char *read_setting_s(void *handle, char const *key, char *buffer, int buflen) { int fd; Handle h; size_t len; Str255 pkey; if (handle == NULL) goto out; fd = *(int *)handle; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); h = Get1NamedResource(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), pkey); if (h == NULL) goto out; len = GetHandleSize(h); if (len + 1 > buflen) goto out; memcpy(buffer, *h, len); buffer[len] = '\0'; ReleaseResource(h); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; return buffer; out: return NULL; }
void InfoMsg(const char *string){ Str255 msg; c2pstrcpy(msg, string); SInt16 ret; StandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret); }
void ErrorMsg(const char *string){ Str255 msg; c2pstrcpy(msg, string); SInt16 ret; StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret); }
void *wxDynamicLibrary::DoGetSymbol(const wxString &name, bool *success) const { wxCHECK_MSG( IsLoaded(), NULL, _T("Can't load symbol from unloaded library") ); void *symbol = 0; wxUnusedVar(symbol); #if defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__DARWIN__) Ptr symAddress; CFragSymbolClass symClass; Str255 symName; #if TARGET_CARBON c2pstrcpy( (StringPtr) symName, name.fn_str() ); #else strcpy( (char *)symName, name.fn_str() ); c2pstr( (char *)symName ); #endif if( FindSymbol( m_handle, symName, &symAddress, &symClass ) == noErr ) symbol = (void *)symAddress; #elif defined(__WXPM__) || defined(__EMX__) DosQueryProcAddr( m_handle, 1L, (PSZ)name.c_str(), (PFN*)symbol ); #else symbol = RawGetSymbol(m_handle, name); #endif if ( success ) *success = symbol != NULL; return symbol; }
void WarningMsg(const char *string){ Str255 msg; c2pstrcpy(msg, string); SInt16 ret; StandardAlert(kAlertCautionAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret); }
static gboolean device_select (GstOSXVideoSrc * src) { Str63 pstr; ComponentResult err; gchar *sgname; int inputIndex; /* if there's no device id set, attempt to select default device */ if (!src->device_id && !device_set_default (src)) return FALSE; if (!parse_device_id (src->device_id, &sgname, &inputIndex)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (src, "unable to parse device id: [%s]", src->device_id); return FALSE; } c2pstrcpy (pstr, sgname); g_free (sgname); err = SGSetChannelDevice (src->video_chan, (StringPtr) & pstr); if (err != noErr) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (src, "SGSetChannelDevice returned %d", (int) err); return FALSE; } err = SGSetChannelDeviceInput (src->video_chan, inputIndex); if (err != noErr) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (src, "SGSetChannelDeviceInput returned %d", (int) err); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void write_setting_i(void *handle, char const *key, int value) { int fd = *(int *)handle; Handle h; int id; OSErr error; Str255 pkey; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to open saved session (%d)", ResError()); /* XXX assume all systems have the same "int" format */ error = PtrToHand(&value, &h, sizeof(int)); if (error != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to allocate memory (%d)", error); /* Put the data in a resource. */ id = Unique1ID(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Int ')); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to get ID for resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); AddResource(h, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Int '), id, pkey); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to add resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); }
static void mac_config(int midsession) { Session *s; WinInfo *wi; Str255 mactitle; char *str; if (midsession) { s = mac_windowsession(FrontWindow()); } else { s = snew(Session); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); do_defaults(NULL, &s->cfg); s->hasfile = FALSE; s->session_closed = FALSE; } /* Copy the configuration somewhere else in case this is a * * reconfiguration and the user cancels the operation */ s->temp_cfg = s->cfg; if (HAVE_COLOR_QD()) s->settings_window = GetNewCWindow(wSettings, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); else s->settings_window = GetNewWindow(wSettings, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); s->ctrlbox = ctrl_new_box(); setup_config_box(s->ctrlbox, midsession, 0, 0); s-> = &s->temp_cfg; if (midsession) s->settings_ctrls.end = &mac_enddlg_reconfig; else s->settings_ctrls.end = &mac_enddlg_config; macctrl_layoutbox(s->ctrlbox, s->settings_window, &s->settings_ctrls); wi = snew(WinInfo); memset(wi, 0, sizeof(*wi)); wi->s = s; wi->mcs = &s->settings_ctrls; wi->wtype = wSettings; wi->update = &macctrl_update; wi->click = &macctrl_click; wi->key = &macctrl_key; wi->activate = &macctrl_activate; wi->adjustmenus = &macctrl_adjustmenus; wi->close = &mac_closedlg; SetWRefCon(s->settings_window, (long)wi); if (midsession) str = dupprintf("%s Reconfiguration", appname); else str = dupprintf("%s Configuration", appname); c2pstrcpy(mactitle, str); sfree(str); SetWTitle(s->settings_window, mactitle); ShowWindow(s->settings_window); }
HX_RESULT CHXString::MakeStr255(Str255& outPascalString) const { UINT32 len = GetLength(); if (m_pRep) c2pstrcpy(outPascalString, m_pRep->GetBuffer()); return (len <= 255 ? HXR_OK : HXR_FAIL); }
Filename filename_from_str(const char *str) { Filename ret; Str255 tmp; /* XXX This fails for filenames over 255 characters long. */ c2pstrcpy(tmp, str); FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, tmp, &ret.fss); return ret; }
void write_setting_filename(void *handle, const char *key, Filename fn) { int fd = *(int *)handle; AliasHandle h; int id; OSErr error; Str255 pkey; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to open saved session (%d)", ResError()); if (filename_is_null(fn)) { /* Generate a special "null" alias */ h = (AliasHandle)NewHandle(sizeof(**h)); if (h == NULL) fatalbox("Failed to create fake alias"); (*h)->userType = 'pTTY'; (*h)->aliasSize = sizeof(**h); } else { error = NewAlias(NULL, &fn.fss, &h); if (error == fnfErr) { /* * NewAlias can't create an alias for a nonexistent file. * Create an alias for the directory, and record the * filename as well. */ FSSpec tmpfss; FSMakeFSSpec(fn.fss.vRefNum, fn.fss.parID, NULL, &tmpfss); error = NewAlias(NULL, &tmpfss, &h); if (error != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to create alias"); (*h)->userType = 'pTTY'; SetHandleSize((Handle)h, (*h)->aliasSize +[0] + 1); if (MemError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to create alias"); memcpy((char *)*h + (*h)->aliasSize,,[0] + 1); } if (error != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to create alias"); } /* Put the data in a resource. */ id = Unique1ID(rAliasType); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to get ID for resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); AddResource((Handle)h, rAliasType, id, pkey); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to add resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); }
I_Location_Ptr Location_Disk_FSSpec::get_ChildLocation( const char* inName ) const { const FSSpec* curr = get_FSSpec(); vint32 DirID; bool IsDir; GetDirectoryID( curr->vRefNum, curr->parID, curr->name, &DirID, &IsDir ); Str255 pasName; c2pstrcpy(inName, pasName); FSSpec childSpec; OSErr err = FSMakeFSSpec( curr->vRefNum, DirID, pasName, &childSpec ); argused1(err); return new Location_Disk_FSSpec( &childSpec ); }
void del_settings(char const *sessionname) { OSErr error; FSSpec sessfile; short sessVRefNum; long sessDirID; Str255 psessionname; error = get_session_dir(kDontCreateFolder, &sessVRefNum, &sessDirID); c2pstrcpy(psessionname, sessionname); error = FSMakeFSSpec(sessVRefNum, sessDirID, psessionname, &sessfile); if (error != noErr) goto out; error = FSpDelete(&sessfile); return; out: fatalbox("Delete session failed (%d)", error); }
int read_setting_fontspec(void *handle, const char *name, FontSpec *result) { char *settingname; FontSpec ret; char tmp[256]; if (!read_setting_s(handle, name, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) return 0; c2pstrcpy(, tmp); settingname = dupcat(name, "Face", NULL); ret.face = read_setting_i(handle, settingname, 0); sfree(settingname); settingname = dupcat(name, "Height", NULL); ret.size = read_setting_i(handle, settingname, 0); sfree(settingname); if (ret.size == 0) return 0; *result = ret; return 1; }
void *open_settings_r(char const *sessionname) { short sessVRefNum; long sessDirID; FSSpec sessfile; OSErr error; Str255 psessionname; error = get_session_dir(kDontCreateFolder, &sessVRefNum, &sessDirID); if (!sessionname || !*sessionname) sessionname = "Default Settings"; c2pstrcpy(psessionname, sessionname); error = FSMakeFSSpec(sessVRefNum, sessDirID, psessionname, &sessfile); if (error != noErr) goto out; return open_settings_r_fsp(&sessfile); out: return NULL; }
int read_setting_i(void *handle, char const *key, int defvalue) { int fd; Handle h; int value; Str255 pkey; if (handle == NULL) goto out; fd = *(int *)handle; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); h = Get1NamedResource(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Int '), pkey); if (h == NULL) goto out; value = *(int *)*h; ReleaseResource(h); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; return value; out: return defvalue; }
int read_setting_filename(void *handle, const char *key, Filename *result) { int fd; AliasHandle h; Boolean changed; OSErr err; Str255 pkey; if (handle == NULL) goto out; fd = *(int *)handle; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); h = (AliasHandle)Get1NamedResource(rAliasType, pkey); if (h == NULL) goto out; if ((*h)->userType == 'pTTY' && (*h)->aliasSize == sizeof(**h)) memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); else { err = ResolveAlias(NULL, h, &result->fss, &changed); if (err != noErr && err != fnfErr) goto out; if ((*h)->userType == 'pTTY') { long dirid; StrFileName fname; /* Tail of record is pascal string contaning leafname */ if (FSpGetDirID(&result->fss, &dirid, FALSE) != noErr) goto out; memcpy(fname, (char *)*h + (*h)->aliasSize, GetHandleSize((Handle)h) - (*h)->aliasSize); err = FSMakeFSSpec(result->fss.vRefNum, dirid, fname, &result->fss); if (err != noErr && err != fnfErr) goto out; } } ReleaseResource((Handle)h); if (ResError() != noErr) goto out; return 1; out: return 0; }
/* * NB: Destination file must exist. */ void *open_settings_w_fsp(FSSpec *dstfile) { short tmpVRefNum; long tmpDirID; struct write_settings *ws; OSErr error; Str255 tmpname; ws = snew(struct write_settings); ws->dstfile = *dstfile; /* Create a temporary file to save to first. */ error = FindFolder(ws->dstfile.vRefNum, kTemporaryFolderType, kCreateFolder, &tmpVRefNum, &tmpDirID); if (error != noErr) goto out; c2pstrcpy(tmpname, tmpnam(NULL)); error = FSMakeFSSpec(tmpVRefNum, tmpDirID, tmpname, &ws->tmpfile); if (error != noErr && error != fnfErr) goto out; if (error == noErr) { error = FSpDelete(&ws->tmpfile); if (error != noErr) goto out; } FSpCreateResFile(&ws->tmpfile, PUTTY_CREATOR, SESS_TYPE, smSystemScript); if ((error = ResError()) != noErr) goto out; ws->fd = FSpOpenResFile(&ws->tmpfile, fsWrPerm); if (ws->fd == -1) {error = ResError(); goto out;} /* Set up standard resources. Doesn't matter if these fail. */ copy_resource('STR ', -16396); copy_resource('TMPL', TMPL_Int); return ws; out: safefree(ws); fatalbox("Failed to open session for write (%d)", error); }
void *open_settings_w(char const *sessionname, char **errmsg) { short sessVRefNum; long sessDirID; OSErr error; Str255 psessionname; FSSpec dstfile; *errmsg = NULL; error = get_session_dir(kCreateFolder, &sessVRefNum, &sessDirID); if (error != noErr) return NULL; if (!sessionname || !*sessionname) sessionname = "Default Settings"; c2pstrcpy(psessionname, sessionname); error = FSMakeFSSpec(sessVRefNum, sessDirID, psessionname, &dstfile); if (error == fnfErr) { FSpCreateResFile(&dstfile, PUTTY_CREATOR, SESS_TYPE, smSystemScript); if ((error = ResError()) != noErr) return NULL; } else if (error != noErr) return NULL; return open_settings_w_fsp(&dstfile); }
void write_setting_s(void *handle, char const *key, char const *value) { int fd = *(int *)handle; Handle h; int id; OSErr error; Str255 pkey; UseResFile(fd); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to open saved session (%d)", ResError()); error = PtrToHand(value, &h, strlen(value)); if (error != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to allocate memory"); /* Put the data in a resource. */ id = Unique1ID(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT')); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to get ID for resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); c2pstrcpy(pkey, key); AddResource(h, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), id, pkey); if (ResError() != noErr) fatalbox("Failed to add resource %s (%d)", key, ResError()); }
void ONScripterLabel::searchSaveFile( SaveFileInfo &save_file_info, int no ) { char file_name[256]; bool use_fullwidth = (script_h.system_menu_script == ScriptHandler::JAPANESE_SCRIPT); script_h.getStringFromInteger( save_file_info.sjis_no, no, (num_save_file >= 10)?2:1, false, use_fullwidth ); #if defined(LINUX) || defined(MACOSX) if (script_h.savedir) sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.savedir, no ); else sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.save_path, no ); struct stat buf; struct tm *tm; if ( stat( file_name, &buf ) != 0 ){ save_file_info.valid = false; return; } time_t mtime = buf.st_mtime; tm = localtime( &mtime ); save_file_info.month = tm->tm_mon + 1; = tm->tm_mday; save_file_info.hour = tm->tm_hour; save_file_info.minute = tm->tm_min; #elif defined(WIN32) if (script_h.savedir) sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.savedir, no ); else sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.save_path, no ); HANDLE handle; FILETIME tm, ltm; SYSTEMTIME stm; handle = CreateFile( file_name, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ save_file_info.valid = false; return; } GetFileTime( handle, NULL, NULL, &tm ); FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &tm, <m ); FileTimeToSystemTime( <m, &stm ); CloseHandle( handle ); save_file_info.month = stm.wMonth; = stm.wDay; save_file_info.hour = stm.wHour; save_file_info.minute = stm.wMinute; #elif defined(MACOS9) if (script_h.savedir) sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.savedir, no ); else sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.save_path, no ); CInfoPBRec pb; Str255 p_file_name; FSSpec file_spec; DateTimeRec tm; c2pstrcpy( p_file_name, file_name ); if ( FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, p_file_name, &file_spec) != noErr ){ save_file_info.valid = false; return; } pb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr =; pb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = file_spec.vRefNum; pb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; pb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = file_spec.parID; if (PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb) != noErr) { save_file_info.valid = false; return; } SecondsToDate( pb.hFileInfo.ioFlMdDat, &tm ); save_file_info.month = tm.month; =; save_file_info.hour = tm.hour; save_file_info.minute = tm.minute; #elif defined(PSP) if (script_h.savedir) sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.savedir, no ); else sprintf( file_name, "%ssave%d.dat", script_h.save_path, no ); SceIoStat buf; if ( sceIoGetstat(file_name, &buf)<0 ){ save_file_info.valid = false; return; } save_file_info.month = buf.st_mtime.month; =; save_file_info.hour = buf.st_mtime.hour; save_file_info.minute = buf.st_mtime.minute; #else sprintf( file_name, "save%d.dat", no ); FILE *fp; if ( (fp = fopen( file_name, "rb" )) == NULL ){ save_file_info.valid = false; return; } fclose( fp ); save_file_info.month = 1; = 1; save_file_info.hour = 0; save_file_info.minute = 0; #endif save_file_info.valid = true; script_h.getStringFromInteger( save_file_info.sjis_month, save_file_info.month, 2, false, use_fullwidth ); script_h.getStringFromInteger( save_file_info.sjis_day,, 2, false, use_fullwidth ); script_h.getStringFromInteger( save_file_info.sjis_hour, save_file_info.hour, 2, false, use_fullwidth ); script_h.getStringFromInteger( save_file_info.sjis_minute, save_file_info.minute, 2, true, use_fullwidth ); }
static OSErr MacPathname2FSSpec(const char *inPathname, FSSpec *outFSS) { OSErr err; size_t len; char *p; short vRefNum; long dirID; FSSpec fss; if (inPathname == NULL || outFSS == NULL) { return paramErr; } err = HGetVol(NULL, &vRefNum, &dirID); /* default volume and directory */ if (err != noErr) return err; len = strlen(inPathname); p = strchr(inPathname, ':'); if (p == NULL) { /* Partial pathname -- filename only */ Str31 filename; assert(len <= 31); c2pstrcpy(filename, inPathname); err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, filename, outFSS); } else { Str31 name; int nameLen; if (inPathname[0] == ':') { /* Relative pathname including directory path */ } else { /* Absolute pathname */ /* Str31 volName; We would use Str28 if it was defined -- 27, plus 1 for ':'. */ nameLen = p - inPathname; assert(nameLen <= 27); name[0] = nameLen + 1; memcpy(name + 1, inPathname, nameLen + 1); /* Copy the volume name and the colon. */ err = DetermineVRefNum(name, 0, &vRefNum); if (err != noErr) return err; dirID = 2; } /* vRefNum and dirID now specify the directory in which we should descend the path pointed to by p (pointing to the first colon). */ p++; while (p != NULL && *p != '\0') { char *q = strchr(p, ':'); if (q != NULL) { Boolean isDir; nameLen = q - p; assert(nameLen <= 31); name[0] = nameLen; memcpy(name + 1, p, nameLen); err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, name, &fss); if (err != noErr) return err; if (q[1] == '\0') { p = NULL; *outFSS = fss; } else { err = FSpGetDirectoryID(&fss, &dirID, &isDir); assert(isDir == true); if (err != noErr) return err; p = q + 1; } } else { q = strchr(p, '\0'); /* go to end of string */ nameLen = q - p; assert(nameLen > 0); assert(nameLen <= 31); c2pstrcpy(name, p); p = NULL; err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, name, outFSS); } } } return err; }
pascal OSStatus OpenEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) { DWORD p; NavDialogRef fileDialog; NavDialogCreationOptions fo; NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&fo); fo.optionFlags=0; fo.parentWindow=win; NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&fo,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&fileDialog); if (!NavDialogRun(fileDialog)) { NavReplyRecord r; if (!NavDialogGetReply(fileDialog,&r)) { AEKeyword k; FSRef fr; if (!AEGetNthPtr(&r.selection,1,typeFSRef,&k,NULL,&fr,sizeof(fr),NULL)) { char file[256]; FSRefMakePath(&fr,(BYTE*)file,sizeof(file)); BASS_StreamFree(chan); // free old streams before opening new // create decode channel chan = BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,file,0,0,BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT|BASS_STREAM_DECODE|BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN); // check for MOD if (!chan) chan = BASS_MusicLoad(FALSE, file, 0, 0, BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT|BASS_MUSIC_RAMP|BASS_STREAM_DECODE|BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN,0); if (!chan) { SetControlTitleWithCFString(inUserData,CFSTR("click here to open a file && play it...")); Error("Selected file couldn't be loaded!"); } else { // create new stream - decoded & reversed // 2 seconds decoding block as a decoding channel if (!(chan=BASS_FX_ReverseCreate(chan, 2, BASS_STREAM_DECODE|BASS_FX_FREESOURCE))) { SetControlTitleWithCFString(inUserData,CFSTR("click here to open a file && play it...")); Error("Couldn't create a reversed stream!"); BASS_StreamFree(chan); BASS_MusicFree(chan); } else { // create a new stream - decoded & resampled :) if (!(chan=BASS_FX_TempoCreate(chan, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP|BASS_FX_FREESOURCE))){ SetControlTitleWithCFString(inUserData,CFSTR("click here to open a file && play it...")); Error("Couldn't create a resampled stream!"); BASS_StreamFree(chan); BASS_MusicFree(chan); } else { // update the Button to show the loaded file c2pstrcpy((BYTE*)file,file); SetControlTitle(inUserData,(BYTE*)file); // update the position slider p = BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(chan, BASS_ChannelGetLength(chan, BASS_POS_BYTE)); SetControl32BitMaximum(GetControl(15),p); SetControl32BitValue(GetControl(15),p); // set Volume p = GetControl32BitValue(GetControl(11)); BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(chan, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, (float)p/100.0f); // update tempo slider SetControl32BitValue(GetControl(13),0); SetStaticText(12,"Tempo = 0%"); // play new created stream BASS_ChannelPlay(chan,FALSE); } } } } NavDisposeReply(&r); } } NavDialogDispose(fileDialog); return noErr; }