
Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
void CG_DrawRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, float size, const float *color ) {
	cgi_R_SetColor( color );
	CG_DrawTopBottom(x, y, width, height, size);
	CG_DrawSides(x, y, width, height, size);
	cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: Camron/OpenJK
void MissionInformation_Draw( centity_t *cent )
	int		i,totalY;
	int iYPixelsPerLine = cgi_R_Font_HeightPixels(cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f) * (cgi_Language_IsAsian() ? 1.2f : 1.0f );

	missionInfo_Updated = qfalse;		// This will stop the text from flashing
	cg.missionInfoFlashTime = 0;

	// Frame
	char text[1024]={0};
	cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "INGAME_OBJECTIVES", text, sizeof(text) );
	cgi_R_Font_DrawString (96, missionYpos-23, text, colorTable[CT_WHITE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);

	int missionYcnt = 0;

	obj_graphics[0] = obj_graphics[1] = obj_graphics[2] = obj_graphics[3] = qfalse;

	// Print active objectives
	for (i=0;i<MAX_OBJECTIVES;++i)
		if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].display)
			totalY = missionYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * (missionYcnt))+(iYPixelsPerLine/2);
			if (obj_graphics[0])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[1])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[2])
				totalY += 32 + 4;
			if (obj_graphics[3])
				totalY += 32 + 4;

			CG_DrawPic( 88,   totalY,   16,  16, cgs.media.messageObjCircle);	// Circle in front
			if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].status == OBJECTIVE_STAT_SUCCEEDED)
				CG_DrawPic( 88,   totalY,   16,  16, cgs.media.messageLitOn);	// Center Dot
			MissionPrint_Line(CT_BLUE3, i, missionYcnt );

	if (!missionYcnt)
		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "INGAME_OBJNONE", text, sizeof(text) );
//		CG_DrawProportionalString(108, missionYpos, text, CG_SMALLFONT, colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1] );
		cgi_R_Font_DrawString (108, missionYpos, text, colorTable[CT_LTBLUE1], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);

Draws a multi-colored string with a drop shadow, optionally forcing
to a fixed color.

Coordinates are at 640 by 480 virtual resolution
void CG_DrawStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const float *setColor, 
		qboolean forceColor, qboolean shadow, int charWidth, int charHeight ) {
	vec4_t		color;
	const char	*s;
	int			xx;

	// draw the drop shadow
	if (shadow) {
		color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0;
		color[3] = setColor[3];
		cgi_R_SetColor( color );
		s = string;
		xx = x;
		while ( *s ) {
			if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
				s += 2;
			CG_DrawChar( xx + 2, y + 2, charWidth, charHeight, *s );
			xx += charWidth;

	// draw the colored text
	s = string;
	xx = x;
	cgi_R_SetColor( setColor );
	while ( *s ) {
		if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
			if ( !forceColor ) {
				memcpy( color, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( color ) );
				color[3] = setColor[3];
				cgi_R_SetColor( color );
			s += 2;
		CG_DrawChar( xx, y, charWidth, charHeight, *s );
		xx += charWidth;
	cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK
static int CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow( const char *itemName, int forceBits,int rowIconCnt, int startIndex) 
	int		i,endIndex=0, printedIconCnt=0;
	int		holdX,x,y;
	int		yOffset = 0;
	int		width,height;
	vec4_t	color;
	qhandle_t	background;

	if (!cgi_UI_GetMenuItemInfo(

	cgi_R_SetColor( color );

	// calculate placement of weapon icons
	holdX = x + (width - ((MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE*rowIconCnt) + (MAXLOAD_FORCEICONPAD * (rowIconCnt-1))))/2;

	for (i=startIndex;i<MAX_SHOWPOWERS;i++)
		if (!CG_ForcePower_Valid(forceBits,i))	// Does he have this power?

		if (force_icons[showPowers[i]])
			endIndex = i;

			CG_DrawPic( holdX, y+yOffset, MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE, MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE, force_icons[showPowers[i]] );

			if (printedIconCnt==MAXLOADICONSPERROW)


	return (endIndex);
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK
static void CG_LoadBar(void)
	const int numticks = 9, tickwidth = 40, tickheight = 8;
	const int tickpadx = 20, tickpady = 12;
	const int capwidth = 8;
	const int barwidth = numticks*tickwidth+tickpadx*2+capwidth*2, barleft = ((640-barwidth)/2);
	const int barheight = tickheight + tickpady*2, bartop = 475-barheight;
	const int capleft = barleft+tickpadx, tickleft = capleft+capwidth, ticktop = bartop+tickpady;

	cgi_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_WHITE]);
	// Draw background
	CG_DrawPic(barleft, bartop, barwidth, barheight, cgs.media.levelLoad);

	// Draw left cap (backwards)
	CG_DrawPic(tickleft, ticktop, -capwidth, tickheight, cgs.media.loadTickCap);

	// Draw bar
	CG_DrawPic(tickleft, ticktop, tickwidth*cg.loadLCARSStage, tickheight, cgs.media.loadTick);

	// Draw right cap
	CG_DrawPic(tickleft+tickwidth*cg.loadLCARSStage, ticktop, capwidth, tickheight, cgs.media.loadTickCap);
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK
// Print weapons the player is carrying
// Two rows print if there are too many
static void CG_DrawLoadWeapons( int weaponBits ) 
	int		i,endIndex=0;
	int		iconCnt,rowIconCnt;

	// count the number of weapons owned
	iconCnt = 0;
	for ( i = 1 ; i < MAXLOADWEAPONS ; i++ ) 
		if ( weaponBits & ( 1 << i ) ) 

	if (!iconCnt)	// If no weapons, don't display

	// Single line of icons
		CG_DrawLoadWeaponsPrintRow("weaponicons_singlerow", weaponBits, iconCnt,0);
	// Two lines of icons
		// Print top row
		endIndex = CG_DrawLoadWeaponsPrintRow("weaponicons_row1", weaponBits, MAXLOADICONSPERROW,0);

		// Print second row
		rowIconCnt = iconCnt - MAXLOADICONSPERROW;
		CG_DrawLoadWeaponsPrintRow("weaponicons_row2", weaponBits, rowIconCnt,endIndex+1);

	cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK
// Print force powers the player is using
// Two rows print if there are too many
static void CG_DrawLoadForcePowers( int forceBits ) 
	int		i,endIndex=0;
	int		iconCnt=0,rowIconCnt;

	// Count the number of force powers known
	for (i=0; i<MAX_SHOWPOWERS; ++i)
		if (CG_ForcePower_Valid(forceBits, i)) 

	if (!iconCnt)	// If no force powers, don't display

	// Single line of icons
		CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_singlerow", forceBits, iconCnt,0);
	// Two lines of icons
		// Print top row
		endIndex = CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_row1", forceBits, MAXLOADICONSPERROW,0);

		// Print second row
		rowIconCnt = iconCnt - MAXLOADICONSPERROW;
		CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_row2", forceBits, rowIconCnt,endIndex+1);

	cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );

Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
void CG_FillRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color ) {
	cgi_R_SetColor( color );
	cgi_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, cgs.media.whiteShader);
	cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );
// display text in a supplied box, start at top left and going down by however many pixels I feel like internally, 
//	return value is NULL if all fitted, else char * of next char to continue from that didn't fit.
// (coords are in the usual 640x480 virtual space)...
// ( if you get the same char * returned as what you passed in, then none of it fitted at all (box too small) )
const char *CG_DisplayBoxedText(int iBoxX, int iBoxY, int iBoxWidth, int iBoxHeight, 
								const char *psText, int iFontHandle, float fScale,
								const vec4_t v4Color)
	cgi_R_SetColor( v4Color );

	// Setup a reasonable vertical spacing (taiwanese & japanese need 1.5 fontheight, so use that for all)...
	const int iFontHeight		 = cgi_R_Font_HeightPixels(iFontHandle, fScale);
	const int iFontHeightAdvance = (int) (1.5f * (float) iFontHeight);
	int iYpos = iBoxY;	// start print pos

	// findmeste	// test stuff, remove later
//	psText = "賽卓哥爾博士已經安全了,我也把所有發現報告給「商店」。很不幸地,瑞士警局有些白癡發現了一些狀況,準備在機場逮捕亞歷西•納克瑞得。他偽裝成外交使節,穿過了層層防備。現在他握有人質,並且威脅要散播病毒。根據最搆sCurrentTextReadPos的報告,納克瑞得以及他的黨羽已經完全佔據了機場。我受命來追捕納克瑞得以及救出所有人質。這並不容易。";

	// this could probably be simplified now, but it was converted from something else I didn't originally write, 
	//	and it works anyway so wtf...
	const char *psCurrentTextReadPos = psText;	
	const char *psReadPosAtLineStart = psCurrentTextReadPos;	
	const char *psBestLineBreakSrcPos = psCurrentTextReadPos;
	const char *psLastGood_s;	// needed if we get a full screen of chars with no punctuation or space (see usage notes)
	while( *psCurrentTextReadPos && (iYpos + iFontHeight < (iBoxY + iBoxHeight)) )
		char sLineForDisplay[2048];	// ott

		// construct a line...
		psCurrentTextReadPos = psReadPosAtLineStart;
		sLineForDisplay[0] = '\0';
		while ( *psCurrentTextReadPos )
			psLastGood_s = psCurrentTextReadPos;

			// read letter...
			qboolean bIsTrailingPunctuation;
			unsigned int uiLetter = cgi_AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString(&psCurrentTextReadPos, &bIsTrailingPunctuation);

			// concat onto string so far...
			if (uiLetter == 32 && sLineForDisplay[0] == '\0')
				continue;	// unless it's a space at the start of a line, in which case ignore it.

			if (uiLetter > 255)
				Q_strcat(sLineForDisplay, sizeof(sLineForDisplay),va("%c%c",uiLetter >> 8, uiLetter & 0xFF));
				Q_strcat(sLineForDisplay, sizeof(sLineForDisplay),va("%c",uiLetter & 0xFF));

			if (uiLetter == '\n')
				// explicit new line...
				sLineForDisplay[ strlen(sLineForDisplay)-1 ] = '\0';	// kill the CR
				psReadPosAtLineStart = psCurrentTextReadPos;
				psBestLineBreakSrcPos = psCurrentTextReadPos;
				break;	// print this line
			if ( cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(sLineForDisplay, iFontHandle, fScale) >= iBoxWidth )
				// reached screen edge, so cap off string at bytepos after last good position...
				if (uiLetter > 255 && bIsTrailingPunctuation && !cgi_Language_UsesSpaces())
					// Special case, don't consider line breaking if you're on an asian punctuation char of
					//	a language that doesn't use spaces...
					if (psBestLineBreakSrcPos == psReadPosAtLineStart)
						//  aarrrggh!!!!!   we'll only get here is someone has fed in a (probably) garbage string,
						//		since it doesn't have a single space or punctuation mark right the way across one line
						//		of the screen.  So far, this has only happened in testing when I hardwired a taiwanese 
						//		string into this function while the game was running in english (which should NEVER happen 
						//		normally).  On the other hand I suppose it'psCurrentTextReadPos entirely possible that some taiwanese string 
						//		might have no punctuation at all, so...
						psBestLineBreakSrcPos = psLastGood_s;	// force a break after last good letter

					sLineForDisplay[ psBestLineBreakSrcPos - psReadPosAtLineStart ] = '\0';
					psReadPosAtLineStart = psCurrentTextReadPos = psBestLineBreakSrcPos;
					break;	// print this line

			// record last-good linebreak pos...  (ie if we've just concat'd a punctuation point (western or asian) or space)
			if (bIsTrailingPunctuation || uiLetter == ' ' || (uiLetter > 255 && !cgi_Language_UsesSpaces()))
				psBestLineBreakSrcPos = psCurrentTextReadPos;
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK

Draw all the status / pacifier stuff during level loading
void CG_DrawInformation( void ) {
	int		y;

	// draw the dialog background
	const char	*info	= CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
	const char	*s		= Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );

	qhandle_t	levelshot;

	extern SavedGameJustLoaded_e g_eSavedGameJustLoaded;	// hack! (hey, it's the last week of coding, ok?
//	if ( g_eSavedGameJustLoaded == eFULL ) 
//	{
//		levelshot = 0;	//use the loaded thumbnail instead of the levelshot
//	} 
//	else
		levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s ) );	
	#ifndef FINAL_BUILD
		if (!levelshot && !strncmp(s, "work/",5) )
			levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s+5 ) );	
		if (!levelshot) {
			levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap" );	

	if ( g_eSavedGameJustLoaded != eFULL && !strcmp(s,"yavin1") )//special case for first map!
		char	text[1024]={0};

		cgi_R_SetColor( colorTable[CT_BLACK] );
		CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, cgs.media.whiteShader );

		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "SP_INGAME_ALONGTIME", text, sizeof(text) );

		int w = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(text,cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);
		cgi_R_Font_DrawString((320)-(w/2), 140, text,  colorTable[CT_ICON_BLUE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);
		CG_DrawLoadingScreen(levelshot, s);
		cgi_UI_Menu_Paint( cgi_UI_GetMenuByName( "loadscreen" ), qtrue );


	// the first 150 rows are reserved for the client connection
	// screen to write into
//	if ( cg.processedSnapshotNum == 0 ) 
		// still loading
		// print the current item being loaded

#ifdef _DEBUG
		cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 40, 416, va("LOADING ... %s",cg.infoScreenText),colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1], cgs.media.qhFontSmall, -1, 1.0f );

	// draw info string information

	y = 20;
	// map-specific message (long map name)
	s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );

	if ( s[0] ) 
		if (s[0] == '@')
			char text[1024]={0};
			cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( s+1, text, sizeof(text) );
			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",text),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",s),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
		y += 20;
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK

Load screen displays the map pic, the mission briefing and weapons/force powers
static void CG_DrawLoadingScreen( qhandle_t	levelshot ,const char *mapName) 
	int xPos,yPos,width,height;
	vec4_t	color;
	qhandle_t	background;
	int weapons=0, forcepowers=0;

	// Get mission briefing for load screen
	if (cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( va("BRIEFINGS_%s",mapName), NULL, 0 ) == 0)
		cgi_Cvar_Set( "ui_missionbriefing", "@BRIEFINGS_NONE" );
		cgi_Cvar_Set( "ui_missionbriefing", va("@BRIEFINGS_%s",mapName) );

	// Print background
	if (cgi_UI_GetMenuItemInfo(
		cgi_R_SetColor( color );
		CG_DrawPic( xPos, yPos, width, height, background );

	// Print level pic
	if (cgi_UI_GetMenuItemInfo(
		//if (!levelshot)
		//{// No level shot so use screenshot.
 	//		CG_DrawPic( xPos, yPos, 1, 1, 0);	//force the tess to flush
		//	cgi_R_DrawScreenShot( xPos, yPos+height, width, -height );
			cgi_R_SetColor( color );
			CG_DrawPic( xPos, yPos, width, height, levelshot );

	// Get player weapons and force power info

	// Print weapon icons
	if (weapons)

	// Print force power icons
	if (forcepowers)
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK
static int CG_DrawLoadWeaponsPrintRow( const char *itemName, int weaponsBits,int rowIconCnt, int startIndex) 
	int		i,endIndex=0, printedIconCnt=0;
	int		iconSize;
	int		holdX,x,y,pad;
	int		yOffset = 0;
	int		width,height;
	vec4_t	color;
	qhandle_t	background;

	if (!cgi_UI_GetMenuItemInfo(

	cgi_R_SetColor( color );

	iconSize = 60;
	pad = 12;

	// calculate placement of weapon icons
	holdX = x + (width - ((iconSize*rowIconCnt) + (pad * (rowIconCnt-1))))/2;

	for (i=startIndex;i<MAXLOADWEAPONS;i++)
		if ( !(weaponsBits & ( 1 << i )))	// Does he have this weapon?

		if (weaponData[i].weaponIcon[0])
			weaponInfo_t	*weaponInfo;
			CG_RegisterWeapon( i );	
			weaponInfo = &cg_weapons[i];
			endIndex = i;

	// NOTE : during loading screen always show the have ammo icon
	//		if (!CG_WeaponCheck(i))
	//		{
	//			CG_DrawPic( holdX, y+yOffset, iconSize, iconSize, weaponInfo->weaponIconNoAmmo );
	//		}
	//		else
				CG_DrawPic( holdX, y+yOffset, iconSize, iconSize, weaponInfo->weaponIcon );

			if (printedIconCnt==MAXLOADICONSPERROW)

			holdX += (iconSize+pad);

	return (endIndex);
文件: cg_info.cpp 项目: BSzili/OpenJK

Draw routine for the objective info screen of the data pad.
void CG_DrawDataPadObjectives(const centity_t *cent )
	int		i,totalY;
	int		iYPixelsPerLine = cgi_R_Font_HeightPixels(cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);

	const short titleXPos = objectiveStartingXpos - 22;		// X starting position for title text
	const short titleYPos = objectiveStartingYpos - 23;		// Y starting position for title text
	const short graphic_size = 16;							// Size (width and height) of graphic used to show status of objective
	const short graphicXpos = objectiveStartingXpos - graphic_size - 8;	// Amount of X to backup from text starting position
	const short graphicYOffset = (iYPixelsPerLine - graphic_size)/2;	// Amount of Y to raise graphic so it's in the center of the text line

	missionInfo_Updated = qfalse;		// This will stop the text from flashing
	cg.missionInfoFlashTime = 0;

	// zero out objective graphics 
	for (i=0;i<MAX_OBJ_GRAPHICS;i++)
		obj_graphics[i] = qfalse;

	// Title Text at the top 
	char text[1024]={0};
	cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "SP_INGAME_OBJECTIVES", text, sizeof(text) );
	cgi_R_Font_DrawString (titleXPos, titleYPos, text, colorTable[CT_TITLE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);

	int missionYcnt = 0;

	// Print all active objectives
	for (i=0;i<MAX_OBJECTIVES;i++)
		// Is there an objective to see?
		if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].display)
			// Calculate the Y position
			totalY = objectiveStartingYpos + (iYPixelsPerLine * (missionYcnt))+(iYPixelsPerLine/2);

			//	Draw graphics that show if mission has been accomplished or not
			CG_DrawPic( (graphicXpos),   (totalY-graphicYOffset),   graphic_size,  graphic_size, cgs.media.messageObjCircle);	// Circle in front
			if (cent->gent->client->sess.mission_objectives[i].status == OBJECTIVE_STAT_SUCCEEDED)
				CG_DrawPic( (graphicXpos),   (totalY-graphicYOffset),   graphic_size,  graphic_size, cgs.media.messageLitOn);	// Center Dot

			// Print current objective text
			ObjectivePrint_Line(CT_WHITE, i, missionYcnt );

	// No mission text?
	if (!missionYcnt)
		// Set the message a quarter of the way down and in the center of the text box
		int messageYPosition = objectiveStartingYpos + (objectiveTextBoxHeight / 4);

		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "SP_INGAME_OBJNONE", text, sizeof(text) );
		int messageXPosition = objectiveStartingXpos + (objectiveTextBoxWidth/2) -  (cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(text, cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f) /2);

		cgi_R_Font_DrawString (

Draw all the status / pacifier stuff during level loading
overylays UI_DrawConnectText from ui_connect.cpp
void CG_DrawInformation( void ) {
	int			y;

	// draw the dialog background
	const char	*info	= CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
	const char	*s		= Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
	const qhandle_t	levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s", s ) );	

	extern SavedGameJustLoaded_e g_eSavedGameJustLoaded;	// hack! (hey, it's the last week of coding, ok?
	if ( !levelshot || g_eSavedGameJustLoaded == eFULL ) 
		// keep whatever's in the screen buffer so far (either the last ingame rendered-image (eg for maptransition)
		//	or the screenshot built-in to a loaded save game...
		cgi_R_DrawScreenShot( 0, 480, 640, -480 );
	} else {
		// put up the pre-defined levelshot for this map...
		cgi_R_SetColor( NULL );
		CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, levelshot );

	if ( g_eSavedGameJustLoaded != eFULL && !strcmp(s,"kejim_post") )//special case for first map!
		char	text[1024]={0};
		cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( "INGAME_ALONGTIME", text, sizeof(text) );

		int w = cgi_R_Font_StrLenPixels(text,cgs.media.qhFontMedium, 1.0f);
		cgi_R_Font_DrawString((320)-(w/2), 140, text,  colorTable[CT_ICON_BLUE], cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f);
	if (cg_missionstatusscreen.integer )

	// the first 150 rows are reserved for the client connection
	// screen to write into
	if ( cg.processedSnapshotNum == 0 ) {
		// still loading
		// print the current item being loaded

#ifndef NDEBUG
		cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 48, 398, va("LOADING ... %s",cg.infoScreenText),colorTable[CT_LTGOLD1], cgs.media.qhFontSmall, -1, 1.0f );

	// draw info string information

	y = 20;
	// map-specific message (long map name)
	s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );

	if ( s[0] ) 
		if (s[0] == '@')
			char text[1024]={0};
			cgi_SP_GetStringTextString( s+1, text, sizeof(text) );
			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",text),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
			cgi_R_Font_DrawString( 15, y, va("\"%s\"",s),colorTable[CT_WHITE],cgs.media.qhFontMedium, -1, 1.0f );
		y += 20;