int slow_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cv::VideoCapture vid(0); if(!vid.isOpened()) { return -1; } cv::Mat flow, frame; cv::UMat gray, prevgray, uflow; cv::namedWindow("optflow"); for(;;) { vid >> frame; cvtColor(frame, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); if(!prevgray.empty()) { calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevgray, gray, uflow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); uflow.copyTo(flow); cv::imshow("optflow", frame); } cv::Point2f total; const int step = 16; for(unsigned int y = 0; y < flow.rows; y += step) { for(unsigned int x = 0; x < flow.cols; x += step) { total +=<cv::Point2f>(y, x); } } if(sqrt(total.x * total.x + total.y * total.y) > 500) { std::cout << total << std::endl; } if(cv::waitKey(30) >= 0) { break; } else { std::swap(prevgray, gray); } } return 0; }
void OptFlowThread::run() { if( !cap.isOpened() ) return; Mat prevgray; Mat gray; Mat flow; Mat cflow; Mat frame; while(true) { cap >> frame; cvtColor(frame,gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY); if( { //Use Gunnar Farneback algorithm to compute optical flow. calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevgray,gray,flow,0.5,3,15,3,5,1.2,0); cvtColor(prevgray,cflow,COLOR_GRAY2BGR); //Draw green points. drawOptFlowMap(flow,cflow,16,3,Scalar(0,255,0)); emit NewOptFlowFrame(&cflow); } std::swap(prevgray,gray); waitKey(30); } return; }
void optic_flow( cv::Mat mGray1, cv::Mat mGray2, cv::Mat& flow, cv::Mat& mAnnotated ) { cv::Mat frame1_gray, frame2_gray; cv::UMat flowUmat; struct timeval start1,end1; start1 = GetTimeStamp(); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(mGray1, mGray2, flowUmat, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); flowUmat.copyTo(flow); for (int y = 0; y < mAnnotated.rows; y += 5) for (int x = 0; x < mAnnotated.cols; x += 5) { // get the flow from y, x position * 10 for better visibility const cv::Point2f flowatxy =<cv::Point2f>(y, x) * 10; // draw line at flow direction line(mAnnotated, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point( cvRound(x + flowatxy.x), cvRound(y + flowatxy.y)), cv::Scalar(255,0,0)); // draw initial point circle(mAnnotated, cv::Point(x, y), 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1); } end1 = GetTimeStamp(); float delta = ((end1.tv_sec-start1.tv_sec)*1000 - (end1.tv_usec - start1.tv_usec)); printf("OpticalFlowFarneback() Duration = %8.3f\n", delta/1000 ); }
bool DenseFlowMatcher::match(const cv::Mat& img1, const cv::Mat& img2, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feat1, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feat2, cv::Mat& desc1, cv::Mat& desc2, std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches) const { static const double pyrmid_scale = 0.5; static const int levels = 3; static const int window_size = 15; static const int iterations = 3; static const int poly_n = 5; static const double poly_sigma = 1.1; static const int flags = 0; Mat flow; calcOpticalFlowFarneback( img1, img2, flow, pyrmid_scale, levels, window_size, iteraitons, poly_n, poly_sigma, flags); return !matches.empty(); }
void OpticalFlowCalculater::doCalc(cv::Mat grayImg){ if(this->previousFrame.empty()){ this->previousFrame = grayImg; emit this->calcCompete(false, this->flow); }else{ calcOpticalFlowFarneback(this->previousFrame, grayImg, this->flow, 0.5, 3, 40, 3, 7, 1.5, 0); emit this->calcCompete(true, this->flow); } }
void GetTrackedPoints(const mat3b & im1, const mat3b & im2, vector<TrackedPoint> & points_out, int maxCorners, float qualityLevel, float minDistance, int blockSize, int winSize_, int maxLevel, int criteriaN, float criteriaEps) { #if 1 const int useHarrisDetector = 0; const float k = 0.04f; const Size winSize(winSize_, winSize_); const TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, criteriaN, criteriaEps); const double derivLambda = 0; const int flags = 0; assert(im1.size() == im2.size()); matb im1gray; cvtColor(im1, im1gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); #ifdef OPENCV_2_1 Mat mask; vector<Point2f> corners1, corners2; vector<uchar> status; vector<float> err; goodFeaturesToTrack(im1gray, corners1, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, mask, blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k); calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(im1, im2, corners1, corners2, status, err, winSize, maxLevel, criteria, derivLambda, flags); for (int i = 0; i < (signed)corners1.size(); ++i) if (status[i]) points_out.push_back(TrackedPoint(corners1[i].x, corners1[i].y, corners2[i].x, corners2[i].y)); #else Mat corners1, corners2, status, err; goodFeaturesToTrack(im1gray, corners1, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, noArray(), blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k); calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(im1, im2, corners1, corners2, status, err, winSize, maxLevel, criteria, derivLambda, flags); for (int i = 0; i < corners1.size().height; ++i) if (<unsigned char>(i,0)) points_out.push_back(TrackedPoint(<Vec2f>(i,0)[0],<Vec2f>(i,0)[1],<Vec2f>(i,0)[0],<Vec2f>(i,0)[1])); #endif #else matb im1_gray, im2_gray; cvtColor(im1, im1_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvtColor(im2, im2_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); Mat flow_cv(im1.size().height, im1.size().width, CV_32FC2); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(im1_gray, im2_gray, flow_cv, 0.5, 5, 11, 10, 5, 1.1, 0); points_out.clear(); for (int i = 20; i < im1.size().height-20; i += 20) for (int j = 20; j < im1.size().width-20; j += 20) { const Vec2f f =<Vec2f>(i, j); points_out.push_back(TrackedPoint(j, i, j+f[0], i+f[1])); } cout << "n points " << points_out.size() << endl; #endif }
void calcDenseFlow(string file_name, int bound, int type, int step, vector<vector<uchar> >& output_x, vector<vector<uchar> >& output_y, vector<vector<uchar> >& output_img){ VideoCapture video_stream(file_name); CHECK(video_stream.isOpened())<<"Cannot open video stream \"" <<file_name <<"\" for optical flow extraction."; Mat capture_frame, capture_image, prev_image, capture_gray, prev_gray; Mat flow, flow_split[2]; bool initialized = false; for(int iter = 0;; iter++){ video_stream >> capture_frame; if (capture_frame.empty()) break; // read frames until end //build mats for the first frame if (!initialized){ initializeMats(capture_frame, capture_image, capture_gray, prev_image, prev_gray); capture_frame.copyTo(prev_image); cvtColor(prev_image, prev_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); initialized = true; // LOG(INFO)<<"Initialized"; }else if(iter % step == 0){ capture_frame.copyTo(capture_image); cvtColor(capture_image, capture_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prev_gray, capture_gray, flow, 0.702, 5, 10, 2, 7, 1.5, cv::OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN ); vector<uchar> str_x, str_y, str_img; split(flow, flow_split); encodeFlowMap(flow_split[0], flow_split[0], str_x, str_y, bound); imencode(".jpg", capture_image, str_img); output_x.push_back(str_x); output_y.push_back(str_y); output_img.push_back(str_img); // LOG(INFO)<<iter; std::swap(prev_gray, capture_gray); std::swap(prev_image, capture_image); } } }
Mat DepthEstimator1::estimateDepth(const LightFieldPicture lightfield) { // render images ImageRenderer3 renderer = ImageRenderer3(); renderer.setLightfield(lightfield); renderer.setAlpha(ALPHA); const Vec2i leftPosition = Vec2i(-5,0); renderer.setPinholePosition(leftPosition); Mat image1 = renderer.renderImage(); cvtColor(image1, image1, CV_RGB2GRAY); image1.convertTo(image1, CV_8UC1, 255.0); const Vec2i rightPosition = Vec2i(5,0); renderer.setPinholePosition(rightPosition); Mat image2 = renderer.renderImage(); cvtColor(image2, image2, CV_RGB2GRAY); image2.convertTo(image2, CV_8UC1, 255.0); // compute optical flow Mat opticalFlow; calcOpticalFlowFarneback(image1, image2, opticalFlow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); Mat flowMap; image1.copyTo(flowMap); drawOptFlowMap(opticalFlow, flowMap, 16, 1.5, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); /* start of debugging code */ const int windowFlags = WINDOW_NORMAL; const string window1 = "image1"; namedWindow(window1, windowFlags); imshow(window1, image1); const string window2 = "image2"; namedWindow(window2, windowFlags); imshow(window2, image2); const string window3 = "optical flow"; namedWindow(window3, windowFlags); imshow(window3, flowMap); //cout << "optical flow = " << opticalFlow << endl; waitKey(0); /* end of debugging code */ return opticalFlow; }
Point2i SamplingOpticalFlow( const Mat &fir, const Mat &sec, const Mat &mask, vector<Point2f> &pt_src, vector<Point2f> &flo) { bool useDense = USEDENSE; double scalar = 1; Mat src; cvtColor( fir, src, CV_RGB2GRAY); Mat dst; cvtColor( sec, dst, CV_RGB2GRAY); resize(src, src, Size((int)src.rows*scalar, (int)src.cols*scalar)); resize(dst, dst, Size((int)dst.rows*scalar, (int)dst.cols*scalar)); Point2i imgsize(src.cols, src.rows); // if (!useDense) { vector<Point2f> pt_dst; vector<uchar> status;vector<float>err; pt_src.clear(); for ( int h = 0; h <src.rows; h+=2) for ( int w = 0; w < src.cols; w+=2) pt_src.push_back( Point2f(w,h)); pt_dst.reserve( pt_src.size()); flo.reserve( pt_src.size()); calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( src, dst, pt_src, pt_dst, status, err); for ( uint n = 0; n < pt_src.size(); ++n) { flo.push_back(Point2f(pt_src[n].x - pt_dst[n].x, pt_src[n].y - pt_dst[n].y)); if(!status[n] || dist(Point( pt_src[n].x, pt_src[n].y), Point(pt_src[n].x + flo[n].x, pt_src[n].y + flo[n].y)) >= INITPSIZEW) flo[n].x = flo[n].y = 0; } } else { Mat floMat; calcOpticalFlowFarneback( src, dst, floMat, 0.75, 3, 30, 10, 5, 1.5, OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN); for (int y = 0; y<floMat.rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < floMat.cols; x++) { if ( !<int>(y,x)) flo.push_back(Point2f(<float>(y,2*x),<float>(y,2*x+1))); else flo.push_back(Point2f(0.0f,0.0f)); } } } return imgsize; }
void camera_process(boost::shared_ptr<cv::Mat> frame) { cv::Mat flow; cvtColor(*frame, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); if(!prevgray.empty()) { calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevgray, gray, flow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); } cv::Point2f total; const int step = 16; for(unsigned int y = 0; y < flow.rows; y += step) { for(unsigned int x = 0; x < flow.cols; x += step) { total +=<cv::Point2f>(y, x); } } if(sqrt(total.x * total.x + total.y * total.y) > 500) { std::cout << total << std::endl; } std::swap(prevgray, gray); }
int main( int argc, char* argv[]) { //Parameter initialisation std::vector<double> para; if( argc == 1) { std::cout << "Reading from input.txt\n"; try{ para = file::read_input( "input.txt"); } catch (toefl::Message& m) { m.display(); throw m; } } else if( argc == 2) { std::cout << "Reading from "<<argv[1]<<"\n"; try{ para = file::read_input( argv[1]); } catch (toefl::Message& m) { m.display(); throw m; } } else { std::cerr << "ERROR: Too many arguments!\nUsage: "<< argv[0]<<" [filename]\n"; return -1; } omp_set_num_threads( para[20]); std::cout<< "With "<<omp_get_max_threads()<<" threads\n"; const toefl::Parameters p(para); field_ratio = p.lx/; if( p.bc_x != toefl::TL_PERIODIC) { std::cerr << "Only periodic boundaries allowed!\n"; return -1; } try{p.consistencyCheck();} catch( toefl::Message& m){m.display();throw m;} p.display(std::cout); //construct solvers toefl::DFT_DFT_Solver<3> solver( p); // place some gaussian blobs in the field try{ toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT> ne{ p.ny, p.nx, 0.}, nz{ ne}, phi{ ne}; init_gaussian( ne, p.posX, p.posY, p.blob_width/p.lx, p.blob_width/, p.amp); //init_gaussian_column( nz, 0.6, 0.05/field_ratio, p.imp_amp); std::array< toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT>,3> arr3{{ ne, nz, phi}}; //now set the field to be computed solver.init( arr3, toefl::IONS); }catch( toefl::Message& m){m.display();} cv::VideoCapture cap(0); if( !cap.isOpened()) { std::cerr << "Camera not found\n"; return -1; } cap.set( CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, p.nx); cap.set( CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, p.ny); cv::Mat last, current, flow, vel(p.ny, p.nx, CV_32F); std::vector<cv::Mat> v; cv::namedWindow("Current",cv::WINDOW_NORMAL); cv::namedWindow("Velocity",cv::WINDOW_NORMAL); double t = 0.; toefl::Timer timer; toefl::Timer overhead; solver.first_step(); solver.second_step(); t+= 2*p.dt; toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT> src( p.ny, p.nx, 0.); cv::Mat grey, colored, show( p.ny, p.nx, CV_32F); cap >> last; cv::cvtColor( last, last, CV_BGR2GRAY); //convert colors while( true) { init_gaussian( src, 0.5+0.25*sin(t), 0.75, p.blob_width/p.lx, p.blob_width/, p.amp); cap >> current; // get a new frame from camera cv::cvtColor(current, current, CV_BGR2GRAY); //convert colors cv::GaussianBlur(current, current, cv::Size(21,21), 0, 0); //Kernel size, sigma_x, sigma_y calcOpticalFlowFarneback(last, current, flow, 0.5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); cv::split( flow, v); //erster index y, zweiter index x for( unsigned i=0; i<v[0].rows; i++) for( unsigned j=0; j<v[0].cols; j++)<float>( i,j) = sqrt( v[0].at<float>(i,j)*v[0].at<float>(i,j) + v[1].at<float>(i,j)*v[1].at<float>(i,j) ); for( unsigned i=0; i<vel.rows; i++) for( unsigned j=0; j<vel.cols; j++) if(<float>(i,j) < 1)<float>(i,j) = 0; //scale velocity to 1 in order to account for distance from camera double min, max; cv::minMaxLoc( vel, &min, &max); std::cout << min <<" "<<max<<std::endl; if( max > 1) // if someone is there for( unsigned i=0; i<vel.rows; i++) for( unsigned j=0; j<vel.cols; j++)<float>( i,j) /= max; cv::flip( vel, vel, +1); //for( unsigned i=0; i<src.rows(); i++) // for( unsigned j=0; j<src.cols(); j++) // src(i,j) = 0.5*<double>(i,j); overhead.tic(); //const toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT>& field = solver.getField( toefl::IMPURITIES); const toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT>& field = solver.getField( toefl::ELECTRONS); for( unsigned i=0; i<p.ny; i++) for( unsigned j=0; j<p.nx; j++)<float>(i,j) = (float)field(i,j); cv::minMaxLoc( show, &min, &max); show.convertTo(grey, CV_8U, 255.0/(2.*max), 255.0/2.); cv::minMaxLoc( grey, &min, &max); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_BONE); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_COOL); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_HOT); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_HSV); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_JET); cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_OCEAN); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_PINK); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_RAINBOW); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_SPRING); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_SUMMER); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_AUTUMN); //cv::applyColorMap( grey, colored, cv::COLORMAP_WINTER); window_str << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed; window_str << "time = "<<t; //cv::addText( colored, window_str.str(), cv::Point(50,50)); window_str.str(""); std::cout << colored.rows << " " << colored.cols<<"\n"; std::cout << vel.rows << " " << vel.cols<<"\n"; std::cout << show.rows << " " << show.cols<<"\n"; std::cout << src.rows() << " " << src.cols()<<"\n"; cv::imshow("Current", colored); //for( unsigned i=0; i<src.rows(); i++) //for( unsigned j=0; j<src.cols(); j++) //<double>(i,j) = src(i,j); cv::imshow("Velocity", vel); timer.tic(); for(unsigned i=0; i<p.itstp; i++) { toefl::Matrix<double, toefl::TL_DFT> voidmatrix( 2,2,(bool)toefl::TL_VOID); solver.step(src ); t+= p.dt; } timer.toc(); overhead.toc(); //swap fields cv::Mat temp = last; last = current; current = temp; if(cv::waitKey(30) >= 0) break; } ////////////////////////////////glfw and opencv////////////////////////////// std::cout << "Average time for one step = "<<timer.diff()/(double)p.itstp<<"s\n"; std::cout << "Overhead for visualisation, etc. per step = "<<(overhead.diff()-timer.diff())/(double)p.itstp<<"s\n"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fftw_cleanup(); return 0; }
void OpticalFlowFarneback::calc(InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray flow) { calcOpticalFlowFarneback(I0, I1, flow, pyrScale, numLevels, winSize, numIters, polyN, polySigma, flags); }
void gazeEvaluatorThread::run() { // // 1 - Get the image // ImageOf<PixelRgb> *imageIn = inPort->read(false); // if(imageIn!=NULL) // { // // Wrap the input image into a cv::Mat // cv::Mat matIn((IplImage*)imageIn->getIplImage()); // // Prepare the output port // ImageOf<PixelRgb> imageOut; // // Resize the output image to be equal to the input image // imageOut.resize(*imageIn); // // Wrap the output image into a cv::Mat // cv::Mat matOut((IplImage*)imageOut.getIplImage()); // // Copy the input mat into the output mat // matOut=matIn.clone(); // // Send data // outPort->prepare()=imageOut; // outPort->write(); // } // if(!optFlow.empty()) optFlow.setTo(Scalar(0)); if (isStarting) { ImageOf<PixelRgb> *tmp = inPort->read(false); if(tmp!=NULL) { imageInNext = *tmp; imageInPrev = imageInNext; isStarting = false; printMessage(0,"Starting..\n"); } } else { // 1 - Get the image ImageOf<PixelRgb> *tmp = inPort->read(false); if(tmp!=NULL) { imageInNext = *tmp; } cv::Mat imgInNext((IplImage*)imageInNext.getIplImage()); cv::Mat imgInPrev((IplImage*)imageInPrev.getIplImage()); // 2B - Smooth it out cv::boxFilter(imgInNext, imgInNext, -1, cv::Size(4,3)); // 4 - Make it gray Mat imgPrevGray; Mat imgNextGray; cvtColor(imgInPrev,imgPrevGray,CV_RGB2GRAY); cvtColor(imgInNext,imgNextGray,CV_RGB2GRAY); // 5 - Compute the optical flow if(!optFlow.empty()) optFlow.setTo(Scalar(0)); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(imgPrevGray,imgNextGray,optFlow,0.5,5,9,5,7,1.5,0); imageInPrev=imageInNext; if (!optFlow.empty() && !imgInPrev.empty()) { sendOptFlow(); } } }
/* Member function * retuns the detected gesture ID * Inputs : frame -> current frame to analyse * faceRegion -> current face Region */ airGestType airGest::analyseGesture( Mat frame ) { airGestType gest = GEST_INVALID; resize( frame, frame, Size( OPTFLW_FRAME_WIDTH, OPTFLW_FRAME_HEIGHT ), 0, 0, INTER_AREA ); //Prepare canvas to draw intermediate result //canvas = frame.clone(); canvas = Mat( OPTFLW_FRAME_HEIGHT, OPTFLW_FRAME_WIDTH, CV_8UC3, Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ) ); //accCanvas = Mat( OPTFLW_FRAME_HEIGHT, OPTFLW_FRAME_WIDTH, CV_8UC3, Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ) ); Mat grayFrame; //Convert to gray scale if( frame.channels() == 3 ) { cvtColor( frame, grayFrame, CV_BGR2GRAY ); } else if( frame.channels() == 4 ) { cvtColor( frame, grayFrame, CV_BGRA2GRAY ); } else { //already gray grayFrame = frame.clone(); } if( currState != AIRGEST_ACTIVE ) { //unless active, return with an invalid code prevFrame = grayFrame.clone(); return gest; } //Here, airGest is active currFrame = grayFrame; //~ std::cout << "[airGest::analyseGesture] calculating optical flow...."; calcOpticalFlowFarneback( prevFrame, // first 8-bit single channel input image currFrame, // Second image of the same size and same type as prevgray flowMap, // computed flow image tha has the same size as pregray and type CV_32FC2 0.5, // pryScale, 0.5 means classical pyramid 3, // number of pyramid layers including initial image 20, // winSize 3, // number of iterations the algorithm does at each pyramid level 5, // Size of the pixel neighborhood used to find polynomial expansion in each pixel 1.1, // standard deviation of Guassian OPTFLOW_FARNEBACK_GAUSSIAN ); // //~ std::cout << "[COMPLETED]\n"; //~ std::cout << "-> boxFilter"; boxFilter( flowMap, flowMap , -1, BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE ); //~ std::cout << "-> drawFlowMap"; drawFlowMap(); //~ std::cout << "-> filterFlow"; filterFlow(); //imshow( "Current flow", canvas ); //imshow( "Accumulated Flow", accCanvas ); //copy current frame to prev for using next time prevFrame = currFrame.clone(); gest = ( decision == -1.00 )? GEST_PREV: ( decision == +1.00 )? GEST_NEXT: GEST_INVALID; return gest; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup() { ofImage imageOf1, imageOf2; //Load openFrameworks' images imageOf1.loadImage("crater1.png"); imageOf2.loadImage("crater2.png"); color1.setFromPixels( imageOf1 ); //Convert to ofxCv images color2.setFromPixels( imageOf2 ); float decimate = 0.3; //Decimate images to 30% ofxCvColorImage imageDecimated1; imageDecimated1.allocate( color1.width * decimate, color1.height * decimate ); //High-quality resize imageDecimated1.scaleIntoMe( color1, CV_INTER_AREA ); gray1 = imageDecimated1; ofxCvColorImage imageDecimated2; imageDecimated2.allocate( color2.width * decimate, color2.height * decimate ); //High-quality resize imageDecimated2.scaleIntoMe( color2, CV_INTER_AREA ); gray2 = imageDecimated2; Mat img1( gray1.getCvImage() ); //Create OpenCV images Mat img2( gray2.getCvImage() ); Mat flow; //Image for flow //Computing optical flow calcOpticalFlowFarneback( img1, img2, flow, 0.7, 3, 11, 5, 5, 1.1, 0 ); //Split flow into separate images vector<Mat> flowPlanes; split( flow, flowPlanes ); //Copy float planes to ofxCv images flowX and flowY IplImage iplX( flowPlanes[0] ); flowX = &iplX; IplImage iplY( flowPlanes[1] ); flowY = &iplY; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //ATTENTION: Lines flowX = &iplX; and flowY = &iplY; can raise runtime error, //caused by small bug in ofxOpenCV. //So before running the example, fix it, as it described in testApp.h file //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- w = gray1.width; h = gray1.height; //Flow image planeX = flowX; planeY = flowY; //create idX, idy idX.allocate( w, h ); idY.allocate( w, h ); for (int y=0; y<h; y++) { for (int x=0; x<w; x++) { idX.getPixelsAsFloats()[ x + w * y ] = x; idY.getPixelsAsFloats()[ x + w * y ] = y; } } //Load checkerboard image ofImage imageTest; imageTest.loadImage("checkerBoard.png"); colorTest.setFromPixels( imageTest ); //Make morphing at first time morphValue = 0; morphImageIndex = 1; updateMorph( morphValue, morphImageIndex ); }
void VideoDemos( VideoCapture& surveillance_video, int starting_frame, bool clean_binary_images ) { Mat previous_gray_frame, optical_flow, optical_flow_display; Mat current_frame, thresholded_image, closed_image, first_frame; Mat current_frame_gray, running_average_background; Mat temp_running_average_background, running_average_difference; Mat running_average_foreground_mask, running_average_foreground_image; Mat selective_running_average_background; Mat temp_selective_running_average_background, selective_running_average_difference; Mat selective_running_average_foreground_mask, selective_running_average_background_mask, selective_running_average_foreground_image; double running_average_learning_rate = 0.01; surveillance_video.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,starting_frame); surveillance_video >> current_frame; first_frame = current_frame.clone(); cvtColor(current_frame, current_frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); current_frame.convertTo(running_average_background, CV_32F); selective_running_average_background = running_average_background.clone(); int rad = running_average_background.depth(); MedianBackground median_background( current_frame, (float) 1.005, 1 ); Mat median_background_image, median_foreground_image; int codec = static_cast<int>(surveillance_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC)); // V3.0.0 update on next line. OLD CODE was BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 gmm; //(50,16,true); Ptr<BackgroundSubtractorMOG2> gmm = createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(); Mat foreground_mask, foreground_image = Mat::zeros(current_frame.size(), CV_8UC3); double frame_rate = surveillance_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); double time_between_frames = 1000.0/frame_rate; Timestamper* timer = new Timestamper(); int frame_count = 0; while ((!current_frame.empty()) && (frame_count++ < 1000))//1800)) { double duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount()); vector<Mat> input_planes(3); split(current_frame,input_planes); cvtColor(current_frame, current_frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); if (frame_count%2 == 0) // Skip every second frame so the flow is greater. { if ( ) { Mat lucas_kanade_flow; timer->ignoreTimeSinceLastRecorded(); LucasKanadeOpticalFlow(previous_gray_frame, current_frame_gray, lucas_kanade_flow); timer->recordTime("Lucas Kanade Optical Flow"); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(previous_gray_frame, current_frame_gray, optical_flow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); cvtColor(previous_gray_frame, optical_flow_display, CV_GRAY2BGR); drawOpticalFlow(optical_flow, optical_flow_display, 8, Scalar(0, 255, 0), Scalar(0, 0, 255)); timer->recordTime("Farneback Optical Flow"); char frame_str[100]; sprintf( frame_str, "Frame = %d", frame_count); Mat temp_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, optical_flow_display, "Farneback Optical Flow", 4 ); Mat optical_flow_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_output, "", lucas_kanade_flow, "Lucas Kanade Optical Flow", 4 ); imshow("Optical Flow", optical_flow_output ); } std::swap(previous_gray_frame, current_frame_gray); } // Static background image Mat difference_frame, binary_difference; Mat structuring_element(3,3,CV_8U,Scalar(1)); timer->ignoreTimeSinceLastRecorded(); absdiff(current_frame,first_frame,difference_frame); cvtColor(difference_frame, thresholded_image, CV_BGR2GRAY); threshold(thresholded_image,thresholded_image,30,255,THRESH_BINARY); if (clean_binary_images) { morphologyEx(thresholded_image,closed_image,MORPH_CLOSE,structuring_element); morphologyEx(closed_image,binary_difference,MORPH_OPEN,structuring_element); current_frame.copyTo(binary_difference, thresholded_image); } else { binary_difference.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); current_frame.copyTo(binary_difference, thresholded_image); } timer->recordTime("Static difference"); // Running Average (three channel version) vector<Mat> running_average_planes(3); split(running_average_background,running_average_planes); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[0], running_average_planes[0], running_average_learning_rate); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[1], running_average_planes[1], running_average_learning_rate); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[2], running_average_planes[2], running_average_learning_rate); merge(running_average_planes,running_average_background); running_average_background.convertTo(temp_running_average_background,CV_8U); absdiff(temp_running_average_background,current_frame,running_average_difference); split(running_average_difference,running_average_planes); // Determine foreground points as any point with a difference of more than 30 on any one channel: threshold(running_average_difference,running_average_foreground_mask,30,255,THRESH_BINARY); split(running_average_foreground_mask,running_average_planes); bitwise_or( running_average_planes[0], running_average_planes[1], running_average_foreground_mask ); bitwise_or( running_average_planes[2], running_average_foreground_mask, running_average_foreground_mask ); if (clean_binary_images) { morphologyEx(running_average_foreground_mask,closed_image,MORPH_CLOSE,structuring_element); morphologyEx(closed_image,running_average_foreground_mask,MORPH_OPEN,structuring_element); } running_average_foreground_image.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); current_frame.copyTo(running_average_foreground_image, running_average_foreground_mask); timer->recordTime("Running Average"); // Running Average with selective update vector<Mat> selective_running_average_planes(3); // Find Foreground mask selective_running_average_background.convertTo(temp_selective_running_average_background,CV_8U); absdiff(temp_selective_running_average_background,current_frame,selective_running_average_difference); split(selective_running_average_difference,selective_running_average_planes); // Determine foreground points as any point with an average difference of more than 30 over all channels: Mat temp_sum = (selective_running_average_planes[0]/3 + selective_running_average_planes[1]/3 + selective_running_average_planes[2]/3); threshold(temp_sum,selective_running_average_foreground_mask,30,255,THRESH_BINARY_INV); // Update background split(selective_running_average_background,selective_running_average_planes); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[0], selective_running_average_planes[0], running_average_learning_rate,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[1], selective_running_average_planes[1], running_average_learning_rate,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[2], selective_running_average_planes[2], running_average_learning_rate,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); invertImage(selective_running_average_foreground_mask,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[0], selective_running_average_planes[0], running_average_learning_rate/3.0,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[1], selective_running_average_planes[1], running_average_learning_rate/3.0,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); accumulateWeighted(input_planes[2], selective_running_average_planes[2], running_average_learning_rate/3.0,selective_running_average_foreground_mask); merge(selective_running_average_planes,selective_running_average_background); if (clean_binary_images) { morphologyEx(selective_running_average_foreground_mask,closed_image,MORPH_CLOSE,structuring_element); morphologyEx(closed_image,selective_running_average_foreground_mask,MORPH_OPEN,structuring_element); } selective_running_average_foreground_image.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); current_frame.copyTo(selective_running_average_foreground_image, selective_running_average_foreground_mask); timer->recordTime("Selective Running Average"); // Median background timer->ignoreTimeSinceLastRecorded(); median_background.UpdateBackground( current_frame ); timer->recordTime("Median"); median_background_image = median_background.GetBackgroundImage(); Mat median_difference; absdiff(median_background_image,current_frame,median_difference); cvtColor(median_difference, median_difference, CV_BGR2GRAY); threshold(median_difference,median_difference,30,255,THRESH_BINARY); median_foreground_image.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); current_frame.copyTo(median_foreground_image, median_difference); // Update the Gaussian Mixture Model // V3.0.0 update on next line. OLD CODE was gmm(current_frame, foreground_mask); gmm->apply(current_frame, foreground_mask); // Clean the resultant binary (moving pixel) mask using an opening. threshold(foreground_mask,thresholded_image,150,255,THRESH_BINARY); Mat moving_incl_shadows, shadow_points; threshold(foreground_mask,moving_incl_shadows,50,255,THRESH_BINARY); absdiff( thresholded_image, moving_incl_shadows, shadow_points ); Mat cleaned_foreground_mask; if (clean_binary_images) { morphologyEx(thresholded_image,closed_image,MORPH_CLOSE,structuring_element); morphologyEx(closed_image,cleaned_foreground_mask,MORPH_OPEN,structuring_element); } else cleaned_foreground_mask = thresholded_image.clone(); foreground_image.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); current_frame.copyTo(foreground_image, cleaned_foreground_mask); timer->recordTime("Gaussian Mixture Model"); // Create an average background image (just for information) Mat mean_background_image; timer->ignoreTimeSinceLastRecorded(); // V3.0.0 update on next line. OLD CODE was gmm.getBackgroundImage(mean_background_image); gmm->getBackgroundImage(mean_background_image); duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount())-duration; duration /= getTickFrequency()/1000.0; int delay = (time_between_frames>duration) ? ((int) (time_between_frames-duration)) : 1; char c = cvWaitKey(delay); char frame_str[100]; sprintf( frame_str, "Frame = %d", frame_count); Mat temp_static_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, first_frame, "Static Background", 4 ); Mat static_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_static_output, "", binary_difference, "Foreground", 4 ); imshow("Static Background Model", static_output ); Mat temp_running_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, temp_running_average_background, "Running Average Background", 4 ); Mat running_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_running_output, "", running_average_foreground_image, "Foreground", 4 ); imshow("Running Average Background Model", running_output ); Mat temp_selective_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, temp_selective_running_average_background, "Selective Running Average Background", 4 ); Mat selective_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_selective_output, "", selective_running_average_foreground_image, "Foreground", 4 ); imshow("Selective Running Average Background Model", selective_output ); Mat temp_median_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, median_background_image, "Median Background", 4 ); Mat median_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_median_output, "", median_foreground_image, "Foreground", 4 ); imshow("Median Background Model", median_output ); Mat temp_gaussian_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( current_frame, frame_str, mean_background_image, "GMM Background", 4 ); Mat gaussian_output = JoinImagesHorizontally( temp_gaussian_output, "", foreground_image, "Foreground", 4 ); imshow("Gaussian Mixture Model", gaussian_output ); timer->putTimes( current_frame ); imshow( "Computation Times", current_frame ); surveillance_video >> current_frame; } cvDestroyAllWindows(); }