 * Add certificate under CertificateValues element
 * @param certId id attribute of EncapsulatedX509Certificate
 * @param x509 value of EncapsulatedX509Certificate
void digidoc::SignatureTM::addCertificateValue(const std::string& certId, const X509Cert& x509)
    DEBUG("digidoc::SignatureTM::setCertificateValue(%s, X509Cert{%ld,%s})", certId.c_str(), x509.getSerial(), x509.getSubject().c_str());
    std::vector<unsigned char> certBytes = x509.encodeDER();
    xades::CertificateValuesType::EncapsulatedX509CertificateType certData(
        xml_schema::Base64Binary(&certBytes[0], certBytes.size()));
bool PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant(X509_STORE* certStore, QString& merchant) const

    if (!IsInitialized())
        return false;

    // One day we'll support more PKI types, but just
    // x509 for now:
    const EVP_MD* digestAlgorithm = NULL;
    if (paymentRequest.pki_type() == "x509+sha256") {
        digestAlgorithm = EVP_sha256();
    else if (paymentRequest.pki_type() == "x509+sha1") {
        digestAlgorithm = EVP_sha1();
    else if (paymentRequest.pki_type() == "none") {
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: pki_type == none";
        return false;
    else {
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: unknown pki_type " << QString::fromStdString(paymentRequest.pki_type());
        return false;

    payments::X509Certificates certChain;
    if (!certChain.ParseFromString(paymentRequest.pki_data())) {
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: error parsing pki_data";
        return false;

    std::vector<X509*> certs;
    const QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    for (int i = 0; i < certChain.certificate_size(); i++) {
        QByteArray certData(certChain.certificate(i).data(), certChain.certificate(i).size());
        QSslCertificate qCert(certData, QSsl::Der);
        if (currentTime < qCert.effectiveDate() || currentTime > qCert.expiryDate()) {
            qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: certificate expired or not yet active: " << qCert;
            return false;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
        if (qCert.isBlacklisted()) {
            qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: certificate blacklisted: " << qCert;
            return false;
        const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char *)certChain.certificate(i).data();
        X509 *cert = d2i_X509(NULL, &data, certChain.certificate(i).size());
        if (cert)
    if (certs.empty()) {
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: empty certificate chain";
        return false;

    // The first cert is the signing cert, the rest are untrusted certs that chain
    // to a valid root authority. OpenSSL needs them separately.
    STACK_OF(X509) *chain = sk_X509_new_null();
    for (int i = certs.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
        sk_X509_push(chain, certs[i]);
    X509 *signing_cert = certs[0];

    // Now create a "store context", which is a single use object for checking,
    // load the signing cert into it and verify.
    X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx = X509_STORE_CTX_new();
    if (!store_ctx) {
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : Payment request: error creating X509_STORE_CTX";
        return false;

    char *website = NULL;
    bool fResult = true;
        if (!X509_STORE_CTX_init(store_ctx, certStore, signing_cert, chain))
            int error = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(store_ctx);
            throw SSLVerifyError(X509_verify_cert_error_string(error));

        // Now do the verification!
        int result = X509_verify_cert(store_ctx);
        if (result != 1) {
            int error = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(store_ctx);
            throw SSLVerifyError(X509_verify_cert_error_string(error));
        X509_NAME *certname = X509_get_subject_name(signing_cert);

        // Valid cert; check signature:
        payments::PaymentRequest rcopy(paymentRequest); // Copy
        std::string data_to_verify;                     // Everything but the signature

        EVP_MD_CTX ctx;
        EVP_PKEY *pubkey = X509_get_pubkey(signing_cert);
        if (!EVP_VerifyInit_ex(&ctx, digestAlgorithm, NULL) ||
                !EVP_VerifyUpdate(&ctx, data_to_verify.data(), data_to_verify.size()) ||
                !EVP_VerifyFinal(&ctx, (const unsigned char*)paymentRequest.signature().data(), paymentRequest.signature().size(), pubkey)) {

            throw SSLVerifyError("Bad signature, invalid PaymentRequest.");

        // OpenSSL API for getting human printable strings from certs is baroque.
        int textlen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(certname, NID_commonName, NULL, 0);
        website = new char[textlen + 1];
        if (X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(certname, NID_commonName, website, textlen + 1) == textlen && textlen > 0) {
            merchant = website;
        else {
            throw SSLVerifyError("Bad certificate, missing common name.");
        // TODO: detect EV certificates and set merchant = business name instead of unfriendly NID_commonName ?
    catch (SSLVerifyError& err)
        fResult = false;
        qDebug() << "PaymentRequestPlus::getMerchant : SSL error: " << err.what();

    if (website)
        delete[] website;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < certs.size(); i++)

    return fResult;