int Curl_parsedate(const char *date, time_t *output)
  time_t t = 0;
  int wdaynum=-1;  /* day of the week number, 0-6 (mon-sun) */
  int monnum=-1;   /* month of the year number, 0-11 */
  int mdaynum=-1; /* day of month, 1 - 31 */
  int hournum=-1;
  int minnum=-1;
  int secnum=-1;
  int yearnum=-1;
  int tzoff=-1;
  struct my_tm tm;
  enum assume dignext = DATE_MDAY;
  const char *indate = date; /* save the original pointer */
  int part = 0; /* max 6 parts */

  while(*date && (part < 6)) {
    bool found=FALSE;


    if(ISALPHA(*date)) {
      /* a name coming up */
      char buf[32]="";
      size_t len;
      sscanf(date, "%31[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]",
      len = strlen(buf);

      if(wdaynum == -1) {
        wdaynum = checkday(buf, len);
        if(wdaynum != -1)
          found = TRUE;
      if(!found && (monnum == -1)) {
        monnum = checkmonth(buf);
        if(monnum != -1)
          found = TRUE;

      if(!found && (tzoff == -1)) {
        /* this just must be a time zone string */
        tzoff = checktz(buf);
        if(tzoff != -1)
          found = TRUE;

        return PARSEDATE_FAIL; /* bad string */

      date += len;
    else if(ISDIGIT(*date)) {
      /* a digit */
      int val;
      char *end;
      if((secnum == -1) &&
         (3 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d:%02d", &hournum, &minnum, &secnum))) {
        /* time stamp! */
        date += 8;
      else if((secnum == -1) &&
              (2 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d", &hournum, &minnum))) {
        /* time stamp without seconds */
        date += 5;
        secnum = 0;
      else {
        val = curlx_sltosi(strtol(date, &end, 10));

        if((tzoff == -1) &&
           ((end - date) == 4) &&
           (val <= 1400) &&
           (indate< date) &&
           ((date[-1] == '+' || date[-1] == '-'))) {
          /* four digits and a value less than or equal to 1400 (to take into
             account all sorts of funny time zone diffs) and it is preceeded
             with a plus or minus. This is a time zone indication.  1400 is
             picked since +1300 is frequently used and +1400 is mentioned as
             an edge number in the document "ISO C 200X Proposal: Timezone
             Functions" at http://david.tribble.com/text/c0xtimezone.html If
             anyone has a more authoritative source for the exact maximum time
             zone offsets, please speak up! */
          found = TRUE;
          tzoff = (val/100 * 60 + val%100)*60;

          /* the + and - prefix indicates the local time compared to GMT,
             this we need ther reversed math to get what we want */
          tzoff = date[-1]=='+'?-tzoff:tzoff;

        if(((end - date) == 8) &&
           (yearnum == -1) &&
           (monnum == -1) &&
           (mdaynum == -1)) {
          /* 8 digits, no year, month or day yet. This is YYYYMMDD */
          found = TRUE;
          yearnum = val/10000;
          monnum = (val%10000)/100-1; /* month is 0 - 11 */
          mdaynum = val%100;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_MDAY) && (mdaynum == -1)) {
          if((val > 0) && (val<32)) {
            mdaynum = val;
            found = TRUE;
          dignext = DATE_YEAR;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_YEAR) && (yearnum == -1)) {
          yearnum = val;
          found = TRUE;
          if(yearnum < 1900) {
            if(yearnum > 70)
              yearnum += 1900;
              yearnum += 2000;
          if(mdaynum == -1)
            dignext = DATE_MDAY;

          return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

        date = end;


  if(-1 == secnum)
    secnum = minnum = hournum = 0; /* no time, make it zero */

  if((-1 == mdaynum) ||
     (-1 == monnum) ||
     (-1 == yearnum))
    /* lacks vital info, fail */
    return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

  /* 32 bit time_t can only hold dates to the beginning of 2038 */
  if(yearnum > 2037) {
    *output = 0x7fffffff;

  if(yearnum < 1970) {
    *output = 0;

  tm.tm_sec = secnum;
  tm.tm_min = minnum;
  tm.tm_hour = hournum;
  tm.tm_mday = mdaynum;
  tm.tm_mon = monnum;
  tm.tm_year = yearnum - 1900;

  /* my_timegm() returns a time_t. time_t is often 32 bits, even on many
     architectures that feature 64 bit 'long'.

     Some systems have 64 bit time_t and deal with years beyond 2038. However,
     even on some of the systems with 64 bit time_t mktime() returns -1 for
     dates beyond 03:14:07 UTC, January 19, 2038. (Such as AIX 5100-06)
  t = my_timegm(&tm);

  /* time zone adjust (cast t to int to compare to negative one) */
  if(-1 != (int)t) {

    /* Add the time zone diff between local time zone and GMT. */
    long delta = (long)(tzoff!=-1?tzoff:0);

    if((delta>0) && (t + delta < t))
      return -1; /* time_t overflow */

    t += delta;

  *output = t;

  return PARSEDATE_OK;
文件: date.c 项目: allardhoeve/siege
strtotime(const char *string){
  int     sec   = -1;   /* seconds          */
  int     min   = -1;   /* minutes          */
  int     hour  = -1;   /* hours            */
  int     mday  = -1;   /* day of the month */
  int     mon   = -1;   /* month            */
  int     year  = -1;   /* year             */
  int     wday  = -1;   /* day of the week  */
  int     tzoff = -1;   /* time zone offset */
  int     part  = 0;
  time_t  t     = 0;
  time_t  now   = 0;
  struct  tm     tm;
  const   char   *date;
  const   char   *indate = string;    /* original pointer */
  enum    assume dignext = DATE_MDAY;
  BOOLEAN found = FALSE;

   *  Make sure we have a string to parse. 
  if(!(string && *string))

  date = string;

   * this parser was more or less stolen form libcurl.
   * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006, Daniel Stenberg, <*****@*****.**>, et al. 
   * http://curl.haxx.se/
  while(*date && (part < 6)) {

    if(isalpha((unsigned char)*date)) {
      /* a name coming up */
      char buf[32]="";
      size_t len;
      sscanf(date, "%31[A-Za-z]", buf);
      len = strlen(buf);

      if(wday == -1) {
        wday = checkday(buf, len);
        if(wday != -1)
          found = TRUE;
      if(!found && (mon == -1)) {
        mon = checkmonth(buf);
        if(mon != -1)
          found = TRUE;

      if(!found && (tzoff == -1)) {
        /* this just must be a time zone string */
        tzoff = checktz(buf);
        if(tzoff != -1)
          found = TRUE;

        return -1; /* bad string */

      date += len;
    }  else if(isdigit((unsigned char)*date)) {
      /* a digit */
      int val;
      char *end;
      if((sec == -1) &&
         (3 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d:%02d", &hour, &min, &sec))) {
        /* time stamp! */
        date += 8;
        found = TRUE;
      else {
        val = (int)strtol(date, &end, 10);

        if((tzoff == -1) &&
           ((end - date) == 4) &&
           (val < 1300) &&
           (indate< date) &&
           ((date[-1] == '+' || date[-1] == '-'))) {
          /* four digits and a value less than 1300 and it is preceeded with
             a plus or minus. This is a time zone indication. */
          found = TRUE;
          tzoff = (val/100 * 60 + val%100)*60;

          /* the + and - prefix indicates the local time compared to GMT,
             this we need ther reversed math to get what we want */
          tzoff = date[-1]=='+'?-tzoff:tzoff;

        if(((end - date) == 8) && (year == -1) && (mon == -1) && (mday == -1)) {
          /* 8 digits, no year, month or day yet. This is YYYYMMDD */
          found = TRUE;
          year  = val/10000;
          mon   = (val%10000)/100-1; /* month is 0 - 11 */
          mday  = val%100;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_MDAY) && (mday == -1)) {
          if((val > 0) && (val<32)) {
            mday = val;
            found = TRUE;
          dignext = DATE_YEAR;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_YEAR) && (year == -1)) {
          year = val;
          found = TRUE;
          if(year < 1900) {
            if (year > 70)
              year += 1900;
              year += 2000;
          if(mday == -1)
            dignext = DATE_MDAY;

          return -1;

        date = end;
  if(-1 == sec)
    sec = min = hour = 0; /* no time, make it zero */

  if((-1 == mday) ||
     (-1 == mon) ||
     (-1 == year))
    /* lacks vital info, fail */
    return -1;

  /* Y238 'bug' */
  if(year > 2037)
    return 0x7fffffff;

  tm.tm_sec   = sec;
  tm.tm_min   = min;
  tm.tm_hour  = hour;
  tm.tm_mday  = mday;
  tm.tm_mon   = mon;
  tm.tm_year  = year - 1900;
  tm.tm_wday  = 0;
  tm.tm_yday  = 0;
  tm.tm_isdst = 0;

  t = mktime(&tm);

  /* time zone adjust (cast t to int to compare to negative one) */
  if(-1 != (int)t) {
    struct tm *gmt;
    long delta;
    time_t t2;

    /* thread-safe version */
    struct tm keeptime2;
    gmt = (struct tm *)gmtime_r(&t, &keeptime2);
      return -1; /* illegal date/time */
    t2 = mktime(gmt);
    /* It seems that at least the MSVC version of mktime() doesn't work
       properly if it gets the 'gmt' pointer passed in (which is a pointer
       returned from gmtime() pointing to static memory), so instead we copy
       the tm struct to a local struct and pass a pointer to that struct as
       input to mktime(). */
    struct tm gmt2;
    gmt = gmtime(&t); /* use gmtime_r() if available */
      return -1; /* illegal date/time */
    gmt2 = *gmt;
    t2 = mktime(&gmt2);

    /* Add the time zone diff (between the given timezone and GMT) 
       and the diff between the local time zone and GMT. */
    delta = (long)((tzoff!=-1?tzoff:0) + (t - t2));

    if((delta>0) && (t + delta < t))
      return -1; /* time_t overflow */

    t += delta;
  now = time(NULL);
  return t;
static int parsedate(const char *date, time_t *output)
  time_t t = 0;
  int wdaynum = -1;  /* day of the week number, 0-6 (mon-sun) */
  int monnum = -1;   /* month of the year number, 0-11 */
  int mdaynum = -1; /* day of month, 1 - 31 */
  int hournum = -1;
  int minnum = -1;
  int secnum = -1;
  int yearnum = -1;
  int tzoff = -1;
  struct my_tm tm;
  enum assume dignext = DATE_MDAY;
  const char *indate = date; /* save the original pointer */
  int part = 0; /* max 6 parts */

  while(*date && (part < 6)) {
    bool found = FALSE;


    if(ISALPHA(*date)) {
      /* a name coming up */
      char buf[32]="";
      size_t len;
      if(sscanf(date, "%31[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
                          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]", buf))
        len = strlen(buf);
        len = 0;

      if(wdaynum == -1) {
        wdaynum = checkday(buf, len);
        if(wdaynum != -1)
          found = TRUE;
      if(!found && (monnum == -1)) {
        monnum = checkmonth(buf);
        if(monnum != -1)
          found = TRUE;

      if(!found && (tzoff == -1)) {
        /* this just must be a time zone string */
        tzoff = checktz(buf);
        if(tzoff != -1)
          found = TRUE;

        return PARSEDATE_FAIL; /* bad string */

      date += len;
    else if(ISDIGIT(*date)) {
      /* a digit */
      int val;
      char *end;
      int len = 0;
      if((secnum == -1) &&
         (3 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d:%02d%n",
                      &hournum, &minnum, &secnum, &len))) {
        /* time stamp! */
        date += len;
      else if((secnum == -1) &&
              (2 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d%n", &hournum, &minnum, &len))) {
        /* time stamp without seconds */
        date += len;
        secnum = 0;
      else {
        long lval;
        int error;
        int old_errno;

        old_errno = errno;
        errno = 0;
        lval = strtol(date, &end, 10);
        error = errno;
        if(errno != old_errno)
          errno = old_errno;

          return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

        if((lval > (long)INT_MAX) || (lval < (long)INT_MIN))
          return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

        val = curlx_sltosi(lval);

        if((tzoff == -1) &&
           ((end - date) == 4) &&
           (val <= 1400) &&
           (indate< date) &&
           ((date[-1] == '+' || date[-1] == '-'))) {
          /* four digits and a value less than or equal to 1400 (to take into
             account all sorts of funny time zone diffs) and it is preceded
             with a plus or minus. This is a time zone indication.  1400 is
             picked since +1300 is frequently used and +1400 is mentioned as
             an edge number in the document "ISO C 200X Proposal: Timezone
             Functions" at http://david.tribble.com/text/c0xtimezone.html If
             anyone has a more authoritative source for the exact maximum time
             zone offsets, please speak up! */
          found = TRUE;
          tzoff = (val/100 * 60 + val%100)*60;

          /* the + and - prefix indicates the local time compared to GMT,
             this we need their reversed math to get what we want */
          tzoff = date[-1]=='+'?-tzoff:tzoff;

        if(((end - date) == 8) &&
           (yearnum == -1) &&
           (monnum == -1) &&
           (mdaynum == -1)) {
          /* 8 digits, no year, month or day yet. This is YYYYMMDD */
          found = TRUE;
          yearnum = val/10000;
          monnum = (val%10000)/100-1; /* month is 0 - 11 */
          mdaynum = val%100;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_MDAY) && (mdaynum == -1)) {
          if((val > 0) && (val<32)) {
            mdaynum = val;
            found = TRUE;
          dignext = DATE_YEAR;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_YEAR) && (yearnum == -1)) {
          yearnum = val;
          found = TRUE;
          if(yearnum < 100) {
            if(yearnum > 70)
              yearnum += 1900;
              yearnum += 2000;
          if(mdaynum == -1)
            dignext = DATE_MDAY;

          return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

        date = end;


  if(-1 == secnum)
    secnum = minnum = hournum = 0; /* no time, make it zero */

  if((-1 == mdaynum) ||
     (-1 == monnum) ||
     (-1 == yearnum))
    /* lacks vital info, fail */
    return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

  if(yearnum < 1970) {
    /* only positive numbers cannot return earlier */
    *output = TIME_T_MIN;

#if (SIZEOF_TIME_T < 5)

  /* an unsigned 32 bit time_t can only hold dates to 2106 */
  if(yearnum > 2105) {
    *output = TIME_T_MAX;
  /* a signed 32 bit time_t can only hold dates to the beginning of 2038 */
  if(yearnum > 2037) {
    *output = TIME_T_MAX;
  if(yearnum < 1903) {
    *output = TIME_T_MIN;

  /* The Gregorian calendar was introduced 1582 */
  if(yearnum < 1583)
    return PARSEDATE_FAIL;

  if((mdaynum > 31) || (monnum > 11) ||
     (hournum > 23) || (minnum > 59) || (secnum > 60))
    return PARSEDATE_FAIL; /* clearly an illegal date */

  tm.tm_sec = secnum;
  tm.tm_min = minnum;
  tm.tm_hour = hournum;
  tm.tm_mday = mdaynum;
  tm.tm_mon = monnum;
  tm.tm_year = yearnum;

  /* my_timegm() returns a time_t. time_t is often 32 bits, sometimes even on
     architectures that feature 64 bit 'long' but ultimately time_t is the
     correct data type to use.
  my_timegm(&tm, &t);

  /* Add the time zone diff between local time zone and GMT. */
  if(tzoff == -1)
    tzoff = 0;

  if((tzoff > 0) && (t > TIME_T_MAX - tzoff)) {
    *output = TIME_T_MAX;
    return PARSEDATE_LATER; /* time_t overflow */

  t += tzoff;

  *output = t;

  return PARSEDATE_OK;
static time_t Curl_parsedate(const char *date)
  time_t t = 0;
  int wdaynum=-1;  /* day of the week number, 0-6 (mon-sun) */
  int monnum=-1;   /* month of the year number, 0-11 */
  int mdaynum=-1; /* day of month, 1 - 31 */
  int hournum=-1;
  int minnum=-1;
  int secnum=-1;
  int yearnum=-1;
  int tzoff=-1;
  struct tm tm;
  enum assume dignext = DATE_MDAY;
  const char *indate = date; /* save the original pointer */
  int part = 0; /* max 6 parts */

#ifdef WIN32
   * On Windows, we need an odd work-around for the case when no TZ variable
   * is set. If it isn't set and "automatic DST adjustment" is enabled, the
   * time functions below will return values one hour off! As reported and
   * investigated in bug report #1230118.
  const char *env = getenv("TZ");

  while(*date && (part < 6)) {
    int found=FALSE;


    if(isalpha((int)*date)) {
      /* a name coming up */
      char buf[32]="";
      size_t len;
      sscanf(date, "%31[A-Za-z]", buf);
      len = strlen(buf);

      if(wdaynum == -1) {
        wdaynum = checkday(buf, len);
        if(wdaynum != -1)
          found = TRUE;
      if(!found && (monnum == -1)) {
        monnum = checkmonth(buf);
        if(monnum != -1)
          found = TRUE;

      if(!found && (tzoff == -1)) {
        /* this just must be a time zone string */
        tzoff = checktz(buf);
        if(tzoff != -1)
          found = TRUE;

        return -1; /* bad string */

      date += len;
    else if(isdigit((int)*date)) {
      /* a digit */
      int val;
      char *end;
      if((secnum == -1) &&
         (3 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d:%02d", &hournum, &minnum, &secnum))) {
        /* time stamp! */
        date += 8;
        found = TRUE;
      else {
        val = (int)strtol(date, &end, 10);

        if((tzoff == -1) &&
           ((end - date) == 4) &&
           (val < 1300) &&
           (indate< date) &&
           ((date[-1] == '+' || date[-1] == '-'))) {
          /* four digits and a value less than 1300 and it is preceeded with
             a plus or minus. This is a time zone indication. */
          found = TRUE;
          tzoff = (val/100 * 60 + val%100)*60;

          /* the + and - prefix indicates the local time compared to GMT,
             this we need ther reversed math to get what we want */
          tzoff = date[-1]=='+'?-tzoff:tzoff;

        if(((end - date) == 8) &&
           (yearnum == -1) &&
           (monnum == -1) &&
           (mdaynum == -1)) {
          /* 8 digits, no year, month or day yet. This is YYYYMMDD */
          found = TRUE;
          yearnum = val/10000;
          monnum = (val%10000)/100-1; /* month is 0 - 11 */
          mdaynum = val%100;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_MDAY) && (mdaynum == -1)) {
          if((val > 0) && (val<32)) {
            mdaynum = val;
            found = TRUE;
          dignext = DATE_YEAR;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_YEAR) && (yearnum == -1)) {
          yearnum = val;
          found = TRUE;
          if(yearnum < 1900) {
            if (yearnum > 70)
              yearnum += 1900;
              yearnum += 2000;
          if(mdaynum == -1)
            dignext = DATE_MDAY;

          return -1;

        date = end;


  if(-1 == secnum)
    secnum = minnum = hournum = 0; /* no time, make it zero */

  if((-1 == mdaynum) ||
     (-1 == monnum) ||
     (-1 == yearnum))
    /* lacks vital info, fail */
    return -1;

  /* 32 bit time_t can only hold dates to the beginning of 2038 */
  if(yearnum > 2037)
    return 0x7fffffff;

  tm.tm_sec = secnum;
  tm.tm_min = minnum;
  tm.tm_hour = hournum;
  tm.tm_mday = mdaynum;
  tm.tm_mon = monnum;
  tm.tm_year = yearnum - 1900;
  tm.tm_wday = 0;
  tm.tm_yday = 0;
  tm.tm_isdst = 0;

  /* mktime() returns a time_t. time_t is often 32 bits, even on many
     architectures that feature 64 bit 'long'.

     Some systems have 64 bit time_t and deal with years beyond 2038. However,
     even some of the systems with 64 bit time_t returns -1 for dates beyond
     03:14:07 UTC, January 19, 2038. (Such as AIX 5100-06)
  t = mktime(&tm);

  /* time zone adjust (cast t to int to compare to negative one) */
  if(-1 != (int)t) {
    struct tm *gmt;
    long delta;
    time_t t2;

    /* thread-safe version */
    struct tm keeptime2;
    gmt = (struct tm *)gmtime_r(&t, &keeptime2);
    gmt = gmtime(&t); /* use gmtime_r() if available */
      return -1; /* illegal date/time */

    t2 = mktime(gmt);

    /* Add the time zone diff (between the given timezone and GMT) and the
       diff between the local time zone and GMT. */
    delta = (long)((tzoff!=-1?tzoff:0) + (t - t2));

    if((delta>0) && (t + delta < t))
      return -1; /* time_t overflow */

    t += delta;

  return t;
static time_t parsedate(const char *date)
  time_t t = 0;
  int wdaynum=-1;  /* day of the week number, 0-6 (mon-sun) */
  int monnum=-1;   /* month of the year number, 0-11 */
  int mdaynum=-1; /* day of month, 1 - 31 */
  int hournum=-1;
  int minnum=-1;
  int secnum=-1;
  int yearnum=-1;
  int tzoff=-1;
  struct tm tm;
  enum assume dignext = DATE_MDAY;
  const char *indate = date; /* save the original pointer */
  int part = 0; /* max 6 parts */

  while(*date && (part < 6)) {
    bool found=FALSE;


    if(ISALPHA(*date)) {
      /* a name coming up */
      char buf[32]="";
      size_t len;
      sscanf(date, "%31[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]", buf);
      len = strlen(buf);

      if(wdaynum == -1) {
        wdaynum = checkday(buf, len);
        if(wdaynum != -1)
          found = TRUE;
      if(!found && (monnum == -1)) {
        monnum = checkmonth(buf);
        if(monnum != -1)
          found = TRUE;

      if(!found && (tzoff == -1)) {
        /* this just must be a time zone string */
        tzoff = checktz(buf);
        if(tzoff != -1)
          found = TRUE;

        return -1; /* bad string */

      date += len;
    else if(ISDIGIT(*date)) {
      /* a digit */
      int val;
      char *end;
      if((secnum == -1) &&
         (3 == sscanf(date, "%02d:%02d:%02d", &hournum, &minnum, &secnum))) {
        /* time stamp! */
        date += 8;
        found = TRUE;
      else {
        val = (int)strtol(date, &end, 10);

        if((tzoff == -1) &&
           ((end - date) == 4) &&
           (val <= 1400) &&
           (indate< date) &&
           ((date[-1] == '+' || date[-1] == '-'))) {
          /* four digits and a value less than or equal to 1400 (to take into
             account all sorts of funny time zone diffs) and it is preceeded
             with a plus or minus. This is a time zone indication.  1400 is
             picked since +1300 is frequently used and +1400 is mentioned as
             an edge number in the document "ISO C 200X Proposal: Timezone
             Functions" at http://david.tribble.com/text/c0xtimezone.html If
             anyone has a more authoritative source for the exact maximum time
             zone offsets, please speak up! */
          found = TRUE;
          tzoff = (val/100 * 60 + val%100)*60;

          /* the + and - prefix indicates the local time compared to GMT,
             this we need ther reversed math to get what we want */
          tzoff = date[-1]=='+'?-tzoff:tzoff;

        if(((end - date) == 8) &&
           (yearnum == -1) &&
           (monnum == -1) &&
           (mdaynum == -1)) {
          /* 8 digits, no year, month or day yet. This is YYYYMMDD */
          found = TRUE;
          yearnum = val/10000;
          monnum = (val%10000)/100-1; /* month is 0 - 11 */
          mdaynum = val%100;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_MDAY) && (mdaynum == -1)) {
          if((val > 0) && (val<32)) {
            mdaynum = val;
            found = TRUE;
          dignext = DATE_YEAR;

        if(!found && (dignext == DATE_YEAR) && (yearnum == -1)) {
          yearnum = val;
          found = TRUE;
          if(yearnum < 1900) {
            if(yearnum > 70)
              yearnum += 1900;
              yearnum += 2000;
          if(mdaynum == -1)
            dignext = DATE_MDAY;

          return -1;

        date = end;


  if(-1 == secnum)
    secnum = minnum = hournum = 0; /* no time, make it zero */

  if((-1 == mdaynum) ||
     (-1 == monnum) ||
     (-1 == yearnum))
    /* lacks vital info, fail */
    return -1;

  /* 32 bit time_t can only hold dates to the beginning of 2038 */
  if(yearnum > 2037)
    return 0x7fffffff;

  tm.tm_sec = secnum;
  tm.tm_min = minnum;
  tm.tm_hour = hournum;
  tm.tm_mday = mdaynum;
  tm.tm_mon = monnum;
  tm.tm_year = yearnum - 1900;
  tm.tm_wday = 0;
  tm.tm_yday = 0;
  tm.tm_isdst = 0;

  /* mktime() returns a time_t. time_t is often 32 bits, even on many
     architectures that feature 64 bit 'long'.

     Some systems have 64 bit time_t and deal with years beyond 2038. However,
     even some of the systems with 64 bit time_t returns -1 for dates beyond
     03:14:07 UTC, January 19, 2038. (Such as AIX 5100-06)
  t = mktime(&tm);

  /* time zone adjust (cast t to int to compare to negative one) */
  if(-1 != (int)t) {
    struct tm *gmt;
    long delta;
    time_t t2;

    /* thread-safe version */
    struct tm keeptime2;
    gmt = (struct tm *)gmtime_r(&t, &keeptime2);
      return -1; /* illegal date/time */
    t2 = mktime(gmt);
    /* It seems that at least the MSVC version of mktime() doesn't work
       properly if it gets the 'gmt' pointer passed in (which is a pointer
       returned from gmtime() pointing to static memory), so instead we copy
       the tm struct to a local struct and pass a pointer to that struct as
       input to mktime(). */
    struct tm gmt2;
    gmt = gmtime(&t); /* use gmtime_r() if available */
      return -1; /* illegal date/time */
    gmt2 = *gmt;
    t2 = mktime(&gmt2);

    /* Add the time zone diff (between the given timezone and GMT) and the
       diff between the local time zone and GMT. */
    delta = (long)((tzoff!=-1?tzoff:0) + (t - t2));

    if((delta>0) && (t + delta < t))
      return -1; /* time_t overflow */

    t += delta;

  return t;