int test_mf(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN];
   struct icmphdr ih;

   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   // add IP header.
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 64, 1, bytes);
   *(uint16_t*)(bytes + IP_O_FRAG_OFF) = 0x20; // MF 
   ih.type = 8;
   ih.code = 0;
   ih.checksum = 0;
   ih.un.echo.id = 0x4343;
   ih.un.echo.sequence = 0x4242;
   // copy into place
   memcpy(bytes + ICMP_START, &ih, sizeof(ih));
   // add some payload
   memcpy(bytes + ICMP_DATA, "\xbd\x3b\x78\xf8\xbc\x28\x41\x0f\xf7\xcd\x55\x91\xce\xa8\xe7\xac\xb3\xfe\x56\xd0\x6c\xa2\x1d\x41\xc9\x15\x8e\x74\xa0\x09\x4d\x2a\xe8\xd9\x76\xd9\x0c\x10\xb9\x65\x42\x11\xc9\x58\xbe\xce\x90\x89\x67\xaa\x56\xfa\xb7\x5e\xc0\xd0", 56);
   // checksum
   ip_checksum(bytes + ICMP_START, sizeof(ih) + 56, (uint16_t*)(bytes + ICMP_START + 2));

   // let's see what we get
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 100 + 2*config.vlan);

   if (test_result_len) {
     test_log("did not expect reply");
     return 1;
   return 0;
void ping_send(t_env *env)
	t_packet packet;
	struct timeval tv;
	ssize_t sended;

	if (env->v && !env->has_received && env->count != 1)
		printf("%lu bytes from %s: type=%d code=%d\n", sizeof(t_packet) - sizeof(struct iphdr), env->ip, 11, 0);
	env->has_received = 0;
	if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
		ft_putendl_fd("Can't gettimeofday", 2);
	ft_memcpy(packet.data, &tv, sizeof(tv));
	build_ip_header(env, &packet.ip_header);
	build_icmp_header(env, &packet.icmp_header);
	if ((sended = sendto(env->socket, &packet, sizeof(packet), MSG_CONFIRM, env->addr, env->addrlen)) == -1)
		ft_putendl_fd("ft_ping: can't send packet", 2);
	env->last_send = epoch_micro();
int test_udp_cisco_init(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN],*ptr;
   struct udphdr uh;
   struct timespec ts;

   memset(bytes, 0, ETH_FRAME_LEN);
   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 32, 17, bytes);
   ptr = bytes + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip);
   uh.source = htons(4242);
   uh.dest   = htons(1967);
   // packet has 8 bytes of data and 24 bytes of payload
   uh.len = htons(32);
   uh.check = 0;
   // put it in place
   memcpy(ptr, &uh, sizeof(uh));
   ptr += sizeof(uh);
   // put in the actual data
   *(ptr) = 0x01;
   memcpy(ptr+0x10, DEFAULT_DST_IP, 4);
   *((unsigned short*)(ptr+0x14)) = htons(50505); // actual testing port

   // then calculate checksum
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, bytes+UDP_START, 32, (unsigned short*)(bytes+UDP_START+0x06));
   // and that's it. 
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 66 + eth_o_vlan);
   // did we get anything?
   if (test_result_len != 66 + eth_o_vlan) {
     test_log("result is not %u bytes long as expected, was %lu", 70, test_result_len);
     return 1;

   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 32, 17)) return 1;

   // checksum check
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, test_result_buffer+UDP_START, 32, (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
   if (*((unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06)) != 0x0) {
      test_log("invalid TCP checksum, ended up with %02x", (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
      return 1;

   // check that something nice was sent.
   if (*(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x03) != 0x08 ||
       memcmp(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x04, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8)) {
     test_log("invalid response - check your code");
     return 1;

   return 0;
int test_df(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN];
   struct icmphdr ih;

   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   // add IP header.
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 64, 1, bytes);
   *(uint16_t*)(bytes + IP_O_FRAG_OFF) = 0x40; // DF 
   ih.type = 8;
   ih.code = 0;
   ih.checksum = 0;
   ih.un.echo.id = 0x4343;
   ih.un.echo.sequence = 0x4242;
   // copy into place
   memcpy(bytes + ICMP_START, &ih, sizeof(ih));
   // add some payload
   memcpy(bytes + ICMP_DATA, "\xbd\x3b\x78\xf8\xbc\x28\x41\x0f\xf7\xcd\x55\x91\xce\xa8\xe7\xac\xb3\xfe\x56\xd0\x6c\xa2\x1d\x41\xc9\x15\x8e\x74\xa0\x09\x4d\x2a\xe8\xd9\x76\xd9\x0c\x10\xb9\x65\x42\x11\xc9\x58\xbe\xce\x90\x89\x67\xaa\x56\xfa\xb7\x5e\xc0\xd0", 56);
   // checksum
   ip_checksum(bytes + ICMP_START, sizeof(ih) + 56, (uint16_t*)(bytes + ICMP_START + 2));

   // let's see what we get
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 100 + 2*config.vlan);

   if (test_result_len != 100 + 2*config.vlan) {
     test_log("result is not 102 bytes long as expected, was %lu", test_result_len);
     return 1;
   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 64, 1)) return 1;

   // check that all is good.
   ip_checksum(test_result_buffer + ICMP_START, sizeof(ih) + 56, (uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_START + 2));
   memcpy(&ih, test_result_buffer + ICMP_START, sizeof ih);

   if (ih.checksum != 0) { test_log("ICMP packet checksum wrong"); return 1; }
   if (ih.type != 0) { test_log("unexpected ICMP type in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.code != 0) { test_log("unexpected ICMP code in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.id != 0x4343) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo id"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.sequence != 0x4242) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo sequence"); return 1; }

   // check payload
   return memcmp(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA, "\xbd\x3b\x78\xf8\xbc\x28\x41\x0f\xf7\xcd\x55\x91\xce\xa8\xe7\xac\xb3\xfe\x56\xd0\x6c\xa2\x1d\x41\xc9\x15\x8e\x74\xa0\x09\x4d\x2a\xe8\xd9\x76\xd9\x0c\x10\xb9\x65\x42\x11\xc9\x58\xbe\xce\x90\x89\x67\xaa\x56\xfa\xb7\x5e\xc0\xd0", 56);
int test_udp_cisco_jitter_type_3(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN],*ptr;
   struct udphdr uh;
   struct timespec ts;
   uint32_t t2, t3;

   memset(bytes, 0, ETH_FRAME_LEN);
   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 40, 17, bytes);
   ptr = bytes + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip);
   uh.source = htons(4242);
   uh.dest   = htons(50505);
   // packet has 8 bytes of data and 32 bytes of payload
   uh.len = htons(40);
   uh.check = 0;
   // put it in place
   memcpy(ptr, &uh, sizeof(uh));
   ptr += sizeof(uh);

   clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);  

   // put in the actual data, microseconds
   *(uint16_t*)(ptr) = htons(3);
   ts_to_ntp(&ts, &t2, &t3);
   *(uint32_t*)(ptr+0x4) = t2;
   *(uint32_t*)(ptr+0x8) = t3;
   *(uint16_t*)(ptr+0x34) = 0x123;

   // then calculate checksum
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, bytes+UDP_START, 40, (unsigned short*)(bytes+UDP_START+0x06));

   // and that's it. 
   // emulate 0.1s delay 
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 74 + eth_o_vlan);

   // did we get anything?
   if (test_result_len != 74 + eth_o_vlan) {
     test_log("result is not %u bytes long as expected, was %lu", 74 + eth_o_vlan, test_result_len);
     return 1;

   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 40, 17)) return 1;

   // checksum check
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, test_result_buffer+UDP_START, 40, (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
   if (*((unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06)) != 0x0) {
      test_log("invalid TCP checksum, ended up with %02x", (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
      return 1;

   // check that sequence number is correct
   if (*(uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x34) != *(uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x36)) {
      test_log("got invalid sequence number, expected %02x, got %02x", *(uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x34), *(uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x36));
      return 1;
   // check that timestamp is bigger
   if (ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x4)) >= ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0xC)) &&
       ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x8)) >= ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA + 0x10))) {
      test_log("t1 timestamp was larger than t2 timestamp");
      return 1;

   return 0;
int test_udp_cisco_echo(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN],*ptr;
   struct udphdr uh;
   struct timespec ts;

   memset(bytes, 0, ETH_FRAME_LEN);
   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 40, 17, bytes);
   ptr = bytes + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip);
   uh.source = htons(4242);
   uh.dest   = htons(50505);
   // packet has 8 bytes of data and 24 bytes of payload
   uh.len = htons(24);
   uh.check = 0;
   // put it in place
   memcpy(ptr, &uh, sizeof(uh));
   ptr += sizeof(uh);

   // fill with UDP echo specific data
   *(uint16_t*)(ptr) = htons(1);
   *(uint16_t*)(ptr + 0x2) = 0;
   *(uint16_t*)(ptr + 0x4) = htons(24);

   memcpy(ptr + 0x6, "ABABABABAB", 10);
   // then calculate checksum
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, bytes+UDP_START, 40, (unsigned short*)(bytes+UDP_START+0x06));
   // and that's it.

   // emulate 0.1s delay
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 58 + eth_o_vlan);

   // did we get anything?
   if (test_result_len != 58 + eth_o_vlan) {
     test_log("result is not %u bytes long as expected, was %lu", 58+eth_o_vlan, test_result_len);
     return 1;

   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 40, 17)) return 1;

   // checksum check
   tcp4_checksum((u_char*)DEFAULT_SRC_IP, (u_char*)DEFAULT_DST_IP, 0x11, test_result_buffer+UDP_START, 16 + (UDP_DATA - UDP_START), (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
   if (*((unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06)) != 0x0) {
      test_log("invalid TCP checksum, ended up with %02x", (unsigned short*)(test_result_buffer+UDP_START+0x06));
      return 1;

   // make sure it matches
   ptr = test_result_buffer + UDP_DATA;

   if (*(uint16_t*)(ptr) != htons(1)) {
      test_log("invalid version number, expected 1, got %u", ntohs(*(uint16_t*)(ptr)));
      return 1;

   if (memcmp(ptr + 0x6, "ABABABABAB", 10)) {
      test_log("invalid test pattern received");
      return 1;

   return 0;
int test_icmp_timestamp(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN],*ptr;
   u_char fillval[] = "0123456789abcdef";

   struct icmphdr ih;
   struct timespec ts;
   uint32_t tval;

   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 64, 1, bytes);
   ptr = bytes + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip);
   // fill in the entire ICMP with 0123456789abcdef, then put in some stuff
     memcpy(ptr + tval*16, fillval, 16);
   ih.type = ICMP_TIMESTAMP;
   ih.code = 0;
   ih.checksum = 0;
   ih.un.echo.id = 0x4343;
   ih.un.echo.sequence = 0x4242;
   memcpy(ptr, &ih, sizeof(ih));
   ptr += sizeof(ih);
   // toss in some stamps
   clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
   tval = get_ts_utc(&ts);
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   ptr += 4;
   tval = 0;
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   ptr += 4;
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   // checksum
   ip_checksum(bytes + ICMP_START, 64, (uint16_t*)(bytes + ICMP_START + 2));
   // transmit
   // emulate 0.1s delay 
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 102);

   // did we get anything?
   if (test_result_len != 102) {
     test_log("result is not 102 bytes long as expected, was %lu", test_result_len);
     return 1;

   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 64, 1)) return 1;

   ip_checksum(test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip), sizeof(ih)+56, (uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip) + 2));
   memcpy(&ih, test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip), sizeof ih);

   if (ih.checksum != 0) { test_log("ICMP packet checksum wrong"); return 1; }
   if (ih.type != ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY) { test_log("unexpected ICMP type in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.code != 0) { test_log("unexpected ICMP code in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.id != 0x4343) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo id"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.sequence != 0x4242) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo sequence"); return 1; }

   // ensure that the originate timestamp <= recv timestamp <= transmit timestamp
   if (*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4) ||
       *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8) ||
       *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8)) {
      test_log("originate <= receive <= transmit did not match: got %08x <= %08x <= %08x",
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA),
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4),
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8));
      return 1;

   return 0;
int test_junos_icmp_rpm(void) {
   u_char bytes[ETH_FRAME_LEN],*ptr;
   struct icmphdr ih;
   struct timespec ts;
   uint32_t tval;

   build_eth_header(DEFAULT_DST_MAC, DEFAULT_SRC_MAC, 42, ETH_P_IP, bytes);
   build_ip_header(*DEFAULT_SRC_IP, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, 64, 1, bytes);
   ptr = bytes + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip);
   ih.type = ICMP_TIMESTAMP;
   ih.code = 0;
   ih.checksum = 0;
   ih.un.echo.id = 0x4343;
   ih.un.echo.sequence = 0x4242;
   memcpy(ptr, &ih, sizeof(ih));
   ptr += sizeof(ih);
   // toss in some stamps
   clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
   tval = get_ts_utc(&ts);
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   ptr += 4;
   tval = 0;
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   ptr += 4;
   memcpy(ptr, &tval, 4);
   // then we add some junos specific stuff
   ptr += 20;
   memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x01\x96\x10", 4);
   ptr += 8;
   // put a stamp here...
   memcpy(ptr, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", 8);
   // checksum
   ip_checksum(bytes + ICMP_START, 64, (uint16_t*)(bytes + ICMP_START + 2));
   // transmit
   // emulate 0.1s delay 
   do_pak_handler(bytes, 102);

   // did we get anything?
   if (test_result_len != 102) {
     test_log("result is not 102 bytes long as expected, was %lu", test_result_len);
     return 1;

   if (assert_ip(test_result_buffer, *DEFAULT_DST_IP, *DEFAULT_SRC_IP, 64, 1)) return 1;

   ip_checksum(test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip), sizeof(ih)+56, (uint16_t*)(test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip) + 2));
   memcpy(&ih, test_result_buffer + ip_start + sizeof(struct ip), sizeof ih);

   if (ih.checksum != 0) { test_log("ICMP packet checksum wrong"); return 1; }
   if (ih.type != ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY) { test_log("unexpected ICMP type in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.code != 0) { test_log("unexpected ICMP code in response"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.id != 0x4343) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo id"); return 1; }
   if (ih.un.echo.sequence != 0x4242) { test_log("wrong ICMP echo sequence"); return 1; }

   // ensure that the originate timestamp <= recv timestamp <= transmit timestamp
   if (*(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4) ||
       *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8) ||  
       *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4) > *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8)) {
      test_log("originate <= receive <= transmit did not match: got %08x <= %08x <= %08x", 
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA), 
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x4), 
               *(uint32_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x8)); 
      return 1;

   // ensure that we have some stamp in junos reply
   if (*(uint64_t*)(test_result_buffer + ICMP_DATA + 0x24) == 0) {
      test_log("missing hardware timestamp in reply");
      return 1;

   return 0;
文件: packets.c 项目: muharif/oor2
uint8_t *
build_ip_udp_pcket(uint8_t *orig_pkt, int orig_pkt_len,lisp_addr_t *addr_from,
        lisp_addr_t *addr_dest, int port_from,int port_dest, int *encap_pkt_len)
    uint8_t *encap_pkt;
    void *iph_ptr;
    struct udphdr *udph_ptr;
    int ip_hdr_len;
    int udp_hdr_len;
    int udp_hdr_and_payload_len;
    uint16_t udpsum;

    if (lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from) != lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_dest)) {
                "add_ip_udp_header: Different AFI addresses %d (%s) and %d (%s)",
                lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from), lisp_addr_to_char(addr_from),
                lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_dest), lisp_addr_to_char(addr_dest));
        return (NULL);

    if ((lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from) != AF_INET)
            && (lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from) != AF_INET6)) {
        OOR_LOG(LDBG_2, "add_ip_udp_header: Unknown AFI %d",
        return (NULL);

    /* Headers lengths */

    ip_hdr_len = ip_sock_afi_to_hdr_len(lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from));

    udp_hdr_len = sizeof(struct udphdr);

    udp_hdr_and_payload_len = udp_hdr_len + orig_pkt_len;

    /* Assign memory for the original packet plus the new headers */

    *encap_pkt_len = ip_hdr_len + udp_hdr_len + orig_pkt_len;

    if ((encap_pkt = (uint8_t *) malloc(*encap_pkt_len)) == NULL) {
                "add_ip_udp_header: Couldn't allocate memory for the packet to be generated %s",
        return (NULL);

    /* Make sure it's clean */

    memset(encap_pkt, 0, *encap_pkt_len);

    /* IP header */

    iph_ptr = encap_pkt;

    if ((udph_ptr = build_ip_header(iph_ptr, addr_from, addr_dest,
            udp_hdr_and_payload_len)) == NULL) {
                "add_ip_udp_header: Couldn't build the inner ip header");
        return (NULL);

    /* UDP header */

#ifdef BSD
    udph_ptr->uh_sport = htons(port_from);
    udph_ptr->uh_dport = htons(port_dest);
    udph_ptr->uh_ulen = htons(udp_payload_len);
    udph_ptr->uh_sum = 0;
    udph_ptr->source = htons(port_from);
    udph_ptr->dest = htons(port_dest);
    udph_ptr->len = htons(udp_hdr_and_payload_len);
    udph_ptr->check = 0;

    /* Copy original packet after the headers */
    memcpy(CO(udph_ptr, udp_hdr_len), orig_pkt, orig_pkt_len);

     * Now compute the headers checksums

    if ((udpsum = udp_checksum(udph_ptr, udp_hdr_and_payload_len, iph_ptr,
            lisp_addr_ip_afi(addr_from))) == -1) {
        return (NULL);
    udpsum(udph_ptr) = udpsum;

    return (encap_pkt);
