std::string Utils::get_config_option(std::string _key) { std::string value = ""; TiXmlDocument document(getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG).c_str()); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was an exception in XML parsing."; cError() << "Parse error: " << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); return value; } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); TiXmlElement *key_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:config").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (key_node) { for(; key_node; key_node = key_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (key_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:option" && key_node->Attribute("name") && key_node->Attribute("name") == _key && key_node->Attribute("value")) { value = key_node->Attribute("value"); break; } } } return value; }
void gposStartupState(void) { JausService service; // Populate Core Service if(!jausServiceAddCoreServices(gpos->services)) { cError("gpos: Addition of Core Services FAILED! Switching to FAILURE_STATE\n"); gpos->state = JAUS_FAILURE_STATE; } // USER: Add the rest of your component specific service(s) here service = jausServiceCreate(gpos->address->component); if(!service) { cError("gpos:%d: Creation of JausService FAILED! Switching to FAILURE_STATE\n", __LINE__); gpos->state = JAUS_FAILURE_STATE; } jausServiceAddService(gpos->services, service); jausServiceAddInputCommand(service, JAUS_QUERY_GLOBAL_POSE, 0xFF); jausServiceAddOutputCommand(service, JAUS_REPORT_GLOBAL_POSE, 0xFF); gposMessage = reportGlobalPoseMessageCreate(); gposMessage->source->id = gpos->address->id; //add support for ReportGlovalPose Service Connections scManagerAddSupportedMessage(gposNmi, JAUS_REPORT_GLOBAL_POSE); }
bool Utils::del_config_option(std::string key) { TiXmlDocument document(getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG).c_str()); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was an exception in XML parsing."; cError() << "Parse error: " << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << "In file " << getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG) << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); return false; } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); TiXmlElement *key_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:config").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (key_node) { for(; key_node; key_node = key_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (key_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:option" && key_node->Attribute("name") && key_node->Attribute("name") == key) { docHandle.FirstChild("calaos:config").Element()->RemoveChild(key_node); break; } } document.SaveFile(); } return true; }
bool Utils::get_config_options(Params &options) { TiXmlDocument document(getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG).c_str()); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was an exception in XML parsing."; cError() << "Parse error: " << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << "In file " << getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG) << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); return false; } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); TiXmlElement *key_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:config").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (key_node) { for(; key_node; key_node = key_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (key_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:option" && key_node->Attribute("name") && key_node->Attribute("value")) { options.Add(key_node->Attribute("name"), key_node->Attribute("value")); } } } return true; }
ijvType *binReadIJV(FILE* fpr) { int n, nnz; if (!fread(&(n), sizeof(int32), 1, fpr)) cError ("error reading n from file\n"); if (!fread(&(nnz), sizeof(int32), 1, fpr)) cError ("error reading nnz from file\n"); ijvType *ijv; ijv = makeIJV(nnz); ijv->n = n; int x; int i, j; float v; if (!fread(ijv->i, sizeof(int32), nnz, fpr)) cError ("error reading i from file\n"); if (!fread(ijv->j, sizeof(int32), nnz, fpr)) cError ("error reading j from file\n"); if (!fread(ijv->v, sizeof(double), nnz, fpr)) cError ("error reading v from file\n"); for (x = 0; x < nnz; x++) { ijv->i[x] = ijv->i[x]-1; ijv->j[x] = ijv->j[x]-1; } return ijv; }
// Function: cmptStartup // Access: Public // Description: This function allows the abstracted component functionality contained in this file to be started from an external source. // It must be called first before the component state machine and node manager interaction will begin // Each call to "cmptStartup" should be followed by one call to the "cmptShutdown" function int cmptStartup(void) { FILE * propertyFile; pthread_attr_t attr; // Thread attributed for the component threads spawned in this function if(cmpt->state == JAUS_SHUTDOWN_STATE) // Execute the startup routines only if the component is not running { propertyFile = fopen("./config/cmpt.conf", "r"); if(propertyFile) { cmptProperties = propertiesCreate(); cmptProperties = propertiesLoad(cmptProperties, propertyFile); fclose(propertyFile); } else { cError("cmpt: Cannot find or open properties file\n"); return CMPT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; } // Check in to the Node Manager and obtain Instance, Node and Subsystem IDs cmptNode = jausNodeCreate(); cmptSubsystem = jausSubsystemCreate(); cmptNode->subsystem = cmptSubsystem; cmpt->node = cmptNode; cmpt->services = jausServicesCreate(); cmpt->state = JAUS_INITIALIZE_STATE; // Set the state of the JAUS state machine to INITIALIZE cmptNmi = nodeManagerOpen(cmpt); if(cmptNmi == NULL) { cError("cmpt: Could not open connection to node manager\n"); return CMPT_NODE_MANAGER_OPEN_ERROR; } pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); cmptRun = TRUE; if(pthread_create(&cmptThreadId, &attr, cmptThread, NULL) != 0) { cError("cmpt: Could not create cmptThread\n"); cmptShutdown(); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); return CMPT_THREAD_CREATE_ERROR; } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } else { cError("cmpt: Attempted startup while not shutdown\n"); return CMPT_STARTUP_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN_ERROR; } return 0; }
void Config::LoadConfigRule() { std::string file = Utils::getConfigFile(RULES_CONFIG); if (!Utils::fileExists(file)) { std::ofstream conf(file.c_str(), std::ofstream::out); conf << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" << std::endl; conf << "<calaos:rules xmlns:calaos=\"\">" << std::endl; conf << "</calaos:rules>" << std::endl; conf.close(); } TiXmlDocument document(file); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was a parse error in " << file; cError() << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << "In file " << file << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); exit(-1); } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); TiXmlElement *rule_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:rules").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (!rule_node) { cError() << "Error, <calaos:rules> node not found in file " << file; } for(; rule_node; rule_node = rule_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (rule_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:rule" && rule_node->Attribute("name") && rule_node->Attribute("type")) { std::string name, type; name = rule_node->Attribute("name"); type = rule_node->Attribute("type"); Rule *rule = new Rule(type, name); rule->LoadFromXml(rule_node); ListeRule::Instance().Add(rule); } } cInfo() << "Done. " << ListeRule::Instance().size() << " rules loaded."; }
cMouse::cMouse( HWND hWnd, bool bExclusive ) { m_pTarget = NULL; HRESULT hr; /** * Crea el device */ hr = Input()->GetDInput()->CreateDevice( GUID_SysMouse, &m_pDevice, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr )) { throw cError(L"[cMouse::Init]: No se pudo crear el device!\n"); } /** * Setea el formato */ hr = m_pDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse); if( FAILED( hr )) { SafeRelease( m_pDevice ); throw cError(L"[cMouse::Init]: SetDataFormat fallo\n"); } /** * Setea el nivel de cooperacion */ if( bExclusive ) { hr = m_pDevice->SetCooperativeLevel( hWnd, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_NOWINKEY | DISCL_FOREGROUND ); } else { hr = m_pDevice->SetCooperativeLevel( hWnd, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND); } if( FAILED( hr )) { SafeRelease( m_pDevice ); throw cError(L"[cMouse::Init]: SetCooperativeLevel fallo\n"); } m_lastState.lX = 0; m_lastState.lY = 0; m_lastState.lZ = 0; m_lastState.rgbButtons[0] = 0; m_lastState.rgbButtons[1] = 0; m_lastState.rgbButtons[2] = 0; m_lastState.rgbButtons[3] = 0; }
void Config::LoadConfigIO() { std::string file = Utils::getConfigFile(IO_CONFIG); if (!Utils::fileExists(file)) { std::ofstream conf(file.c_str(), std::ofstream::out); conf << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" << std::endl; conf << "<calaos:ioconfig xmlns:calaos=\"\">" << std::endl; conf << "<calaos:home></calaos:home>" << std::endl; conf << "</calaos:ioconfig>" << std::endl; conf.close(); } TiXmlDocument document(file); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was a parse error"; cError() << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << "In file " << file << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); exit(-1); } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); TiXmlElement *room_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:ioconfig").FirstChildElement("calaos:home").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); for(; room_node; room_node = room_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (room_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:room" && room_node->Attribute("name") && room_node->Attribute("type")) { std::string name, type; int hits = 0; name = room_node->Attribute("name"); type = room_node->Attribute("type"); if (room_node->Attribute("hits")) room_node->Attribute("hits", &hits); Room *room = new Room(name, type, hits); ListeRoom::Instance().Add(room); room->LoadFromXml(room_node); } } cInfo() << "Done. "; }
void wdStandbyState(void) { if(!gposSc->isActive || !vssSc->isActive || !pdWrenchSc->isActive || !pdStatusSc->isActive || !wdInControl) { wd->state = JAUS_EMERGENCY_STATE; cError( "wd: Switching to EMERGENCY: GposSc: %s, VssSc: %s, PdWrenchSc: %s, PdStatusSc: %s, Rd: %s\n", gposSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", vssSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", pdWrenchSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", pdStatusSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", wdInControl? "In Control" : "Not In Control" ); return; } // Setup Vehicle State vehicleState->desiredSpeedMps = 0; vehicleState->desiredPhiEffort = 0; wdExcecuteControl(vehicleState); if(pd->state == JAUS_READY_STATE) { wd->state = JAUS_READY_STATE; } }
/*! * \fn void cConst::ReAlloc(const cDVector& theVectParam, const uint theNumParam) * \param const cDVector& theVectParam: the constant value is in theVectParam[0] * \param const uint theNumParam: not used for cConst class * \details Here, mvConst = theVectParam[0] */ void cConst::ReAlloc(const cDVector& theVectParam, const uint theNumParam) { if (theVectParam.GetSize() > 0) mvConst = theVectParam[0] ; else throw cError("Size of 'theVectParam' must be > 0") ; }
/*! * \fn double cCondMean::Get(uint theNumMean, uint theIndex, uint theNumParam) * \param uint theNumMean: index of conditional mean * \param uint theNumParam: index of parameter */ double cCondMean::Get(uint theNumMean, uint theIndex, uint theNumParam) { if (theNumMean < GetNMean() ) return>Get(theIndex, theNumParam) ; else throw cError("cCondMean::Get bad index"); }
/*! * \fn void cArch::Set(const cDVector& theVectParam, const uint theNumParam) * \brief fill the parameters vector * \param const cDVector& theVectParam: the vector of values * \param const uint theNumParam: =0, mvConst; =1, mvArch * \details mvArch = theVectParam or mvConst = theVectParam[0] */ void cArch::Set(const cDVector& theVectParam, const uint theNumParam) { switch (theNumParam) { case 0 : if (theVectParam.GetSize() > 0) mvConst = theVectParam[0] ; else throw cError("cArch::Set - Size of theVectParam must be > 0") ; break ; case 1 : mvArch = theVectParam ; break ; default: throw cError("cArch::Set - theNumParam must be in 0, 1") ; break ; } }
/*! * \fn void cArch::Set(const double theValue, const uint theIndex, const uint theNumParam) * \brief fill the parameters vector * \param const double theValue: the value of the "theIndex" th lag. Default 0. * \param const uint theIndex: the index. * \param const uint theNumParam: =0, mvConst, =1, ARCH parameters * \details mvArch[theIndex] = theValue or mvConst = theValue */ void cArch::Set(const double theValue, const uint theIndex, const uint theNumParam) { switch (theNumParam) { case 0 : mvConst = theValue ; break ; case 1 : if (theIndex < mvArch.GetSize()) mvArch[theIndex] = theValue ; else throw cError("cArch::Set - wrong index") ; break ; default: throw cError("cArch::Set - theNumParam must be in 0, 1") ; break ; } }
/*! * \fn cAbstCondMean* cCondMean::GetOneMean(uint theIndex) const * \param uint theIndex: index of component to be returned * \\details return mvCondMean[theWhateMean] */ cAbstCondMean* cCondMean::GetOneMean(uint theIndex) const { if (theIndex < GetNMean()) return ; else throw cError("cCondMean::GetOneMean bad index") ; }
// Function: cmptShutdown // Access: Public // Description: This function allows the abstracted component functionality contained in this file to be stoped from an external source. // If the component is in the running state, this function will terminate all threads running in this file // This function will also close the Jms connection to the Node Manager and check out the component from the Node Manager int cmptShutdown(void) { double timeOutSec; if(cmpt->state != JAUS_SHUTDOWN_STATE) // Execute the shutdown routines only if the component is running { cmptRun = FALSE; timeOutSec = getTimeSeconds() + CMPT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_SEC; while(cmptThreadRunning) { usleep(100000); if(getTimeSeconds() >= timeOutSec) { pthread_cancel(cmptThreadId); cmptThreadRunning = FALSE; cError("cmpt: cmptThread Shutdown Improperly\n"); break; } } nodeManagerClose(cmptNmi); // Close Node Manager Connection jausSubsystemDestroy(cmpt->node->subsystem); jausNodeDestroy(cmpt->node); jausServicesDestroy(cmpt->services); cmpt->state = JAUS_SHUTDOWN_STATE; propertiesDestroy(cmptProperties); } return 0; }
void cArch::RegArchParamToVector(cDVector& theDestVect, uint theIndex) { uint mySize = GetNParam() ; if (theDestVect.GetSize() < mySize + theIndex) throw cError("Wrong size") ; theDestVect[theIndex] = mvConst ; mvArch.SetSubVectorWithThis(theDestVect, theIndex+1) ; }
void cArch::VectorToRegArchParam(const cDVector& theSrcVect, uint theIndex) { uint mySize = theSrcVect.GetSize() ; if (GetNParam() + theIndex > mySize) throw cError("Wrong size") ; mvConst = theSrcVect[theIndex] ; mvArch.SetThisWithSubVector(theSrcVect, theIndex+1) ; }
bool Utils::set_config_option(std::string key, std::string value) { TiXmlDocument document(getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG).c_str()); if (!document.LoadFile()) { cError() << "There was an exception in XML parsing."; cError() << "Parse error: " << document.ErrorDesc(); cError() << "In file " << getConfigFile(LOCAL_CONFIG) << " At line " << document.ErrorRow(); return false; } TiXmlHandle docHandle(&document); bool found = false; TiXmlElement *key_node = docHandle.FirstChildElement("calaos:config").FirstChildElement().ToElement(); if (key_node) { for(; key_node; key_node = key_node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (key_node->ValueStr() == "calaos:option" && key_node->Attribute("name") && key_node->Attribute("name") == key) { key_node->SetAttribute("value", value); found = true; break; } } //the option was not found, we create it if (!found) { TiXmlElement *element = new TiXmlElement("calaos:option"); element->SetAttribute("name", key); element->SetAttribute("value", value); docHandle.FirstChild("calaos:config").ToElement()->LinkEndChild(element); } document.SaveFile(); } return true; }
/*! * \fn void cCondMean::SetOneMean(uint theWhatMean, cAbstCondMean* theAbstCondMean) * \param uint theWhatMean: index of the conditional mean component * \param cAbstCondMean* theAbstCondMean: conditional mean component to be copied in the mCondMean array. * \brief *mvCondMean[theWhatMean] = *theAbstCondMean */ void cCondMean::SetOneMean(uint theWhatMean, cAbstCondMean& theAbstCondMean) { if (theWhatMean >= GetNMean()) throw cError("cCondMean::GetOneMean bad index") ; else { = theAbstCondMean.PtrCopy(); } }
// Function: gposProcessMessage // Access: Private // Description: This function is responsible for handling incoming JAUS messages from the Node Manager. // Incoming messages are processed according to message type. void gposProcessMessage(JausMessage message) { QueryGlobalPoseMessage queryGlobalPose; JausMessage txMessage; // This block of code is intended to reject commands from non-controlling components if(gpos-> && message->source->id != gpos->controller.address->id && jausMessageIsRejectableCommand(message) ) { cError("gpos: Received command message %s from non-controlling component.\n", jausMessageCommandCodeString(message)); jausMessageDestroy(message); // Ignore this message return; } switch(message->commandCode) // Switch the processing algorithm according to the JAUS message type { case JAUS_QUERY_GLOBAL_POSE: queryGlobalPose = queryGlobalPoseMessageFromJausMessage(message); if(queryGlobalPose) { gposMessage->destination->id = queryGlobalPose->source->id; gposMessage->presenceVector = queryGlobalPose->presenceVector; gposMessage->sequenceNumber = 0; gposMessage->scFlag = 0; txMessage = reportGlobalPoseMessageToJausMessage(gposMessage); nodeManagerSend(gposNmi, txMessage); jausMessageDestroy(txMessage); queryGlobalPoseMessageDestroy(queryGlobalPose); } else { cError("gpos: Error unpacking %s message.\n", jausMessageCommandCodeString(message)); } jausMessageDestroy(message); break; default: defaultJausMessageProcessor(message, gposNmi, gpos); break; } }
string CalaosEvent::typeToString(int type) { switch (type) { case EventInputAdded: return "input_added"; case EventInputDeleted: return "input_deleted"; case EventInputChanged: return "input_changed"; case EventInputPropertyDelete: return "input_prop_deleted"; case EventOutputAdded: return "output_added"; case EventOutputDeleted: return "output_deleted"; case EventOutputChanged: return "output_changed"; case EventOutputPropertyDelete: return "output_prop_deleted"; case EventRoomAdded: return "room_added"; case EventRoomDeleted: return "room_deleted"; case EventRoomChanged: return "room_changed"; case EventRoomPropertyDelete: return "room_prop_deleted"; case EventTimeRangeChanged: return "timerange_changed"; case EventScenarioAdded: return "scenario_added"; case EventScenarioDeleted: return "scenario_deleted"; case EventScenarioChanged: return "scenario_changed"; case EventAudioSongChanged: return "audio_song_changed"; case EventAudioPlaylistAdd: return "playlist_tracks_added"; case EventAudioPlaylistDelete: return "playlist_tracks_deleted"; case EventAudioPlaylistMove: return "playlist_tracks_moved"; case EventAudioPlaylistReload: return "playlist_reload"; case EventAudioPlaylistCleared: return "playlist_cleared"; case EventAudioStatusChanged: return "audio_status_changed"; case EventAudioVolumeChanged: return "audio_volume_changed"; default: break; } cError() << "Unkown string for event " << type; cError() << "Did you forget to add string representation for that event??"; return "unkown"; }
JausBoolean scManagerReceiveServiceConnection(NodeManagerInterface nmi, ServiceConnection requestSc, JausMessage *message) { ServiceConnection prevSc; ServiceConnection sc = nmi->scm->incommingSc; prevSc = NULL; while(sc) { if(sc->commandCode == requestSc->commandCode && sc->address->id == requestSc->address->id ) { if(getTimeSeconds() > (sc->lastSentTime + sc->timeoutSec)) { // Connection has Timed Out sc->isActive = JAUS_FALSE; while(sc->queue->size) { jausMessageDestroy(queuePop(sc->queue)); } // Remove Service Connection if(prevSc) { prevSc->nextSc = sc->nextSc; sc->nextSc = NULL; } else { nmi->scm->incommingSc = sc->nextSc; sc->nextSc = NULL; } nmi->scm->incommingScCount--; return JAUS_FALSE; } if(sc->queue->size) { *message = (JausMessage)queuePop(sc->queue); return JAUS_TRUE; } else { return JAUS_FALSE; } } else { prevSc = sc; sc = sc->nextSc; } } cError( "libnodeManager: scManagerServiceConnectionReceive: Requested SC does not exist\n" ); return JAUS_FALSE; }
void cmptStartupState(void) { // Populate Core Service if(!jausServiceAddCoreServices(cmpt->services)) { cError("cmpt: Addition of Core Services FAILED! Switching to FAILURE_STATE\n"); cmpt->state = JAUS_FAILURE_STATE; } // USER: Add the rest of your component specific service(s) here // USER: Insert Code Here that is only run once before the component goes to init state }
void wdReadyState(void) { double waypointHeading = 0; double headingDelta = 0; if(!gposSc->isActive || !vssSc->isActive || !pdWrenchSc->isActive || !pdStatusSc->isActive || !wdInControl) { wd->state = JAUS_EMERGENCY_STATE; cError( "wd: Switching to EMERGENCY: GposSc: %s, VssSc: %s, PdWrenchSc: %s, PdStatusSc: %s, Rd: %s\n", gposSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", vssSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", pdWrenchSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", pdStatusSc->isActive? "Active" : "Inactive", wdInControl? "In Control" : "Not In Control" ); return; } if(pd->state != JAUS_READY_STATE) { wd->state = JAUS_STANDBY_STATE; return; } vehicleState->speedMps = wdReportVss? wdReportVss->velocityXMps : 0; if(currentWaypointIndex < wdWaypoints->elementCount) { SetGlobalWaypointMessage tempGlobalWaypoint; tempGlobalWaypoint = (SetGlobalWaypointMessage) wdWaypoints->elementData[currentWaypointIndex]; waypointHeading = greatCircleCourse(wdReportGpos->latitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, wdReportGpos->longitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, tempGlobalWaypoint->latitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, tempGlobalWaypoint->longitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG); wdWaypointDistance = greatCircleDistance(wdReportGpos->latitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, wdReportGpos->longitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, tempGlobalWaypoint->latitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG, tempGlobalWaypoint->longitudeDegrees * RAD_PER_DEG); headingDelta = wdAngleSubtract(waypointHeading, wdReportGpos->yawRadians); //cLog("HeadingDelta: %7.2f\n", headingDelta); vehicleState->desiredPhiEffort = WHEEL_ROTATION_EFFORT_PER_RAD * headingDelta; vehicleState->desiredSpeedMps = wdSpeed? wdSpeed->speedMps : 0.0; //cLog("vehicleState->desiredPhiEffort: %7.2f\n", vehicleState->desiredPhiEffort); } else { //hang out vehicleState->desiredSpeedMps = 0; vehicleState->desiredPhiEffort = 0; } wdExcecuteControl(vehicleState); }
int nodeStartup(void) { // USER: Rename cmpt to your individual component if(cmptStartup()) { cError("node: cmptStartup failed\n"); nodeShutdown(); return NODE_CMPT_STARTUP_FAILED; } return 0; }
void cAparch::VectorToRegArchParam(const cDVector& theSrcVect, uint theIndex) {uint mySize = theSrcVect.GetSize(), myIndex = theIndex ; if (GetNParam() + theIndex > mySize) throw cError("Wrong size") ; mvCste = theSrcVect[myIndex++] ; mvDelta = theSrcVect[myIndex++] ; mvArch.SetThisWithSubVector(theSrcVect,myIndex) ; myIndex += mvArch.GetSize() ; mvGamma.SetThisWithSubVector(theSrcVect,myIndex) ; myIndex += mvGamma.GetSize() ; mvGarch.SetThisWithSubVector(theSrcVect,myIndex) ; }
cResult clean() { std::string op; utils_docker::pullImage("spotify/docker-gc"); logmsg(kLINFO,"Cleaning."); CommandLine cl("docker", { "run","--rm","-v","/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock","spotify/docker-gc" }); if (utils::runcommand_stream(cl, kORaw, "", {},NULL) != 0) return cError("Unable to run spotify/docker-gc to clean docker images."); logmsg(kLINFO,"Cleaning is complete."); return kRSuccess; }
cResult showservices() { std::vector<std::string> services; utils::getAllServices(services); if (services.size()>0) { logmsg(kLINFO,"Installed dServices:"); for (auto const & entry : services) logmsg(kLINFO," "+entry); } else return cError("No dServices are installed."); return kRSuccess; }
bool XmasWidget::LoadWidget(std::string, double _x, double _y, std::string _id) { std::string witem = "calaos/widget/xmas"; if (!LoadEdje(witem)) { return false; } setLayer(500); EdjeObject::Show(); clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas); evas_object_show(clip); edje_object_part_swallow(edje, "widget.swallow", clip); Resize(1024, 768); //create some flakes for (int i = 0;i < MAX_FLAKE;i++) { std::string type; if (i < MAX_FLAKE / 3) type = "flake_small"; else if (i >= MAX_FLAKE / 3 && i < (MAX_FLAKE / 3) * 2) type = "flake_medium"; else type = "flake_large"; EdjeObject *o = new EdjeObject(theme, evas); if (!o->LoadEdje("calaos/widget/xmas/" + type)) cError() << "Error loading edje group calaos/widget/xmas/" + type; o->setLayer(500); evas_object_clip_set(o->getEvasObject(), clip); Flake *flake = new Flake(o); int tx = random() % clipw; int ty = random() % cliph; flake->Move(tx + clipx, ty + clipy); flake->Show(); flake->setStart(ecore_time_get() + (double)(random() % (flake->getHeight() * 10)) / (double)flake->getHeight()); if (type == "flake_small") flake->setSpeed(1); if (type == "flake_medium") flake->setSpeed(2); if (type == "flake_large") flake->setSpeed(3); flakes.push_back(flake); } return true; }