文件: raytrace.c 项目: Oex999/RTv1
static t_col		shoot_ray(t_ray ray, int level_max, t_env *env)
	float		coef;
	float		t;

	coef = 1.0;
	while (coef > 0.0f && level_max--)
		t = 20000.0f;
		get_intersections(env, ray, &t);
		if (OBJ.cur_sphere != -1)
			set_val_sphere(env, t, ray);
		else if (OBJ.cur_tri != -1)
			set_val_tri(env, t, ray);
		else if (OBJ.cur_cyl != -1)
			set_val_cyl(env, t, ray);
		else if (OBJ.cur_cone != -1)
			set_val_cone(env, t, ray);
			break ;
		if (env->br == 1)
			break ;
		calc_lighting(env, coef);
		coef *= OBJ.cur_mat.reflection;
		reflect_ray(env, &ray);
	return (OBJ.col);
void xrMU_Model::calc_lighting	()
	// BB
	Fbox			BB; 
	BB.invalidate	();
	for (v_vertices_it vit=m_vertices.begin(); vit!=m_vertices.end(); vit++)
		BB.modify	((*vit)->P);

	// Export CForm
	CDB::CollectorPacked	CL	(BB,(u32)m_vertices.size(),(u32)m_faces.size());
	export_cform_rcast		(CL,Fidentity);

	CDB::MODEL*				M	= xr_new<CDB::MODEL>	();
	M->build				(CL.getV(),(u32)CL.getVS(),CL.getT(),(u32)CL.getTS());

	calc_lighting			(color,Fidentity,M,inlc_global_data()->L_static(),LP_dont_rgb+LP_dont_sun);

	xr_delete				(M);

	clMsg					("model '%s' - REF_lighted.",*m_name);
glsl_R_DrawAlias (void)
	static aliasvrt_t debug_verts[] = {
		{{  0,  0}, {-18918,-18918,-18918}, {  0,  0,  0}},
		{{  0,300}, { 18918, 18918,-18918}, {255,255,  0}},
		{{300,300}, {-18918, 18918, 18918}, {  0,255,255}},
		{{300,  0}, { 18918,-18918, 18918}, {255,  0,255}},
	static GLushort debug_indices[] = {
		0, 1, 2,
		0, 3, 1,
		1, 3, 2,
		0, 2, 3,
	static quat_t color = { 1, 1, 1, 1};
	static vec3_t lightvec;
	float       ambient;
	float       shadelight;
	float       skin_size[2];
	float       blend;
	entity_t   *ent = currententity;
	model_t    *model = ent->model;
	aliashdr_t *hdr;
	vec_t       norm_mat[9];
	mat4_t      mvp_mat;
	int         skin_tex;
	int         colormap;
	aliasvrt_t *pose1 = 0;		// VBO's are null based
	aliasvrt_t *pose2 = 0;		// VBO's are null based

	if (!(hdr = model->aliashdr))
		hdr = Cache_Get (&model->cache);

	calc_lighting (ent, &ambient, &shadelight, lightvec);

	// we need only the rotation for normals.
	VectorCopy (ent->transform + 0, norm_mat + 0);
	VectorCopy (ent->transform + 4, norm_mat + 3);
	VectorCopy (ent->transform + 8, norm_mat + 6);

	// ent model scaling and offset
	Mat4Zero (mvp_mat);
	mvp_mat[0] = hdr->mdl.scale[0];
	mvp_mat[5] = hdr->mdl.scale[1];
	mvp_mat[10] = hdr->mdl.scale[2];
	mvp_mat[15] = 1;
	VectorCopy (hdr->mdl.scale_origin, mvp_mat + 12);
	Mat4Mult (ent->transform, mvp_mat, mvp_mat);
	Mat4Mult (alias_vp, mvp_mat, mvp_mat);

	colormap = glsl_colormap;
	if (ent->skin && ent->skin->auxtex)
		colormap = ent->skin->auxtex;
	if (ent->skin && ent->skin->texnum) {
		skin_t     *skin = ent->skin;
		skin_tex = skin->texnum;
	} else {
		maliasskindesc_t *skindesc;
		skindesc = R_AliasGetSkindesc (ent->skinnum, hdr);
		skin_tex = skindesc->texnum;
	blend = R_AliasGetLerpedFrames (ent, hdr);

	pose1 += ent->pose1 * hdr->poseverts;
	pose2 += ent->pose2 * hdr->poseverts;

	skin_size[0] = hdr->mdl.skinwidth;
	skin_size[1] = hdr->mdl.skinheight;

	qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1);
	qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, colormap);
	qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0);
	qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, skin_tex);

	qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->posedata);
	qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->commands);

	qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_mdl.colora.location, color);
	qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_mdl.colorb.location, color);
	qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.blend.location, blend);
	qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.ambient.location, ambient);
	qfeglUniform1f (quake_mdl.shadelight.location, shadelight);
	qfeglUniform3fv (quake_mdl.lightvec.location, 1, lightvec);
	qfeglUniform2fv (quake_mdl.skin_size.location, 1, skin_size);
	qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (quake_mdl.mvp_matrix.location, 1, false, mvp_mat);
	qfeglUniformMatrix3fv (quake_mdl.norm_matrix.location, 1, false, norm_mat);

	set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexa, &quake_mdl.normala, &quake_mdl.sta, pose1);
	set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexb, &quake_mdl.normalb, &quake_mdl.stb, pose2);
	qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, 3 * hdr->mdl.numtris,
	set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexa, &quake_mdl.normala, &quake_mdl.sta,
	set_arrays (&quake_mdl.vertexb, &quake_mdl.normalb, &quake_mdl.stb,
	qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES,
					  sizeof (debug_indices) / sizeof (debug_indices[0]),
					  GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, debug_indices);
	if (!model->aliashdr)
		Cache_Release (&model->cache);