/* Use this function to tell the major GC to speed up when you use
   finalized blocks to automatically deallocate resources (other
   than memory). The GC will do at least one cycle every [max]
   allocated resources; [res] is the number of resources allocated
   this time.
   Note that only [res/max] is relevant.  The units (and kind of
   resource) can change between calls to [caml_adjust_gc_speed].
CAMLexport void caml_adjust_gc_speed (mlsize_t res, mlsize_t max)
  if (max == 0) max = 1;
  if (res > max) res = max;
  caml_extra_heap_resources += (double) res / (double) max;
  if (caml_extra_heap_resources > 1.0){
    caml_extra_heap_resources = 1.0;
    caml_urge_major_slice ();
  if (caml_extra_heap_resources
           > (double) Wsize_bsize (caml_minor_heap_size) / 2.0
             / (double) Wsize_bsize (caml_stat_heap_size)) {
    caml_urge_major_slice ();
void caml_realloc_ref_table (struct caml_ref_table *tbl)
{                                           Assert (tbl->ptr == tbl->limit);
                                            Assert (tbl->limit <= tbl->end);
                                      Assert (tbl->limit >= tbl->threshold);

  if (tbl->base == NULL){
    caml_alloc_table (tbl, caml_minor_heap_size / sizeof (value) / 8, 256);
  }else if (tbl->limit == tbl->threshold){
    caml_gc_message (0x08, "ref_table threshold crossed\n", 0);
    tbl->limit = tbl->end;
    caml_urge_major_slice ();
  }else{ /* This will almost never happen with the bytecode interpreter. */
    asize_t sz;
    asize_t cur_ptr = tbl->ptr - tbl->base;
                                             Assert (caml_force_major_slice);

    tbl->size *= 2;
    sz = (tbl->size + tbl->reserve) * sizeof (value *);
    caml_gc_message (0x08, "Growing ref_table to %"
                           ARCH_INTNAT_PRINTF_FORMAT "dk bytes\n",
                     (intnat) sz/1024);
    tbl->base = (value **) realloc ((char *) tbl->base, sz);
    if (tbl->base == NULL){
      caml_fatal_error ("Fatal error: ref_table overflow\n");
    tbl->end = tbl->base + tbl->size + tbl->reserve;
    tbl->threshold = tbl->base + tbl->size;
    tbl->ptr = tbl->base + cur_ptr;
    tbl->limit = tbl->end;
static void realloc_generic_table
(struct generic_table *tbl, asize_t element_size,
 char * msg_intr_int, char *msg_threshold, char *msg_growing, char *msg_error)
  CAMLassert (tbl->ptr == tbl->limit);
  CAMLassert (tbl->limit <= tbl->end);
  CAMLassert (tbl->limit >= tbl->threshold);

  if (tbl->base == NULL){
    alloc_generic_table (tbl, Caml_state->minor_heap_wsz / 8, 256,
  }else if (tbl->limit == tbl->threshold){
    CAML_INSTR_INT (msg_intr_int, 1);
    caml_gc_message (0x08, msg_threshold, 0);
    tbl->limit = tbl->end;
    caml_urge_major_slice ();
    asize_t sz;
    asize_t cur_ptr = tbl->ptr - tbl->base;

    tbl->size *= 2;
    sz = (tbl->size + tbl->reserve) * element_size;
    caml_gc_message (0x08, msg_growing, (intnat) sz/1024);
    tbl->base = caml_stat_resize_noexc (tbl->base, sz);
    if (tbl->base == NULL){
      caml_fatal_error (msg_error);
    tbl->end = tbl->base + (tbl->size + tbl->reserve) * element_size;
    tbl->threshold = tbl->base + tbl->size * element_size;
    tbl->ptr = tbl->base + cur_ptr;
    tbl->limit = tbl->end;
CAMLexport value caml_alloc_shr (mlsize_t wosize, tag_t tag)
  header_t *hp;
  value *new_block;

  if (wosize > Max_wosize) caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
  hp = caml_fl_allocate (wosize);
  if (hp == NULL){
    new_block = expand_heap (wosize);
    if (new_block == NULL) {
      if (caml_in_minor_collection)
        caml_fatal_error ("Fatal error: out of memory.\n");
        caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
    caml_fl_add_blocks ((value) new_block);
    hp = caml_fl_allocate (wosize);

  Assert (Is_in_heap (Val_hp (hp)));

  /* Inline expansion of caml_allocation_color. */
  if (caml_gc_phase == Phase_mark
      || (caml_gc_phase == Phase_sweep && (addr)hp >= (addr)caml_gc_sweep_hp)){
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (wosize, tag, Caml_black);
    Assert (caml_gc_phase == Phase_idle
            || (caml_gc_phase == Phase_sweep
                && (addr)hp < (addr)caml_gc_sweep_hp));
    Hd_hp (hp) = Make_header (wosize, tag, Caml_white);
  Assert (Hd_hp (hp) == Make_header (wosize, tag, caml_allocation_color (hp)));
  caml_allocated_words += Whsize_wosize (wosize);
  if (caml_allocated_words > caml_minor_heap_wsz){
    caml_urge_major_slice ();
#ifdef DEBUG
    uintnat i;
    for (i = 0; i < wosize; i++){
      Field (Val_hp (hp), i) = Debug_uninit_major;
  return Val_hp (hp);