 4;\
    } while (0)

    printf("Raw MMAP from BIOS\n");
    PRINT_REGIONS(mmap_addr, glbl_core_data->mmap_length);

    // normalize memory regions
    lpaddr_t clean_base = bsp_alloc_phys(glbl_core_data->mmap_length);
    char *clean_mmap_addr = (char *)local_phys_to_mem(clean_base);
    uint32_t clean_mmap_length = glbl_core_data->mmap_length;
    memcpy(clean_mmap_addr, mmap_addr, glbl_core_data->mmap_length);

    // first of all, sort regions by base address
    // yes, it's a bubble sort, but the dataset is small and usually in the right order
    bool swapped;
    do {
        swapped = false;

        for(char * cur = clean_mmap_addr; cur < clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length;) {
            struct multiboot_mmap * curmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur);
            if (cur + curmmap->size + 4 >= clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length)
                break; // do not try to move this check into the forloop as entries do not have to be the same length

            struct multiboot_mmap * nextmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur + curmmap->size + 4);

            if (nextmmap->base_addr < curmmap->base_addr ||
                (nextmmap->base_addr == curmmap->base_addr && nextmmap->length > curmmap->length)) {
                // swap
                assert(curmmap->size == 20); // FIXME: The multiboot specification does not require this size
                assert(nextmmap->size == 20);

                struct multiboot_mmap tmp;
                tmp = *curmmap;
                *curmmap = *nextmmap;
                *nextmmap = tmp;

                swapped = true;

            cur += curmmap->size + 4;
    } while(swapped);

    printf("Sorted MMAP\n");
    PRINT_REGIONS(clean_mmap_addr, clean_mmap_length);

    // now merge consecutive memory regions of the same or lower type
    for(char * cur = clean_mmap_addr; cur < clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length;) {
        struct multiboot_mmap * curmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur);
        if (cur + curmmap->size + 4 >= clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length)
            break; // do not try to move this check into the forloop as entries do not have to be the same length

        struct multiboot_mmap * nextmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur + curmmap->size + 4);

        /* On some machines (brie1) the IOAPIC region is only 1kB.
         * Currently we're not able to map regions that are <4kB so we
         * make sure that every region (if there is no problematic overlap)
         * is at least BASE_PAGE_SIZEd (==4kB) here.
        if ((curmmap->length < BASE_PAGE_SIZE) && (curmmap->base_addr + BASE_PAGE_SIZE <= nextmmap->base_addr)) {
            curmmap->length = BASE_PAGE_SIZE;

#define DISCARD_NEXT_MMAP do {\
    uint32_t discardsize = nextmmap->size + 4;\
    memmove(cur + curmmap->size + 4, cur + curmmap->size + 4 + discardsize, clean_mmap_length - (cur - clean_mmap_addr) - curmmap->size - 4 - discardsize);\
    clean_mmap_length -= discardsize;\
    } while (0)

#define BUBBLE_NEXT_MMAP do {\
    for (char * bubblecur = cur + curmmap->size + 4; bubblecur < clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length;){\
        struct multiboot_mmap * bubblecur_mmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(bubblecur);\
        if (bubblecur + bubblecur_mmap->size + 4 >= clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length)\
        struct multiboot_mmap * bubblenext_mmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(bubblecur + bubblecur_mmap->size + 4);\
        if (bubblenext_mmap->base_addr < bubblecur_mmap->base_addr || (bubblecur_mmap->base_addr == bubblenext_mmap->base_addr && bubblenext_mmap->length > bubblecur_mmap->length)) {\
            struct multiboot_mmap bubbletmp; bubbletmp = *bubblecur_mmap; *bubblecur_mmap = *bubblenext_mmap; *bubblenext_mmap = bubbletmp;\
        } else break;\
    }} while(0)

        bool reduced = false;
        do {
            reduced = false;

            if (curmmap->base_addr == nextmmap->base_addr) {
                // regions start at the same location
                if (curmmap->length == nextmmap->length) {
                    // trivial case. They are the same. Choose higher type and discard next
                    curmmap->type = max(curmmap->type, nextmmap->type);


                    reduced = true;
                } else {
                    // next region is smaller (we sorted that way)
                    if (nextmmap->type <= curmmap->type) {
                        // next regions type is the same or smaller. discard

                        reduced = true;
                    } else {
                        // next regions type is higher, so it gets priority
                        // change type of current region and shrink next
                        uint32_t tmptype = curmmap->type;
                        uint64_t newlength = curmmap->length - nextmmap->length;
                        curmmap->type = nextmmap->type;
                        curmmap->length = nextmmap->length;
                        nextmmap->type = tmptype;
                        nextmmap->base_addr += nextmmap->length;
                        nextmmap->length = newlength;

                        // now we need to bubble next to the right place to restore order

                        reduced = true;

            // regions overlap
            if (nextmmap->base_addr > curmmap->base_addr && nextmmap->base_addr < curmmap->base_addr + curmmap->length) {
                // same type
                if (curmmap->type == nextmmap->type) {
                    // simple. just extend if necessary and discard next
                    if (nextmmap->base_addr + nextmmap->length > curmmap->base_addr + curmmap->length)
                        curmmap->length = (nextmmap->base_addr + nextmmap->length) - curmmap->base_addr;


                    reduced = true;
                } else {
                    // type is not the same
                    if (nextmmap->base_addr + nextmmap->length < curmmap->base_addr + curmmap->length) {
                        // there is a chunk at the end. create a new region
                        struct multiboot_mmap tmpmmap;
                        tmpmmap.size = 20;
                        tmpmmap.base_addr = nextmmap->base_addr + nextmmap->length;
                        tmpmmap.length = (curmmap->base_addr + curmmap->length) - (nextmmap->base_addr + nextmmap->length);
                        tmpmmap.type = curmmap->type;

                        // move everything to make room
                        assert(clean_mmap_length + tmpmmap.length + 4 < BOOTINFO_SIZE);
                        memmove(cur + curmmap->size + 4 + tmpmmap.size + 4, cur + curmmap->size + 4, clean_mmap_length - ((cur - clean_mmap_addr) + curmmap->size + 4));
                        clean_mmap_length += tmpmmap.size + 4;

                        // insert new
                        *nextmmap = tmpmmap;

                        // restore order

                        reduced = true;

                    // after the previous step, the next region either ends
                    // at the same location as the current or is longer
                    uint64_t overlap = (curmmap->base_addr + curmmap->length) - nextmmap->base_addr;

                    if (curmmap-> type > nextmmap->type) {
                        // current has priority, shrink next and extend current
                        nextmmap->length -= overlap;
                        nextmmap->base_addr += overlap;
                        curmmap->length += overlap;

                        if (nextmmap->length == 0)

                        reduced = true;
                    } else {
                        // next has priority, shrink current and extend next
                        nextmmap->length += overlap;
                        nextmmap->base_addr -= overlap;
                        curmmap->length -= overlap;

                        reduced = true;
        } while (reduced);

        cur += curmmap->size + 4;


    printf("Preprocessed MMAP\n");
    PRINT_REGIONS(clean_mmap_addr, clean_mmap_length);

    // we can only map pages. Therefore page align regions
    for(char * cur = clean_mmap_addr; cur < clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length;) {
        struct multiboot_mmap * curmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur);
        if (cur + curmmap->size + 4 >= clean_mmap_addr + clean_mmap_length)
            break; // do not try to move this check into the forloop as entries do not have to be the same length

        struct multiboot_mmap * nextmmap = (struct multiboot_mmap * SAFE)TC(cur + curmmap->size + 4);

        if (nextmmap->base_addr & BASE_PAGE_MASK) {
            uint64_t offset = nextmmap->base_addr - ((nextmmap->base_addr >> BASE_PAGE_BITS) << BASE_PAGE_BITS);

            // round in favour of higher type
            if (curmmap->type > nextmmap->type) {
                curmmap->length += BASE_PAGE_SIZE - offset;
                nextmmap->base_addr += BASE_PAGE_SIZE - offset;
                nextmmap->length -= BASE_PAGE_SIZE - offset;
            } else {
                curmmap->length -= offset;
                nextmmap->base_addr -= offset;
                nextmmap->length += offset;

        cur += curmmap->size + 4;