void Character::checkCollision()
	for (Rect* g: *grounds)
		if (g->getMidX() - draw_Sprite->getPositionX()<1500 && 
			g->getMidY() - draw_Sprite->getPositionY()<1500 )


	if (collidingWith==nullptr){
	else if (rCollider.intersectsRect(*collidingWith)){

	else if (lCollider.intersectsRect(*collidingWith)){


     * Checks if a (mergeable) op can be merged into this batch
     * If true, the op's multiDraw must be guaranteed to handle both ops simultaneously, so it is
     * important to consider all paint attributes used in the draw calls in deciding both a) if an
     * op tries to merge at all, and b) if the op can merge with another set of ops
     * False positives can lead to information from the paints of subsequent merged operations being
     * dropped, so we make simplifying qualifications on the ops that can merge, per op type.
    bool canMergeWith(BakedOpState* op) const {
        bool isTextBatch = getBatchId() == OpBatchType::Text
                || getBatchId() == OpBatchType::ColorText;

        // Overlapping other operations is only allowed for text without shadow. For other ops,
        // multiDraw isn't guaranteed to overdraw correctly
        if (!isTextBatch || PaintUtils::hasTextShadow(op->op->paint)) {
            if (intersects(op->computedState.clippedBounds)) return false;

        const BakedOpState* lhs = op;
        const BakedOpState* rhs = mOps[0];

        if (!MathUtils::areEqual(lhs->alpha, rhs->alpha)) return false;

        // Identical round rect clip state means both ops will clip in the same way, or not at all.
        // As the state objects are const, we can compare their pointers to determine mergeability
        if (lhs->roundRectClipState != rhs->roundRectClipState) return false;

        // Local masks prevent merge, since they're potentially in different coordinate spaces
        if (lhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask
                || rhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask) return false;

        /* Clipping compatibility check
         * Exploits the fact that if a op or batch is clipped on a side, its bounds will equal its
         * clip for that side.
        const int currentFlags = mClipSideFlags;
        const int newFlags = op->computedState.clipSideFlags;
        if (currentFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None || newFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None) {
            const Rect& opBounds = op->computedState.clippedBounds;
            float boundsDelta = mBounds.left - opBounds.left;
            if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Left, boundsDelta)) return false;
            boundsDelta = mBounds.top - opBounds.top;
            if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Top, boundsDelta)) return false;

            // right and bottom delta calculation reversed to account for direction
            boundsDelta = opBounds.right - mBounds.right;
            if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Right, boundsDelta)) return false;
            boundsDelta = opBounds.bottom - mBounds.bottom;
            if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Bottom, boundsDelta)) return false;

        const SkPaint* newPaint = op->op->paint;
        const SkPaint* oldPaint = mOps[0]->op->paint;

        if (newPaint == oldPaint) {
            // if paints are equal, then modifiers + paint attribs don't need to be compared
            return true;
        } else if (newPaint && !oldPaint) {
            return paintIsDefault(*newPaint);
        } else if (!newPaint && oldPaint) {
            return paintIsDefault(*oldPaint);
        return paintsAreEquivalent(*newPaint, *oldPaint);
		bool Poly::hit(const Poly& p, float t) const {
			for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
				const auto& p0 = point[i];
				for(int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
					const auto& p1 = p.point[j];
					Line line(p0, (p1-p0).normalization());
					auto res0 = checkSide(line, t),
						res1 = p.checkSide(line, t);
					if(res0 != res1 &&
						res0 != LineDivision::Bridge &&
						res1 != LineDivision::Bridge)
						return false;
			return true;
int main () {
  double toFront = 0;
  dist toBack = {0,0}, toSide = {0,0}, scale = {1,1};
  volts speed = {30,30};

  // This is a new cycle, first check and then move
  while(1) {

    if (req.setWallAuto) {
      if (r.s.wall == LEFT) req.considerSide = LEFT;
      else if (r.s.wall == RIGHT) req.considerSide = RIGHT;
      else req.considerSide = 0;
      req.setWallAuto = false;

    if (req.checkSideStatic == true) { toSide = checkSideStatic(ACCURATE); printf("toSide %lF %lF ", toSide.l, toSide.r); req.checkSideStatic == false; }
    if (req.checkFrontStatic == true) { toFront = checkFrontStatic(ACCURATE); printf("toFront2 %lF ", toFront); req.checkFrontStatic = false; }
    if (req.checkFront == true) { toFront = checkFront(ACCURATE); printf("toFront %lF ", toFront); req.checkFront = false; }
    if (req.checkSide == true) { toSide = checkSide(ACCURATE, 0, 0); printf("toSide %lF %lF ", toSide.l, toSide.r); req.checkSide == false; }
    if (req.checkBack == true) { toBack = checkBack(ACCURATE); printf("toBack %lF %lF ", toBack.l, toBack.r); req.checkBack = false; }

    if (req.checkEncoders == true) { encodersGet(&r.s);  printf("encoders %i %i\n", r.s.encodersL, r.s.encodersR);}

      /**/printf("frontRisk %d frontLRisk %d frontLRisk %d sideLRisk %d sideRRisk %d backLRisk %d backRRisk %d wall %d\n", frontRisk, frontLRisk, frontLRisk, sideLRisk, sideRRisk, backLRisk, backRRisk, r.s.wall);/**/

    if (req.rotate180 == true) {
      if (frontRisk && sideLRisk && sideRRisk) {
        reposition(&r.s, 400, 400, 10, -10); 
        req = DEFAULT_REQUEST;

    if (req.calculateBack == true) {
      // In case of no risk
      if (!frontLRisk && !frontRRisk && !sideLRisk && !sideRRisk && !backLRisk && !backRRisk) {

        // Case 1: No risks. No wall. Go straight
        if (r.s.wall == 0) { backVal = (dist) {0,0}; /**/printf("No risks. No wall. Go straight\n"); }/**/
        // Case 2: No risks. Left wall. Touching back. We are in a deep corner. Turn
        else if (r.s.wall == LEFT && sideLFar && !backLisInfinite) { /**/printf("No risks. Left wall. Touching back. Turn\n");/**/

          backConsidered = toBack.l;
          backDif = 0 - backConsidered;
          if (backConsidered < 38 && backConsidered >= 25)      {backVal = (dist) {-15,-15};}                 // Too far
          else if (backConsidered < 25 && backConsidered >= 18) {backVal = (dist) {backDif/1.5,backDif/1.5};} // Far
          else if (backConsidered < 18 && backConsidered >= 8) {backVal = (dist) {backDif/1.5,backDif/1.5};} // In range

        // Case 3: No risks. Left wall. Touching back. We are in a deep corner. Turn
        } else if (r.s.wall == RIGHT && sideLInfinite && !backLisInfinite) {/**/printf("No Risks. Right Wall is being followed %i.\n", r.s.wall);/**/ 

          backConsidered = toBack.r;
          backDif = 0 - backConsidered;

          if (backConsidered < 38 && backConsidered >= 25)      {backVal = (dist) {+15,+15};}                 // Too far
          else if (backConsidered < 25 && backConsidered >= 18) {backVal = (dist) {-backDif/1.5,-backDif/1.5};} // Far
          else if (backConsidered < 18 && backConsidered >= 8) {backVal = (dist) {-backDif/1.5,-backDif/1.5};} // In range

        // Default
        else {backVal = (dist){999, 999};}
      // Risks, skip
      } else { /**/printf("Risks, skip.\n");/**/ backVal = (dist){999, 999}; }
      printf("backVal %lF %lF\n", backVal.l, backVal.r);// TODO check the other side tooooooo!
      req.calculateBack = false;
    // might be used for scale in tunnels to moderate velocity
    if (req.calculateSide == true) {

        if (r.s.wall == LEFT) {
          sideConsidered = toSide.l;
          sideDif = 27 - sideConsidered; /*/printf("sideDif %i\n", sideDif);/**/

          if (sideConsidered < 100 && sideConsidered >= 60)     {  sideVal = (dist) {sideDif, sideDif};}          // Too far
          else if (sideConsidered < 60 && sideConsidered >= 30) { sideVal = (dist) {sideDif, sideDif};} // Far
          else if (sideConsidered < 30 && sideConsidered >= 21) { sideVal = (dist) {0, 0};}             // In range
          else if (sideConsidered < 21)                         { sideVal = (dist) {sideDif, sideDif};} // Close

        } else {
          sideConsidered = toSide.r;
          sideDif = 27 - sideConsidered; /*/printf("sideDif %i\n", sideDif);/**/

          if (sideConsidered < 100 && sideConsidered >= 60)     {  sideVal = (dist) {-sideDif, -sideDif};}          // Too far
          else if (sideConsidered < 60 && sideConsidered >= 30) { sideVal = (dist) {-sideDif, -sideDif};} // Far
          else if (sideConsidered < 30 && sideConsidered >= 21) { sideVal = (dist) {0, 0};}             // In range
          else if (sideConsidered < 21)                         { sideVal = (dist) {-sideDif, -sideDif};} // Close

      /**/printf("sideVal %lF %lF\n", sideVal.l, sideVal.r);/**/ // TODO check the other side tooooooo!
      req.calculateSide = false;
    // might be used for scale in tunnels to moderate velocity
    if (req.calculateFront == true) {

      frontConsidered = toFront;
      frontDif = frontOk - frontConsidered; /*/printf("frontDif %i\n", frontDif);/**/
      frontVal = frontDif;
      if (-frontRange <= frontDif && frontDif <= frontRange) { frontVal = 0; /*/printf("front in Range\n");/**/ }
      if (frontVal <= -frontMinimum) { }
      /*/printf("frontVal %i\n", frontVal);/**/ // TODO check the other side tooooooo!
      req.calculateFront = false;
    // Calculate scale
    // Check for risk
      // - recalculate speed

    if (frontVal != 999) speed = (volts){frontVal,-frontVal};
    if (sideVal.l != 999 && sideVal.r != 999) speed = (volts){sideVal.l,-sideVal.r};
    if (backVal.l != 999 && backVal.r != 999) speed = (volts){backVal.l,-backVal.r};

    // Assign voltage
    r.v = setVoltage(speed, scale);

    // Finally arrived here
    moveAtVoltage(r.v.l, r.v.r);
    printf("*  Speed chosen: %i %i\n\n", r.v.l, r.v.r );

  return 0;