 * Read an ASCII file as a 2-dimensional array of floating point numbers.
 * The number of columns is determined by the number of entries on the
 * first non-comment line.  Missing values are set to zero.
 * Comment lines (preceded with a hash mark) are ignored.
 * The returned matrix is in COLUMN-MAJOR order, and as such is
 * addressed as (*ppData)[iCol*NRows+iRow].
 * This is the Fortran storage scheme, but it is useful in addressing
 * a column as a vector that is contiguous in memory.
 * If the data array is empty, it should be passed with the value ppData = NULL.
 * Return IO_GOOD if the file exists, and IO_FALSE otherwise.
int asciifile_read_colmajor
  (char     pFileName[],
   int      numColsMax,
   int   *  pNRows,
   int   *  pNCols,
   float ** ppData)
   int      iCol;
   int      iRow;
   int      qExist;
   MEMSZ    memSize;
   float *  pNewData;

   qExist = asciifile_read_rowmajor(pFileName, numColsMax,
    pNRows, pNCols, ppData);

   if (qExist == IO_GOOD) {
      /* Create a new array of the same dimensions */
      memSize = sizeof(float) * (*pNRows)*(*pNCols);
      ccalloc_(&memSize, (void **)&pNewData);

      /* Copy the data into this array in column-major order */
      for (iCol=0; iCol < (*pNCols); iCol++) {
      for (iRow=0; iRow < (*pNRows); iRow ++) {
         pNewData[iCol*(*pNRows)+iRow] = (*ppData)[iRow*(*pNCols)+iCol];
      } }

      /* Toss out the old array */
      ccfree_((void **)ppData);
      *ppData = pNewData;

   return qExist;
/* Read one value at a time from NGP+SGP polar projections.
 * Set qInterp=1 to interpolate, or =0 otherwise.
 * Set qVerbose=1 to for verbose output, or =0 otherwise.
float * lambert_getval
  (char  *  pFileN,
   char  *  pFileS,
   long     nGal,
   float *  pGall,
   float *  pGalb,
   int      qInterp,
   int      qNoloop,
   int      qVerbose)
   int      iloop;
   int      iGal;
   int      ii;
   int      jj;
   int   *  pNS; /* 0 for NGP, 1 for SGP */
   int      nIndx;
   int   *  pIndx;
   int   *  pXPix;
   int   *  pYPix;
   int      xPix;
   int      yPix;
   int      xsize;
   DSIZE    pStart[2];
   DSIZE    pEnd[2];
   DSIZE    nSubimg;
   float *  pSubimg;
   float    dx;
   float    dy;
   float    xr;
   float    yr;
   float    pWeight[4];
   float    mapval;
   float *  pOutput;
   float *  pDX = NULL;
   float *  pDY = NULL;

   /* Variables for FITS files */
   int      qRead;
   int      numAxes;
   DSIZE *  pNaxis;
   char  *  pFileIn = NULL;
   HSIZE    nHead;
   uchar *  pHead;

   /* Allocate output data array */
   pNS = ccivector_build_(nGal);
   pOutput = ccvector_build_(nGal);

   /* Decide if each point should be read from the NGP or SGP projection */
   for (iGal=0; iGal < nGal; iGal++)
    pNS[iGal] = (pGalb[iGal] >= 0.0) ? 0 : 1; /* ==0 for NGP, ==1 for SGP */

   if (qNoloop == 0) {  /* LOOP THROUGH ONE POINT AT A TIME */

      /* Loop through first NGP then SGP */
      for (iloop=0; iloop < 2; iloop++) {
         qRead = 0;

         /* Loop through each data point */
         for (iGal=0; iGal < nGal; iGal++) {
            if (pNS[iGal] == iloop) {

               /* Read FITS header for this projection if not yet read */
               if (qRead == 0) {
                  if (iloop == 0) pFileIn = pFileN; else pFileIn = pFileS;
                  fits_read_file_fits_header_only_(pFileIn, &nHead, &pHead);
                  qRead = 1;

               if (qInterp == 0) {  /* NEAREST PIXELS */

                  /* Determine the nearest pixel coordinates */
                  lambert_lb2pix(pGall[iGal], pGalb[iGal], nHead, pHead,
                   &xPix, &yPix);

                  pStart[0] = xPix;
                  pStart[1] = yPix;

                  /* Read one pixel value from data file */
                  fits_read_point_(pFileIn, nHead, pHead, pStart, &mapval);
                  pOutput[iGal] = mapval;

                  if (qVerbose != 0)
                   printf("%8.3f %7.3f %1d %8d %8d %12.5e\n",
                   pGall[iGal], pGalb[iGal], iloop, xPix, yPix, mapval);

               } else {  /* INTERPOLATE */

                  fits_compute_axes_(&nHead, &pHead, &numAxes, &pNaxis);

                  /* Determine the fractional pixel coordinates */
                  lambert_lb2fpix(pGall[iGal], pGalb[iGal], nHead, pHead,
                   &xr, &yr);
/* The following 4 lines introduced an erroneous 1/2-pixel shift
   (DJS 18-Mar-1999).
                  xPix = (int)(xr-0.5);
                  yPix = (int)(yr-0.5);
                  dx = xPix - xr + 1.5;
                  dy = yPix - yr + 1.5;
                  xPix = (int)(xr);
                  yPix = (int)(yr);
                  dx = xPix - xr + 1.0;
                  dy = yPix - yr + 1.0;

                  /* Force pixel values to fall within the image boundaries */
                  if (xPix < 0) { xPix = 0; dx = 1.0; }
                  if (yPix < 0) { yPix = 0; dy = 1.0; }
                  if (xPix >= pNaxis[0]-1) { xPix = pNaxis[0]-2; dx = 0.0; }
                  if (yPix >= pNaxis[1]-1) { yPix = pNaxis[1]-2; dy = 0.0; }

                  pStart[0] = xPix;
                  pStart[1] = yPix;
                  pEnd[0] = xPix + 1;
                  pEnd[1] = yPix + 1;

                  /* Create array of weights */
                  pWeight[0] =    dx  *    dy  ;
                  pWeight[1] = (1-dx) *    dy  ;
                  pWeight[2] =    dx  * (1-dy) ;
                  pWeight[3] = (1-dx) * (1-dy) ;

                  /* Read 2x2 array from data file */
                  fits_read_subimg_(pFileIn, nHead, pHead, pStart, pEnd,
                   &nSubimg, &pSubimg);

                  pOutput[iGal] = 0.0;
                  for (jj=0; jj < 4; jj++)
                   pOutput[iGal] += pWeight[jj] * pSubimg[jj];

                  fits_free_axes_(&numAxes, &pNaxis);
                  ccfree_((void **)&pSubimg);

                  if (qVerbose != 0)
                   printf("%8.3f %7.3f %1d %9.3f %9.3f %12.5e\n",
                   pGall[iGal], pGalb[iGal], iloop, xr, yr, pOutput[iGal]);

               }  /* -- END NEAREST PIXEL OR INTERPOLATE -- */

   } else {  /* READ FULL IMAGE */

      pIndx = ccivector_build_(nGal);
      pXPix = ccivector_build_(nGal);
      pYPix = ccivector_build_(nGal);
      if (qInterp != 0) {
         pDX = ccvector_build_(nGal);
         pDY = ccvector_build_(nGal);

      /* Loop through first NGP then SGP */
      for (iloop=0; iloop < 2; iloop++) {

         /* Determine the indices of data points in this hemisphere */
         nIndx = 0;
         for (iGal=0; iGal < nGal; iGal++) {
            if (pNS[iGal] == iloop) {
               pIndx[nIndx] = iGal;

         /* Do not continue if no data points in this hemisphere */
         if (nIndx > 0) {

            /* Read FITS header for this projection */
            if (iloop == 0) pFileIn = pFileN; else pFileIn = pFileS;
            fits_read_file_fits_header_only_(pFileIn, &nHead, &pHead);

            if (qInterp == 0) {  /* NEAREST PIXELS */

               /* Determine the nearest pixel coordinates */
               for (ii=0; ii < nIndx; ii++) {
                  lambert_lb2pix(pGall[pIndx[ii]], pGalb[pIndx[ii]],
                   nHead, pHead, &pXPix[ii], &pYPix[ii]);

               pStart[0] = ivector_minimum(nIndx, pXPix);
               pEnd[0] = ivector_maximum(nIndx, pXPix);
               pStart[1] = ivector_minimum(nIndx, pYPix);
               pEnd[1] = ivector_maximum(nIndx, pYPix);

               /* Read smallest subimage containing all points in this hemi */
               fits_read_subimg_(pFileIn, nHead, pHead, pStart, pEnd,
                &nSubimg, &pSubimg);
               xsize = pEnd[0] - pStart[0] + 1;

               /* Determine data values */
               for (ii=0; ii < nIndx; ii++) {
                  pOutput[pIndx[ii]] = pSubimg[ pXPix[ii]-pStart[0] +
                   (pYPix[ii]-pStart[1]) * xsize ];


               ccfree_((void **)&pSubimg);

            } else {  /* INTERPOLATE */

               fits_compute_axes_(&nHead, &pHead, &numAxes, &pNaxis);

               /* Determine the fractional pixel coordinates */
               for (ii=0; ii < nIndx; ii++) {
                  lambert_lb2fpix(pGall[pIndx[ii]], pGalb[pIndx[ii]],
                   nHead, pHead, &xr, &yr);
/* The following 4 lines introduced an erroneous 1/2-pixel shift
   (DJS 03-Mar-2004).
                  pXPix[ii] = (int)(xr-0.5);
                  pYPix[ii] = (int)(yr-0.5);
                  pDX[ii] = pXPix[ii] - xr + 1.5;
                  pDY[ii] = pYPix[ii] - yr + 1.5;
                  pXPix[ii] = (int)(xr);
                  pYPix[ii] = (int)(yr);
                  pDX[ii] = pXPix[ii] - xr + 1.0;
                  pDY[ii] = pYPix[ii] - yr + 1.0;

                  /* Force pixel values to fall within the image boundaries */
                  if (pXPix[ii] < 0) { pXPix[ii] = 0; pDX[ii] = 1.0; }
                  if (pYPix[ii] < 0) { pYPix[ii] = 0; pDY[ii] = 1.0; }
                  if (pXPix[ii] >= pNaxis[0]-1)
                   { pXPix[ii] = pNaxis[0]-2; pDX[ii] = 0.0; }
                  if (pYPix[ii] >= pNaxis[1]-1)
                   { pYPix[ii] = pNaxis[1]-2; pDY[ii] = 0.0; }


               pStart[0] = ivector_minimum(nIndx, pXPix);
               pEnd[0] = ivector_maximum(nIndx, pXPix) + 1;
               pStart[1] = ivector_minimum(nIndx, pYPix);
               pEnd[1] = ivector_maximum(nIndx, pYPix) + 1;

               /* Read smallest subimage containing all points in this hemi */
               fits_read_subimg_(pFileIn, nHead, pHead, pStart, pEnd,
                &nSubimg, &pSubimg);
               xsize = pEnd[0] - pStart[0] + 1;

               /* Determine data values */
               for (ii=0; ii < nIndx; ii++) {
                  /* Create array of weights */
                  pWeight[0] =    pDX[ii]  *    pDY[ii]  ;
                  pWeight[1] = (1-pDX[ii]) *    pDY[ii]  ;
                  pWeight[2] =    pDX[ii]  * (1-pDY[ii]) ;
                  pWeight[3] = (1-pDX[ii]) * (1-pDY[ii]) ;

                  pOutput[pIndx[ii]] =
                    pWeight[0] * pSubimg[
                     pXPix[ii]-pStart[0]   + (pYPix[ii]-pStart[1]  )*xsize ]
                   +pWeight[1] * pSubimg[
                     pXPix[ii]-pStart[0]+1 + (pYPix[ii]-pStart[1]  )*xsize ]
                   +pWeight[2] * pSubimg[
                     pXPix[ii]-pStart[0]   + (pYPix[ii]-pStart[1]+1)*xsize ]
                   +pWeight[3] * pSubimg[
                     pXPix[ii]-pStart[0]+1 + (pYPix[ii]-pStart[1]+1)*xsize ] ;


               fits_free_axes_(&numAxes, &pNaxis);
               ccfree_((void **)&pSubimg);

            }  /* -- END NEAREST PIXEL OR INTERPOLATE -- */


      if (qInterp != 0) {

   /* Free the memory allocated for the FITS header 
      (Moved outside previous brace by Chris Stoughton 19-Jan-1999) */

   /* Deallocate output data array */

   return pOutput;
void main
  (int      argc,
   char  *  ppArgv[],
   char  *  ppEnvp[])
   int      ic;
   int      qInterp;
   int      qVerbose;
   int      qNoloop;
   int      iGal;
   int      nGal;
   int      nCol;
   float    tmpl;
   float    tmpb;
   float *  pGall = NULL;
   float *  pGalb = NULL;
   float *  pNu = NULL;
   float *  pInu;
   float *  pData;

   FILE  *  pFILEout;
   static char pPrivW[] = "w";

   /* Declarations for keyword input values */
   int      ienv;
   int      nkey;
   int      modelNum;
   float    nuval = 0.0;
   char  *  pTemp;
   char  *  pKeyname;
   char  *  pKeyval;
   char  *  pResName;
   char  *  pUnitsName;
   char  *  pInFile = NULL;
   char  *  pOutName = NULL;
   char  *  pIPath   = NULL;
   char     pString1[13];
   char     pDefPath[] = "./";
   char     pDefRes[] = "I4096";
   const char pDUST_DIR[] = "DUST_DIR";
   const char     pEq[] = "=";
   const char pText_mapdir[] = "/maps/";

   /* Declarations for command-line keyword names */
   const char pText_ipath[] = "ipath";
   const char pText_infile[] = "infile";
   const char pText_outfile[] = "outfile";
   const char pText_model[] = "model";
   const char pText_nu[] = "nu";
   const char pText_resolution[] = "resolution";
   const char pText_units[] = "units";
   const char pText_interp[] = "interp";
   const char pText_noloop[] = "noloop";
   const char pText_verbose[] = "verbose";
   char     pText_MJy[] = "MJy";

   /* Set defaults */
   pIPath = pDefPath;
   pResName = pDefRes;
   pUnitsName = pText_MJy;
   modelNum = 8; /* default to our best-fit model */
   qInterp = 0; /* no interpolation */
   qVerbose = 0; /* not verbose */
   qNoloop = 0; /* do not read entire image into memory */

   /* Override default path by value in the environment variable DUST_DIR */
   for (ienv=0; ppEnvp[ienv] != 0; ienv++) {
      if (strcmp(pDUST_DIR,strtok(ppEnvp[ienv],pEq))==0 ) {
         pIPath = strcat( strtok(NULL,pEq), pText_mapdir );

   nkey = 0;
   for (ic=1; ic < argc; ic++) {
      /* Check if this argument is a keyword */
      if ((pTemp=strchr(ppArgv[ic],'=')) != NULL) {
         pKeyname = ppArgv[ic];
         pKeyval = pTemp + 1;
         pTemp[0] = '\0'; /* replace equals with NULL to terminate string */

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_nu) == 0)
          sscanf(pKeyval, "%f", &nuval);

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_infile) == 0) pInFile = pKeyval;

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_outfile) == 0) pOutName = pKeyval;

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_model) == 0)
          sscanf(pKeyval, "%d", &modelNum);

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_resolution) == 0) pResName = pKeyval;

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_units) == 0) pUnitsName = pKeyval;

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_ipath) == 0) pIPath = pKeyval;

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_interp) == 0) {
            if (strchr(pKeyval,'y') != NULL || strchr(pKeyval,'Y') != NULL)
             qInterp = 1; /* do interpolation */

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_noloop) == 0) {
            if (strchr(pKeyval,'y') != NULL || strchr(pKeyval,'Y') != NULL)
             qNoloop=1; /* read entire image into memory */

         if (strcmp(pKeyname,pText_verbose) == 0) {
            if (strchr(pKeyval,'y') != NULL || strchr(pKeyval,'Y') != NULL)
             qVerbose = 1; /* do interpolation */


   /* If no input coordinate file, then read coordinates from either
    * the command line or by query */
   if (pInFile != NULL) {
      if (nuval == 0.0) {
         asciifile_read_colmajor(pInFile, 3, &nGal, &nCol, &pData);
         pGall = pData;
         pGalb = pData + nGal;
         pNu = pData + 2*nGal;
         if (pNu[0] == 0.0) pNu = NULL;
      } else {
         asciifile_read_colmajor(pInFile, 2, &nGal, &nCol, &pData);
         pGall = pData;
         pGalb = pData + nGal;
   } else {
      if (argc-nkey > 2) {
         sscanf(ppArgv[1], "%f", &tmpl);
         sscanf(ppArgv[2], "%f", &tmpb);
      } else {
         printf("Galactic longitude (degrees):\n");
         scanf("%f", &tmpl);
         printf("Galactic latitude (degrees):\n");
         scanf("%f", &tmpb);
      nGal = 1;
      pGall = ccvector_build_(nGal);
      pGalb = ccvector_build_(nGal);
      pGall[0] = tmpl;
      pGalb[0] = tmpb;

   /* Query for the frequency if not specified on the command line or
    * in the input file.
   if (nuval == 0.0 && pNu == NULL) {
      printf("Frequency (GHz):\n");
      scanf("%f", &nuval);

   /* If "nu" was specified on the command line, then set frequency of
      all points to this value; this will supersede any in an input file. */
   if (nuval != 0.0) {
      if (pNu == NULL) pNu = ccvector_build_(nGal);
      for (iGal=0; iGal < nGal; iGal++) pNu[iGal] = nuval;

   pInu = predict_thermal(nGal, pGall, pGalb, pNu, pIPath, pResName,
    pUnitsName, modelNum, qInterp, qNoloop, qVerbose);

   /* If no output file, then output to screen */
   if (pOutName != NULL) pFILEout = fopen(pOutName, pPrivW);
   else pFILEout = stdout;
   sprintf(pString1, "Inu(%s)", pUnitsName);
   fprintf(pFILEout, " l(deg)  b(deg)  nu(GHz)      %-12.12s\n", pString1);
   fprintf(pFILEout, " ------- ------- ------------ ------------\n");
   for (iGal=0; iGal < nGal; iGal++) {
      fprintf(pFILEout, "%8.3f %7.3f %12.5e %12.5e\n",
       pGall[iGal], pGalb[iGal], pNu[iGal], pInu[iGal]);
   if (pOutName != NULL) fclose(pFILEout);

   if (pInFile != NULL) {
      ccfree_((void **)&pData);
   } else {
      ccfree_((void **)&pGall);
      ccfree_((void **)&pGalb);
/* Transform from galactic (l,b) coordinates to fractional (x,y) pixel location.
 * Latitude runs clockwise from X-axis for NGP, counterclockwise for SGP.
 * This function returns the ZERO-INDEXED pixel position.
 * Updated 04-Mar-1999 to allow ZEA coordinate convention for the same
 * projection.
void lambert_lb2fpix
  (float    gall,   /* Galactic longitude */
   float    galb,   /* Galactic latitude */
   HSIZE    nHead,
   uchar *  pHead,
   float *  pX,     /* X position in pixels from the center */
   float *  pY)     /* Y position in pixels from the center */
   int      q1;
   int      q2;
   int      nsgp;
   float    scale;
   float    crval1;
   float    crval2;
   float    crpix1;
   float    crpix2;
   float    cdelt1;
   float    cdelt2;
   float    cd1_1;
   float    cd1_2;
   float    cd2_1;
   float    cd2_2;
   float    lonpole;
   float    xr;
   float    yr;
   float    theta;
   float    phi;
   float    Rtheta;
   float    denom;
   static double dradeg = 180 / 3.1415926534;
   char  *  pCtype1;
   char  *  pCtype2;

   fits_get_card_string_(&pCtype1, label_ctype1, &nHead, &pHead);
   fits_get_card_string_(&pCtype2, label_ctype2, &nHead, &pHead);
   fits_get_card_rval_(&crval1, label_crval1, &nHead, &pHead);
   fits_get_card_rval_(&crval2, label_crval2, &nHead, &pHead);
   fits_get_card_rval_(&crpix1, label_crpix1, &nHead, &pHead);
   fits_get_card_rval_(&crpix2, label_crpix2, &nHead, &pHead);

   if (strcmp(pCtype1, "LAMBERT--X")  == 0 &&
       strcmp(pCtype2, "LAMBERT--Y")  == 0) {

      fits_get_card_ival_(&nsgp, label_lam_nsgp, &nHead, &pHead);
      fits_get_card_rval_(&scale, label_lam_scal, &nHead, &pHead);

      lambert_lb2xy(gall, galb, nsgp, scale, &xr, &yr);
      *pX = xr + crpix1 - crval1 - 1.0;
      *pY = yr + crpix2 - crval2 - 1.0;

   } else if (strcmp(pCtype1, "GLON-ZEA")  == 0 &&
              strcmp(pCtype2, "GLAT-ZEA")  == 0) { 

      q1 = fits_get_card_rval_(&cdelt1, label_cdelt1, &nHead, &pHead);
      q2 = fits_get_card_rval_(&cdelt2, label_cdelt2, &nHead, &pHead);
      if (q1 == TRUE && q2 == TRUE) {
          cd1_1 = cdelt1;
          cd1_2 = 0.0;
          cd2_1 = 0.0;
          cd2_2 = cdelt2;
       } else {
         fits_get_card_rval_(&cd1_1, label_cd1_1, &nHead, &pHead);
         fits_get_card_rval_(&cd1_2, label_cd1_2, &nHead, &pHead);
         fits_get_card_rval_(&cd2_1, label_cd2_1, &nHead, &pHead);
         fits_get_card_rval_(&cd2_2, label_cd2_2, &nHead, &pHead);
      q1 = fits_get_card_rval_(&lonpole, label_lonpole, &nHead, &pHead);
      if (q1 == FALSE) lonpole = 180.0; /* default value */

      /* ROTATION */
      /* Equn (4) - degenerate case */
      if (crval2 > 89.9999) {
         theta = galb;
         phi = gall + 180.0 + lonpole - crval1;
      } else if (crval2 < -89.9999) {
         theta = -galb;
         phi = lonpole + crval1 - gall;
      } else {
         printf("ERROR: Unsupported projection!!!\n");
         /* Assume it's an NGP projection ... */
         theta = galb;
         phi = gall + 180.0 + lonpole - crval1;

      /* Put phi in the range [0,360) degrees */
      phi = phi - 360.0 * floor(phi/360.0);

      /* Equn (26) */
      Rtheta = 2.0 * dradeg * sin((0.5 / dradeg) * (90.0 - theta));

      /* Equns (10), (11) */
      xr = Rtheta * sin(phi / dradeg);
      yr = - Rtheta * cos(phi / dradeg);

      /* Equn (3) after inverting the matrix */
      denom = cd1_1 * cd2_2 - cd1_2 * cd2_1;
      *pX = (cd2_2 * xr - cd1_2 * yr) / denom + (crpix1 - 1.0);
      *pY = (cd1_1 * yr - cd2_1 * xr) / denom + (crpix2 - 1.0);

   } else {

      *pX = -99.0;
      *pY = -99.0;


   ccfree_((void **)&pCtype1);
   ccfree_((void **)&pCtype2);