/** * B U _ P T B L * * This version maintained for source compatibility with existing NMG code. */ int bu_ptbl(struct bu_ptbl *b, int func, long int *p) { if (func == BU_PTBL_INIT) { bu_ptbl_init(b, 64, "bu_ptbl() buffer[]"); return 0; } else if (func == BU_PTBL_RST) { bu_ptbl_reset(b); return 0; } else if (func == BU_PTBL_INS) { return bu_ptbl_ins(b, p); } else if (func == BU_PTBL_LOC) { return bu_ptbl_locate(b, p); } else if ( func == BU_PTBL_ZERO ) { bu_ptbl_zero(b, p); return( 0 ); } else if (func == BU_PTBL_INS_UNIQUE) { return bu_ptbl_ins_unique(b, p); } else if (func == BU_PTBL_RM) { return bu_ptbl_rm(b, p); } else if (func == BU_PTBL_CAT) { bu_ptbl_cat( b, (const struct bu_ptbl *)p ); return(0); } else if (func == BU_PTBL_FREE) { bu_ptbl_free(b); return (0); } else { BU_CK_PTBL(b); bu_log("bu_ptbl(%8x) Unknown table function %d\n", b, func); bu_bomb("bu_ptbl"); } return(-1);/* this is here to keep lint happy */ }
void nmg_2_vrml(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, struct model *m) { struct mater_info *mater = &tsp->ts_mater; const struct bn_tol *tol2 = tsp->ts_tol; struct nmgregion *reg; struct bu_ptbl verts; struct vrml_mat mat; struct bu_vls vls = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO; char *tok; int i; int first = 1; int is_light = 0; point_t ave_pt = VINIT_ZERO; struct bu_vls shape_name = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO; char *full_path; /* There may be a better way to capture the region_id, than * getting the rt_comb_internal structure, (and may be a better * way to capture the rt_comb_internal struct), but for now I just * copied the method used in select_lights/select_non_lights above, * could have used a global variable but I noticed none other were * used, so I didn't want to be the first */ struct directory *dp; struct rt_db_internal intern; struct rt_comb_internal *comb; int id; /* static due to libbu exception handling */ static float r, g, b; NMG_CK_MODEL(m); full_path = db_path_to_string(pathp); RT_CK_FULL_PATH(pathp); dp = DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR(pathp); if (!(dp->d_flags & RT_DIR_COMB)) { return; } id = rt_db_get_internal(&intern, dp, dbip, (matp_t)NULL, &rt_uniresource); if (id < 0) { bu_log("Cannot internal form of %s\n", dp->d_namep); return; } if (id != ID_COMBINATION) { bu_log("Directory/database mismatch!\n\t is '%s' a combination or not?\n", dp->d_namep); return; } comb = (struct rt_comb_internal *)intern.idb_ptr; RT_CK_COMB(comb); if (mater->ma_color_valid) { r = mater->ma_color[0]; g = mater->ma_color[1]; b = mater->ma_color[2]; } else { r = g = b = 0.5; } if (mater->ma_shader) { tok = strtok(mater->ma_shader, tok_sep); bu_strlcpy(mat.shader, tok, TXT_NAME_SIZE); } else { mat.shader[0] = '\0'; } mat.shininess = -1; mat.transparency = -1.0; mat.lt_fraction = -1.0; VSETALL(mat.lt_dir, 0.0); mat.lt_angle = -1.0; mat.tx_file[0] = '\0'; mat.tx_w = -1; mat.tx_n = -1; bu_vls_strcpy(&vls, &mater->ma_shader[strlen(mat.shader)]); (void)bu_struct_parse(&vls, vrml_mat_parse, (char *)&mat, NULL); if (bu_strncmp("light", mat.shader, 5) == 0) { /* this is a light source */ is_light = 1; } else { path_2_vrml_id(&shape_name, full_path); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\tDEF %s Shape {\n", bu_vls_addr(&shape_name)); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t# Component_ID: %ld %s\n", comb->region_id, full_path); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tappearance Appearance {\n"); if (bu_strncmp("plastic", mat.shader, 7) == 0) { if (mat.shininess < 0) { mat.shininess = 10; } if (mat.transparency < SMALL_FASTF) { mat.transparency = 0.0; } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tmaterial Material {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tdiffuseColor %g %g %g \n", r, g, b); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tshininess %g\n", 1.0-exp(-(double)mat.shininess/20.0)); if (mat.transparency > SMALL_FASTF) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\ttransparency %g\n", mat.transparency); } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tspecularColor %g %g %g \n\t\t\t\t}\n", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else if (bu_strncmp("glass", mat.shader, 5) == 0) { if (mat.shininess < 0) { mat.shininess = 4; } if (mat.transparency < SMALL_FASTF) { mat.transparency = 0.8; } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tmaterial Material {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tdiffuseColor %g %g %g \n", r, g, b); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tshininess %g\n", 1.0-exp(-(double)mat.shininess/20.0)); if (mat.transparency > SMALL_FASTF) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\ttransparency %g\n", mat.transparency); } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tspecularColor %g %g %g \n\t\t\t\t}\n", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else if (bu_strncmp("texture", mat.shader, 7) == 0) { if (mat.tx_w < 0) { mat.tx_w = 512; } if (mat.tx_n < 0) { mat.tx_n = 512; } if (strlen(mat.tx_file)) { int tex_fd; unsigned char tex_buf[TXT_BUF_LEN * 3]; if ((tex_fd = open(mat.tx_file, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) == (-1)) { bu_log("Cannot open texture file (%s)\n", mat.tx_file); perror("g-vrml: "); } else { long tex_len; long bytes_read = 0; long bytes_to_go = 0; /* Johns note - need to check (test) the texture stuff */ fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\ttextureTransform TextureTransform {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tscale 1.33333 1.33333\n\t\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\ttexture PixelTexture {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\trepeatS TRUE\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\trepeatT TRUE\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\timage %d %d %d\n", mat.tx_w, mat.tx_n, 3); tex_len = mat.tx_w*mat.tx_n * 3; while (bytes_read < tex_len) { int nbytes; long readval; bytes_to_go = tex_len - bytes_read; CLAMP(bytes_to_go, 0, TXT_BUF_LEN * 3); nbytes = 0; while (nbytes < bytes_to_go) { readval = read(tex_fd, &tex_buf[nbytes], bytes_to_go-nbytes); if (readval < 0) { perror("READ ERROR"); break; } else { nbytes += readval; } } bytes_read += nbytes; for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i += 3) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t0x%02x%02x%02x\n", tex_buf[i], tex_buf[i+1], tex_buf[i+2]); } } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t}\n"); close(tex_fd); } } } else if (mater->ma_color_valid) { /* no shader specified, but a color is assigned */ fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tmaterial Material {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tdiffuseColor %g %g %g }\n", r, g, b); } else { /* If no color was defined set the colors according to the thousands groups */ int thou = comb->region_id / 1000; thou == 0 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_999\n") : thou == 1 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_1999\n") : thou == 2 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_2999\n") : thou == 3 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_3999\n") : thou == 4 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_4999\n") : thou == 5 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_5999\n") : thou == 6 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_6999\n") : thou == 7 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_7999\n") : thou == 8 ? fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_8999\n") : fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tmaterial USE Material_9999\n"); } } if (!is_light) { nmg_triangulate_model(m, tol2); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t}\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\tgeometry IndexedFaceSet {\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tcoord Coordinate {\n"); } /* get list of vertices */ nmg_vertex_tabulate(&verts, &m->magic); if (!is_light) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\tpoint ["); } else { VSETALL(ave_pt, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < BU_PTBL_END(&verts); i++) { struct vertex *v; struct vertex_g *vg; point_t pt_meters; v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET(&verts, i); NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); vg = v->vg_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX_G(vg); /* convert to desired units */ VSCALE(pt_meters, vg->coord, scale_factor); if (is_light) { VADD2(ave_pt, ave_pt, pt_meters); } if (first) { if (!is_light) { fprintf(fp_out, " %10.10e %10.10e %10.10e, # point %d\n", V3ARGS(pt_meters), i); } first = 0; } else if (!is_light) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\t%10.10e %10.10e %10.10e, # point %d\n", V3ARGS(pt_meters), i); } } if (!is_light) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\t]\n\t\t\t\t}\n"); } else { fastf_t one_over_count; one_over_count = 1.0/(fastf_t)BU_PTBL_END(&verts); VSCALE(ave_pt, ave_pt, one_over_count); } first = 1; if (!is_light) { fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tcoordIndex [\n"); for (BU_LIST_FOR(reg, nmgregion, &m->r_hd)) { struct shell *s; NMG_CK_REGION(reg); for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, ®->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL(s); for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE(fu); if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) { continue; } for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { struct edgeuse *eu; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE(lu); if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) { continue; } if (!first) { fprintf(fp_out, ",\n"); } else { first = 0; } fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\t\t"); for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) { struct vertex *v; NMG_CK_EDGEUSE(eu); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); fprintf(fp_out, " %d,", bu_ptbl_locate(&verts, (long *)v)); } fprintf(fp_out, "-1"); } } } } fprintf(fp_out, "\n\t\t\t\t]\n\t\t\t\tnormalPerVertex FALSE\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tconvex FALSE\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t\tcreaseAngle 0.5\n"); fprintf(fp_out, "\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n"); } else {
static void nmg_to_obj(struct nmgregion *r, struct db_full_path *pathp, int region_id, int aircode, int los, int material_id) { struct model *m; struct shell *s; struct vertex *v; struct bu_ptbl verts; struct bu_ptbl norms; char *region_name; int numverts = 0; /* Number of vertices to output */ int numtri = 0; /* Number of triangles to output */ int i; NMG_CK_REGION( r ); RT_CK_FULL_PATH(pathp); region_name = db_path_to_string( pathp ); #if 0 printf("Attempting to process region %s\n", region_name); fflush(stdout); #endif m = r->m_p; NMG_CK_MODEL( m ); /* triangulate model */ nmg_triangulate_model( m, &tol ); /* list all vertices in result */ nmg_vertex_tabulate( &verts, &r->l.magic ); /* Get number of vertices */ numverts = BU_PTBL_END (&verts); /* get list of vertexuse normals */ if ( do_normals ) nmg_vertexuse_normal_tabulate( &norms, &r->l.magic ); /* XXX Check vertices, shells faces first? Do not want to punt mid-stream */ /* BEGIN CHECK SECTION */ /* Check vertices */ for ( i=0; i<numverts; i++ ) { v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET( &verts, i ); NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); } /* Check triangles */ for ( BU_LIST_FOR( s, shell, &r->s_hd ) ) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL( s ); for ( BU_LIST_FOR( fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd ) ) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE( fu ); if ( fu->orientation != OT_SAME ) continue; for ( BU_LIST_FOR( lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd ) ) { struct edgeuse *eu; int vert_count=0; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE( lu ); if ( BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC( &lu->down_hd ) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC ) continue; /* check vertex numbers for each triangle */ for ( BU_LIST_FOR( eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd ) ) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE( eu ); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); vert_count++; i = bu_ptbl_locate( &verts, (long *)v ); if ( i < 0 ) { /*XXX*/ bu_ptbl_free( &verts); /*XXX*/ bu_free( region_name, "region name" ); bu_log( "Vertex from eu x%x is not in nmgregion x%x\n", eu, r ); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: Can't find vertex in list!"); } } if ( vert_count > 3 ) { /*XXX*/ bu_ptbl_free( &verts); /*XXX*/ bu_free( region_name, "region name" ); bu_log( "lu x%x has %d vertices!\n", lu, vert_count ); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: LU is not a triangle\n"); } else if ( vert_count < 3 ) continue; numtri++; } } } /* END CHECK SECTION */ /* Write pertinent info for this region */ if ( usemtl ) fprintf( fp, "usemtl %d_%d_%d\n", aircode, los, material_id ); fprintf( fp, "g %s", pathp->fp_names[0]->d_namep ); for ( i=1; i<pathp->fp_len; i++ ) fprintf( fp, "/%s", pathp->fp_names[i]->d_namep ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); /* Write vertices */ for ( i=0; i<numverts; i++ ) { v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET( &verts, i ); NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); if (inches) fprintf( fp, "v %f %f %f\n", V3ARGSIN( v->vg_p->coord )); else fprintf( fp, "v %f %f %f\n", V3ARGS( v->vg_p->coord )); } /* Write vertexuse normals */ if ( do_normals ) { for ( i=0; i<BU_PTBL_END( &norms ); i++ ) { struct vertexuse_a_plane *va; va = (struct vertexuse_a_plane *)BU_PTBL_GET( &norms, i ); NMG_CK_VERTEXUSE_A_PLANE( va ); if (inches) fprintf( fp, "vn %f %f %f\n", V3ARGSIN( va->N )); else fprintf( fp, "vn %f %f %f\n", V3ARGS( va->N )); } } /* output triangles */ for ( BU_LIST_FOR( s, shell, &r->s_hd ) ) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL( s ); for ( BU_LIST_FOR( fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd ) ) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE( fu ); if ( fu->orientation != OT_SAME ) continue; for ( BU_LIST_FOR( lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd ) ) { struct edgeuse *eu; int vert_count=0; int use_normals=1; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE( lu ); if ( BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC( &lu->down_hd ) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC ) continue; /* Each vertexuse of the face must have a normal in order * to use the normals in Wavefront */ if ( do_normals ) { for ( BU_LIST_FOR( eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd ) ) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE( eu ); if ( !eu->vu_p->a.magic_p ) { use_normals = 0; break; } if ( *eu->vu_p->a.magic_p != NMG_VERTEXUSE_A_PLANE_MAGIC ) { use_normals = 0; break; } } } else use_normals = 0; fprintf( fp, "f" ); /* list vertex numbers for each triangle */ for ( BU_LIST_FOR( eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd ) ) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE( eu ); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); vert_count++; i = bu_ptbl_locate( &verts, (long *)v ); if ( i < 0 ) { bu_ptbl_free( &verts); bu_log( "Vertex from eu x%x is not in nmgregion x%x\n", eu, r ); /*XXX*/ bu_free( region_name, "region name" ); /*XXX*/ bu_exit(1, "Can't find vertex in list!\n"); } if ( use_normals ) { int j; j = bu_ptbl_locate( &norms, (long *)eu->vu_p->a.magic_p ); fprintf( fp, " %ld//%ld", i+1+vert_offset, j+1+norm_offset ); } else fprintf( fp, " %ld", i+1+vert_offset ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); if ( vert_count > 3 ) { bu_ptbl_free( &verts); bu_free( region_name, "region name" ); bu_log( "lu x%x has %d vertices!\n", lu, vert_count ); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: LU is not a triangle\n" ); } } } }
void nmg_2_vrml(FILE *fp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, struct model *m, struct mater_info *mater) { struct nmgregion *reg; struct bu_ptbl verts; struct vrml_mat mat; struct bu_vls vls = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO; char *tok; int i; int first=1; int is_light=0; float r, g, b; point_t ave_pt; char *full_path; /*There may be a better way to capture the region_id, than getting the rt_comb_internal structure, * (and may be a better way to capture the rt_comb_internal struct), but for now I just copied the * method used in select_lights/select_non_lights above, could have used a global variable but I noticed * none other were used, so I didn't want to be the first */ struct directory *dp; struct rt_db_internal intern; struct rt_comb_internal *comb; int id; NMG_CK_MODEL( m ); BARRIER_CHECK; full_path = db_path_to_string( pathp ); /* replace all occurrences of '.' with '_' */ char_replace(full_path, '.', '_'); RT_CK_FULL_PATH( pathp ); dp = DB_FULL_PATH_CUR_DIR( pathp ); if ( !(dp->d_flags & RT_DIR_COMB) ) return; id = rt_db_get_internal( &intern, dp, dbip, (matp_t)NULL, &rt_uniresource ); if ( id < 0 ) { bu_log( "Cannot internal form of %s\n", dp->d_namep ); return; } if ( id != ID_COMBINATION ) { bu_log( "Directory/database mismatch!\n\t is '%s' a combination or not?\n", dp->d_namep ); return; } comb = (struct rt_comb_internal *)intern.idb_ptr; RT_CK_COMB( comb ); if ( mater->ma_color_valid ) { r = mater->ma_color[0]; g = mater->ma_color[1]; b = mater->ma_color[2]; } else { r = g = b = 0.5; } if ( mater->ma_shader ) { tok = strtok( mater->ma_shader, tok_sep ); bu_strlcpy( mat.shader, tok, TXT_NAME_SIZE ); } else mat.shader[0] = '\0'; mat.shininess = -1; mat.transparency = -1.0; mat.lt_fraction = -1.0; VSETALL( mat.lt_dir, 0.0 ); mat.lt_angle = -1.0; mat.tx_file[0] = '\0'; mat.tx_w = -1; mat.tx_n = -1; bu_vls_strcpy( &vls, &mater->ma_shader[strlen(mat.shader)] ); (void)bu_struct_parse( &vls, vrml_mat_parse, (char *)&mat, NULL); if ( bu_strncmp( "light", mat.shader, 5 ) == 0 ) { /* this is a light source */ is_light = 1; } else { fprintf( fp, "\t<Shape DEF=\"%s\">\n", full_path); fprintf( fp, "\t\t<Appearance>\n"); if ( bu_strncmp( "plastic", mat.shader, 7 ) == 0 ) { if ( mat.shininess < 0 ) mat.shininess = 10; V_MAX(mat.transparency, 0.0); fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material diffuseColor=\"%g %g %g\" shininess=\"%g\" transparency=\"%g\" specularColor=\"%g %g %g\"/>\n", r, g, b, 1.0-exp(-(double)mat.shininess/20.0), mat.transparency, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else if ( bu_strncmp( "glass", mat.shader, 5 ) == 0 ) { if ( mat.shininess < 0 ) mat.shininess = 4; if ( mat.transparency < 0.0 ) mat.transparency = 0.8; fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material diffuseColor=\"%g %g %g\" shininess=\"%g\" transparency=\"%g\" specularColor=\"%g %g %g\"/>\n", r, g, b, 1.0-exp(-(double)mat.shininess/20.0), mat.transparency, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } else if ( mater->ma_color_valid ) { fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material diffuseColor=\"%g %g %g\"/>\n", r, g, b); } else { /* If no color was defined set the colors according to the thousands groups */ int thou = comb->region_id/1000; thou == 0 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_999\"/>\n") : thou == 1 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_1999\"/>\n") : thou == 2 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_2999\"/>\n") : thou == 3 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_3999\"/>\n") : thou == 4 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_4999\"/>\n") : thou == 5 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_5999\"/>\n") : thou == 6 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_6999\"/>\n") : thou == 7 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_7999\"/>\n") : thou == 8 ? fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_8999\"/>\n") : fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Material USE=\"Material_9999\"/>\n"); } } if ( !is_light ) { process_non_light(m); fprintf( fp, "\t\t</Appearance>\n"); } /* FIXME: need code to handle light */ /* get list of vertices */ nmg_vertex_tabulate( &verts, &m->magic ); fprintf( fp, "\t\t<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex=\"\n"); first = 1; if ( !is_light ) { for ( BU_LIST_FOR( reg, nmgregion, &m->r_hd ) ) { struct shell *s; NMG_CK_REGION( reg ); for ( BU_LIST_FOR( s, shell, ®->s_hd ) ) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL( s ); for ( BU_LIST_FOR( fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd ) ) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE( fu ); if ( fu->orientation != OT_SAME ) continue; for ( BU_LIST_FOR( lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd ) ) { struct edgeuse *eu; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE( lu ); if ( BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC( &lu->down_hd ) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC ) continue; if ( !first ) fprintf( fp, ",\n" ); else first = 0; fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t\t" ); for ( BU_LIST_FOR( eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd ) ) { struct vertex *v; NMG_CK_EDGEUSE( eu ); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); fprintf( fp, " %d,", bu_ptbl_locate( &verts, (long *)v ) ); } fprintf( fp, "-1" ); } } } } /* close coordIndex */ fprintf( fp, "\" "); fprintf( fp, "normalPerVertex=\"false\" "); fprintf( fp, "convex=\"false\" "); fprintf( fp, "creaseAngle=\"0.5\" "); /* close IndexedFaceSet open tag */ fprintf( fp, ">\n"); } fprintf( fp, "\t\t\t<Coordinate point=\""); for ( i=0; i<BU_PTBL_END( &verts ); i++ ) { struct vertex *v; struct vertex_g *vg; point_t pt_meters; v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET( &verts, i ); NMG_CK_VERTEX( v ); vg = v->vg_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX_G( vg ); /* convert to desired units */ VSCALE( pt_meters, vg->coord, scale_factor ); if ( is_light ) VADD2( ave_pt, ave_pt, pt_meters ); if ( first ) { if ( !is_light ) fprintf( fp, " %10.10e %10.10e %10.10e, ", V3ARGS(pt_meters)); first = 0; } else if ( !is_light ) fprintf( fp, "%10.10e %10.10e %10.10e, ", V3ARGS( pt_meters )); } /* close point */ fprintf(fp, "\""); /* close Coordinate */ fprintf(fp, "/>\n"); /* IndexedFaceSet end tag */ fprintf( fp, "\t\t</IndexedFaceSet>\n"); /* Shape end tag */ fprintf( fp, "\t</Shape>\n"); BARRIER_CHECK; }
/* * This is called (from viewshade() in shade.c) once for each hit point * to be shaded. The purpose here is to fill in values in the shadework * structure. */ int gauss_render(struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, void *dp) /* defined in material.h */ /* ptr to the shader-specific struct */ { register struct gauss_specific *gauss_sp = (struct gauss_specific *)dp; struct seg *seg_p; struct reg_db_internals *dbint_p; double optical_density = 0.0; /* check the validity of the arguments we got */ RT_AP_CHECK(ap); RT_CHECK_PT(pp); CK_gauss_SP(gauss_sp); if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE) { bu_struct_print("gauss_render Parameters:", gauss_print_tab, (char *)gauss_sp); bu_log("r_pt(%g %g %g) r_dir(%g %g %g)\n", V3ARGS(ap->a_ray.r_pt), V3ARGS(ap->a_ray.r_dir)); } BU_CK_LIST_HEAD(&swp->sw_segs->l); BU_CK_LIST_HEAD(&gauss_sp->dbil); /* look at each segment that participated in the ray partition(s) */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(seg_p, seg, &swp->sw_segs->l)) { if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE) { bu_log("seg %g -> %g\n", seg_p->seg_in.hit_dist, seg_p->seg_out.hit_dist); } RT_CK_SEG(seg_p); RT_CK_SOLTAB(seg_p->seg_stp); /* check to see if the seg/solid is in this partition */ if (bu_ptbl_locate(&pp->pt_seglist, (long *)seg_p) != -1) { /* XXX You might use a bu_ptbl list of the solid pointers... */ /* check to see if the solid is from this region */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(dbint_p, reg_db_internals, &gauss_sp->dbil)) { CK_DBINT(dbint_p); if (dbint_p->st_p == seg_p->seg_stp) { /* The solid from the region is * the solid from the segment * from the partition */ optical_density += eval_seg(ap, dbint_p, seg_p); break; } } } else { if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE) bu_log("gauss_render() bittest failed\n"); } }
static void nmg_to_acad(struct nmgregion *r, const struct db_full_path *pathp, int region_id) { struct model *m; struct shell *s; struct vertex *v; struct bu_ptbl verts; char *region_name; int numverts = 0; /* Number of vertices to output */ int numtri = 0; /* Number of triangles to output */ int tricount = 0; /* Triangle number */ int i; NMG_CK_REGION(r); RT_CK_FULL_PATH(pathp); region_name = db_path_to_string(pathp); m = r->m_p; NMG_CK_MODEL(m); /* triangulate model */ nmg_triangulate_model(m, &tol); /* list all vertices in result */ nmg_vertex_tabulate(&verts, &r->l.magic); /* Get number of vertices */ numverts = BU_PTBL_END (&verts); /* BEGIN CHECK SECTION */ /* Check vertices */ for (i=0; i<numverts; i++) { v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET(&verts, i); NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); } /* Check triangles */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL(s); for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE(fu); if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { struct edgeuse *eu; int vert_count=0; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE(lu); if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; /* check vertex numbers for each triangle */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE(eu); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); vert_count++; i = bu_ptbl_locate(&verts, (long *)v); if (i < 0) { bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); bu_log("Vertex from eu %p is not in nmgregion %p\n", (void *)eu, (void *)r); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: Triangle vertex was not located\n"); } } if (vert_count > 3) { bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); bu_log("lu %p has too many (%d) vertices!\n", (void *)lu, vert_count); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: LU is not a triangle\n"); } else if (vert_count < 3) continue; numtri++; } } } /* END CHECK SECTION */ /* Write pertinent info for this region */ fprintf(fp, "%s\n", (region_name+1)); /* No mirror plane */ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", 0); /* Number of vertices */ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", numverts); /* Write numverts, then vertices */ for (i=0; i<numverts; i++) { v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET(&verts, i); NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); if (inches) fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", V3ARGSIN(v->vg_p->coord)); else fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", V3ARGS(v->vg_p->coord)); } /* Number of sub-parts (always 1 with BRL-CAD) */ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", 1); /* Write out name again */ fprintf(fp, "%s\n", (region_name+1)); /* Number of triangles, number of vert/tri (3) */ fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", numtri, 3); /* output triangles */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL(s); for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE(fu); if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { struct edgeuse *eu; int vert_count=0; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE(lu); if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; /* list vertex numbers for each triangle */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE(eu); v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); vert_count++; i = bu_ptbl_locate(&verts, (long *)v); if (i < 0) { bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_log("Vertex from eu %p is not in nmgregion %p\n", (void *)eu, (void *)r); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: Can't find vertex in list!\n"); } fprintf(fp, " %d", i+1); } /* Output other info. for triangle ICOAT, component#, facet# */ /* Map Icoat from material table later */ /* fprintf(fp, "%s icomp=%d material=%d:\n", (region_name+1), region_id);*/ fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d\n", 0, region_id, ++tricount); if (vert_count > 3) { bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); bu_log("lu %p has %d vertices!\n", (void *)lu, vert_count); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: LU is not a triangle\n"); } else if (vert_count < 3) continue; tot_polygons++; } } } /* regions_converted++; printf("Processed region %s\n", region_name); printf("Regions attempted = %d Regions done = %d\n", regions_tried, regions_converted); fflush(stdout); */ bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); }
static void nmg_to_dxf(struct nmgregion *r, const struct db_full_path *pathp, int UNUSED(region_id), int UNUSED(material_id), float color[3]) { struct model *m; struct shell *s; struct vertex *v; struct bu_ptbl verts; char *region_name; int region_polys=0; int tri_count=0; int color_num; int do_triangulate=0; NMG_CK_REGION(r); RT_CK_FULL_PATH(pathp); region_name = db_path_to_string(pathp); m = r->m_p; NMG_CK_MODEL(m); /* Count triangles */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL(s); for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; int vert_count=0; NMG_CK_FACEUSE(fu); if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { struct edgeuse *eu; if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) { vert_count++; } if (vert_count > 3) { do_triangulate = 1; goto triangulate; } tri_count++; } } } triangulate: if (do_triangulate) { /* triangulate model */ nmg_triangulate_model(m, &tol); /* Count triangles */ tri_count = 0; for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; tri_count++; } } } } nmg_vertex_tabulate(&verts, &r->l.magic); color_num = find_closest_color(color); if (polyface_mesh) { size_t i; fprintf(fp, "0\nPOLYLINE\n8\n%s\n62\n%d\n70\n64\n71\n%lu\n72\n%d\n", region_name, color_num, (unsigned long)BU_PTBL_LEN(&verts), tri_count); for (i = 0; i < BU_PTBL_LEN(&verts); i++) { fprintf(fp, "0\nVERTEX\n8\n%s\n", region_name); v = (struct vertex *)BU_PTBL_GET(&verts, i); NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); if (inches) { fprintf(fp, "10\n%f\n20\n%f\n30\n%f\n70\n192\n", V3ARGSIN(v->vg_p->coord)); } else { fprintf(fp, "10\n%f\n20\n%f\n30\n%f\n70\n192\n", V3ARGS(v->vg_p->coord)); } } } /* Check triangles */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) { struct faceuse *fu; NMG_CK_SHELL(s); for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) { struct loopuse *lu; NMG_CK_FACEUSE(fu); if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue; for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) { struct edgeuse *eu; int vert_count=0; NMG_CK_LOOPUSE(lu); if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; if (polyface_mesh) { fprintf(fp, "0\nVERTEX\n8\n%s\n70\n128\n10\n0.0\n20\n0.0\n30\n0.0\n", region_name); } else { fprintf(fp, "0\n3DFACE\n8\n%s\n62\n%d\n", region_name, color_num); } /* check vertex numbers for each triangle */ for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) { NMG_CK_EDGEUSE(eu); vert_count++; v = eu->vu_p->v_p; NMG_CK_VERTEX(v); if (polyface_mesh) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%d\n", vert_count+70, bu_ptbl_locate(&verts, (long *)v) + 1); } else { if (inches) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n", 10 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[X] / 25.4, 20 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[Y] / 25.4, 30 + vert_count -1, v->vg_p->coord[Z] / 25.4); } else { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n", 10 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[X], 20 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[Y], 30 + vert_count -1, v->vg_p->coord[Z]); } } } if (vert_count > 3) { bu_free(region_name, "region name"); bu_log("lu %p has %d vertices!\n", (void *)lu, vert_count); bu_exit(1, "ERROR: LU is not a triangle\n"); } else if (vert_count < 3) { continue; } else { /* repeat the last vertex for the benefit of codes * that interpret the dxf specification for * 3DFACES as requiring a fourth vertex even when * only three are input. */ if (!polyface_mesh) { vert_count++; if (inches) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n", 10 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[X] / 25.4, 20 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[Y] / 25.4, 30 + vert_count -1, v->vg_p->coord[Z] / 25.4); } else { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n%d\n%f\n", 10 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[X], 20 + vert_count - 1, v->vg_p->coord[Y], 30 + vert_count -1, v->vg_p->coord[Z]); } } } tot_polygons++; region_polys++; } } } bu_ptbl_free(&verts); bu_free(region_name, "region name"); if (polyface_mesh) { fprintf(fp, "0\nSEQEND\n"); } }