void ci_ip_timer_state_dump(ci_netif* ni)
  ci_ip_timer_state* ipts;
  ci_ip_timer* ts;
  ci_ni_dllist_t* bucket;
  ci_ni_dllist_link* l;
  ci_iptime_t stime, wheel_base, max_time, min_time;
  int w, b, bit_shift;

  /* shifting a 32 bit integer left or right 32 bits has undefined results 
   * (i.e. not 0 which is required). Therefore I now use an array of mask 
   * values 
  unsigned wheel_mask[CI_IPTIME_WHEELS] = 
                { WHEEL0_MASK, WHEEL1_MASK, WHEEL2_MASK, 0 };

  ipts = IPTIMER_STATE(ni);
  stime = ipts->sched_ticks;

  ci_log("%s: time is 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, stime);
  /* for each wheel */
  for(w=0; w < CI_IPTIME_WHEELS; w++) {

    /* base time of wheel */
    wheel_base = stime & wheel_mask[w];
    /* for each bucket in wheel */
    for (b=0; b < CI_IPTIME_BUCKETS; b++) {

      /* max and min relative times for this bucket */
      bit_shift = CI_IPTIME_BUCKETBITS*w;
      min_time = wheel_base + (b << bit_shift);
      max_time = min_time   + (1 << bit_shift);

      bucket = &ipts->warray[w*CI_IPTIME_BUCKETS + b];

      /* check buckets that should be empty are! */
      if ( TIME_LE(min_time, stime) && !ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(ni, bucket) )
        ci_log("w:%d, b:%d, [0x%x->0x%x] - bucket should be empty",  
                w, b, min_time, max_time);

      /* run through timers in bucket */
      for (l = ci_ni_dllist_start(ni, bucket);
           l != ci_ni_dllist_end(ni, bucket);
           ci_ni_dllist_iter(ni, l) ) {

        /* get timer */  
        ts = LINK2TIMER(l);

        ci_log(" ts = 0x%x %s  w:%d, b:%d, [0x%x->0x%x]",
               ts->time, ci_ip_timer_dump(ts), w, b, min_time, max_time);
        if ( TIME_LE(ts->time, stime) )
          ci_log("    ERROR: timer before current time");
        if ( !(TIME_LT(ts->time, max_time) && TIME_GE(ts->time, min_time)) )
          ci_log("    ERROR: timer in wrong bucket");
void ci_tcp_listenq_insert(ci_netif* ni, ci_tcp_socket_listen* tls,
                           ci_tcp_state_synrecv* tsr)
  int is_first;


  ci_tcp_listenq_bucket_insert(ni, tls,
                               ci_ni_aux_p2bucket(ni, tls->bucket),
                               tsr, 0);

  if( OO_SP_NOT_NULL(tsr->local_peer) )

  is_first = ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(ni, &tls->listenq[0]);
  ci_ni_dllist_push_tail(ni, &tls->listenq[0], ci_tcp_synrecv2link(tsr));
  tsr->retries = 0;
  tsr->timeout = ci_tcp_time_now(ni) + NI_CONF(ni).tconst_rto_initial;

  if( is_first )
    ci_tcp_listen_timer_set(ni, tls, tsr->timeout);
void ci_ip_timer_state_assert_valid(ci_netif* ni, const char* file, int line)
  ci_ip_timer_state* ipts;
  ci_ip_timer* ts;
  ci_ni_dllist_t* bucket;
  ci_ni_dllist_link* l;
  ci_iptime_t stime, wheel_base, max_time, min_time;
  int a1, a2, a3, w, b, bit_shift;

  /* shifting a 32 bit integer left or right 32 bits has undefined results 
   * (i.e. not 0 which is required). Therefore I now use an array of mask 
   * values 
  unsigned wheel_mask[CI_IPTIME_WHEELS] = 
                { WHEEL0_MASK, WHEEL1_MASK, WHEEL2_MASK, 0 };

  ipts = IPTIMER_STATE(ni);
  stime = ipts->sched_ticks;
  /* for each wheel */
  for(w=0; w < CI_IPTIME_WHEELS; w++) {

    /* base time of wheel */
    wheel_base = stime & wheel_mask[w];
    /* for each bucket in wheel */
    for (b=0; b < CI_IPTIME_BUCKETS; b++) {

      /* max and min relative times for this bucket */
      bit_shift = CI_IPTIME_BUCKETBITS*w;
      min_time = wheel_base + (b << bit_shift);
      max_time = min_time   + (1 << bit_shift);

      bucket = &ipts->warray[w*CI_IPTIME_BUCKETS + b];

      /* check list looks valid */
      if ( ci_ni_dllist_start(ni, bucket) == ci_ni_dllist_end(ni, bucket) ) {
        ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(ni, bucket) );

      /* check buckets that should be empty are! */
      a3 = TIME_GT(min_time, stime) || ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(ni, bucket);

      /* run through timers in bucket */
      for (l = ci_ni_dllist_start(ni, bucket);
           l != ci_ni_dllist_end(ni, bucket);
           ci_ni_dllist_iter(ni, l) ) {

        ci_ni_dllist_link_assert_valid(ni, l);

        /* get timer */  
        ts = LINK2TIMER(l);

        /* must be in the future */
        a1 = TIME_GT(ts->time, stime);
        /* must be within time range of bucket */
        a2 = TIME_LT(ts->time, max_time) && TIME_GE(ts->time, min_time);

        /* if any of the checks fail then print out timer details */
        if (!a1 || !a2 || !a3) {
          ci_log("%s: [w=0x%x/b=0x%x] stime=0x%x", __FUNCTION__, w, b, stime);
          ci_log("    --> t=0x%x, min=0x%x, max=0x%x", ts->time, min_time, max_time);
          ci_log("    [%s line=%d]", file, line);
        /* stop if assertion failed */
        ci_assert(a1 && a2 && a3);
/* run any pending timers */
void ci_ip_timer_poll(ci_netif *netif) {
  ci_ip_timer_state* ipts = IPTIMER_STATE(netif); 
  ci_iptime_t* stime = &ipts->sched_ticks;
  ci_ip_timer* ts;
  ci_iptime_t rtime;
  ci_ni_dllist_link* link;
  int changed = 0;

  /* The caller is expected to ensure that the current time is sufficiently
  ** up-to-date.
  rtime = ci_ip_time_now(netif);
  /* check for sanity i.e. time always goes forwards */
  ci_assert( TIME_GE(rtime, *stime) );

  /* bug chasing Bug 2855 - check the temp list used is OK before we start */
  ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_valid(netif, &ipts->fire_list.l) );
  ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(netif, &ipts->fire_list));

  while( TIME_LT(*stime, rtime) ) {


    /* advance the schedulers view of time */

    /* cascade through wheels if reached end of current wheel */
    if(BUCKETNO(0, *stime) == 0) {
      if(BUCKETNO(1, *stime) == 0) {
	if(BUCKETNO(2, *stime) == 0) {
	  ci_ip_timer_cascadewheel(netif, 3, *stime);
	ci_ip_timer_cascadewheel(netif, 2, *stime);
      changed = ci_ip_timer_cascadewheel(netif, 1, *stime);

    /* Bug 1828: We need to be creaful here ... because:
        - ci_ip_timer_docallback can set/clear timers
        - the timers being set/cleared may not necessarily be the ones firing
        - however, they could be in this bucket
       In summary, need to ensure the ni_dllist stays valid at all times so 
       safe to call. Slightly complicated by the case that its not possible to
       hold indirected linked lists on the stack */
    ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_valid(netif, &ipts->fire_list.l));
    ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(netif, &ipts->fire_list));

    /* run timers in the current bucket */
    ci_ni_dllist_rehome( netif,
                         &ipts->warray[BUCKETNO(0, *stime)] );

    while( (link = ci_ni_dllist_try_pop(netif, &ipts->fire_list)) ) {

      ts = LINK2TIMER(link);

      ci_assert_equal(ts->time, *stime);

      /* ensure time marked as NOT pending */
      ci_ni_dllist_self_link(netif, &ts->link);

      /* callback safe to set/clear this or other timers */
      ci_ip_timer_docallback(netif, ts);
    ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_valid(netif, &ipts->fire_list.l) );
    ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(netif, &ipts->fire_list));

  ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_valid(netif, &ipts->fire_list.l) );
  ci_assert( ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(netif, &ipts->fire_list));

  /* What is our next timer?
   * Let's update if our previous "closest" timer have already been
   * handled, or if the previous estimation was "infinity". */
  if( TIME_GE(ipts->sched_ticks, ipts->closest_timer) ||
      (changed &&
       ipts->closest_timer - ipts->sched_ticks > IPTIME_INFINITY_LOW) ) {
    /* we peek into the first wheel only */
    ci_iptime_t base = ipts->sched_ticks & WHEEL0_MASK;
    ci_iptime_t b = ipts->sched_ticks - base;
    for( b++ ; b < CI_IPTIME_BUCKETS; b++ ) {
      if( !ci_ni_dllist_is_empty(netif, &ipts->warray[b]) ) {
        ipts->closest_timer = base + b;

    /* We do not know the next timer.  Set it to a sort of infinity. */
    ipts->closest_timer = ipts->sched_ticks + IPTIME_INFINITY;