文件: look.c 项目: ccubed/MuDocker
/* Show the 'Obvious Exits' list for a room. Used in 'look' and 'examine'.
 * \param player The player looking
 * \param loc room whose exits we're showing
 * \param exit_name "Obvious Exits" string
 * \param pe_info the pe_info to use for evaluating EXITFORMAT and interact locks
static void
look_exits(dbref player, dbref loc, const char *exit_name, NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info)
  dbref thing;
  char *tbuf1, *tbuf2, *nbuf;
  char *s1, *s2;
  char *p;
  int exit_count, this_exit, total_count;
  int texits;
  ufun_attrib ufun;

  /* make sure location is a room */
  if (!IsRoom(loc))

  tbuf1 = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  tbuf2 = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  nbuf = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
  if (!tbuf1 || !tbuf2 || !nbuf)
    mush_panic("Unable to allocate memory in look_exits");
  s1 = tbuf1;
  s2 = tbuf2;
  texits = exit_count = total_count = 0;
  this_exit = 1;

  if (fetch_ufun_attrib
    char *arg, *buff, *bp;
    PE_REGS *pe_regs = pe_regs_create(PE_REGS_ARG, "look_exits");

    arg = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
    buff = (char *) mush_malloc(BUFFER_LEN, "string");
    if (!arg || !buff)
      mush_panic("Unable to allocate memory in look_exits");

    bp = arg;
    DOLIST(thing, Exits(loc)) {
      if (((Light(loc) || Light(thing)) || !(Dark(loc) || Dark(thing)))
          && can_interact(thing, player, INTERACT_SEE, pe_info)) {
        if (bp != arg)
          safe_chr(' ', arg, &bp);
        safe_dbref(thing, arg, &bp);
    *bp = '\0';
    pe_regs_setenv_nocopy(pe_regs, 0, arg);

    call_ufun(&ufun, buff, player, player, pe_info, pe_regs);

    notify_by(loc, player, buff);
    mush_free(tbuf1, "string");
    mush_free(tbuf2, "string");
    mush_free(nbuf, "string");
    mush_free(arg, "string");
    mush_free(buff, "string");
/** Take an action on an object and trigger attributes.
 * \verbatim
 * executes the @attr, @oattr, @aattr for a command - gives a message
 * to the enactor and others in the room with the enactor, and executes
 * an action. We optionally load pe_regs into the queue.
 * \endverbatim
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param thing object being triggered.
 * \param what message attribute for enactor.
 * \param def default message to enactor.
 * \param owhat message attribute for others.
 * \param odef default message to others.
 * \param awhat action attribute to trigger.
 * \param loc location in which action is taking place.
 * \param pe_regs the pe_regs arguments for the evaluation/queueing
 * \param flags flags controlling type of interaction involved.
 * \retval 0 no attributes were present, only defaults were used if given.
 * \retval 1 some attributes were evaluated and used.
real_did_it(dbref player, dbref thing, const char *what, const char *def,
            const char *owhat, const char *odef, const char *awhat, dbref loc,
            PE_REGS *pe_regs, int flags, int an_flags)

  char buff[BUFFER_LEN], *bp;
  int attribs_used = 0;
  NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info = NULL;
  ufun_attrib ufun;

  if (!pe_info) {
    pe_info = make_pe_info("pe_info-real_did_it2");

  loc = (loc == NOTHING) ? Location(player) : loc;
  /* only give messages if the location is good */
  if (GoodObject(loc)) {

    /* message to player */
    if (what && *what) {
      if (fetch_ufun_attrib
          (what, thing, &ufun,
        attribs_used = 1;
        if (!call_ufun(&ufun, buff, thing, player, pe_info, pe_regs) && buff[0])
          notify_by(thing, player, buff);
      } else if (def && *def)
        notify_by(thing, player, def);
    /* message to neighbors */
    if (!DarkLegal(player)) {
      if (owhat && *owhat
          && fetch_ufun_attrib(owhat, thing, &ufun,
                               UFUN_LOCALIZE | UFUN_REQUIRE_ATTR |
                               UFUN_IGNORE_PERMS | UFUN_NAME)) {
        attribs_used = 1;
        if (!call_ufun_int
            (&ufun, buff, thing, player, pe_info, pe_regs,
             (void *) AName(player, an_flags, NULL)) && buff[0])
          notify_except2(player, loc, player, thing, buff, flags);
      } else if (odef && *odef) {
        bp = buff;
        safe_format(buff, &bp, "%s %s", AName(player, an_flags, NULL), odef);
        *bp = '\0';
        notify_except2(player, loc, player, thing, buff, flags);
  if (pe_info) {

  if (awhat && *awhat)
    attribs_used = queue_attribute_base(thing, awhat, player, 0, pe_regs, 0)
      || attribs_used;

  return attribs_used;
文件: utils.c 项目: kymoon/pennmush
/** Given a thing, attribute, enactor and arguments for %0-%9,
 * call the ufun with appropriate permissions on values given for
 * wenv_args. The value returned is stored in the buffer pointed to
 * by ret, if given.
 * \param thing The thing that has the attribute to be called
 * \param attrname The name of the attribute to call.
 * \param ret If desired, a pointer to a buffer in which the results
 * of the process_expression are stored in.
 * \param enactor The enactor.
 * \param pe_info The pe_info passed to the FUNCTION
 * \param pe_regs Other arguments that may want to be added. This nests BELOW
 *                the pe_regs created by call_ufun. (It is checked first)
 * \retval 1 success
 * \retval 0 No such attribute, or failed.
call_attrib(dbref thing, const char *attrname, char *ret, dbref enactor,
            NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info, PE_REGS *pe_regs)
  ufun_attrib ufun;
  if (!fetch_ufun_attrib(attrname, thing, &ufun,
    return 0;
  return !call_ufun(&ufun, ret, thing, enactor, pe_info, pe_regs);