int fixedwing_control_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* default values for arguments */ char *fixedwing_uart_name = "/dev/ttyS1"; char *commandline_usage = "\tusage: %s -d fixedwing-devicename\n"; /* read arguments */ bool verbose = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--device") == 0) { if (argc > i + 1) { fixedwing_uart_name = argv[i + 1]; } else { printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); return 0; } } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) { verbose = true; } } /* welcome user */ printf("[fixedwing control] started\n"); /* Set up to publish fixed wing control messages */ struct fixedwing_control_s control; int fixedwing_control_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(fixedwing_control), &control); /* Subscribe to global position, attitude and rc */ struct vehicle_global_position_s global_pos; int global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); struct vehicle_attitude_s att; int attitude_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); struct rc_channels_s rc; int rc_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(rc_channels)); struct vehicle_global_position_setpoint_s global_setpoint; int global_setpoint_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position_setpoint)); /* Mainloop setup */ unsigned int loopcounter = 0; unsigned int failcounter = 0; /* Control constants */ control_outputs.mode = HIL_MODE; control_outputs.nav_mode = 0; /* Servo setup */ int fd; servo_position_t data[PWM_OUTPUT_MAX_CHANNELS]; fd = open("/dev/pwm_servo", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { printf("[fixedwing control] Failed opening /dev/pwm_servo\n"); } ioctl(fd, PWM_SERVO_ARM, 0); int16_t buffer_rc[3]; int16_t buffer_servo[3]; mixer_data_t mixer_buffer; mixer_buffer.input = buffer_rc; mixer_buffer.output = buffer_servo; mixer_conf_t mixers[3]; mixers[0].source = PITCH; mixers[0].nr_actuators = 2; mixers[0].dest[0] = AIL_1; mixers[0].dest[1] = AIL_2; mixers[0].dual_rate[0] = 1; mixers[0].dual_rate[1] = 1; mixers[1].source = ROLL; mixers[1].nr_actuators = 2; mixers[1].dest[0] = AIL_1; mixers[1].dest[1] = AIL_2; mixers[1].dual_rate[0] = 1; mixers[1].dual_rate[1] = -1; mixers[2].source = THROTTLE; mixers[2].nr_actuators = 1; mixers[2].dest[0] = MOT; mixers[2].dual_rate[0] = 1; /* * Main control, navigation and servo routine */ while(1) { /* * DATA Handling * Fetch current flight data */ /* get position, attitude and rc inputs */ // XXX add error checking orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), global_pos_sub, &global_pos); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position_setpoint), global_setpoint_sub, &global_setpoint); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), attitude_sub, &att); orb_copy(ORB_ID(rc_channels), rc_sub, &rc); /* scaling factors are defined by the data from the APM Planner * TODO: ifdef for other parameters (HIL/Real world switch) */ /* position values*/ =; /// 10000000.0; plane_data.lon = global_pos.lon; /// 10000000.0; plane_data.alt = global_pos.alt; /// 1000.0f; plane_data.vx = global_pos.vx / 100.0f; plane_data.vy = global_pos.vy / 100.0f; plane_data.vz = global_pos.vz / 100.0f; /* attitude values*/ plane_data.roll = att.roll; plane_data.pitch = att.pitch; plane_data.yaw = att.yaw; plane_data.rollspeed = att.rollspeed; plane_data.pitchspeed = att.pitchspeed; plane_data.yawspeed = att.yawspeed; /* parameter values */ get_parameters(&plane_data, &pid_s); /* Attitude control part */ if (verbose && loopcounter % 20 == 0) { /******************************** DEBUG OUTPUT ************************************************************/ printf("Parameter: %i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i \n", (int)pid_s.Kp_att, (int)pid_s.Ki_att, (int)pid_s.Kd_att, (int)pid_s.intmax_att, (int)pid_s.Kp_pos, (int)pid_s.Ki_pos, (int)pid_s.Kd_pos, (int)pid_s.intmax_pos, (int)plane_data.airspeed, (int)plane_data.wp_x, (int)plane_data.wp_y, (int)plane_data.wp_z, (int)global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_WPLON], (int)global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_WPLAT], (int)global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_WPALT],, global_setpoint.lon, (int)global_setpoint.altitude); printf("PITCH SETPOINT: %i\n", (int)(100.0f*plane_data.pitch_setpoint)); printf("ROLL SETPOINT: %i\n", (int)(100.0f*plane_data.roll_setpoint)); printf("THROTTLE SETPOINT: %i\n", (int)(100.0f*plane_data.throttle_setpoint)); printf("\n\nVx: %i\t Vy: %i\t Current speed:%i\n\n", (int)plane_data.vx, (int)plane_data.vy, (int)(calc_gnd_speed(&plane_data))); printf("Current Position: \n %i \n %i \n %i \n", (int), (int)plane_data.lon, (int)plane_data.alt); printf("\nAttitude values: \n R:%i \n P: %i \n Y: %i \n\n RS: %i \n PS: %i \n YS: %i \n ", (int)(180.0f * plane_data.roll/F_M_PI), (int)(180.0f * plane_data.pitch/F_M_PI), (int)(180.0f * plane_data.yaw/F_M_PI), (int)(180.0f * plane_data.rollspeed/F_M_PI), (int)(180.0f * plane_data.pitchspeed/F_M_PI), (int)(180.0f * plane_data.yawspeed)/F_M_PI); printf("\nCalculated outputs: \n R: %i\n P: %i\n Y: %i\n T: %i \n", (int)(10000.0f * control_outputs.roll_ailerons), (int)(10000.0f * control_outputs.pitch_elevator), (int)(10000.0f * control_outputs.yaw_rudder), (int)(10000.0f * control_outputs.throttle)); /************************************************************************************************************/ } /* * Computation section * * The function calls to compute the required control values happen * in this section. */ /* Set plane mode */ set_plane_mode(&plane_data); /* Calculate the output values */ control_outputs.roll_ailerons = calc_roll_ail(&plane_data, &pid_s); control_outputs.pitch_elevator = calc_pitch_elev(&plane_data, &pid_s); control_outputs.yaw_rudder = calc_yaw_rudder(&plane_data, &pid_s); control_outputs.throttle = calc_throttle(&plane_data, &pid_s); /* * Calculate rotation matrices */ calc_rotation_matrix(&rmatrix_att, plane_data.roll, plane_data.pitch, plane_data.yaw); calc_rotation_matrix(&rmatrix_c, control_outputs.roll_ailerons, control_outputs.pitch_elevator, control_outputs.yaw_rudder); multiply_matrices(&rmatrix_att, &rmatrix_c, &rmatrix_b); calc_angles_from_rotation_matrix(&rmatrix_b, plane_data.rollb, plane_data.pitchb, plane_data.yawb); // TODO: fix RC input //if (rc.chan[rc.function[OVERRIDE]].scale < MANUAL) { // if we're flying in automated mode /* * TAKEOFF hack for HIL */ if (plane_data.mode == TAKEOFF) { control.attitude_control_output[ROLL] = 0; control.attitude_control_output[PITCH] = 5000; control.attitude_control_output[THROTTLE] = 10000; //global_data_fixedwing_control->attitude_control_output[YAW] = (int16_t)(control_outputs.yaw_rudder); } if (plane_data.mode == CRUISE) { // TODO: substitute output with the body angles (rollb, pitchb) control.attitude_control_output[ROLL] = control_outputs.roll_ailerons; control.attitude_control_output[PITCH] = control_outputs.pitch_elevator; control.attitude_control_output[THROTTLE] = control_outputs.throttle; //control->attitude_control_output[YAW] = (int16_t)(control_outputs.yaw_rudder); } control.counter++; control.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); //} /* Navigation part */ /* * TODO: APM Planner Waypoint communication */ // Get GPS Waypoint // plane_data.wp_x = global_setpoint.lon; // plane_data.wp_y =; // plane_data.wp_z = global_setpoint.altitude; /* * TODO: fix RC input */ //if (rc.chan[rc.function[OVERRIDE]].scale < MANUAL) { // AUTO mode // AUTO/HYBRID switch //if (rc.chan[rc.function[OVERRIDE]].scale < AUTO) { plane_data.roll_setpoint = calc_roll_setpoint(35.0f, &plane_data); plane_data.pitch_setpoint = calc_pitch_setpoint(35.0f, &plane_data); plane_data.throttle_setpoint = calc_throttle_setpoint(&plane_data); // } else { // plane_data.roll_setpoint = rc.chan[rc.function[ROLL]].scale / 200; // plane_data.pitch_setpoint = rc.chan[rc.function[PITCH]].scale / 200; // plane_data.throttle_setpoint = rc.chan[rc.function[THROTTLE]].scale / 200; // } //control_outputs.yaw_rudder = calc_yaw_rudder(plane_data.hdg); // } else { // control.attitude_control_output[ROLL] = rc.chan[rc.function[ROLL]].scale/10000; // control.attitude_control_output[PITCH] = rc.chan[rc.function[PITCH]].scale/10000; // control.attitude_control_output[THROTTLE] = rc.chan[rc.function[THROTTLE]].scale/10000; // since we don't have a yaw rudder //control.attitude_control_output[YAW] = rc.chan[rc.function[YAW]].scale/10000; control.counter++; control.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); //} /* publish the control data */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(fixedwing_control), fixedwing_control_pub, &control); /* Servo part */ buffer_rc[ROLL] = (int16_t)(10000*control.attitude_control_output[ROLL]); buffer_rc[PITCH] = (int16_t)(10000*control.attitude_control_output[PITCH]); buffer_rc[THROTTLE] = (int16_t)(10000*control.attitude_control_output[THROTTLE]); //mix_and_link(mixers, 3, 2, &mixer_buffer); // Scaling and saturation of servo outputs happens here data[AIL_1] = buffer_servo[AIL_1] / global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO_SCALE] + global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO1_TRIM]; if (data[AIL_1] > SERVO_MAX) data[AIL_1] = SERVO_MAX; if (data[AIL_1] < SERVO_MIN) data[AIL_1] = SERVO_MIN; data[AIL_2] = buffer_servo[AIL_2] / global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO_SCALE] + global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO2_TRIM]; if (data[AIL_2] > SERVO_MAX) data[AIL_2] = SERVO_MAX; if (data[AIL_2] < SERVO_MIN) data[AIL_2] = SERVO_MIN; data[MOT] = buffer_servo[MOT] / global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO_SCALE] + global_data_parameter_storage->pm.param_values[PARAM_SERVO3_TRIM]; if (data[MOT] > SERVO_MAX) data[MOT] = SERVO_MAX; if (data[MOT] < SERVO_MIN) data[MOT] = SERVO_MIN; int result = write(fd, &data, sizeof(data)); if (result != sizeof(data)) { if (failcounter < 10 || failcounter % 20 == 0) { printf("[fixedwing_control] failed writing servo outputs\n"); } failcounter++; } loopcounter++; /* 20Hz loop*/ usleep(50000); } return 0; }
/******************************************************************************* * *nav_loop() * * Navigation control loop of the fixedwing controller * This loop calculates the roll,pitch and throttle setpoints, which are needed * to attain the desired heading, altitude and velocity. * * Input: none * * Output: none * ******************************************************************************/ static void *nav_loop(void *arg) { // Set thread name prctl(1, "fixedwing_control nav", getpid()); /* Set up to publish fixed wing control messages */ struct fixedwing_control_s control; int fixedwing_control_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(fixedwing_control), &control); /* Subscribe to global position, attitude and rc */ struct vehicle_global_position_s global_pos; int global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); struct vehicle_attitude_s att; int attitude_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); struct rc_channels_s rc; int rc_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(rc_channels)); while (1) { /* get position, attitude and rc inputs */ // XXX add error checking orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), global_pos_sub, &global_pos); orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), attitude_sub, &attitude); orb_copy(ORB_ID(rc_channels), rc_sub, &rc); /* scaling factors are defined by the data from the APM Planner * TODO: ifdef for other parameters (HIL/Real world switch) */ = / 10000000; plane_data.lon = global_pos.lon / 10000000; plane_data.alt = global_pos.alt / 1000; plane_data.vx = global_pos.vx / 100; plane_data.vy = global_pos.vy / 100; plane_data.vz = global_pos.vz / 100; plane_data.roll = att.roll; plane_data.pitch = att.pitch; plane_data.yaw = att.yaw; plane_data.rollspeed = att.rollspeed; plane_data.pitchspeed = att.pitchspeed; plane_data.yawspeed = att.yawspeed; // Get GPS Waypoint // if(global_data_wait(&global_data_position_setpoint->access_conf) == 0) // { // plane_data.wp_x = global_data_position_setpoint->x; // plane_data.wp_y = global_data_position_setpoint->y; // plane_data.wp_z = global_data_position_setpoint->z; // } // global_data_unlock(&global_data_position_setpoint->access_conf); if (global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[OVERRIDE]].scale < MANUAL) { // AUTO mode // AUTO/HYBRID switch if (global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[OVERRIDE]].scale < AUTO) { plane_data.roll_setpoint = calc_roll_setpoint(); plane_data.pitch_setpoint = calc_pitch_setpoint(); plane_data.throttle_setpoint = calc_throttle_setpoint(); } else { plane_data.roll_setpoint = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[ROLL]].scale / 200; plane_data.pitch_setpoint = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[PITCH]].scale / 200; plane_data.throttle_setpoint = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[THROTTLE]].scale / 200; } //control_outputs.yaw_rudder = calc_yaw_rudder(plane_data.hdg); // 10 Hz loop usleep(100000); } else { control->attitude_control_output[ROLL] = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[ROLL]].scale; control->attitude_control_output[PITCH] = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[PITCH]].scale; control->attitude_control_output[THROTTLE] = global_data_rc_channels->chan[global_data_rc_channels->function[THROTTLE]].scale; // since we don't have a yaw rudder //global_data_fixedwing_control->attitude_control_output[3] = global_data_rc_channels->chan[YAW].scale; control->counter++; control->timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); #error Either publish here or above, not at two locations orb_publish(ORB_ID(fixedwing_control), fixedwing_control_pub, &control); usleep(100000); } } return NULL; }