void printCommandState(int argc, char *argv[], FILE *out)
struct cgiVar *c = NULL, *cList = NULL;
int i;
fprintf(out, "#");
for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
    fprintf(out, "%s ", argv[i]);
cList = cgiVarList();
for(c = cList; c != NULL; c = c->next)
    fprintf(out, "%s=\"%s\" ", c->name, c->val);
fprintf(out, "\n");
文件: gvUi.c 项目: blumroy/kentUtils
void gvDisclaimer ()
/* displays page with disclaimer forwarding query string that got us here */
struct cgiVar *cv, *cvList = cgiVarList();

cartHtmlStart("PhenCode Disclaimer");
printf("<TABLE WIDTH=\"%s\" BGCOLOR=\"#888888\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\"><TR><TD>", "100%");
printf("<TABLE BGCOLOR=\"fffee8\" WIDTH=\"%s\"  BORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\"><TR><TD>", "100%");
printf("<TABLE BGCOLOR=\"D9E4F8\" BACKGROUND=\"../../images/hr.gif\" WIDTH=%s><TR><TD>", "100%");
printf("<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><b>&nbsp;PhenCode Disclaimer </B></FONT> ");
printf("<TABLE BGCOLOR=\"fffee8\" WIDTH=\"%s\" CELLPADDING=0><TR><TH HEIGHT=10></TH></TR>", "100%");
printf("<TR><TD WIDTH=10>&nbsp;</TD><TD>");
printf("PhenCode is intended for research purposes only.  Although the data\n");
printf("are freely available to all, users should treat the reported mutations\n");
printf("with extreme caution in clinical settings or for any diagnostic or\n");
printf("population screening purpose.  This information requires expertise\n");
printf("to interpret properly; clinical diagnosis and/or treatment\n");
printf("recommendations should be made only by medical professionals.\n");
printf("Patients and doctors should not make treatment decisions based on the\n");
printf("information in PhenCode.  In particular, <b>PhenCode should not be used\n");
printf("to assess disease risk</b>.  Some of these variants are not associated\n");
printf("with disease at all, and for many others the association is slight,\n");
printf("depends on other factors, and/or may not be causative.  The mere fact\n");
printf("that a variant is listed here does NOT mean that a particular patient\n");
printf("will become ill.\n");
printf("The PhenCode track (including, but not limited to, \"Locus Variants\"\n");
printf(") is a compilation of freely-available data\n");
printf("obtained from other sources.  While reasonable effort is made to\n");
printf("promote accuracy, nevertheless there may be errors in the original\n");
printf("data and/or the compilation process.  <b>By using these data, you\n");
printf("agree and acknowledge that the information is not guaranteed to be\n");
printf("accurate.</b>  If you do find any errors, please report them to the\n");
printf("addresses listed on the <a href=\"http://phencode.bx.psu.edu/phencode/contact.html\">Contact us</a> page.\n");
printf("This resource and data are provided \"as is\", \"where is\" and without\n");
printf("any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, any\n");
printf("implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular\n");
printf("purpose.  In no event shall\n");
printf("<a href=\"http://www.psu.edu/\">The Pennsylvania State University</a>,\n");
printf("<a href=\"http://www.ucsc.edu/\">The University of California Santa Cruz</a>,\n");
printf("or any data contributors,\n");
printf("nor their respective agents, employees or representatives be liable\n");
printf("for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or\n");
printf("consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of\n");
printf("substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; business\n");
printf("interruption; medical or legal expenses; or pain and suffering),\n");
printf("however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract,\n");
printf("strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising\n");
printf("in any way or form out of the use of this resource or data, even if\n");
printf("advised of the possibility of such damage.\n");
printf("Users assume all risk and responsibility for the accuracy,\n");
printf("completeness, and usefulness, or lack thereof, of any information,\n");
printf("apparatus, product, or process disclosed, and also all risk and\n");
printf("responsibility that the use hereof would or would not infringe the\n");
printf("rights of any other party.\n");
printf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" METHOD=POST>\n", cgiScriptName());
for (cv = cvList; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next)
cgiMakeButtonWithMsg("gvDisclaimer", "Agree", NULL);
cgiMakeButtonWithMsg("gvDisclaimer", "Disagree", NULL);