/** Update the #base_obss state given a new set of obss.
 * First sorts by PRN and computes the TDCP Doppler for the observation set. If
 * #base_pos_known is false then a single point position solution is also
 * calculated. Next the `has_pos`, `pos_ecef` and `sat_dists` fields are filled
 * in. Finally the #base_obs_received semaphore is flagged to indicate that new
 * observations are available.
 * \note This function is stateful as it must store the previous observation
 *       set for the TDCP Doppler.
static void update_obss(obss_t *new_obss)
  /* Ensure observations sorted by PRN. */
  qsort(new_obss->nm, new_obss->n,
        sizeof(navigation_measurement_t), nav_meas_cmp);

  /* Lock mutex before modifying base_obss.
   * NOTE: We didn't need to lock it before reading in THIS context as this
   * is the only thread that writes to base_obss. */

  /* Create a set of navigation measurements to store the previous
   * observations. */
  static u8 n_old = 0;
  static navigation_measurement_t nm_old[MAX_CHANNELS];

  /* Fill in the navigation measurements in base_obss, using TDCP method to
   * calculate the Doppler shift. */
  base_obss.n = tdcp_doppler(new_obss->n, new_obss->nm,
                             n_old, nm_old, base_obss.nm);
  /* Copy over the time. */
  base_obss.t = new_obss->t;

  /* Copy the current observations over to nm_old so we can difference
   * against them next time around. */
  memcpy(nm_old, new_obss->nm,
         new_obss->n * sizeof(navigation_measurement_t));
  n_old = new_obss->n;

  /* Reset the `has_pos` flag. */
  u8 has_pos_old = base_obss.has_pos;
  base_obss.has_pos = 0;
  /* Check if the base station has sent us its position explicitly via a
   * BASE_POS SBP message (as indicated by #base_pos_known), and if so use
   * that. No need to lock before reading here as base_pos_* is only written
   * from this thread (SBP).
  if (base_pos_known) {
    /* Copy the known base station position into `base_obss`. */
    memcpy(base_obss.pos_ecef, base_pos_ecef, sizeof(base_pos_ecef));
    /* Indicate that the position is valid. */
    base_obss.has_pos = 1;
  /* The base station wasn't sent to us explicitly but if we have >= 4
   * satellites we can calculate it ourselves (approximately). */
  } else if (base_obss.n >= 4) {
    gnss_solution soln;
    dops_t dops;

    /* Calculate a position solution. */
    /* disable_raim controlled by external setting (see solution.c). */
    s32 ret = calc_PVT(base_obss.n, base_obss.nm, disable_raim, &soln, &dops);

    if (ret >= 0 && soln.valid) {
      /* The position solution calculation was sucessful. Unfortunately the
       * single point position solution is very noisy so lets smooth it if we
       * have the previous position available. */
      if (has_pos_old) {
        /* TODO Implement a real filter for base position (potentially in
           observation space), so we can do away with this terrible excuse
           for smoothing. */
        base_obss.pos_ecef[0] = 0.99995 * base_obss.pos_ecef[0]
                                  + 0.00005 * soln.pos_ecef[0];
        base_obss.pos_ecef[1] = 0.99995 * base_obss.pos_ecef[1]
                                  + 0.00005 * soln.pos_ecef[1];
        base_obss.pos_ecef[2] = 0.99995 * base_obss.pos_ecef[2]
                                  + 0.00005 * soln.pos_ecef[2];
      } else {
        memcpy(base_obss.pos_ecef, soln.pos_ecef, 3 * sizeof(double));
      base_obss.has_pos = 1;
    } else {
      /* TODO(dsk) check for repair failure */
      /* There was an error calculating the position solution. */
      log_warn("Error calculating base station position: (%s).", pvt_err_msg[-ret-1]);
  /* If the base station position is known then calculate the satellite ranges.
   * This calculation will be used later by the propagation functions. */
  if (base_obss.has_pos) {
    for (u8 i=0; i < base_obss.n; i++) {
      double dx[3];
      vector_subtract(3, base_obss.nm[i].sat_pos, base_obss.pos_ecef, dx);
      base_obss.sat_dists[i] = vector_norm(3, dx);
  /* Unlock base_obss mutex. */
  /* Signal that a complete base observation has been received. */
int main(void)


  printf("\n\nFirmware info - git: " GIT_VERSION ", built: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
  u8 nap_git_hash[20];
  printf("SwiftNAP git: ");
  for (u8 i=0; i<20; i++)
    printf("%02x", nap_git_hash[i]);
  if (nap_conf_rd_git_unclean())
    printf(" (unclean)");
  printf("SwiftNAP configured with %d tracking channels\n\n", nap_track_n_channels);


  channel_measurement_t meas[nap_track_n_channels];
  navigation_measurement_t nav_meas[nap_track_n_channels];

  /* TODO: Think about thread safety when updating ephemerides. */
  static ephemeris_t es[32];
  static ephemeris_t es_old[32];
    for (u32 i = 0; i < 3000; i++)

    /* Check if there is a new nav msg subframe to process.
     * TODO: move this into a function */

    memcpy(es_old, es, sizeof(es));
    for (u8 i=0; i<nap_track_n_channels; i++)
      if (tracking_channel[i].state == TRACKING_RUNNING && tracking_channel[i].nav_msg.subframe_start_index) {
        s8 ret = process_subframe(&tracking_channel[i].nav_msg, &es[tracking_channel[i].prn]);
        if (ret < 0)
          printf("PRN %02d ret %d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1, ret);

        if (ret == 1 && !es[tracking_channel[i].prn].healthy)
          printf("PRN %02d unhealthy\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);
        if (memcmp(&es[tracking_channel[i].prn], &es_old[tracking_channel[i].prn], sizeof(ephemeris_t))) {
          printf("New ephemeris for PRN %02d\n", tracking_channel[i].prn+1);
          /* TODO: This is a janky way to set the time... */
          gps_time_t t;
          t.wn = es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe.wn;
          t.tow = tracking_channel[i].TOW_ms / 1000.0;
          if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) > 2*24*3600)
          else if (gpsdifftime(t, es[tracking_channel[i].prn].toe) < 2*24*3600)
          set_time(TIME_COARSE, t);


      u8 n_ready = 0;
      for (u8 i=0; i<nap_track_n_channels; i++) {
        if (es[tracking_channel[i].prn].valid == 1 && \
            es[tracking_channel[i].prn].healthy == 1 && \
            tracking_channel[i].state == TRACKING_RUNNING && \
            tracking_channel[i].TOW_ms > 0) {
          __asm__("CPSID i;");
          tracking_update_measurement(i, &meas[n_ready]);
          __asm__("CPSIE i;");


      if (n_ready >= 4) {
        /* Got enough sats/ephemerides, do a solution. */
        /* TODO: Instead of passing 32 LSBs of nap_timing_count do something
         * more intelligent with the solution time.
        calc_navigation_measurement(n_ready, meas, nav_meas, (double)((u32)nap_timing_count())/SAMPLE_FREQ, es);

        dops_t dops;
        if (calc_PVT(n_ready, nav_meas, &position_solution, &dops) == 0) {

          sbp_send_msg(MSG_SOLUTION, sizeof(gnss_solution), (u8 *) &position_solution);
          nmea_gpgga(&position_solution, &dops);

            sbp_send_msg(MSG_DOPS, sizeof(dops_t), (u8 *) &dops);
            nmea_gpgsv(n_ready, nav_meas, &position_solution);