int main() { igraph_t graph; FILE *ifile = fopen("cattr_bool_bug.graphml", "r"); if (!ifile) { printf("Cannot open input file"); return 1; } igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); igraph_read_graph_graphml(&graph, ifile, 0); fclose(ifile); check_attr(&graph, 10); igraph_to_directed(&graph, IGRAPH_TO_DIRECTED_ARBITRARY); check_attr(&graph, 20); if (GAB(&graph, "loops")) { return 2; } igraph_destroy(&graph); return 0; }
int cmd_check_attr(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { struct git_attr_check *check; int cnt, i, doubledash; const char *errstr = NULL; argc = parse_options(argc, argv, check_attr_options, check_attr_usage, PARSE_OPT_KEEP_DASHDASH); if (!argc) usage_with_options(check_attr_usage, check_attr_options); if (read_cache() < 0) { die("invalid cache"); } doubledash = -1; for (i = 0; doubledash < 0 && i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) doubledash = i; } /* If there is no double dash, we handle only one attribute */ if (doubledash < 0) { cnt = 1; doubledash = 0; } else cnt = doubledash; doubledash++; if (cnt <= 0) errstr = "No attribute specified"; else if (stdin_paths && doubledash < argc) errstr = "Can't specify files with --stdin"; if (errstr) { error("%s", errstr); usage_with_options(check_attr_usage, check_attr_options); } check = xcalloc(cnt, sizeof(*check)); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { const char *name; struct git_attr *a; name = argv[i]; a = git_attr(name, strlen(name)); if (!a) return error("%s: not a valid attribute name", name); check[i].attr = a; } if (stdin_paths) check_attr_stdin_paths(cnt, check, argv); else { for (i = doubledash; i < argc; i++) check_attr(cnt, check, argv, argv[i]); maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "attribute to stdout"); } return 0; }
void insert_symbol (symbol_table table, const string* key, symbol* sym, astree* node) { table[key] = sym; for (size_t size = 1; size < block_count.size(); ++size) { fprintf(fsym, " "); } fprintf (fsym, "%s (%zu.%zu.%zu) {%zu} %s\n", key->c_str(), sym->filenr, sym->linenr, sym->offset, sym->blocknr, check_attr (node)); }
static void check_attr_stdin_paths(const char *prefix, int cnt, struct git_attr_check *check) { struct strbuf buf, nbuf; int line_termination = null_term_line ? 0 : '\n'; strbuf_init(&buf, 0); strbuf_init(&nbuf, 0); while (strbuf_getline(&buf, stdin, line_termination) != EOF) { if (line_termination && buf.buf[0] == '"') { strbuf_reset(&nbuf); if (unquote_c_style(&nbuf, buf.buf, NULL)) die("line is badly quoted"); strbuf_swap(&buf, &nbuf); } check_attr(prefix, cnt, check, buf.buf); maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "attribute to stdout"); } strbuf_release(&buf); strbuf_release(&nbuf); }
static void check_attr_stdin_paths(const char *prefix, int cnt, struct git_attr_check *check) { struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT; struct strbuf unquoted = STRBUF_INIT; strbuf_getline_fn getline_fn; getline_fn = nul_term_line ? strbuf_getline_nul : strbuf_getline_lf; while (getline_fn(&buf, stdin) != EOF) { if (!nul_term_line && buf.buf[0] == '"') { strbuf_reset(&unquoted); if (unquote_c_style(&unquoted, buf.buf, NULL)) die("line is badly quoted"); strbuf_swap(&buf, &unquoted); } check_attr(prefix, cnt, check, buf.buf); maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "attribute to stdout"); } strbuf_release(&buf); strbuf_release(&unquoted); }
static CK_RV sc_pkcs11_secret_key_get_attribute(struct sc_pkcs11_session *session, void *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attr) { struct pkcs11_secret_key *key; key = (struct pkcs11_secret_key *) object; switch (attr->type) { case CKA_CLASS: get_attr(attr, CK_OBJECT_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY); break; case CKA_KEY_TYPE: get_attr(attr, CK_KEY_TYPE, key->type); case CKA_VALUE: check_attr(attr, key->value_len); memcpy(attr->pValue, key->value, key->value_len); break; case CKA_VALUE_LEN: get_attr(attr, CK_ULONG, key->value_len); break; case CKA_SENSITIVE: case CKA_SIGN: case CKA_VERIFY: case CKA_WRAP: case CKA_UNWRAP: case CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE: get_attr(attr, CK_BBOOL, 0); break; case CKA_ENCRYPT: case CKA_DECRYPT: case CKA_EXTRACTABLE: case CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE: get_attr(attr, CK_BBOOL, 1); break; default: return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID; } return CKR_OK; }
int cmd_check_attr(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { struct git_attr_check *check; int cnt, i, doubledash, filei; argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, check_attr_options, check_attr_usage, PARSE_OPT_KEEP_DASHDASH); if (read_cache() < 0) { die("invalid cache"); } if (cached_attrs) git_attr_set_direction(GIT_ATTR_INDEX, NULL); doubledash = -1; for (i = 0; doubledash < 0 && i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) doubledash = i; } /* Process --all and/or attribute arguments: */ if (all_attrs) { if (doubledash >= 1) error_with_usage("Attributes and --all both specified"); cnt = 0; filei = doubledash + 1; } else if (doubledash == 0) { error_with_usage("No attribute specified"); } else if (doubledash < 0) { if (!argc) error_with_usage("No attribute specified"); if (stdin_paths) { /* Treat all arguments as attribute names. */ cnt = argc; filei = argc; } else { /* Treat exactly one argument as an attribute name. */ cnt = 1; filei = 1; } } else { cnt = doubledash; filei = doubledash + 1; } /* Check file argument(s): */ if (stdin_paths) { if (filei < argc) error_with_usage("Can't specify files with --stdin"); } else { if (filei >= argc) error_with_usage("No file specified"); } if (all_attrs) { check = NULL; } else { check = xcalloc(cnt, sizeof(*check)); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { const char *name; struct git_attr *a; name = argv[i]; a = git_attr(name); if (!a) return error("%s: not a valid attribute name", name); check[i].attr = a; } } if (stdin_paths) check_attr_stdin_paths(prefix, cnt, check); else { for (i = filei; i < argc; i++) check_attr(prefix, cnt, check, argv[i]); maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "attribute to stdout"); } return 0; }
int cmd_check_attr(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { struct attr_check *check; int cnt, i, doubledash, filei; if (!is_bare_repository()) setup_work_tree(); git_config(git_default_config, NULL); argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, check_attr_options, check_attr_usage, PARSE_OPT_KEEP_DASHDASH); if (read_cache() < 0) { die("invalid cache"); } if (cached_attrs) git_attr_set_direction(GIT_ATTR_INDEX, NULL); doubledash = -1; for (i = 0; doubledash < 0 && i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) doubledash = i; } /* Process --all and/or attribute arguments: */ if (all_attrs) { if (doubledash >= 1) error_with_usage("Attributes and --all both specified"); cnt = 0; filei = doubledash + 1; } else if (doubledash == 0) { error_with_usage("No attribute specified"); } else if (doubledash < 0) { if (!argc) error_with_usage("No attribute specified"); if (stdin_paths) { /* Treat all arguments as attribute names. */ cnt = argc; filei = argc; } else { /* Treat exactly one argument as an attribute name. */ cnt = 1; filei = 1; } } else { cnt = doubledash; filei = doubledash + 1; } /* Check file argument(s): */ if (stdin_paths) { if (filei < argc) error_with_usage("Can't specify files with --stdin"); } else { if (filei >= argc) error_with_usage("No file specified"); } check = attr_check_alloc(); if (!all_attrs) { for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { const struct git_attr *a = git_attr(argv[i]); if (!a) return error("%s: not a valid attribute name", argv[i]); attr_check_append(check, a); } } if (stdin_paths) check_attr_stdin_paths(prefix, check, all_attrs); else { for (i = filei; i < argc; i++) check_attr(prefix, check, all_attrs, argv[i]); maybe_flush_or_die(stdout, "attribute to stdout"); } attr_check_free(check); return 0; }
QString obout( QObject *w) { QString attr; // return value QString wname = w->objectName(); QString wtype = w->metaObject()->className(); //qDebug() << wname << wtype; if (OUTXML) { //printf("<%s>\n", wname.replace(' ','_').toAscii().data()); jxout += "<" + wname.replace(' ','_') + " >\n"; return wname; } QString outname; /* eliminate cruft */ if (wname.startsWith("qt_")) { } else if (wname.isNull()) { if (wtype == "QWidget") { } else if (wtype == "QSplitterHandle") { } else if (wtype == "QTextControl") { } else if (wtype == "QVBoxLayout") { } else if (wtype == "QAction") { } } else if (wname == "VSplitter") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "HSplitter") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "MenuBar") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "MenuItem") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "Navigator") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "Widget") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wname == "OpenGLContext") { outname = wname; attr = " "; } else if (wtype == "QMenu") { outname = "MenuItem"; attr = "label: "; attr.append('"'); attr.append(wname); attr.append('"'); } else if (wtype == "QAction") { outname = "MenuItem"; attr = "label: "; attr.append('"'); attr.append(wname); attr.append('"'); QString check = check_attr((QAction *)w); if (!check.isNull()) attr.append(","+check); } else if (wtype == "JXAction") { outname = "MenuItem"; attr = "label: "; attr.append('"'); attr.append(wname); attr.append('"'); QString cback = callback_attr((JXAction *)w); if (!cback.isNull()) attr.append(","+cback); QString check = check_attr((QAction *)w); if (!check.isNull()) attr.append(","+check); } else { attr = " "; } if (!outname.isNull()) { //printf("(%s [\n", outname.toAscii().data()); jxout += "( " + outname + " [\n"; } return attr; }