void CrossTimeCorrFunc::correlateFrames(int frame1, int frame2) {
    Snapshot* snapshot1 = bsMan_->getSnapshot(frame1);
    Snapshot* snapshot2 = bsMan_->getSnapshot(frame2);
    assert(snapshot1 && snapshot2);

    RealType time1 = snapshot1->getTime();
    RealType time2 = snapshot2->getTime();

    int timeBin = int ((time2 - time1) /deltaTime_ + 0.5);
    count_[timeBin] += nSelectedPairs_ ;

    int i;
    int j;
    StuntDouble* sd1;
    StuntDouble* sd2;
    for (sd1 = seleMan1_.beginSelected(i); sd1 != NULL;
            sd1 = seleMan1_.nextSelected(i)) {

        for (sd2 = seleMan2_.beginSelected(j); sd2 != NULL;
                sd2 = seleMan2_.nextSelected(j)) {
            RealType corrVal = calcCorrVal(frame1, frame2, sd1, sd2);
            histogram_[timeBin] += corrVal;
  void RCorrFuncZ::correlateFrames(int frame1, int frame2, int timeBin) {
    std::vector<int> s1;
    std::vector<int> s2;
    std::vector<int>::iterator i1;
    std::vector<int>::iterator i2;

    RealType corrVal(0.0);

    s1 = sele1ToIndex_[frame1];

    if (uniqueSelections_) 
       s2 = sele2ToIndex_[frame2];
       s2 = sele1ToIndex_[frame2];

    for (i1 = s1.begin(), i2 = s2.begin();
         i1 != s1.end() && i2 != s2.end(); ++i1, ++i2){
      // If the selections are dynamic, they might not have the
      // same objects in both frames, so we need to roll either of
      // the selections until we have the same object to
      // correlate.

      while ( i1 != s1.end() && *i1 < *i2 ) {
      while ( i2 != s2.end() && *i2 < *i1 ) {
      if ( i1 == s1.end() || i2 == s2.end() ) break;

      corrVal = calcCorrVal(frame1, frame2, i1 - s1.begin(), i2 - s2.begin(),