static int ci_tcp_listen_init(ci_netif *ni, ci_tcp_socket_listen *tls)
  int i;
  oo_p sp;

  tls->acceptq_n_in = tls->acceptq_n_out = 0;
  tls->acceptq_put = CI_ILL_END;
  tls->acceptq_get = OO_SP_NULL;
  tls->n_listenq = 0;
  tls->n_listenq_new = 0;

  /* Allocate and initialise the listen bucket */
  if( OO_P_IS_NULL(ni->state->free_aux_mem) )
    return -ENOBUFS;
  tls->bucket = ni->state->free_aux_mem;
  tls->n_buckets = 1;

  /* Initialise the listenQ. */
  for( i = 0; i <= CI_CFG_TCP_SYNACK_RETRANS_MAX; ++i ) {
    sp = TS_OFF(ni, tls);
    OO_P_ADD(sp, CI_MEMBER_OFFSET(ci_tcp_socket_listen, listenq[i]));
    ci_ni_dllist_init(ni, &tls->listenq[i], sp, "lstq");

  /* Initialize the cache and pending lists for the EP-cache.
   * See comment at definition for details
  LOG_EP (log ("Initialise cache and pending list for id %d",

  sp = TS_OFF(ni, tls);
  OO_P_ADD(sp, CI_MEMBER_OFFSET(ci_tcp_socket_listen, epcache_cache));
  ci_ni_dllist_init(ni, &tls->epcache_cache, sp, "epch");

  sp = TS_OFF(ni, tls);
  OO_P_ADD(sp, CI_MEMBER_OFFSET(ci_tcp_socket_listen, epcache_pending));
  ci_ni_dllist_init(ni, &tls->epcache_pending, sp, "eppd");

  sp = TS_OFF(ni, tls);
  OO_P_ADD(sp, CI_MEMBER_OFFSET(ci_tcp_socket_listen, epcache_connected));
  ci_ni_dllist_init(ni, &tls->epcache_connected, sp, "epco");

  sp = TS_OFF(ni, tls);
  OO_P_ADD(sp, CI_MEMBER_OFFSET(ci_tcp_socket_listen, epcache_fd_states));
  ci_ni_dllist_init(ni, &tls->epcache_fd_states, sp, "ecfd");

  tls->cache_avail_sock = ni->state->opts.per_sock_cache_max;

  return 0;
/* initialise the iptimer scheduler */
void ci_ip_timer_state_init(ci_netif* netif, unsigned cpu_khz)
  ci_ip_timer_state* ipts = IPTIMER_STATE(netif);
  int i;
  int us2isn;

  /* initialise the cycle to tick constants */
  ipts->khz = cpu_khz;
  ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2tick = shift_for_gran(CI_IP_TIME_APP_GRANULARITY, ipts->khz);
  ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2us = shift_for_gran(1, ipts->khz);

  /* The Linux kernel ticks the initial sequence number that it would use for
   * a given tuple every 64 ns.  Onload does the same, when using
   * EF_TCP_ISN_MODE=clocked. However in EF_TCP_ISN_MODE=clocked+cache our use
   * of the clock-driven ISN is slightly different, though, as we remember
   * old sequence numbers in the case where the clock-driven ISN is not known
   * to be safe.  As such, we don't need it to tick so fast, and so we let it
   * tick at most every 256 ns.  This means that it takes more than eight
   * minutes to wrap by half, while four minutes is our assumed maximum
   * peer-MSL.  This in practice reduces the cases in which we have to
   * remember old sequence numbers. */
  us2isn = NI_OPTS(netif).tcp_isn_mode != 0 ? 2 : 4;
  ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2isn = ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2us > us2isn ?
                             ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2us - us2isn : 0;

  ipts->sched_ticks = ci_ip_time_now(netif);
  ipts->closest_timer = ipts->sched_ticks + IPTIME_INFINITY;

  /* To convert ms to ticks we will use fixed point arithmetic
   * Calculate conversion factor, which is expected to be in range <0.5,1]
   * */
  ipts->ci_ip_time_ms2tick_fxp =
    (((ci_uint64)ipts->khz) << 32) /
    (1u << ipts->ci_ip_time_frc2tick);
  ci_assert_gt(ipts->ci_ip_time_ms2tick_fxp, 1ull<<31);
  ci_assert_le(ipts->ci_ip_time_ms2tick_fxp, 1ull<<32);

  /* set module specific time constants dependent on frc2tick */

  ci_ni_dllist_init(netif, &ipts->fire_list,
		    oo_ptr_to_statep(netif, &ipts->fire_list),
  /* Initialise the wheel lists. */
  for( i=0; i < CI_IPTIME_WHEELSIZE; i++)
    ci_ni_dllist_init(netif, &ipts->warray[i],
		      oo_ptr_to_statep(netif, &ipts->warray[i]),
/* take the bucket corresponding to time t in the given wheel and 
** reinsert them back into the wheel (i.e. into wheelno -1)
static int ci_ip_timer_cascadewheel(ci_netif* netif, int wheelno,
				     ci_iptime_t stime)
  ci_ip_timer* ts;
  ci_ni_dllist_t* bucket;
  oo_p curid, buckid;
  int changed = 0;

  ci_assert(wheelno > 0 && wheelno < CI_IPTIME_WHEELS);
  /* check time is on the boundary expected by the wheel number passed in */
  ci_assert( (stime & ((unsigned)(-1) << (CI_IPTIME_BUCKETBITS*wheelno))) == stime );

  /* bucket to empty */
  bucket = BUCKET(netif, wheelno, stime);
  buckid = ci_ni_dllist_link_addr(netif, &bucket->l);
  curid = bucket->l.next;

  LOG_ITV(log(LN_FMT "cascading wheel=%u sched_ticks=0x%x bucket=%i",
	      LN_PRI_ARGS(netif), wheelno, stime, BUCKETNO(wheelno, stime)));

  /* ditch the timers in this dll, pointers held in curid and buckid */
  ci_ni_dllist_init(netif, bucket,
                    ci_ni_dllist_link_addr(netif, &bucket->l), "timw");

  while( ! OO_P_EQ(curid, buckid) ) {
    ts = ADDR2TIMER(netif, curid);
    /* get next in linked list */
    curid = ts->link.next;

#ifndef NDEBUG
      /* if inserting in wheel 0 - top 3 wheels must have the same time */
      if (wheelno == 1)
        ci_assert( (stime & WHEEL0_MASK) == (ts->time & WHEEL0_MASK) );
      /* else, if inserting in wheel 1 - top 2 wheels must have the same time */
      else if (wheelno == 2)
        ci_assert( (stime & WHEEL1_MASK) == (ts->time & WHEEL1_MASK) );
      /* else, if inserting in wheel 2 - the top wheel must have the same time */
      else {
        ci_assert(wheelno == 3);
        ci_assert( (stime & WHEEL2_MASK) == (ts->time & WHEEL2_MASK) );

    /* insert ts into wheel below */
    bucket = BUCKET(netif, wheelno-1, ts->time);
    changed = 1;

    /* append onto the correct bucket 
    ** NB this might not be stable because a later insert with a
    ** smaller relative time will be before an earlier insert with a
    ** larger relative time. Oh well doesn't really matter
    ci_ni_dllist_push_tail(netif, bucket, &ts->link);
    ci_assert(ci_ip_timer_is_link_valid(netif, ts));
  return changed;