static int mgnt_xmit_entry(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *pnetdev)
	u16 fc;
	int rc, len, pipe;	
	unsigned int bmcst, tid, qsel;
	struct sk_buff *pxmit_skb;
	struct urb *urb;
	unsigned char *pxmitbuf;
	struct tx_desc *ptxdesc;
	struct ieee80211_hdr *tx_hdr;
	struct hostapd_priv *phostapdpriv = netdev_priv(pnetdev);
	_adapter *padapter = (_adapter *)phostapdpriv->padapter;
	HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
	struct dvobj_priv *pdvobj = &padapter->dvobjpriv;	

	//printk("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

	len = skb->len;
	tx_hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data);
	fc = le16_to_cpu(tx_hdr->frame_ctl);
	bmcst = IS_MCAST(tx_hdr->addr1);

	if ((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE) != IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT)
		goto _exit;

#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,18)) // http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg17214.html
	pxmit_skb = dev_alloc_skb(len + TXDESC_SIZE);			
	pxmit_skb = netdev_alloc_skb(pnetdev, len + TXDESC_SIZE);

		goto _exit;

	pxmitbuf = pxmit_skb->data;

	urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC);
	if (!urb) {
		goto _exit;

	// ----- fill tx desc -----	
	ptxdesc = (struct tx_desc *)pxmitbuf;	
	_memset(ptxdesc, 0, sizeof(*ptxdesc));
	//offset 0	
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(len&0x0000ffff); 
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(((TXDESC_SIZE+OFFSET_SZ)<<OFFSET_SHT)&0x00ff0000);//default = 32 bytes for TX Desc
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(OWN | FSG | LSG);

		ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(24));

	//offset 4	
	ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(0x00);//MAC_ID

	ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((0x12<<QSEL_SHT)&0x00001f00);

	ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((0x06<< 16) & 0x000f0000);//b mode

	//offset 8			

	//offset 12		
	ptxdesc->txdw3 |= cpu_to_le32((le16_to_cpu(tx_hdr->seq_ctl)<<16)&0xffff0000);

	//offset 16		
	ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(8));//driver uses rate
	//offset 20

	// ----- end of fill tx desc -----

	skb_put(pxmit_skb, len + TXDESC_SIZE);
	pxmitbuf = pxmitbuf + TXDESC_SIZE;
	_memcpy(pxmitbuf, skb->data, len);

	//printk("mgnt_xmit, len=%x\n", pxmit_skb->len);

	// ----- prepare urb for submit -----
	//translate DMA FIFO addr to pipehandle		
	//pipe = ffaddr2pipehdl(pdvobj, MGT_QUEUE_INX);
	pipe = usb_sndbulkpipe(pdvobj->pusbdev, pHalData->Queue2EPNum[(u8)MGT_QUEUE_INX]&0x0f);
	usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, pdvobj->pusbdev, pipe,
			  pxmit_skb->data, pxmit_skb->len, mgnt_xmit_cb, pxmit_skb);
	urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;
	usb_anchor_urb(urb, &phostapdpriv->anchored);
	rc = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
	if (rc < 0) {


	return 0;
static void _update_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, u8 *pmem, int sz)
	uint qsel;

	_adapter		*padapter = pxmitframe->padapter;
	struct ht_priv		*phtpriv = &padapter->mlmepriv.htpriv;
	struct mlme_ext_info	*pmlmeinfo = &padapter->mlmeextpriv.mlmext_info;

	struct pkt_attrib	*pattrib = &pxmitframe->attrib;
	sint bmcst = IS_MCAST(pattrib->ra);

	struct tx_desc		*ptxdesc = (struct tx_desc*)pmem;

	_rtw_memset(ptxdesc, 0, sizeof(struct tx_desc));
	//4 offset 0
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(sz & 0x0000ffff);
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(OWN | FSG | LSG);
	ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(((TXDESC_SIZE + OFFSET_SZ) << OFFSET_SHT) & 0x00ff0000);//32 bytes for TX Desc
	if (bmcst) ptxdesc->txdw0 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(24));

	RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_xmit_c_, _drv_info_,
		 ("rtw_update_txdesc: offset0=0x%08x\n", ptxdesc->txdw0));

	//4 offset 4
	// pkt_offset, unit:8 bytes padding
	if (pxmitframe->pkt_offset > 0)
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((pxmitframe->pkt_offset << 26) & 0x7c000000);

	if (pxmitframe->agg_num > 0)
		ptxdesc->txdw5 |= cpu_to_le32((pxmitframe->agg_num << 24) & 0xff000000);

	if (pxmitframe->frame_tag == DATA_FRAMETAG)
		//4 offset 4
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(pattrib->mac_id & 0x1f);//CAM_ID(MAC_ID)

		qsel = (uint)(pattrib->qsel & 0x0000001f);
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((qsel << QSEL_SHT) & 0x00001f00);

		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((pattrib->raid << 16) & 0x000f0000);

		fill_txdesc_sectype(pattrib, ptxdesc);

			ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(5));//AGG EN
			ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(6));//AGG BK

		//4 offset 8

		//4 offset 12
		ptxdesc->txdw3 |= cpu_to_le32((pattrib->seqnum << 16) & 0xffff0000);

		//4 offset 16 , offset 20
		if (pattrib->qos_en)
			ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(6));//QoS

		if ((pattrib->ether_type != 0x888e) &&
		    (pattrib->ether_type != 0x0806) &&
		    (pattrib->dhcp_pkt != 1))
			//Non EAP & ARP & DHCP type data packet

			fill_txdesc_vcs(pattrib, &ptxdesc->txdw4);
			fill_txdesc_phy(pattrib, &ptxdesc->txdw4);

			ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(0x00000008);//RTS Rate=24M
			ptxdesc->txdw5 |= cpu_to_le32(0x0001ff00);
			ptxdesc->txdw5 |= cpu_to_le32(0x0000000b);//DataRate - 54M

			if (0)//for driver dbg
				ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(8));//driver uses rate

				if (pattrib->ht_en)
					ptxdesc->txdw5 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(6));//SGI

				ptxdesc->txdw5 |= cpu_to_le32(0x00000013);//init rate - mcs7
			// EAP data packet and ARP packet.
			// Use the 1M data rate to send the EAP/ARP packet.
			// This will maybe make the handshake smooth.

			ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(6));//AGG BK
		   	ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(8));//driver uses rate

		//4 offset 24
		if (pattrib->hw_tcp_csum == 1) {
			// ptxdesc->txdw6 = 0; // clear TCP_CHECKSUM and IP_CHECKSUM. It's zero already!!
			u8 ip_hdr_offset = 32 + pattrib->hdrlen + pattrib->iv_len + 8;
			ptxdesc->txdw7 = (1 << 31) | (ip_hdr_offset << 16);
			printk("ptxdesc->txdw7 = %08x\n", ptxdesc->txdw7);

		fill_txdesc_for_mp(pxmitframe, ptxdesc);
	else if(pxmitframe->frame_tag == MGNT_FRAMETAG)
		//printk("pxmitframe->frame_tag == MGNT_FRAMETAG\n");	

		//4 offset 4
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32(pattrib->mac_id & 0x1f);//(MAC_ID)

		qsel = (uint)(pattrib->qsel&0x0000001f);
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((qsel << QSEL_SHT) & 0x00001f00);

		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((pattrib->raid<< 16) & 0x000f0000);

		//fill_txdesc_sectype(pattrib, ptxdesc);

		//4 offset 8

		//4 offset 12
		ptxdesc->txdw3 |= cpu_to_le32((pattrib->seqnum<<16)&0xffff0000);

		//4 offset 16
		ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(8));//driver uses rate

		//4 offset 20
	else if(pxmitframe->frame_tag == TXAGG_FRAMETAG)
		DBG_8192C("pxmitframe->frame_tag == TXAGG_FRAMETAG\n");
		DBG_8192C("pxmitframe->frame_tag = %d\n", pxmitframe->frame_tag);

		//4 offset 4
		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((4)&0x1f);//CAM_ID(MAC_ID)

		ptxdesc->txdw1 |= cpu_to_le32((6<< 16) & 0x000f0000);//raid

		//4 offset 8

		//4 offset 12
		ptxdesc->txdw3 |= cpu_to_le32((pattrib->seqnum << 16) & 0xffff0000);

		//4 offset 16
		ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(8));//driver uses rate

		//4 offset 20

	// 2009.11.05. tynli_test. Suggested by SD4 Filen for FW LPS.
	// (1) The sequence number of each non-Qos frame / broadcast / multicast /
	// mgnt frame should be controled by Hw because Fw will also send null data
	// which we cannot control when Fw LPS enable.
	// --> default enable non-Qos data sequense number. 2010.06.23. by tynli.
	// (2) Enable HW SEQ control for beacon packet, because we use Hw beacon.
	// (3) Use HW Qos SEQ to control the seq num of Ext port non-Qos packets.
	// 2010.06.23. Added by tynli.
		ptxdesc->txdw4 |= cpu_to_le32(BIT(7)); // Hw set sequence number
		ptxdesc->txdw3 |= cpu_to_le32((8 <<28)); //set bit3 to 1. Suugested by TimChen. 2009.12.29.
