文件: lparser.c 项目: xiaofeng/Arcemu
static void whilestat (LexState *ls, int line) {
  /* whilestat -> WHILE cond DO block END */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  int whileinit;
  int condexit;
  BlockCnt bl;
  luaX_next(ls);  /* skip WHILE */
  whileinit = luaK_getlabel(fs);
  condexit = cond(ls);
  enterblock(fs, &bl, 1);
  checknext(ls, TK_DO);
  luaK_patchlist(fs, luaK_jump(fs), whileinit);
  check_match(ls, TK_END, TK_WHILE, line);
  luaK_patchtohere(fs, condexit);  /* false conditions finish the loop */
文件: lparser.c 项目: dx168b/luafltk
static void casestat (LexState *ls, expdesc *v) {
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  expdesc v2;
  int nargs, base;
  /* do not set base to 0 for if case is used in (local) loops, it does not work properly */
  base = fs->freereg;
  luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, v);
  nargs = explist1(ls, &v2); /* put every value into a register */
  luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, &v2);
  codecompcase(fs, base, nargs+1, v);
  fs->freereg -= nargs+1;  /* free all registers */
  if (v->k == VNIL) v->k = VFALSE;
  luaK_goiftrue(fs, v);
  luaK_patchtohere(fs, v->t);
  checknext(ls, TK_THEN);
文件: lparser.c 项目: xiaofeng/Arcemu
static void recfield (LexState *ls, struct ConsControl *cc) {
  /* recfield -> (NAME | `['exp1`]') = exp1 */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  int reg = ls->fs->freereg;
  expdesc key, val;
  int rkkey;
  if (ls->t.token == TK_NAME) {
    luaY_checklimit(fs, cc->nh, MAX_INT, "items in a constructor");
    checkname(ls, &key);
  else  /* ls->t.token == '[' */
    yindex(ls, &key);
  checknext(ls, '=');
  rkkey = luaK_exp2RK(fs, &key);
  expr(ls, &val);
  luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_SETTABLE, cc->t->u.s.info, rkkey, luaK_exp2RK(fs, &val));
  fs->freereg = reg;  /* free registers */
文件: lparser.c 项目: xiaofeng/Arcemu
static void forbody (LexState *ls, int base, int line, int nvars, int isnum) {
  /* forbody -> DO block */
  BlockCnt bl;
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  int prep, endfor;
  adjustlocalvars(ls, 3);  /* control variables */
  checknext(ls, TK_DO);
  prep = isnum ? luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OP_FORPREP, base, NO_JUMP) : luaK_jump(fs);
  enterblock(fs, &bl, 0);  /* scope for declared variables */
  adjustlocalvars(ls, nvars);
  luaK_reserveregs(fs, nvars);
  leaveblock(fs);  /* end of scope for declared variables */
  luaK_patchtohere(fs, prep);
  endfor = (isnum) ? luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OP_FORLOOP, base, NO_JUMP) :
                     luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_TFORLOOP, base, 0, nvars);
  luaK_fixline(fs, line);  /* pretend that `OP_FOR' starts the loop */
  luaK_patchlist(fs, (isnum ? endfor : luaK_jump(fs)), prep + 1);
static void assignment (LexState *ls, struct LHS_assign *lh, int nvars) {
  expdesc e;
  check_condition(ls, VLOCAL <= lh->v.k && lh->v.k <= VINDEXED,
                      "syntax error");
  if (testnext(ls, ',')) {  /* assignment -> `,' primaryexp assignment */
    struct LHS_assign nv;
    nv.prev = lh;
    primaryexp(ls, &nv.v);
    if (nv.v.k == VLOCAL)
      check_conflict(ls, lh, &nv.v);
    luaY_checklimit(ls->fs, nvars, LUAI_MAXCCALLS - ls->L->nCcalls,
                    "variables in assignment");
    assignment(ls, &nv, nvars+1);
  else {  /* assignment -> `=' explist1 */
    int nexps;
      /* hook for inc_assignment */
      if(nvars==1) {
          switch(ls->t.token) {
              case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case TK_CONCAT:
                  /* If you're using Shook's table unpack patch, return 0 here.*/
    checknext(ls, '=');
    nexps = explist1(ls, &e);
    if (nexps != nvars) {
      adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, &e);
      if (nexps > nvars)
        ls->fs->freereg -= nexps - nvars;  /* remove extra values */
    else {
      luaK_setoneret(ls->fs, &e);  /* close last expression */
      luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
      return;  /* avoid default */
  init_exp(&e, VNONRELOC, ls->fs->freereg-1);  /* default assignment */
  luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
static void inc_assignment(LexState *ls, struct LHS_assign *lh) {
    BinOpr op = getbinopr(ls->t.token);
    FuncState * fs=ls->fs;
    expdesc e, v2;
    /* reserve all registers needed by the lvalue */
    checknext(ls, '=');
    e = lh->v;
    /* we only match one expr(), not a full explist(),
     so "a+=2,2" will be a parse error. */
    luaK_posfix(fs, op, &e, &v2);
    luaK_setoneret(ls->fs, &e);
    luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
文件: lparser.c 项目: xiaofeng/Arcemu
static void forlist (LexState *ls, TString *indexname) {
  /* forlist -> NAME {,NAME} IN explist1 forbody */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  expdesc e;
  int nvars = 0;
  int line;
  int base = fs->freereg;
  /* create control variables */
  new_localvarliteral(ls, "(for generator)", nvars++);
  new_localvarliteral(ls, "(for state)", nvars++);
  new_localvarliteral(ls, "(for control)", nvars++);
  /* create declared variables */
  new_localvar(ls, indexname, nvars++);
  while (testnext(ls, ','))
    new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls), nvars++);
  checknext(ls, TK_IN);
  line = ls->linenumber;
  adjust_assign(ls, 3, explist1(ls, &e), &e);
  luaK_checkstack(fs, 3);  /* extra space to call generator */
  forbody(ls, base, line, nvars - 3, 0);
文件: lparser.c 项目: xiaofeng/Arcemu
static void constructor (LexState *ls, expdesc *t) {
  /* constructor -> ?? */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  int line = ls->linenumber;
  int pc = luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_NEWTABLE, 0, 0, 0);
  struct ConsControl cc;
  cc.na = cc.nh = cc.tostore = 0;
  cc.t = t;
  init_exp(t, VRELOCABLE, pc);
  init_exp(&cc.v, VVOID, 0);  /* no value (yet) */
  luaK_exp2nextreg(ls->fs, t);  /* fix it at stack top (for gc) */
  checknext(ls, '{');
  do {
    lua_assert(cc.v.k == VVOID || cc.tostore > 0);
    if (ls->t.token == '}') break;
    closelistfield(fs, &cc);
    switch(ls->t.token) {
      case TK_NAME: {  /* may be listfields or recfields */
        if (ls->lookahead.token != '=')  /* expression? */
          listfield(ls, &cc);
          recfield(ls, &cc);
      case '[': {  /* constructor_item -> recfield */
        recfield(ls, &cc);
      default: {  /* constructor_part -> listfield */
        listfield(ls, &cc);
  } while (testnext(ls, ',') || testnext(ls, ';'));
  check_match(ls, '}', '{', line);
  lastlistfield(fs, &cc);
  SETARG_B(fs->f->code[pc], luaO_int2fb(cc.na)); /* set initial array size */
  SETARG_C(fs->f->code[pc], luaO_int2fb(cc.nh));  /* set initial table size */
static void assignment(LexState* ls, struct LHS_assign* lh, int nvars)
	expdesc e;
	check_condition(ls, VLOCAL <= lh->v.k && lh->v.k <= VINDEXED,
			"syntax error");
	if (testnext(ls, ','))	  /* assignment -> `,' primaryexp assignment */
		struct LHS_assign nv;
		nv.prev = lh;
		primaryexp(ls, &nv.v);
		if (nv.v.k == VLOCAL)
			check_conflict(ls, lh, &nv.v);
		luaY_checklimit(ls->fs, nvars, LUAI_MAXCCALLS - ls->L->nCcalls,
				"variables in assignment");
		assignment(ls, &nv, nvars + 1);
	else	/* assignment -> `=' explist1 */
		int nexps;
		checknext(ls, '=');
		nexps = explist1(ls, &e);
		if (nexps != nvars)
			adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, &e);
			if (nexps > nvars)
				ls->fs->freereg -= nexps - nvars;  /* remove extra values */
			luaK_setoneret(ls->fs, &e);  /* close last expression */
			luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
			return;	 /* avoid default */
	init_exp(&e, VNONRELOC, ls->fs->freereg - 1); /* default assignment */
	luaK_storevar(ls->fs, &lh->v, &e);
static void constructor (LexState *ls, expdesc *t) {
  /* constructor -> ?? */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  int line = ls->linenumber;
  int pc = luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_NEWTABLE, 0, 0, 0);
  struct ConsControl cc;
  cc.na = cc.nh = cc.tostore = 0;
  cc.t = t;
  init_exp(t, VRELOCABLE, pc);
  init_exp(&cc.v, VVOID, 0);  /* no value (yet) */
  luaK_exp2nextreg(ls->fs, t);  /* fix it at stack top (for gc) */
  checknext(ls, '{');
  for (;;) {
  do {
    lua_assert(cc.v.k == VVOID || cc.tostore > 0);
    if (ls->t.token == '}') break;
    closelistfield(fs, &cc);
    switch(ls->t.token) {
      case TK_NAME: {  /* may be listfields or recfields */
        if (ls->lookahead.token != '=')  /* expression? */
          listfield(ls, &cc);
          recfield(ls, &cc);
      case '[': {  /* constructor_item -> recfield */
        recfield(ls, &cc);
      default: {  /* constructor_part -> listfield */
        listfield(ls, &cc);
	if (ls->t.token == ',' || ls->t.token == ';')
	else if (ls->t.token == '}')
  } while (testnext(ls, ',') || testnext(ls, ';'));
  check_match(ls, '}', '{', line);
  lastlistfield(fs, &cc);
  SETARG_B(fs->f->code[pc], luaO_int2fb(cc.na)); /* set initial array size */
  SETARG_C(fs->f->code[pc], luaO_int2fb(cc.nh));  /* set initial table size */

/* }====================================================================== */

static void parlist (LexState *ls) {
  /* parlist -> [ param { `,' param } ] */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  Proto *f = fs->f;
  int nparams = 0;
  f->is_vararg = 0;
  if (ls->t.token != ')') {  /* is `parlist' not empty? */
    do {
      switch (ls->t.token) {
        case TK_NAME: {  /* param -> NAME */
          new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls), nparams++);
        case TK_DOTS: {  /* param -> `...' */
#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_VARARG)
          /* use `arg' as default name */
          new_localvarliteral(ls, "arg", nparams++);
          f->is_vararg = VARARG_HASARG | VARARG_NEEDSARG;
          f->is_vararg |= VARARG_ISVARARG;
        default: luaX_syntaxerror(ls, "<name> or " LUA_QL("...") " expected");
    } while (!f->is_vararg && testnext(ls, ','));
  adjustlocalvars(ls, nparams);
  f->numparams = cast_byte(fs->nactvar - (f->is_vararg & VARARG_HASARG));
  luaK_reserveregs(fs, fs->nactvar);  /* reserve register for parameters */
static void trystat (LexState *ls, int line) {
  /* trystat -> TRY block CATCH err DO block END */
  FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
  BlockCnt bl;
  int base, pc, escapelist = NO_JUMP;


  enterblock(fs, &bl, 2);   /* try block */
  base = fs->freereg;
  new_localvarliteral(ls, "(error obj)", 0);
  adjustlocalvars(ls, 1);  /* error object */
  luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1);

  pc = luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OP_TRY, base, NO_JUMP);

  if (ls->t.token == TK_CATCH) {
    TString *varname;
    int errobj;

    luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_EXITTRY, 0, 0, 0);
    luaK_concat(fs, &escapelist, luaK_jump(fs));
    SET_OPCODE(fs->f->code[pc], OP_TRYCATCH);   /* change it to TRYCATCH */
    luaK_patchtohere(fs, pc);
    bl.isbreakable = 0;

    // local err
    luaX_next(ls);  /* skip `catch' */
    varname = str_checkname(ls);  /* first variable name */

    // do
    checknext(ls, TK_DO);
    errobj = fs->freereg;
    new_localvar(ls, varname, 0);
    adjustlocalvars(ls, 1);
    luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1);
    luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_MOVE, errobj, base, 0);


  } else if (ls->t.token == TK_FINALLY) {
    luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_EXITTRY, 0, 0, 0);
    luaK_concat(fs, &escapelist, luaK_jump(fs));
    SET_OPCODE(fs->f->code[pc], OP_TRYFIN);   /* change it to TRYFIN */
    luaK_patchtohere(fs, pc);
    bl.isbreakable = 3;

    luaX_next(ls);  /* skip 'finally' */


    luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_RETFIN, base, 0, 0);  /* OP_ENDFIN jump to the return point */

  } else {
    luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_EXITTRY, 0, 0, 0);
    luaK_concat(fs, &escapelist, pc);


  luaK_patchtohere(fs, escapelist);
  check_match(ls, TK_END, TK_TRY, line);
文件: isearch.c 项目: Bootz/OpenFW
isearch(f, n)
    int			status;		/* Search status */
    int			col;		/* prompt column */
    register int	cpos;		/* character number in search string  */
    register int	c;		/* current input character */
    char		pat_save[NPAT];	/* Saved copy of the old pattern str  */
    LINE		*curline;	/* Current line on entry	      */
    int			curoff;		/* Current offset on entry	      */
    int			init_direction;	/* The initial search direction	      */

    /* Initialize starting conditions */

    cmd_reexecute = -1;		/* We're not re-executing (yet?)      */
    cmd_offset = 0;			/* Start at the beginning of the buff */
    cmd_buff[0] = '\0';		/* Init the command buffer	      */
    strncpy (pat_save, pat, NPAT);	/* Save the old pattern string	      */
    curline = curwp->w_dotp;		/* Save the current line pointer      */
    curoff  = curwp->w_doto;		/* Save the current offset	      */
    init_direction = n;			/* Save the initial search direction  */

    /* This is a good place to start a re-execution: */


    /* ask the user for the text of a pattern */
    col = promptpattern("ISearch: ");		/* Prompt, remember the col   */

    cpos = 0;					/* Start afresh		      */
    status = TRUE;				/* Assume everything's cool   */

       Get the first character in the pattern.  If we get an initial Control-S
       or Control-R, re-use the old search string and find the first occurrence

    c = get_char();				/* Get the first character    */
    if ((c == IS_FORWARD) ||
        (c == IS_REVERSE) ||
        (c == IS_VMSFORW))			/* Reuse old search string?   */
    	for (cpos = 0; pat[cpos] != 0; cpos++)	/* Yup, find the length	      */
    	    col = echochar(pat[cpos],col);	/*  and re-echo the string    */
	if (c == IS_REVERSE) {			/* forward search?	      */
	    n = -1;				/* No, search in reverse      */
	    backchar (TRUE, 1);			/* Be defensive about EOB     */
	} else
	    n = 1;				/* Yes, search forward	      */
	status = scanmore(pat,n,status);	/* Do the search	      */
	c = get_char ();			/* Get another character      */

    /* Top of the per character loop */
    for (;;)					/* ISearch per character loop */
	/* Check for magic characters first: */
	/* Most cases here change the search */

	switch (c)				/* dispatch on the input char */
	  case IS_ABORT:			/* If abort search request    */
	    return(FALSE);			/* Quit searching again	      */

	  case IS_REVERSE:			/* If backward search	      */
	  case IS_FORWARD:			/* If forward search	      */
	  case IS_VMSFORW:			/*  of either flavor	      */
	    if (c == IS_REVERSE)		/* If reverse search	      */
		n = -1;				/* Set the reverse direction  */
	    else				/* Otherwise, 		      */
		n = 1;				/*  go forward		      */
	    status = scanmore(pat,n,TRUE);	/* Start the search again     */
	    c = get_char ();			/* Get the next char	      */
	    continue;				/* Go continue with the search*/

	  case IS_QUIT:				/* Want to quit searching?    */
	    return (TRUE);			/* Quit searching now	      */

	  case IS_NEWLINE:			/* Carriage return	      */
	    c = '\n';				/* Make it a new line	      */
	    break;				/* Make sure we use it	      */

	  case IS_QUOTE:			/* Quote character	      */
	  case IS_VMSQUOTE:			/*  of either variety	      */
	    c = get_char ();			/* Get the next char	      */

	  case IS_TAB:				/* Generically allowed	      */
	  case '\n':				/*  controlled characters     */
	    break;				/* Make sure we use it	      */

	  case IS_BACKSP:			/* If a backspace:            */
	  case IS_RUBOUT:			/*  or if a Rubout:	      */
	    if (cmd_offset <= 1)		/* Anything to delete?	      */
		return (TRUE);			/* No, just exit	      */
	    --cmd_offset;			/* Back up over the Rubout    */
	    cmd_buff[--cmd_offset] = '\0'; /* Yes, delete last char   */
	    curwp->w_dotp = curline;		/* Reset the line pointer     */
	    curwp->w_doto = curoff;		/*  and the offset	      */
	    n = init_direction;			/* Reset the search direction */
	    strncpy (pat, pat_save, NPAT);	/* Restore the old search str */
	    cmd_reexecute = 0;		/* Start the whole mess over  */
	    goto start_over;			/* Let it take care of itself */

	  /* Presumably a quasi-normal character comes here */

	  default:				/* All other chars    	      */
	    if (c < ' ')			/* Is it printable?	      */
	    {					/* Nope.		      */
		reeat (c);			/* Re-eat the char	      */
		return (TRUE);			/* And return the last status */
	}  /* Switch */

	/* I guess we got something to search for, so search for it	      */

	pat[cpos++] = c;			/* put the char in the buffer */
	if (cpos >= NPAT)			/* too many chars in string?  */
	{					/* Yup.  Complain about it    */
	    mlwrite("? Search string too long");
	    return(TRUE);			/* Return an error	      */
	pat[cpos] = 0;				/* null terminate the buffer  */
	col = echochar(c,col);			/* Echo the character	      */
	if (!status) {				/* If we lost last time	      */
	    (*term.t_putchar)(BELL);		/* Feep again		      */
	    (*term.t_flush)();			/* see that the feep feeps    */
	} else					/* Otherwise, we must have won*/
	    if (!(status = checknext(c,pat,n,status))) /* See if match	      */
		status = scanmore(pat,n,TRUE);	/*  or find the next match    */
	c = get_char ();			/* Get the next char	      */
    } /* for {;;} */