// ReadLog
// Reads back into the sensor data structures the raw readings that were stored to file by WriteLog (above)
// Reads a single line from the file, and interprets it by its delineator (either Laser or Odometry). If the line
// is not delineated for some reason, the function prints out an error message, and advances to the next line.
// While there is still information in the file, it will return 0. When it reaches the end of the file, it will return 1.
int ReadLog(carmen_FILE *logFile, carmen_logfile_index_p logfile_index, 
	    TSense &sense) {
  int i, max;
  char line[4096];
  int laser;
  carmen_robot_laser_message laser_msg;

  if (carmen_logfile_eof(logfile_index)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "End of Log File.\n");
    return 1;

  do {
    laser = carmen_logfile_read_next_line(logfile_index, logFile,
					  4095, line);
  } while (strncmp(line, "ROBOTLASER1 ", 12) != 0);

  memset(&laser_msg, 0, sizeof(laser_msg));
  carmen_string_to_robot_laser_message(line, &laser_msg);

  max = laser_msg.num_readings;
  if (max > SENSE_NUMBER)
    max = SENSE_NUMBER;
  // Now read in the whole list of laser readings.
  for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    sense[i].theta = (i*M_PI/max) - M_PI/2;
    sense[i].distance = laser_msg.range[i] * MAP_SCALE;
    if (sense[i].distance > MAX_SENSE_RANGE)
      sense[i].distance = MAX_SENSE_RANGE;
  // Read x and y coordinates. 
  odometry.x = laser_msg.laser_pose.x;
  odometry.y = laser_msg.laser_pose.y;
  // Read the facing angle of the robot.
  odometry.theta = laser_msg.laser_pose.theta;
  odometry.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(odometry.theta);

  return 0;
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  carmen_point_t                  pos, corrpos, odo;
  double                          time;
  int                             i;
  int                             scancnt;
  carmen_move_t                   pos_move = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  carmen_move_t                   corr_move = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  carmen_point_t                  old_pos = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  carmen_point_t                  old_corrpos = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  int which_laser = 0;

  carmen_FILE stdout_carmen;
  stdout_carmen.compressed = 0;  
  stdout_carmen.fp = stdout;

  if (argc < 2) {

  for (i=1; i < argc-1; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")  || !strcmp(argv[i], "--flaser"))
      which_laser = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")  || !strcmp(argv[i], "--robotlaser"))
      which_laser = 2;

  carmen_ipc_initialize(argc, argv);
  vascocore_init(argc, argv);

  /*   file handler */
  carmen_FILE *logfile = NULL;

  /*   log file index structure */
  carmen_logfile_index_p logfile_index = NULL;

  /*  open logfile for reading */
  logfile = carmen_fopen(argv[argc-1], "r");
  if(logfile == NULL)
    carmen_die("Error: could not open file %s for reading.\n", argv[1]);

  /* create index structure */
  logfile_index = carmen_logfile_index_messages(logfile);
  /*   buffer for reading the lines */
  const int max_line_length=9999;
  char line[max_line_length+1];
  /*   used to read the messages. erase stucture before! */
  carmen_robot_laser_message l;
  carmen_erase_structure(&l, sizeof(carmen_robot_laser_message) );

  /*   iterate over all entries in the logfile */
  while (!carmen_logfile_eof(logfile_index)) {

    int correct_msg = 1;
    /*     read the line from the file */
    /*     what kind of message it this? */
    if (which_laser != 1 && strncmp(line, "ROBOTLASER1 ", 12) == 0) {
      /*  convert the string using the corresponding read function */
      char* next = carmen_string_to_robot_laser_message(line, &l);
      time = atof( strtok( next, " ") );

    else if (which_laser != 2 && strncmp(line, "FLASER ", 7) == 0) {
      /*  convert the string using the corresponding read function */
      char* next = carmen_string_to_robot_laser_message_orig(line, &l);
      time = atof( strtok( next, " ") );
    else {
      correct_msg = 0;
      fputs(line, stdout);

    if (correct_msg) {
      odo = l.robot_pose;
      pos = l.laser_pose;

      /* using the new scan match function that takes robot laser messages...
      carmen_laser_laser_message scan;
      carmen_erase_structure(&scan,  sizeof(carmen_laser_laser_message) );
      scan.timestamp      = l.timestamp;
      scan.config         = l.config;
      scan.num_readings   = l.num_readings;
      scan.num_remissions = l.num_remissions;
      scan.range          = l.range;
      scan.remission      = l.remission;
      scan.host           = l.host;

      corrpos = vascocore_scan_match( scan, pos );*/
      corrpos = vascocore_scan_match_robot( l );

      corr_move = carmen_move_between_points( old_corrpos, corrpos );
      pos_move = carmen_move_between_points( old_pos, pos );

      fprintf( stderr, "expected movement  %.6f m %.6f m %.6f degree\n",
	       corr_move.forward, corr_move.sideward,
	       rad2deg(corr_move.rotation) );
      fprintf( stderr, "corrected movement %.6f m %.6f m %.6f degree\n\n",
	       pos_move.forward, pos_move.sideward,
	       rad2deg(pos_move.rotation) );

      l.laser_pose = corrpos;

      carmen_logwrite_write_robot_laser(&l,1,&stdout_carmen, time);
      old_pos     = pos;
      old_corrpos = corrpos;
  /* close the file */

  fprintf(stderr, "\ndone, corrected %d messages!\n", scancnt);

  /* free index structure */