static bool tls_crypt_v2_wrap_client_key(struct buffer *wkc, const struct key2 *src_key, const struct buffer *src_metadata, struct key_ctx *server_key, struct gc_arena *gc) { cipher_ctx_t *cipher_ctx = server_key->cipher; struct buffer work = alloc_buf_gc(TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_WKC_LEN + cipher_ctx_block_size(cipher_ctx), gc); /* Calculate auth tag and synthetic IV */ uint8_t *tag = buf_write_alloc(&work, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE); if (!tag) { msg(M_WARN, "ERROR: could not write tag"); return false; } uint16_t net_len = htons(sizeof(src_key->keys) + BLEN(src_metadata) + TLS_CRYPT_V2_TAG_SIZE + sizeof(uint16_t)); hmac_ctx_t *hmac_ctx = server_key->hmac; hmac_ctx_reset(hmac_ctx); hmac_ctx_update(hmac_ctx, (void *)&net_len, sizeof(net_len)); hmac_ctx_update(hmac_ctx, (void *)src_key->keys, sizeof(src_key->keys)); hmac_ctx_update(hmac_ctx, BPTR(src_metadata), BLEN(src_metadata)); hmac_ctx_final(hmac_ctx, tag); dmsg(D_CRYPTO_DEBUG, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP TAG: %s", format_hex(tag, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE, 0, gc)); /* Use the 128 most significant bits of the tag as IV */ ASSERT(cipher_ctx_reset(cipher_ctx, tag)); /* Overflow check (OpenSSL requires an extra block in the dst buffer) */ if (buf_forward_capacity(&work) < (sizeof(src_key->keys) + BLEN(src_metadata) + sizeof(net_len) + cipher_ctx_block_size(cipher_ctx))) { msg(M_WARN, "ERROR: could not crypt: insufficient space in dst"); return false; } /* Encrypt */ int outlen = 0; ASSERT(cipher_ctx_update(cipher_ctx, BEND(&work), &outlen, (void *)src_key->keys, sizeof(src_key->keys))); ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); ASSERT(cipher_ctx_update(cipher_ctx, BEND(&work), &outlen, BPTR(src_metadata), BLEN(src_metadata))); ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); ASSERT(cipher_ctx_final(cipher_ctx, BEND(&work), &outlen)); ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); ASSERT(buf_write(&work, &net_len, sizeof(net_len))); return buf_copy(wkc, &work); }
/* * force a null termination even it requires * truncation of the last char. */ void buf_null_terminate (struct buffer *buf) { char *last = (char *) BLAST (buf); if (last && *last == '\0') /* already terminated? */ return; if (!buf_safe (buf, 1)) /* make space for trailing null */ buf_inc_len (buf, -1); buf_write_u8 (buf, 0); }
bool status_read(struct status_output *so, struct buffer *buf) { bool ret = false; if (so && so->fd >= 0 && (so->flags & STATUS_OUTPUT_READ)) { ASSERT(buf_defined(&so->read_buf)); ASSERT(buf_defined(buf)); while (true) { const int c = buf_read_u8(&so->read_buf); /* read more of file into buffer */ if (c == -1) { int len; ASSERT(buf_init(&so->read_buf, 0)); len = read(so->fd, BPTR(&so->read_buf), BCAP(&so->read_buf)); if (len <= 0) { break; } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&so->read_buf, len)); continue; } ret = true; if (c == '\r') { continue; } if (c == '\n') { break; } buf_write_u8(buf, c); } buf_null_terminate(buf); } return ret; }
/* * Remove trailing \r and \n chars and ensure * null termination. */ void buf_chomp (struct buffer *buf) { while (true) { char *last = (char *) BLAST (buf); if (!last) break; if (char_class (*last, CC_CRLF|CC_NULL)) { if (!buf_inc_len (buf, -1)) break; } else break; } buf_null_terminate (buf); }
void tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(const char *filename, const char *b64_metadata, const char *server_key_file, const char *server_key_inline) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); struct key_ctx server_key = { 0 }; struct buffer client_key_pem = { 0 }; struct buffer dst = alloc_buf_gc(TLS_CRYPT_V2_CLIENT_KEY_LEN + TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_WKC_LEN, &gc); struct key2 client_key = { 2 }; if (!rand_bytes((void *)client_key.keys, sizeof(client_key.keys))) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: could not generate random key"); goto cleanup; } ASSERT(buf_write(&dst, client_key.keys, sizeof(client_key.keys))); struct buffer metadata = alloc_buf_gc(TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_METADATA_LEN, &gc); if (b64_metadata) { if (TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_B64_METADATA_LEN < strlen(b64_metadata)) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: metadata too long (%d bytes, max %u bytes)", (int)strlen(b64_metadata), TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_B64_METADATA_LEN); } ASSERT(buf_write(&metadata, &TLS_CRYPT_METADATA_TYPE_USER, 1)); int decoded_len = openvpn_base64_decode(b64_metadata, BPTR(&metadata), BCAP(&metadata)); if (decoded_len < 0) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: failed to base64 decode provided metadata"); goto cleanup; } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&metadata, decoded_len)); } else { int64_t timestamp = htonll((uint64_t)now); ASSERT(buf_write(&metadata, &TLS_CRYPT_METADATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 1)); ASSERT(buf_write(&metadata, ×tamp, sizeof(timestamp))); } tls_crypt_v2_init_server_key(&server_key, true, server_key_file, server_key_inline); if (!tls_crypt_v2_wrap_client_key(&dst, &client_key, &metadata, &server_key, &gc)) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: could not wrap generated client key"); goto cleanup; } /* PEM-encode Kc || WKc */ if (!crypto_pem_encode(tls_crypt_v2_cli_pem_name, &client_key_pem, &dst, &gc)) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: could not PEM-encode client key"); goto cleanup; } if (!buffer_write_file(filename, &client_key_pem)) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: could not write client key file"); goto cleanup; } /* Sanity check: load client key (as "client") */ struct key_ctx_bi test_client_key; struct buffer test_wrapped_client_key; msg(D_GENKEY, "Testing client-side key loading..."); tls_crypt_v2_init_client_key(&test_client_key, &test_wrapped_client_key, filename, NULL); free_key_ctx_bi(&test_client_key); /* Sanity check: unwrap and load client key (as "server") */ struct buffer test_metadata = alloc_buf_gc(TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_METADATA_LEN, &gc); struct key2 test_client_key2 = { 0 }; free_key_ctx(&server_key); tls_crypt_v2_init_server_key(&server_key, false, server_key_file, server_key_inline); msg(D_GENKEY, "Testing server-side key loading..."); ASSERT(tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(&test_client_key2, &test_metadata, test_wrapped_client_key, &server_key)); secure_memzero(&test_client_key2, sizeof(test_client_key2)); free_buf(&test_wrapped_client_key); cleanup: secure_memzero(&client_key, sizeof(client_key)); free_key_ctx(&server_key); buf_clear(&client_key_pem); buf_clear(&dst); gc_free(&gc); }
bool tls_crypt_v2_extract_client_key(struct buffer *buf, struct tls_wrap_ctx *ctx, const struct tls_options *opt) { if (!ctx->tls_crypt_v2_server_key.cipher) { msg(D_TLS_ERRORS, "Client wants tls-crypt-v2, but no server key present."); return false; } msg(D_HANDSHAKE, "Control Channel: using tls-crypt-v2 key"); struct buffer wrapped_client_key = *buf; uint16_t net_len = 0; if (BLEN(&wrapped_client_key) < sizeof(net_len)) { msg(D_TLS_ERRORS, "failed to read length"); } memcpy(&net_len, BEND(&wrapped_client_key) - sizeof(net_len), sizeof(net_len)); size_t wkc_len = ntohs(net_len); if (!buf_advance(&wrapped_client_key, BLEN(&wrapped_client_key) - wkc_len)) { msg(D_TLS_ERRORS, "Can not locate tls-crypt-v2 client key"); return false; } struct key2 client_key = { 0 }; ctx->tls_crypt_v2_metadata = alloc_buf(TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_METADATA_LEN); if (!tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(&client_key, &ctx->tls_crypt_v2_metadata, wrapped_client_key, &ctx->tls_crypt_v2_server_key)) { msg(D_TLS_ERRORS, "Can not unwrap tls-crypt-v2 client key"); secure_memzero(&client_key, sizeof(client_key)); return false; } /* Load the decrypted key */ ctx->mode = TLS_WRAP_CRYPT; ctx->cleanup_key_ctx = true; ctx->opt.flags |= CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM; memset(&ctx->opt.key_ctx_bi, 0, sizeof(ctx->opt.key_ctx_bi)); tls_crypt_v2_load_client_key(&ctx->opt.key_ctx_bi, &client_key, true); secure_memzero(&client_key, sizeof(client_key)); /* Remove client key from buffer so tls-crypt code can unwrap message */ ASSERT(buf_inc_len(buf, -(BLEN(&wrapped_client_key)))); if (opt && opt->tls_crypt_v2_verify_script) { return tls_crypt_v2_verify_metadata(ctx, opt); } return true; }
static bool tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(struct key2 *client_key, struct buffer *metadata, struct buffer wrapped_client_key, struct key_ctx *server_key) { const char *error_prefix = __func__; bool ret = false; struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); /* The crypto API requires one extra cipher block of buffer head room when * decrypting, which nicely matches the tag size of WKc. So * TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_WKC_LEN is always large enough for the plaintext. */ uint8_t plaintext_buf_data[TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_WKC_LEN] = { 0 }; struct buffer plaintext = { 0 }; dmsg(D_TLS_DEBUG_MED, "%s: unwrapping client key (len=%d): %s", __func__, BLEN(&wrapped_client_key), format_hex(BPTR(&wrapped_client_key), BLEN(&wrapped_client_key), 0, &gc)); if (TLS_CRYPT_V2_MAX_WKC_LEN < BLEN(&wrapped_client_key)) { CRYPT_ERROR("wrapped client key too big"); } /* Decrypt client key and metadata */ uint16_t net_len = 0; const uint8_t *tag = BPTR(&wrapped_client_key); if (BLEN(&wrapped_client_key) < sizeof(net_len)) { CRYPT_ERROR("failed to read length"); } memcpy(&net_len, BEND(&wrapped_client_key) - sizeof(net_len), sizeof(net_len)); if (ntohs(net_len) != BLEN(&wrapped_client_key)) { dmsg(D_TLS_DEBUG_LOW, "%s: net_len=%u, BLEN=%i", __func__, ntohs(net_len), BLEN(&wrapped_client_key)); CRYPT_ERROR("invalid length"); } buf_inc_len(&wrapped_client_key, -(int)sizeof(net_len)); if (!buf_advance(&wrapped_client_key, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE)) { CRYPT_ERROR("failed to read tag"); } if (!cipher_ctx_reset(server_key->cipher, tag)) { CRYPT_ERROR("failed to initialize IV"); } buf_set_write(&plaintext, plaintext_buf_data, sizeof(plaintext_buf_data)); int outlen = 0; if (!cipher_ctx_update(server_key->cipher, BPTR(&plaintext), &outlen, BPTR(&wrapped_client_key), BLEN(&wrapped_client_key))) { CRYPT_ERROR("could not decrypt client key"); } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&plaintext, outlen)); if (!cipher_ctx_final(server_key->cipher, BEND(&plaintext), &outlen)) { CRYPT_ERROR("cipher final failed"); } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(&plaintext, outlen)); /* Check authentication */ uint8_t tag_check[TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE] = { 0 }; hmac_ctx_reset(server_key->hmac); hmac_ctx_update(server_key->hmac, (void *)&net_len, sizeof(net_len)); hmac_ctx_update(server_key->hmac, BPTR(&plaintext), BLEN(&plaintext)); hmac_ctx_final(server_key->hmac, tag_check); if (memcmp_constant_time(tag, tag_check, sizeof(tag_check))) { dmsg(D_CRYPTO_DEBUG, "tag : %s", format_hex(tag, sizeof(tag_check), 0, &gc)); dmsg(D_CRYPTO_DEBUG, "tag_check: %s", format_hex(tag_check, sizeof(tag_check), 0, &gc)); CRYPT_ERROR("client key authentication error"); } if (buf_len(&plaintext) < sizeof(client_key->keys)) { CRYPT_ERROR("failed to read client key"); } memcpy(&client_key->keys, BPTR(&plaintext), sizeof(client_key->keys)); ASSERT(buf_advance(&plaintext, sizeof(client_key->keys))); if (!buf_copy(metadata, &plaintext)) { CRYPT_ERROR("metadata too large for supplied buffer"); } ret = true; error_exit: if (!ret) { secure_memzero(client_key, sizeof(*client_key)); } buf_clear(&plaintext); gc_free(&gc); return ret; }
bool tls_crypt_unwrap(const struct buffer *src, struct buffer *dst, struct crypto_options *opt) { static const char error_prefix[] = "tls-crypt unwrap error"; const struct key_ctx *ctx = &opt->key_ctx_bi.decrypt; struct gc_arena gc; gc_init(&gc); ASSERT(opt); ASSERT(src->len > 0); ASSERT(ctx->cipher); ASSERT(packet_id_initialized(&opt->packet_id) || (opt->flags & CO_IGNORE_PACKET_ID)); dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT UNWRAP FROM: %s", format_hex(BPTR(src), BLEN(src), 80, &gc)); if (buf_len(src) < TLS_CRYPT_OFF_CT) { CRYPT_ERROR("packet too short"); } /* Decrypt cipher text */ { int outlen = 0; /* Buffer overflow check (should never fail) */ if (!buf_safe(dst, BLEN(src) - TLS_CRYPT_OFF_CT + TLS_CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE)) { CRYPT_ERROR("potential buffer overflow"); } if (!cipher_ctx_reset(ctx->cipher, BPTR(src) + TLS_CRYPT_OFF_TAG)) { CRYPT_ERROR("cipher reset failed"); } if (!cipher_ctx_update(ctx->cipher, BPTR(dst), &outlen, BPTR(src) + TLS_CRYPT_OFF_CT, BLEN(src) - TLS_CRYPT_OFF_CT)) { CRYPT_ERROR("cipher update failed"); } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(dst, outlen)); if (!cipher_ctx_final(ctx->cipher, BPTR(dst), &outlen)) { CRYPT_ERROR("cipher final failed"); } ASSERT(buf_inc_len(dst, outlen)); } /* Check authentication */ { const uint8_t *tag = BPTR(src) + TLS_CRYPT_OFF_TAG; uint8_t tag_check[TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE] = { 0 }; dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT UNWRAP AD: %s", format_hex(BPTR(src), TLS_CRYPT_OFF_TAG, 0, &gc)); dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT UNWRAP TO: %s", format_hex(BPTR(dst), BLEN(dst), 80, &gc)); hmac_ctx_reset(ctx->hmac); hmac_ctx_update(ctx->hmac, BPTR(src), TLS_CRYPT_OFF_TAG); hmac_ctx_update(ctx->hmac, BPTR(dst), BLEN(dst)); hmac_ctx_final(ctx->hmac, tag_check); if (memcmp_constant_time(tag, tag_check, sizeof(tag_check))) { dmsg(D_CRYPTO_DEBUG, "tag : %s", format_hex(tag, sizeof(tag_check), 0, &gc)); dmsg(D_CRYPTO_DEBUG, "tag_check: %s", format_hex(tag_check, sizeof(tag_check), 0, &gc)); CRYPT_ERROR("packet authentication failed"); } } /* Check replay */ if (!(opt->flags & CO_IGNORE_PACKET_ID)) { struct packet_id_net pin; struct buffer tmp = *src; ASSERT(buf_advance(&tmp, TLS_CRYPT_OFF_PID)); ASSERT(packet_id_read(&pin, &tmp, true)); if (!crypto_check_replay(opt, &pin, error_prefix, &gc)) { CRYPT_ERROR("packet replay"); } } gc_free(&gc); return true; error_exit: crypto_clear_error(); dst->len = 0; gc_free(&gc); return false; }
bool tls_crypt_wrap(const struct buffer *src, struct buffer *dst, struct crypto_options *opt) { const struct key_ctx *ctx = &opt->key_ctx_bi.encrypt; struct gc_arena gc; /* IV, packet-ID and implicit IV required for this mode. */ ASSERT(ctx->cipher); ASSERT(ctx->hmac); ASSERT(packet_id_initialized(&opt->packet_id)); ASSERT(hmac_ctx_size(ctx->hmac) == 256/8); gc_init(&gc); dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP FROM: %s", format_hex(BPTR(src), BLEN(src), 80, &gc)); /* Get packet ID */ if (!packet_id_write(&opt->packet_id.send, dst, true, false)) { msg(D_CRYPT_ERRORS, "TLS-CRYPT ERROR: packet ID roll over."); goto err; } dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP AD: %s", format_hex(BPTR(dst), BLEN(dst), 0, &gc)); /* Buffer overflow check */ if (!buf_safe(dst, BLEN(src) + TLS_CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE + TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE)) { msg(D_CRYPT_ERRORS, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP: buffer size error, " "sc=%d so=%d sl=%d dc=%d do=%d dl=%d", src->capacity, src->offset, src->len, dst->capacity, dst->offset, dst->len); goto err; } /* Calculate auth tag and synthetic IV */ { uint8_t *tag = NULL; hmac_ctx_reset(ctx->hmac); hmac_ctx_update(ctx->hmac, BPTR(dst), BLEN(dst)); hmac_ctx_update(ctx->hmac, BPTR(src), BLEN(src)); ASSERT(tag = buf_write_alloc(dst, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE)); hmac_ctx_final(ctx->hmac, tag); dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP TAG: %s", format_hex(tag, TLS_CRYPT_TAG_SIZE, 0, &gc)); /* Use the 128 most significant bits of the tag as IV */ ASSERT(cipher_ctx_reset(ctx->cipher, tag)); } /* Encrypt src */ { int outlen = 0; ASSERT(cipher_ctx_update(ctx->cipher, BEND(dst), &outlen, BPTR(src), BLEN(src))); ASSERT(buf_inc_len(dst, outlen)); ASSERT(cipher_ctx_final(ctx->cipher, BPTR(dst), &outlen)); ASSERT(buf_inc_len(dst, outlen)); } dmsg(D_PACKET_CONTENT, "TLS-CRYPT WRAP TO: %s", format_hex(BPTR(dst), BLEN(dst), 80, &gc)); gc_free(&gc); return true; err: crypto_clear_error(); dst->len = 0; gc_free(&gc); return false; }
void openvpn_encrypt (struct buffer *buf, struct buffer work, const struct crypto_options *opt, const struct frame* frame) { struct gc_arena gc; gc_init (&gc); if (buf->len > 0 && opt->key_ctx_bi) { struct key_ctx *ctx = &opt->key_ctx_bi->encrypt; /* Do Encrypt from buf -> work */ if (ctx->cipher) { uint8_t iv_buf[OPENVPN_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; const int iv_size = cipher_ctx_iv_length (ctx->cipher); const cipher_kt_t *cipher_kt = cipher_ctx_get_cipher_kt (ctx->cipher); int outlen; if (cipher_kt_mode_cbc(cipher_kt)) { CLEAR (iv_buf); /* generate pseudo-random IV */ if (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) prng_bytes (iv_buf, iv_size); /* Put packet ID in plaintext buffer or IV, depending on cipher mode */ if (opt->packet_id) { struct packet_id_net pin; packet_id_alloc_outgoing (&opt->packet_id->send, &pin, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM)); ASSERT (packet_id_write (&pin, buf, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM), true)); } } else if (cipher_kt_mode_ofb_cfb(cipher_kt)) { struct packet_id_net pin; struct buffer b; ASSERT (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV); /* IV and packet-ID required */ ASSERT (opt->packet_id); /* for this mode. */ packet_id_alloc_outgoing (&opt->packet_id->send, &pin, true); memset (iv_buf, 0, iv_size); buf_set_write (&b, iv_buf, iv_size); ASSERT (packet_id_write (&pin, &b, true, false)); } else /* We only support CBC, CFB, or OFB modes right now */ { ASSERT (0); } /* initialize work buffer with FRAME_HEADROOM bytes of prepend capacity */ ASSERT (buf_init (&work, FRAME_HEADROOM (frame))); /* set the IV pseudo-randomly */ if (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) dmsg (D_PACKET_CONTENT, "ENCRYPT IV: %s", format_hex (iv_buf, iv_size, 0, &gc)); dmsg (D_PACKET_CONTENT, "ENCRYPT FROM: %s", format_hex (BPTR (buf), BLEN (buf), 80, &gc)); /* cipher_ctx was already initialized with key & keylen */ ASSERT (cipher_ctx_reset(ctx->cipher, iv_buf)); /* Buffer overflow check */ if (!buf_safe (&work, buf->len + cipher_ctx_block_size(ctx->cipher))) { msg (D_CRYPT_ERRORS, "ENCRYPT: buffer size error, bc=%d bo=%d bl=%d wc=%d wo=%d wl=%d cbs=%d", buf->capacity, buf->offset, buf->len, work.capacity, work.offset, work.len, cipher_ctx_block_size (ctx->cipher)); goto err; } /* Encrypt packet ID, payload */ ASSERT (cipher_ctx_update (ctx->cipher, BPTR (&work), &outlen, BPTR (buf), BLEN (buf))); ASSERT (buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); /* Flush the encryption buffer */ ASSERT (cipher_ctx_final(ctx->cipher, BPTR (&work) + outlen, &outlen)); ASSERT (buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); /* For all CBC mode ciphers, check the last block is complete */ ASSERT (cipher_kt_mode (cipher_kt) != OPENVPN_MODE_CBC || outlen == iv_size); /* prepend the IV to the ciphertext */ if (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) { uint8_t *output = buf_prepend (&work, iv_size); ASSERT (output); memcpy (output, iv_buf, iv_size); } dmsg (D_PACKET_CONTENT, "ENCRYPT TO: %s", format_hex (BPTR (&work), BLEN (&work), 80, &gc)); } else /* No Encryption */ { if (opt->packet_id) { struct packet_id_net pin; packet_id_alloc_outgoing (&opt->packet_id->send, &pin, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM)); ASSERT (packet_id_write (&pin, buf, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM), true)); } work = *buf; } /* HMAC the ciphertext (or plaintext if !cipher) */ if (ctx->hmac) { uint8_t *output = NULL; hmac_ctx_reset (ctx->hmac); hmac_ctx_update (ctx->hmac, BPTR(&work), BLEN(&work)); output = buf_prepend (&work, hmac_ctx_size(ctx->hmac)); ASSERT (output); hmac_ctx_final (ctx->hmac, output); } *buf = work; } gc_free (&gc); return; err: crypto_clear_error(); buf->len = 0; gc_free (&gc); return; }
/* * If (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) is not NULL, we will read an IV from the packet. * * Set buf->len to 0 and return false on decrypt error. * * On success, buf is set to point to plaintext, true * is returned. */ bool openvpn_decrypt (struct buffer *buf, struct buffer work, const struct crypto_options *opt, const struct frame* frame) { static const char error_prefix[] = "Authenticate/Decrypt packet error"; struct gc_arena gc; gc_init (&gc); if (buf->len > 0 && opt->key_ctx_bi) { struct key_ctx *ctx = &opt->key_ctx_bi->decrypt; struct packet_id_net pin; bool have_pin = false; /* Verify the HMAC */ if (ctx->hmac) { int hmac_len; uint8_t local_hmac[MAX_HMAC_KEY_LENGTH]; /* HMAC of ciphertext computed locally */ hmac_ctx_reset(ctx->hmac); /* Assume the length of the input HMAC */ hmac_len = hmac_ctx_size (ctx->hmac); /* Authentication fails if insufficient data in packet for HMAC */ if (buf->len < hmac_len) CRYPT_ERROR ("missing authentication info"); hmac_ctx_update (ctx->hmac, BPTR (buf) + hmac_len, BLEN (buf) - hmac_len); hmac_ctx_final (ctx->hmac, local_hmac); /* Compare locally computed HMAC with packet HMAC */ if (memcmp_constant_time (local_hmac, BPTR (buf), hmac_len)) CRYPT_ERROR ("packet HMAC authentication failed"); ASSERT (buf_advance (buf, hmac_len)); } /* Decrypt packet ID + payload */ if (ctx->cipher) { const int iv_size = cipher_ctx_iv_length (ctx->cipher); const cipher_kt_t *cipher_kt = cipher_ctx_get_cipher_kt (ctx->cipher); uint8_t iv_buf[OPENVPN_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; int outlen; /* initialize work buffer with FRAME_HEADROOM bytes of prepend capacity */ ASSERT (buf_init (&work, FRAME_HEADROOM_ADJ (frame, FRAME_HEADROOM_MARKER_DECRYPT))); /* use IV if user requested it */ CLEAR (iv_buf); if (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) { if (buf->len < iv_size) CRYPT_ERROR ("missing IV info"); memcpy (iv_buf, BPTR (buf), iv_size); ASSERT (buf_advance (buf, iv_size)); } /* show the IV's initial state */ if (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV) dmsg (D_PACKET_CONTENT, "DECRYPT IV: %s", format_hex (iv_buf, iv_size, 0, &gc)); if (buf->len < 1) CRYPT_ERROR ("missing payload"); /* ctx->cipher was already initialized with key & keylen */ if (!cipher_ctx_reset (ctx->cipher, iv_buf)) CRYPT_ERROR ("cipher init failed"); /* Buffer overflow check (should never happen) */ if (!buf_safe (&work, buf->len + cipher_ctx_block_size(ctx->cipher))) CRYPT_ERROR ("potential buffer overflow"); /* Decrypt packet ID, payload */ if (!cipher_ctx_update (ctx->cipher, BPTR (&work), &outlen, BPTR (buf), BLEN (buf))) CRYPT_ERROR ("cipher update failed"); ASSERT (buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); /* Flush the decryption buffer */ if (!cipher_ctx_final (ctx->cipher, BPTR (&work) + outlen, &outlen)) CRYPT_ERROR ("cipher final failed"); ASSERT (buf_inc_len(&work, outlen)); dmsg (D_PACKET_CONTENT, "DECRYPT TO: %s", format_hex (BPTR (&work), BLEN (&work), 80, &gc)); /* Get packet ID from plaintext buffer or IV, depending on cipher mode */ { if (cipher_kt_mode_cbc(cipher_kt)) { if (opt->packet_id) { if (!packet_id_read (&pin, &work, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM))) CRYPT_ERROR ("error reading CBC packet-id"); have_pin = true; } } else if (cipher_kt_mode_ofb_cfb(cipher_kt)) { struct buffer b; ASSERT (opt->flags & CO_USE_IV); /* IV and packet-ID required */ ASSERT (opt->packet_id); /* for this mode. */ buf_set_read (&b, iv_buf, iv_size); if (!packet_id_read (&pin, &b, true)) CRYPT_ERROR ("error reading CFB/OFB packet-id"); have_pin = true; } else /* We only support CBC, CFB, or OFB modes right now */ { ASSERT (0); } } } else { work = *buf; if (opt->packet_id) { if (!packet_id_read (&pin, &work, BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM))) CRYPT_ERROR ("error reading packet-id"); have_pin = !BOOL_CAST (opt->flags & CO_IGNORE_PACKET_ID); } } if (have_pin) { packet_id_reap_test (&opt->packet_id->rec); if (packet_id_test (&opt->packet_id->rec, &pin)) { packet_id_add (&opt->packet_id->rec, &pin); if (opt->pid_persist && (opt->flags & CO_PACKET_ID_LONG_FORM)) packet_id_persist_save_obj (opt->pid_persist, opt->packet_id); } else { if (!(opt->flags & CO_MUTE_REPLAY_WARNINGS)) msg (D_REPLAY_ERRORS, "%s: bad packet ID (may be a replay): %s -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings", error_prefix, packet_id_net_print (&pin, true, &gc)); goto error_exit; } } *buf = work; } gc_free (&gc); return true; error_exit: crypto_clear_error(); buf->len = 0; gc_free (&gc); return false; }