 *			D E L _ F R O M _ P R I O Q ( )
void del_from_prioq (struct vertex *vp)
    BU_CKMAG(vp, VERTEX_MAGIC, "vertex");
    BU_CKMAG(vp -> v_bridge, BRIDGE_MAGIC, "bridge");

    if (debug)
	bu_log("del_from_prioq(<x%x>... bridge <x%x> %d)\n",
	       vp, vp -> v_bridge, vp -> v_bridge -> b_index);
    if (bu_rb_search(prioq, PRIOQ_INDEX, (void *) (vp -> v_bridge)) == NULL)
	bu_exit(1, "del_from_prioq: Cannot find bridge <x%x>.", vp -> v_bridge);
    bu_rb_delete(prioq, PRIOQ_INDEX);
bu_rb_insert(struct bu_rb_tree *tree, void *data)
    int nm_orders;
    int order;
    int result = 0;
    struct bu_rb_node *node;
    struct bu_rb_package *package;
    struct bu_rb_list *rblp;

    BU_CKMAG(tree, BU_RB_TREE_MAGIC, "red-black tree");

    nm_orders = tree->rbt_nm_orders;

     * Enforce uniqueness
     * NOTE: The approach is that for each order that requires
     * uniqueness, we look for a match.  This is not the most
     * efficient way to do things, since _rb_insert() is just going to
     * turn around and search the tree all over again.
    for (order = 0; order < nm_orders; ++order) {
	if (RB_GET_UNIQUENESS(tree, order) &&
	    (bu_rb_search(tree, order, data) != NULL))
	    if (UNLIKELY(tree->rbt_debug & BU_RB_DEBUG_UNIQ))
		bu_log("bu_rb_insert(<%p>, <%p>, TBD) will return %d\n",
		       (void*)tree, (void*)data, -(order + 1));
	    return -(order + 1);

     * Make a new package and add it to the list of all packages.
    BU_ALLOC(package, struct bu_rb_package);
    package->rbp_node = (struct bu_rb_node **)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(struct bu_rb_node *),
		  "red-black package nodes");

    BU_ALLOC(rblp, struct bu_rb_list);
    rblp->rbl_magic = BU_RB_LIST_MAGIC;
    rblp->rbl_package = package;

    BU_LIST_PUSH(&(tree->rbt_packages.l), rblp);
    package->rbp_list_pos = rblp;

     * Make a new node and add it to the list of all nodes.
    node = (struct bu_rb_node *)
	bu_malloc(sizeof(struct bu_rb_node), "red-black node");
    node->rbn_parent = (struct bu_rb_node **)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(struct bu_rb_node *),
		  "red-black parents");
    node->rbn_left = (struct bu_rb_node **)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(struct bu_rb_node *),
		  "red-black left children");
    node->rbn_right = (struct bu_rb_node **)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(struct bu_rb_node *),
		  "red-black right children");
    node->rbn_color = (char *)
	bu_malloc((size_t) lrint(ceil((double) (nm_orders / 8.0))),
		  "red-black colors");
    node->rbn_size = (int *)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(int),
		  "red-black subtree sizes");
    node->rbn_package = (struct bu_rb_package **)
	bu_malloc(nm_orders * sizeof(struct bu_rb_package *),
		  "red-black packages");

    BU_ALLOC(rblp, struct bu_rb_list);
    rblp->rbl_magic = BU_RB_LIST_MAGIC;
    rblp->rbl_node = node;

    BU_LIST_PUSH(&(tree->rbt_nodes.l), rblp);
    node->rbn_list_pos = rblp;

     * Fill in the package
    package->rbp_magic = BU_RB_PKG_MAGIC;
    package->rbp_data = data;
    for (order = 0; order < nm_orders; ++order)
	(package->rbp_node)[order] = node;

     * Fill in the node
    node->rbn_magic = BU_RB_NODE_MAGIC;
    node->rbn_tree = tree;
    for (order = 0; order < nm_orders; ++order)
	(node->rbn_package)[order] = package;
    node->rbn_pkg_refs = nm_orders;

     * If the tree was empty, install this node as the root and give
     * it a null parent and null children
    if (RB_ROOT(tree, 0) == RB_NULL(tree)) {
	for (order = 0; order < nm_orders; ++order) {
	    RB_ROOT(tree, order) = node;
	    RB_PARENT(node, order) =
		RB_LEFT_CHILD(node, order) =
		RB_RIGHT_CHILD(node, order) = RB_NULL(tree);
	    RB_SET_COLOR(node, order, RB_BLK);
	    RB_SIZE(node, order) = 1;
	    if (UNLIKELY(tree->rbt_debug & BU_RB_DEBUG_OS))
		bu_log("bu_rb_insert(<%p>, <%p>, <%p>): size(%p, %d)=%d\n",
		       (void*)tree, (void*)data, (void*)node, (void*)node, order, RB_SIZE(node, order));
    } else {
	/* Otherwise, insert the node into the tree */
	for (order = 0; order < nm_orders; ++order)
	    result += _rb_insert(tree, order, node);
	if (UNLIKELY(tree->rbt_debug & BU_RB_DEBUG_UNIQ))
	    bu_log("bu_rb_insert(<%p>, <%p>, <%p>) will return %d\n",
		   (void*)tree, (void*)data, (void*)node, result);

    RB_CURRENT(tree) = node;
    return result;