size_t brubeck_hashtable_size(brubeck_hashtable_t *ht) { size_t len; pthread_mutex_lock(&ht->write_mutex); len = ck_ht_count(&ht->table); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ht->write_mutex); return len; }
static size_t table_count(void) { return ck_ht_count(&ht); }
int main(void) { size_t i, l; ck_ht_t ht; ck_ht_entry_t entry; ck_ht_hash_t h; ck_ht_iterator_t iterator = CK_HT_ITERATOR_INITIALIZER; ck_ht_entry_t *cursor; if (ck_ht_init(&ht, CK_HT_MODE_BYTESTRING, NULL, &my_allocator, 8, 6602834) == false) { perror("ck_ht_init"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, test[i]); ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry); } l = strlen(test[0]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[0], l); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[0], l, test[0]); ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_key_set(&entry, test[i], l); if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR (put): Failed to find [%s]\n", test[i]); } else { void *k, *v; k = ck_ht_entry_key(&entry); v = ck_ht_entry_value(&entry); if (strcmp(k, test[i]) || strcmp(v, test[i])) { ck_error("ERROR: Mismatch: (%s, %s) != (%s, %s)\n", (char *)k, (char *)v, test[i], test[i]); } } } ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, negative, strlen(negative)); ck_ht_entry_key_set(&entry, negative, strlen(negative)); if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == true) { ck_error("ERROR: Found non-existing entry.\n"); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_key_set(&entry, test[i], l); if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) continue; if (ck_ht_remove_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR: Failed to delete existing entry\n"); } if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == true) ck_error("ERROR: Able to find [%s] after delete\n", test[i]); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, test[i]); if (ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) ck_error("ERROR: Failed to insert [%s]\n", test[i]); if (ck_ht_remove_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR: Failed to delete existing entry\n"); } } ck_ht_reset_spmc(&ht); if (ck_ht_count(&ht) != 0) { ck_error("ERROR: Map was not reset.\n"); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, test[i]); ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry); } for (i = 0; ck_ht_next(&ht, &iterator, &cursor) == true; i++); if (i != 42) { ck_error("ERROR: Incorrect number of entries in table.\n"); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, test[i]); ck_ht_set_spmc(&ht, h, &entry); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_key_set(&entry, test[i], l); if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR (set): Failed to find [%s]\n", test[i]); } else { void *k, *v; k = ck_ht_entry_key(&entry); v = ck_ht_entry_value(&entry); if (strcmp(k, test[i]) || strcmp(v, test[i])) { ck_error("ERROR: Mismatch: (%s, %s) != (%s, %s)\n", (char *)k, (char *)v, test[i], test[i]); } } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, "REPLACED"); ck_ht_set_spmc(&ht, h, &entry); if (strcmp(test[i], "What") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(test[i], "down.") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(ck_ht_entry_value(&entry), test[i]) != 0) { ck_error("Mismatch detected: %s, expected %s\n", (char *)ck_ht_entry_value(&entry), test[i]); } } ck_ht_iterator_init(&iterator); while (ck_ht_next(&ht, &iterator, &cursor) == true) { if (strcmp(ck_ht_entry_value(cursor), "REPLACED") != 0) { ck_error("Mismatch detected: %s, expected REPLACED\n", (char *)ck_ht_entry_value(cursor)); } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test) / sizeof(*test); i++) { l = strlen(test[i]); ck_ht_hash(&h, &ht, test[i], l); ck_ht_entry_key_set(&entry, test[i], l); if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) continue; if (ck_ht_remove_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR: Failed to delete existing entry\n"); } if (ck_ht_get_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == true) ck_error("ERROR: Able to find [%s] after delete\n", test[i]); ck_ht_entry_set(&entry, h, test[i], l, test[i]); if (ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) ck_error("ERROR: Failed to insert [%s]\n", test[i]); if (ck_ht_remove_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false) { ck_error("ERROR: Failed to delete existing entry\n"); } } ck_ht_destroy(&ht); if (ck_ht_init(&ht, CK_HT_MODE_DIRECT, NULL, &my_allocator, 8, 6602834) == false) { perror("ck_ht_init"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } l = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(direct) / sizeof(*direct); i++) { ck_ht_hash_direct(&h, &ht, direct[i]); ck_ht_entry_set_direct(&entry, h, direct[i], (uintptr_t)test[i]); l += ck_ht_put_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false; } if (l != 7) { ck_error("ERROR: Got %zu failures rather than 7\n", l); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(direct) / sizeof(*direct); i++) { ck_ht_hash_direct(&h, &ht, direct[i]); ck_ht_entry_set_direct(&entry, h, direct[i], (uintptr_t)"REPLACED"); l += ck_ht_set_spmc(&ht, h, &entry) == false; } ck_ht_iterator_init(&iterator); while (ck_ht_next(&ht, &iterator, &cursor) == true) { if (strcmp(ck_ht_entry_value(cursor), "REPLACED") != 0) { ck_error("Mismatch detected: %s, expected REPLACED\n", (char *)ck_ht_entry_value(cursor)); } } ck_ht_destroy(&ht); return 0; }