StackHandler *loadStackRef(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) { StackHandler *nsh; if (stream->readByte()) { // It's one we've loaded already... nsh = getStackFromLibrary(stream->readUint16BE()); nsh->timesUsed++; } else { // Load the new stack nsh = new StackHandler; if (!checkNew(nsh)) return NULL; nsh->last = NULL; nsh->first = loadStack(stream, &nsh->last); nsh->timesUsed = 1; // Add it to the library of loaded stacks stackLibrary *s = new stackLibrary; if (!checkNew(s)) return NULL; s->stack = nsh; s->next = stackLib; stackLib = s; stackLibTotal++; } return nsh; }
personaAnimation * createPersonaAnim (int num, variableStack * & stacky) { personaAnimation * newP = new personaAnimation; checkNew (newP); newP -> numFrames = num; newP -> frames = new animFrame[num]; checkNew (newP -> frames); int a = num, frameNum, howMany; while (a) { a --; newP -> frames[a].noise = 0; if (stacky -> thisVar.varType == SVT_FILE) { newP -> frames[a].noise = stacky -> thisVar.varData.intValue; } else if (stacky -> thisVar.varType == SVT_FUNC) { newP -> frames[a].noise = - stacky -> thisVar.varData.intValue; } else if (stacky -> thisVar.varType == SVT_STACK) { getValueType (frameNum, SVT_INT, stacky -> thisVar.varData.theStack -> first -> thisVar); getValueType (howMany, SVT_INT, stacky -> thisVar.varData.theStack -> first -> next -> thisVar); } else { getValueType (frameNum, SVT_INT, stacky -> thisVar); howMany = 1; } trimStack (stacky); newP -> frames[a].frameNum = frameNum; newP -> frames[a].howMany = howMany; } return newP; }
personaAnimation * copyAnim (personaAnimation * orig) { int num = orig -> numFrames; personaAnimation * newAnim = new personaAnimation; if (! checkNew (newAnim)) return NULL; // Copy the easy bits... newAnim -> theSprites = orig -> theSprites; newAnim -> numFrames = num; if (num) { // Argh! Frames! We need a whole NEW array of animFrame structures... newAnim->frames = new animFrame[num]; if (! checkNew (newAnim->frames)) return NULL; for (int a = 0; a < num; a ++) { newAnim -> frames[a].frameNum = orig -> frames[a].frameNum; newAnim -> frames[a].howMany = orig -> frames[a].howMany; newAnim -> frames[a].noise = orig -> frames[a].noise; } } else { newAnim -> frames = NULL; } return newAnim; }
void fixFont (spritePalette & spal) { delete [] spal.tex_names; delete [] spal.burnTex_names; delete [] spal.tex_h; delete [] spal.tex_w; spal.numTextures = theFont.myPalette.numTextures; spal.tex_names = new GLuint [spal.numTextures]; if (! checkNew (spal.tex_names)) return; spal.burnTex_names = new GLuint [spal.numTextures]; if (! checkNew (spal.burnTex_names)) return; spal.tex_w = new int [spal.numTextures]; if (! checkNew (spal.tex_w)) return; spal.tex_h = new int [spal.numTextures]; if (! checkNew (spal.tex_h)) return; for (int i = 0; i < theFont.myPalette.numTextures; i++) { spal.tex_names[i] = theFont.myPalette.tex_names[i]; spal.burnTex_names[i] = theFont.myPalette.burnTex_names[i]; spal.tex_w[i] = theFont.myPalette.tex_w[i]; spal.tex_h[i] = theFont.myPalette.tex_h[i]; } }
persona * getCostumeFromVar (variable & thisVar) { persona * p = NULL; switch (thisVar.varType) { case SVT_ANIM: p = new persona; if (! checkNew (p)) return NULL; p -> numDirections = 1; p -> animation = new personaAnimation * [3]; if (! checkNew (p -> animation)) return NULL; for (int iii = 0; iii < 3; iii ++) p -> animation[iii] = copyAnim (thisVar.varData.animHandler); break; case SVT_COSTUME: return thisVar.varData.costumeHandler; break; default: fatal ("Expecting an animation variable; found variable of type", typeName[thisVar.varType]); } return p; }
bool loadFunctionCode (loadedFunction * newFunc) { unsigned int numLines, numLinesRead; int a; if (! openSubSlice (newFunc -> originalNumber)) return false; newFunc -> unfreezable = fgetc (bigDataFile); numLines = get2bytes (bigDataFile); newFunc -> numArgs = get2bytes (bigDataFile); newFunc -> numLocals = get2bytes (bigDataFile); newFunc -> compiledLines = new lineOfCode[numLines]; if (! checkNew (newFunc -> compiledLines)) return false; for (numLinesRead = 0; numLinesRead < numLines; numLinesRead ++) { newFunc -> compiledLines[numLinesRead].theCommand = (sludgeCommand) fgetc (bigDataFile); newFunc -> compiledLines[numLinesRead].param = get2bytes (bigDataFile); } finishAccess (); // Now we need to reserve memory for the local variables newFunc -> localVars = new variable[newFunc -> numLocals]; if (! checkNew (newFunc -> localVars)) return false; for (a = 0; a < newFunc -> numLocals; a ++) { initVarNew (newFunc -> localVars[a]); } return true; }
void LanguageManager::createTable(Common::File *fp) { // get number of languages _numLanguages = (gameVersion >= VERSION(1, 3)) ? (fp->readByte()) : 0; debugC(2, kSludgeDebugDataLoad, "numLanguages : %c", _numLanguages); // make language table _languageTable = new uint[_numLanguages + 1]; if (!checkNew(_languageTable)) return; _languageNames = new Common::String[_numLanguages + 1]; if (!checkNew(_languageNames)) return; for (uint i = 0; i <= _numLanguages; i++) { _languageTable[i] = i ? fp->readUint16BE() : 0; debugC(2, kSludgeDebugDataLoad, "languageTable %i: %i", i, _languageTable[i]); _languageNames[i].clear(); if (gameVersion >= VERSION(2, 0)) { if (_numLanguages) { _languageNames[i] = readString(fp); debugC(2, kSludgeDebugDataLoad, "languageName %i: %s\n", i, _languageNames[i].c_str()); } } } }
bool loadCostume (persona * cossy, FILE * fp) { int a; cossy -> numDirections = get2bytes (fp); cossy -> animation = new personaAnimation * [cossy -> numDirections * 3]; if (! checkNew (cossy -> animation)) return false; for (a = 0; a < cossy -> numDirections * 3; a ++) { cossy -> animation[a] = new personaAnimation; if (! checkNew (cossy -> animation[a])) return false; if (! loadAnim (cossy -> animation[a], fp)) return false; } // debugCostume ("Loaded", cossy); return true; }
bool makeFastArraySize (variable & to, int size) { if (size < 0) return fatal ("Can't create a fast array with a negative number of elements!"); unlinkVar (to); to.varType = SVT_FASTARRAY; to.varData.fastArray = new fastArrayHandler; if (! checkNew (to.varData.fastArray)) return false; to.varData.fastArray -> fastVariables = new variable[size]; if (! checkNew (to.varData.fastArray -> fastVariables)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) { initVarNew (to.varData.fastArray -> fastVariables[i]); } to.varData.fastArray -> size = size; to.varData.fastArray -> timesUsed = 1; return true; }
int startNewFunctionNum (unsigned int funcNum, unsigned int numParamsExpected, loadedFunction * calledBy, variableStack * & vStack, bool returnSommet) { loadedFunction * newFunc = new loadedFunction; checkNew (newFunc); newFunc -> originalNumber = funcNum; loadFunctionCode (newFunc); if (newFunc -> numArgs != (int)numParamsExpected) return fatal ("Wrong number of parameters!"); if (newFunc -> numArgs > newFunc -> numLocals) return fatal ("More arguments than local variable space!"); // Now, lets copy the parameters from the calling function's stack... while (numParamsExpected) { numParamsExpected --; if (vStack == NULL) return fatal ("Corrupted file! The stack's empty and there were still parameters expected"); copyVariable (vStack -> thisVar, newFunc -> localVars[numParamsExpected]); trimStack (vStack); } newFunc -> cancelMe = false; newFunc -> timeLeft = 0; newFunc -> returnSomething = returnSommet; newFunc -> calledBy = calledBy; newFunc -> stack = NULL; newFunc -> freezerLevel = 0; newFunc -> runThisLine = 0; newFunc -> isSpeech = 0; initVarNew (newFunc -> reg); restartFunction (newFunc); return 1; }
result_t XmlNodeList::replaceChild(XmlNode_base *newChild, XmlNode_base *oldChild, obj_ptr<XmlNode_base> &retVal) { XmlNodeImpl *pNew = checkChild(newChild); XmlNodeImpl *pOld = checkChild(oldChild); if (!pNew || !pOld) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALIDARG); if (pOld->m_parent != m_this) return CHECK_ERROR(Runtime::setError("The node to be replaced is not a child of this node.")); if (pNew == pOld) { retVal = newChild; return 0; } if (!checkNew(pNew)) return CHECK_ERROR(Runtime::setError("The new child element contains the parent.")); int32_t idx = pOld->m_index; pOld->clearParent(); pNew->setParent(m_this, idx); m_childs[idx] = pNew; retVal = oldChild; return 0; }
LoadedSpriteBank *GraphicsManager::loadBankForAnim(int ID) { // Check if already exist LoadedSpriteBanks::iterator it; for (it = _allLoadedBanks.begin(); it != _allLoadedBanks.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->ID == ID) { return (*it); } } // Else create a new sprite bank LoadedSpriteBank *returnMe = new LoadedSpriteBank; if (checkNew(returnMe)) { returnMe->ID = ID; if (loadSpriteBank(ID, returnMe->bank, false)) { returnMe->timesUsed = 0; debugC(3, kSludgeDebugDataLoad, "loadBankForAnim: New sprite bank created OK"); _allLoadedBanks.push_back(returnMe); return returnMe; } else { debugC(3, kSludgeDebugDataLoad, "loadBankForAnim: I guess I couldn't load the sprites..."); return nullptr; } } else return nullptr; }
bool addVarToStack (const variable & va, variableStack * & thisStack) { variableStack * newStack = new variableStack; if (! checkNew (newStack)) return false; if (! copyMain (va, newStack -> thisVar)) return false; newStack -> next = thisStack; thisStack = newStack; return true; }
bool addPerson (int x, int y, int objNum, persona * p) { onScreenPerson * newPerson = new onScreenPerson; if (! checkNew (newPerson)) return false; // EASY STUFF newPerson -> thisType = loadObjectType (objNum); newPerson -> scale = 1; newPerson -> extra = 0; newPerson -> continueAfterWalking = NULL; moveAndScale (* newPerson, x, y); newPerson -> frameNum = 0; newPerson -> walkToX = x; newPerson -> walkToY = y; newPerson -> walking = false; newPerson -> spinning = false; newPerson -> show = true; newPerson -> direction = 0; newPerson -> angle = 180; newPerson -> wantAngle = 180; newPerson -> angleOffset = 0; newPerson -> floaty = 0; newPerson -> walkSpeed = newPerson -> thisType -> walkSpeed; newPerson -> myAnim = NULL; newPerson -> spinSpeed = newPerson -> thisType -> spinSpeed; newPerson -> r = 0; newPerson -> g = 0; newPerson -> b = 0; newPerson -> colourmix = 0; newPerson -> transparency = 0; newPerson -> myPersona = p; setFrames (* newPerson, ANI_STAND); // HEIGHT (BASED ON 1st FRAME OF 1st ANIMATION... INC. SPECIAL CASES) int fNumSigned = p -> animation[0] -> frames[0].frameNum; int fNum = abs (fNumSigned); if (fNum >= p -> animation[0] -> theSprites -> { if (fNumSigned < 0) { newPerson -> height = 5; } else { newPerson -> height = p -> animation[0] -> theSprites -> bank.sprites[0].yhot + 5; } } else { newPerson -> height = p -> animation[0] -> theSprites -> bank.sprites[fNum].yhot + 5; } // NOW ADD IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE onScreenPerson * * changethat = & allPeople; while (((* changethat) != NULL) && ((* changethat) -> y < y)) changethat = & ((* changethat) -> next); newPerson -> next = (* changethat); (* changethat) = newPerson; return (bool) (newPerson -> thisType != NULL); }
personaAnimation * makeNullAnim () { personaAnimation * newAnim = new personaAnimation; if (! checkNew (newAnim)) return NULL; newAnim -> theSprites = NULL; newAnim -> numFrames = 0; newAnim -> frames = NULL; return newAnim; }
bool FloorManager::init() { _currentFloor = new Floor; if (!checkNew(_currentFloor)) return false; _currentFloor->numPolygons = 0; _currentFloor->polygon = nullptr; _currentFloor->vertex = nullptr; _currentFloor->matrix = nullptr; return true; }
char *createCString(const Common::String &s) { uint n = s.size() + 1; char *res = new char[n]; if (!checkNew(res)) { fatal("createCString : Unable to copy String"); return NULL; } memcpy(res, s.c_str(), n); return res; }
bool reserveSpritePal (spritePalette & sP, int n) { if (sP.pal) { delete [] sP.pal; delete [] sP.r; delete [] sP.g; delete [] sP.b; } sP.pal = new unsigned short int [n]; if (! checkNew (sP.pal)) return false; sP.r = new unsigned char [n]; if (! checkNew (sP.r)) return false; sP.g = new unsigned char [n]; if (! checkNew (sP.g)) return false; sP.b = new unsigned char [n]; if (! checkNew (sP.b)) return false; = n; return (bool) (sP.pal != NULL) && (sP.r != NULL) && (sP.g != NULL) && (sP.b != NULL); }
bool addVarToStack(const Variable &va, VariableStack *&thisStack) { VariableStack *newStack = new VariableStack; if (!checkNew(newStack)) return false; if (!copyMain(va, newStack->thisVar)) return false; newStack->next = thisStack; thisStack = newStack; //debugC(2, kSludgeDebugStackMachine, "Variable %s was added to stack", getTextFromAnyVar(va)); return true; }
bool addVarToStackQuick (variable & va, variableStack * & thisStack) { variableStack * newStack = new variableStack; if (! checkNew (newStack)) return false; // if (! copyMain (va, newStack -> thisVar)) return false; memcpy (& (newStack -> thisVar), & va, sizeof (variable)); va.varType = SVT_NULL; newStack -> next = thisStack; thisStack = newStack; return true; }
bool loadVariable(Variable *to, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) { to->varType = (VariableType)stream->readByte(); switch (to->varType) { case SVT_INT: case SVT_FUNC: case SVT_BUILT: case SVT_FILE: case SVT_OBJTYPE: to->varData.intValue = stream->readUint32LE(); return true; case SVT_STRING: to->varData.theString = createCString(readString(stream)); return true; case SVT_STACK: to->varData.theStack = loadStackRef(stream); return true; case SVT_COSTUME: to->varData.costumeHandler = new Persona; if (!checkNew(to->varData.costumeHandler)) return false; loadCostume(to->varData.costumeHandler, stream); return true; case SVT_ANIM: to->varData.animHandler = new PersonaAnimation ; if (!checkNew(to->varData.animHandler)) return false; loadAnim(to->varData.animHandler, stream); return true; default: break; } return true; }
// new groups void KNGroupDialog::slotUser2() { QDate lastDate = a_ccount->lastNewFetch(); KDialog *dlg = new KDialog( this ); dlg->setCaption( i18n("New Groups") ); dlg->setButtons( Ok | Cancel ); QGroupBox *btnGrp = new QGroupBox( i18n("Check for New Groups"), dlg ); dlg->setMainWidget(btnGrp); QGridLayout *topL = new QGridLayout( btnGrp ); QRadioButton *takeLast = new QRadioButton( i18n("Created since last check:"), btnGrp ); topL->addWidget(takeLast, 0, 0, 1, 2 ); QLabel *l = new QLabel(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(lastDate, KLocale::LongDate),btnGrp); topL->addWidget(l, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); connect(takeLast, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), l, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); QRadioButton *takeCustom = new QRadioButton( i18n("Created since this date:"), btnGrp ); topL->addWidget(takeCustom, 2, 0, 1, 2 ); dateSel = new KDatePicker( lastDate, btnGrp ); dateSel->setMinimumSize(dateSel->sizeHint()); topL->addWidget(dateSel, 3, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); connect(takeCustom, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDatePickerEnabled(bool))); takeLast->setChecked(true); dateSel->setEnabled(false); topL->addItem( new QSpacerItem(30, 0 ), 0, 0 ); if (dlg->exec()) { if (takeCustom->isChecked()) lastDate = dateSel->date(); a_ccount->setLastNewFetch(QDate::currentDate()); leftLabel->setText(i18n("Checking for new groups...")); enableButton(User1,false); enableButton(User2,false); filterEdit->clear(); subCB->setChecked(false); newCB->setChecked(true); emit(checkNew(a_ccount,lastDate)); incrementalFilter=false; slotRefilter(); } delete dlg; }
bool copyStack (const variable & from, variable & to) { to.varType = SVT_STACK; to.varData.theStack = new stackHandler; if (! checkNew (to.varData.theStack)) return false; to.varData.theStack -> first = NULL; to.varData.theStack -> last = NULL; to.varData.theStack -> timesUsed = 1; variableStack * a = from.varData.theStack -> first; #if DEBUG_STACKINESS { char * str = getTextFromAnyVar(from); stackDebug((stackfp, "in copyStack, copying %s\n", str)); delete[] str; } #endif while (a) { addVarToStack (a -> thisVar, to.varData.theStack -> first); if (to.varData.theStack -> last == NULL) { #if DEBUG_STACKINESS stackDebug((stackfp, "LAST")); #endif to.varData.theStack -> last = to.varData.theStack -> first; } #if DEBUG_STACKINESS { char * str = getTextFromAnyVar(a->thisVar); stackDebug((stackfp, "\ta->thisVar = %s (%p)\n", str, to.varData.theStack->first)); delete[] str; } #endif a = a -> next; } #if DEBUG_STACKINESS { char * str = getTextFromAnyVar(to); stackDebug((stackfp, "finished copy, got %s\n", str)); delete[] str; stackDebug((stackfp, "first = %p\n", to.varData.theStack->first)); stackDebug((stackfp, "last = %p\n", to.varData.theStack->last)); } #endif return true; }
result_t XmlNodeList::appendChild(XmlNode_base *newChild, obj_ptr<XmlNode_base> &retVal) { XmlNodeImpl *pNew = checkChild(newChild); if (!pNew) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALIDARG); if (!checkNew(pNew)) return CHECK_ERROR(Runtime::setError("The new child element contains the parent.")); pNew->setParent(m_this, (int32_t)m_childs.size()); m_childs.push_back(pNew); retVal = newChild; return 0; }
bool addVarToStackQuick(Variable &va, VariableStack *&thisStack) { VariableStack *newStack = new VariableStack; if (!checkNew(newStack)) return false; // if (! copyMain (va, newStack -> thisVar)) return false; memcpy(&(newStack->thisVar), &va, sizeof(Variable)); va.varType = SVT_NULL; newStack->next = thisStack; thisStack = newStack; //debugC(2, kSludgeDebugStackMachine, "Variable %s was added to stack quick", getTextFromAnyVar(va)); return true; }
bool addScreenRegion (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int sX, int sY, int di, int objectNum) { screenRegion * newRegion = new screenRegion; if (! checkNew (newRegion)) return false; newRegion -> di = di; newRegion -> x1 = x1; newRegion -> y1 = y1; newRegion -> x2 = x2; newRegion -> y2 = y2; newRegion -> sX = sX; newRegion -> sY = sY; newRegion -> thisType = loadObjectType (objectNum); newRegion -> next = allScreenRegions; allScreenRegions = newRegion; return (bool) (newRegion -> thisType != NULL); }
bool loadFont (int filenum, const char * charOrder, int h) { int a=0; uint32_t c; delete [] fontOrderString; fontOrderString = copyString(charOrder); forgetSpriteBank (theFont); loadedFontNum = filenum; fontTableSize = 0; while (charOrder[a]) { c = u8_nextchar(charOrder, &a); if (c > fontTableSize) fontTableSize = c; } fontTableSize++; delete [] fontTable; fontTable = new uint32_t [fontTableSize]; if (! checkNew (fontTable)) return false; for (a = 0; a < fontTableSize; a ++) { fontTable[a] = 0; } a=0; int i=0; while (charOrder[a]) { c = u8_nextchar(charOrder, &a); fontTable[c] = i; i++; } if (! loadSpriteBank (filenum, theFont, true)) { fatal ("Can't load font"); return false; } numFontColours =; fontHeight = h; return true; }
bool copyStack(const Variable &from, Variable &to) { to.varType = SVT_STACK; to.varData.theStack = new StackHandler; if (!checkNew(to.varData.theStack)) return false; to.varData.theStack->first = NULL; to.varData.theStack->last = NULL; to.varData.theStack->timesUsed = 1; VariableStack *a = from.varData.theStack->first; while (a) { addVarToStack(a->thisVar, to.varData.theStack->first); if (to.varData.theStack->last == NULL) { to.varData.theStack->last = to.varData.theStack->first; } a = a->next; } return true; }
VariableStack *loadStack(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, VariableStack **last) { int elements = stream->readUint16BE(); int a; VariableStack *first = NULL; VariableStack **changeMe = &first; for (a = 0; a < elements; a++) { VariableStack *nS = new VariableStack; if (!checkNew(nS)) return NULL; loadVariable(&(nS->thisVar), stream); if (last && a == elements - 1) { *last = nS; } nS->next = NULL; (*changeMe) = nS; changeMe = &(nS->next); } return first; }
bool reserveBackdrop () { cameraX = 0; cameraY = 0; input.mouseX = (int)((float)input.mouseX * cameraZoom); input.mouseY = (int)((float)input.mouseY * cameraZoom); cameraZoom = 1.0; input.mouseX = (int)((float)input.mouseX / cameraZoom); input.mouseY = (int)((float)input.mouseY / cameraZoom); setPixelCoords(false); int picWidth = sceneWidth; int picHeight = sceneHeight; glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); if (backdropTexture) delete backdropTexture; if (! NPOT_textures) { picWidth = getNextPOT(sceneWidth); picHeight = getNextPOT(sceneHeight); backdropTexW = ((double)sceneWidth) / picWidth; backdropTexH = ((double)sceneHeight) / picHeight; } backdropTexture = new GLubyte [picWidth*picHeight*4]; if (! checkNew (backdropTexture)) return false; if (! backdropTextureName) glGenTextures (1, &backdropTextureName); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, backdropTextureName); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); if (gameSettings.antiAlias < 0) { glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); } else { glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); } texImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, picWidth, picHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, backdropTexture, backdropTextureName); return true; }