string LyXVC::toggleReadOnly() { if (!vcs) return string(); if (!vcs->toggleReadOnlyEnabled()) return string(); switch (vcs->status()) { case VCS::UNLOCKED: LYXERR(Debug::LYXVC, "LyXVC: toggle to locked"); return checkOut(); case VCS::LOCKED: { LYXERR(Debug::LYXVC, "LyXVC: toggle to unlocked"); string log; if (checkIn(log) != VCSuccess) return string(); return log; } case VCS::NOLOCKING: Buffer * b = vcs->owner(); bool const newstate = !b->hasReadonlyFlag(); string result = "LyXVC: toggle to "; result += (newstate ? "readonly" : "readwrite"); LYXERR(Debug::LYXVC, result); b->setReadonly(newstate); return result; } return string(); }
static int checkOut( int p, int v, int l) { int i,vv,ll,s; if( vcs.vertlist[v][l].prop&IN_PRTCL) return -1; if( vcs.vertlist[v][l].prop&OUT_PRTCL) { int pt=vcs.vertlist[v][l].partcl; if( pt==p) return 1; else { long N=prtclbase[pt-1].N; if(N==22 || N==21) return 0; else return 2; } } vv=vcs.vertlist[v][l].nextvert.vno-1; ll=vcs.vertlist[v][l].nextvert.edno-1; for(s=0,i=0;i< vcs.valence[vv];i++) if(i!=ll) { int r= checkOut(p,vv,i); if(r<0) return -1; if(r>1) return 2; s+=r; } if(s) return s; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) usage(); checkOut(argv[1]); return 0; }
// Delete read stream, checkout from objectRegistry and destroy regIOobject::~regIOobject() { if (objectRegistry::debug) { Info<< "Destroying regIOobject called " << name() << " of type " << type() << " in directory " << path() << endl; } if (isPtr_) { delete isPtr_; // Make sure we won't delete this object more than once. MB 06/2010 isPtr_ = NULL; } // Check out of objectRegistry if not owned by the registry if (!ownedByRegistry_) { checkOut(); } }
static int rtypepropag(int v, int l) { int p,r; int vv,ll; p=vcs.vertlist[v-1][l-1].partcl; r=checkOut(p,v-1,l-1); if(r==-1) { vv=vcs.vertlist[v-1][l-1].nextvert.vno-1; ll=vcs.vertlist[v-1][l-1].nextvert.edno-1; p=vcs.vertlist[vv][ll].partcl; r=checkOut(p,vv,ll); } if(r!=1) r=0; return r; }
// Rename object and re-register with objectRegistry under new name void regIOobject::rename(const word& newName) { // Check out of objectRegistry checkOut(); IOobject::rename(newName); // Re-register object with objectRegistry checkIn(); }
void main(void) { init_devices(); checkOut(); while(1) { if(endlineFlag==1) { setMessage(); endlineFlag=0; PORTB|=0x04; } // PORTB|=0x01; } }
// Assign to IOobject void regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject& io) { if (isPtr_) { delete isPtr_; isPtr_ = NULL; } // Check out of objectRegistry checkOut(); IOobject::operator=(io); // Re-register object with objectRegistry checkIn(); }
void Foam::objectRegistry::clear() { List<regIOobject*> myObjects(size()); label nMyObjects = 0; for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { if (iter()->ownedByRegistry()) { myObjects[nMyObjects++] = iter(); } } for (label i=0; i < nMyObjects; i++) { checkOut(*myObjects[i]); } }
void Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject& io) { if (isPtr_) { delete isPtr_; isPtr_ = nullptr; } // Check out of objectRegistry checkOut(); IOobject::operator=(io); if (registerObject()) { // Re-register object with objectRegistry checkIn(); } }
// Delete read stream, checkout from objectRegistry and destroy Foam::regIOobject::~regIOobject() { if (objectRegistry::debug) { Info<< "Destroying regIOobject called " << name() << " of type " << type() << " in directory " << path() << endl; } if (isPtr_) { delete isPtr_; isPtr_ = NULL; } // Check out of objectRegistry if not owned by the registry if (!ownedByRegistry_) { checkOut(); } }
BOOL CLicenseMgr::CheckOutLicense(const char *feature) { m_feature = feature; std::string strErr; int status = 0; int res = 0; setPromptForFile(1); status = newJob(); if(!status) { res = checkOut(feature); if(!res) { int days = getExpireDays(feature); if (days < 0) { ::MessageBox(NULL,"License许可文件已过期!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else { switch(res) { case -1: ::MessageBox(NULL,"找不到许可文件!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -2: ::MessageBox(NULL,"无效的许可文件格式!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -4: ::MessageBox(NULL,"已达到许可个数使用上限!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -8: ::MessageBox(NULL,"这个许可号/签名以及数据和模块不匹配!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -9: ::MessageBox(NULL,"系统的主机标识与许可文件中的主机标识不匹配!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -15: ::MessageBox(NULL,"连接不到许可服务器。\r\n可能是许可服务还没有启动,或者是使用了错误的port@host 或者许可文件,或许可文件中的TCP/IP端口号或者机器名被更改!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -34: ::MessageBox(NULL,"客户端和许可服务器系统之间的时钟差异太大!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -88: ::MessageBox(NULL,"系统时钟已经被回拨!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; case -97: ::MessageBox(NULL,"所需的供应商守护程序已关闭!",g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; default: UTF8Tomulti(getErrorString(res),strErr); CString strerrcode; strerrcode.Format("其他异常错误!错误代码:%d\n%s", res, strErr.c_str()); ::MessageBox(NULL,strerrcode,g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); break; } return FALSE; } } else { UTF8Tomulti(getErrorString(status),strErr); ::MessageBox(NULL,strErr.c_str(),g_lpszMsgTitle,MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
Foam::Callback<CallbackType>::~Callback() { checkOut(); }
int main( int argc, char * argv [] ) { boost::program_options::options_description optionsDescription( "options" ); optionsDescription.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("objectStoreRootPath", boost::program_options::value< std::string >()->default_value( "/var/lib/osmosis/objectstore" ), "Path where osmosis will store objects. relevant for 'server', 'purge', 'labellog' and 'leastrecentlyused' commands" ) ("serverTCPPort", boost::program_options::value< unsigned short >()->default_value( 1010 ), "the TCP port to bind to, if command is 'server'") ( "objectStores", boost::program_options::value< std::string >()->default_value( "" ), "the object store to act againt. May be a '+' seperated list for 'checkout' command" ) ( "MD5", "use MD5, not SHA1 for hash in 'checkin' operation" ) ( "putIfMissing", "when command is 'checkout' or 'transfer', this flag will cause any objects received not from the " "nearest object store to be put into all objects stores up to the one it was fetched from" ) ( "removeUnknownFiles", "for checkout: remove files from disk that are not in the dirlist being checked out" ) ( "myUIDandGIDcheckout", "for checkout: use my uid and gid" ) ( "ignore", boost::program_options::value< std::string >(), "for checkout: ignore the existance of all files in this ':' seperated list. " "if a directory was specified, ignored everything under it as well. specified paths " "must reside inside the checkout path" ) ( "transferDestination", boost::program_options::value< std::string >(), "destination object store to transfer the label into" ) ( "reportFile", boost::program_options::value< std::string >()->default_value( "" ), "periodically write report in JSON format into this file" ) ( "reportIntervalSeconds", boost::program_options::value< unsigned >()->default_value( 15 ), "period to report progress" ) ( "noChainTouch", "avoid touching fetched label in all object stores in chain (used for label bookeeping)" ) ( "keep", boost::program_options::value< std::string >()->default_value( "keepforever|bootstrap" ), "regular expression for labels to never erase. Only relevant under 'leastrecentlyused' command" ) ( "maximumDiskUsage", boost::program_options::value< std::string >(), "<number>M or <number>G for the amount of storage used for label objects before 'leastrecentlyused' starts erasing labels"); boost::program_options::options_description positionalDescription( "positionals" ); positionalDescription.add_options() ( "command", boost::program_options::value< std::string >() ) ( "arg1", boost::program_options::value< std::string >() ) ( "arg2", boost::program_options::value< std::string >() ); boost::program_options::positional_options_description positionalMapping; positionalMapping.add( "command", 1 ).add( "arg1", 1 ).add( "arg2", 1 ); boost::program_options::options_description allOptions; allOptions.add( optionsDescription ).add( positionalDescription ); boost::program_options::variables_map options; try { boost::program_options::store( boost::program_options::command_line_parser( argc, argv ). positional( positionalMapping ).options( allOptions ). run(), options ); boost::program_options::notify( options ); } catch ( boost::exception & e ) { TRACE_BOOST_EXCEPTION( e, "Unable to parse command line" ); usage( optionsDescription ); return 1; } if ( options.count( "help" ) ) { usage( optionsDescription ); return 1; } try { std::string command = options[ "command" ].as< std::string >(); if ( command == "server" ) { if ( options.count( "arg1" ) > 0 or options.count( "arg2" ) > 0 ) { TRACE_ERROR( "'workDir' or 'label' must not be present in command line" "if 'server' is specified as the command" ); usage( optionsDescription ); return 1; } server( options ); } else if ( command == "checkin" ) checkIn( options ); else if ( command == "checkout" ) checkOut( options ); else if ( command == "transfer" ) transfer( options ); else if ( command == "listlabels" ) listLabels( options ); else if ( command == "eraselabel" ) eraseLabel( options ); else if ( command == "purge" ) purge( options ); else if ( command == "renamelabel" ) renameLabel( options ); else if ( command == "labellog" ) dumpLabelLog( options ); else if ( command == "leastrecentlyused" ) leastRecentlyUsed( options ); else if ( command == "testhash" ) testHash( options ); else { TRACE_ERROR( "Unknown command '" << command << "'" ); usage( optionsDescription ); return 1; } } catch ( boost::exception & e ) { TRACE_BOOST_EXCEPTION( e, "Terminated on a boost exception" ); return 1; } catch ( Error & e ) { TRACE_ERROR( "Terminated on 'Error' exception: '" << e.what() << "' from " << e.backtrace() ); return 1; } catch ( std::exception & e ) { TRACE_ERROR( "Terminated on std::exception: '" << e.what() ); return 1; } catch ( ... ) { TRACE_ERROR( "Terminated on unknown exception" ); return 1; } return 0; }