celix_status_t deploymentAdmin_updateDeploymentPackageBundles(deployment_admin_pt admin, deployment_package_pt source) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	array_list_pt infos = NULL;
	deploymentPackage_getBundleInfos(source, &infos);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(infos); i++) {
		bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
		bundle_info_pt info = arrayList_get(infos, i);

		bundleContext_getBundle(admin->context, &bundle);
		char *entry = NULL;
		bundle_getEntry(bundle, "/", &entry);
		char *name = NULL;
		deploymentPackage_getName(source, &name);
		char *bundlePath = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo/", name, "/", info->path, NULL);
		char *bsn = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, "osgi-dp:", info->symbolicName, NULL);

		bundle_pt updateBundle = NULL;
		deploymentPackage_getBundle(source, info->symbolicName, &updateBundle);
		if (updateBundle != NULL) {
			//printf("Update bundle from: %s\n", bundlePath);
			bundle_update(updateBundle, bundlePath);
		} else {
			//printf("Install bundle from: %s\n", bundlePath);
			bundleContext_installBundle2(admin->context, bsn, bundlePath, &updateBundle);

	return status;
void updateCommand_execute(command_pt command, char * line, void (*out)(char *), void (*err)(char *)) {
    bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
	char delims[] = " ";
	char * sub = NULL;
	char outString[256];

	sub = strtok(line, delims);
	sub = strtok(NULL, delims);

	if (sub == NULL) {
		err("Incorrect number of arguments.\n");
		sprintf(outString, "%s\n", command->usage);
	} else {
		long id = atol(sub);
		bundleContext_getBundleById(command->bundleContext, id, &bundle);
		if (bundle != NULL) {
			char inputFile[256];
			sub = strtok(NULL, delims);
			inputFile[0] = '\0';
			if (sub != NULL) {
				char *test = inputFile;
				printf("URL: %s\n", sub);

				if (updateCommand_download(command, sub, &test) == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					printf("Update bundle with stream\n");
					bundle_update(bundle, inputFile);
				} else {
					char error[256];
					sprintf(error, "Unable to download from %s\n", sub);
			} else {
				bundle_update(bundle, NULL);
		} else {
			err("Bundle id is invalid.\n");
bundle_status_t bundle_step (bundle_t *bundle, int max_qp_iterations, double subgnorm_opt_tol, double linerr_opt_tol, double z_cutoff, void* data, double (*bundle_callback) (void*, double*, double*), double init_scale, double acceptable_model_exactness)
	 * Performs one iteration of the bundle method:
	 * - max_qp_iterations: maximum enumerations of mask to solve QP
	 * - subgnorm_opt_tol: threshold below which a subgradient norm are deemed to be zero,
	 * - linerr_opt_tol: threshold below which a linearization error is deemed to be zero, 
	 * - z_cutoff: threshold above which z no longer needs to be maximized any further,
	 * - data: a pointer passed on to bundle_callback,
	 * - double bundle_callback(void *data, double *x, double *subg): must evalute and return z at x, writing the subgradient at x in subg.
	 * - init_scale: initial penalty parameter
	 * - acceptable_model_exactness: if the ratio between actual and predicted improvement is above this value, then the bundle method performs a major step,
	int new_subg_i = -1;
	double roh;
	double previous_best_z = bundle->best_z;
	double *new_subg = NULL;
	double subg_delta, linerr_opt_delta, agg_subg_square;
	int i;

	//printf("it: %i\tpen: %f\t", bundle->n_iterations, bundle->scale);
	// guess where the x yielding the optimal z lies
	bundle->time_qp -= getutime(1);
	bundle->guessed_z = bundle_guess(bundle, max_qp_iterations);
	bundle->time_qp += getutime(1);
	linerr_opt_delta = bundle->agg_b - bundle->best_z;
	agg_subg_square = ddot(bundle->n, bundle->agg_subg, bundle->agg_subg);

	//printf("z-est: %f ", bundle->guessed_z);

	// update the bundle
	new_subg_i = bundle_update(bundle, agg_subg_square);

	// evaluate guessed x and subgradient at guessed x
	new_subg = &bundle->a[new_subg_i * bundle->n];
	bundle->time_callback -= getutime(1);
	bundle->actual_z = bundle_callback(data, bundle->x, new_subg);
	bundle->time_callback += getutime(1);

	// update maximums
	if (bundle->actual_z > bundle->max_z) {
		bundle->max_z = bundle->actual_z;
		memcpy(bundle->max_x, bundle->x, bundle->n * sizeof(double));
		if (bundle->max_z >= z_cutoff) {
			//printf("(%f)*\tcutoff\n", bundle->actual_z);
			return bundle_status_cutoff;

	//printf("(%f)%c\t", bundle->actual_z, (bundle->actual_z == bundle->max_z) ? '*' : ' ');

	// update A.A^T with new subgradient
	for (i = 0; i < bundle->m; i++) 
		bundle->aat[i * bundle->max_m + new_subg_i] = bundle->aat[new_subg_i * bundle->max_m + i] = ddot(bundle->n, &bundle->a[i * bundle->n], new_subg);

	// check for optimality, i.e. if new subgradient is a null vector
	if (bundle->aat[new_subg_i * bundle->max_m + new_subg_i] < bundle->epsilon) {
		return bundle_status_optimal;
	//printf("agg.err: %f\tagg.norm: %f\t", linerr_opt_delta, sqrt(agg_subg_square));
	if (linerr_opt_delta <= linerr_opt_tol && agg_subg_square <= subgnorm_opt_tol * subgnorm_opt_tol) {
		//printf("optimal withing tolerances\n");
		return bundle_status_tolerably_optimal;

	// check improvement
	roh = (bundle->actual_z - previous_best_z) / (bundle->guessed_z - previous_best_z + bundle->epsilon); 
	//printf("roh: %.2f\t", roh);
	if (roh >= acceptable_model_exactness) {
		// Major Step
		// update penalization parameter bundle->scale
		daxpy(bundle->n, -1.0, new_subg, bundle->best_subg);
		subg_delta = ddot(bundle->n, bundle->best_subg, bundle->best_subg);
		bundle->scale = (subg_delta == 0.0) ? init_scale : (1.0 / (1.0 / bundle->scale  +  ddot(bundle->n, bundle->kkt_x, bundle->best_subg) / subg_delta));
		// center the penalized QP to new maximum
		bundle->best_z = bundle->actual_z;
		memcpy(bundle->best_x, bundle->x, bundle->n * sizeof(double));
		memcpy(bundle->best_subg, new_subg, bundle->n * sizeof(double));
		// update QP rhs for new center
		memcpy(bundle->b, bundle->next_b, bundle->max_m * sizeof(double));
		bundle->b[new_subg_i] = bundle->actual_z;
		// the most recent subgradient may not be active
		bundle->most_recent_i = -1;
		//printf("major step\n");
		return bundle_status_major_step;
	else {
		// Minor Step
		// update rhs for new subgradient for existing center
		bundle->b[new_subg_i] = bundle->actual_z - ddot(bundle->n, new_subg, bundle->kkt_x);
		// the most recent subgradient is certainly active
		bundle->most_recent_i = new_subg_i;
		return bundle_status_minor_step;