const Type* AggregateFunctionCount::resultTypeForArgumentTypes(
    const std::vector<const Type*> &argument_types) const {
  if (!canApplyToTypes(argument_types)) {
    return nullptr;

  return &TypeFactory::GetType(kLong);
AggregationHandle* AggregateFunctionMin::createHandle(
    const std::vector<const Type*> &argument_types) const {
      << "Attempted to create an AggregationHandleMin for argument Type(s) "
      << "that MIN can not be applied to.";

  return new AggregationHandleMin(*argument_types.front());
const Type* AggregateFunctionMin::resultTypeForArgumentTypes(
    const std::vector<const Type*> &argument_types) const {
  if (!canApplyToTypes(argument_types)) {
    return nullptr;

  return &(argument_types.front()->getNullableVersion());
WindowAggregationHandle* WindowAggregateFunctionCount::createHandle(
    const std::vector<const Type*> &argument_types,
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Scalar>> &partition_by_attributes,
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Scalar>> &order_by_attributes,
    const bool is_row,
    const std::int64_t num_preceding,
    const std::int64_t num_following) const {
      << "Attempted to create a WindowAggregationHandleCount for argument Types "
      << "that COUNT can not be applied to (> 1 argument).";

  // TODO(Shixuan): Add handle for Count.
  return nullptr;
AggregationHandle* AggregateFunctionCount::createHandle(
    const std::vector<const Type*> &argument_types) const {
      << "Attempted to create an AggregationHandleCount for argument Types "
      << "that COUNT can not be applied to (> 1 argument).";

  if (argument_types.empty()) {
    // COUNT(*)
    return new AggregationHandleCount<true, false>();
  } else if (argument_types.front()->isNullable()) {
    // COUNT(some_nullable_argument)
    return new AggregationHandleCount<false, true>();
  } else {
    // COUNT(non_nullable_argument)
    // TODO(chasseur): Modify query optimizer to optimize-away COUNT with a
    // non-nullable argument and convert it to COUNT(*).
    return new AggregationHandleCount<false, false>();