void GeoDialog::loadCityList()

  QFile file( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kaddressbook/zone.tab" ) );

  if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
    QTextStream s( &file );

    QString line, country;
    QRegExp coord( "[+-]\\d+[+-]\\d+" );
    QRegExp name( "[^\\s]+/[^\\s]+" );
    int pos;

    while ( !s.atEnd() ) {
      line = s.readLine().trimmed();
      if ( line.isEmpty() || line[ 0 ] == '#' )

      country = line.left( 2 );
      QString c, n;
      pos = coord.indexIn( line, 0 );
      if ( pos >= 0 )
        c = line.mid( pos, coord.matchedLength() );

      pos = name.indexIn(line, pos);
      if ( pos > 0 ) {
        n = line.mid( pos, name.matchedLength() ).trimmed();
        n.replace( '_', " " );

      if ( !c.isEmpty() && !n.isEmpty() ) {
        pos = c.indexOf( "+", 1 );
        if ( pos < 0 )
          pos = c.indexOf( "-", 1 );
        if ( pos > 0 ) {
          GeoData data;
          data.latitude = calculateCoordinate( c.left( pos ) );
          data.longitude = calculateCoordinate( c.mid( pos ) );
          data.country = country;

          mGeoDataMap.insert( n, data );
    QStringList items( mGeoDataMap.keys() );
    items.prepend( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox Undefined location", "Undefined" ) );
    mCityCombo->addItems( items );

AU_UAV_ROS::GoToWaypoint updatePath(const AU_UAV_ROS::TelemetryUpdate::ConstPtr &msg, AU_UAV_ROS::mathVector forceVector){
	AU_UAV_ROS::GoToWaypoint goToWaypointSrv; /* destination to go to */
	double forceTheta = forceVector.getDirection(); /* angle of the force vector with respect to North bearing */
	double d = MPS_SPEED/EARTH_RADIUS; /* angular distance traveled in one second */

	AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint currentPosition, newPosition;
	currentPosition.latitude = msg->currentLatitude;
	currentPosition.longitude = msg->currentLongitude;
	currentPosition.altitude = msg->currentAltitude;

	newPosition = calculateCoordinate(currentPosition, forceTheta, d);	/* find new position one second away based on direction of force */

	/* set up new goToWaypoint service */
	goToWaypointSrv.request.planeID = msg->planeID;

	goToWaypointSrv.request.latitude = newPosition.latitude;
	goToWaypointSrv.request.longitude = newPosition.longitude;
	goToWaypointSrv.request.altitude = newPosition.altitude;

	return goToWaypointSrv;