static ClRcT clAmsMgmtSGMigrateMPlusN(ClAmsSGRedundancyModelT model, ClAmsEntityT *sgName, const ClCharT *prefix, ClUint32T numActiveSUs, ClUint32T numStandbySUs, ClAmsMgmtMigrateListT *migrateList) { ClUint32T i; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; ClAmsEntityBufferT siBuffer = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT suBuffer = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT nodeBuffer = {0}; ClInt32T extraSIs = 0; ClInt32T extraSUs = 0; ClInt32T extraNodes = 0; ClAmsEntityT *nodeList = NULL; ClAmsEntityT *nodes = NULL; ClAmsEntityT *sus = NULL; ClAmsEntityT *comps = NULL; ClAmsEntityT *sis = NULL; ClAmsEntityT *csis = NULL; ClInt32T numNodes = 0; ClAmsEntityConfigT *pSURefComp = NULL; ClAmsEntityConfigT *pSGRefSI = NULL; ClAmsEntityConfigT *pSIRefCSI = NULL; ClAmsEntityConfigT *pSGConfig = NULL; ClAmsSGConfigT sgConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClUint32T numSupportedCSITypes = 0; SaNameT *pNumSupportedCSITypes = NULL; ClAmsMgmtCCBHandleT ccbHandle = 0; ClAmsMgmtMigrateListT *unlockList = NULL; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, sgName, &pSGConfig); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SG [%.*s] config get returned [%#x]", sgName->name.length-1, sgName->name.value, rc); goto out; } memcpy(&sgConfig, pSGConfig, sizeof(sgConfig)); clHeapFree(pSGConfig); /* * If scaling down actives, ensure that those many service units are locked. */ if(numActiveSUs < sgConfig.numPrefActiveSUs) { ClInt32T numShrinkSUs = sgConfig.numPrefActiveSUs - numActiveSUs; ClAmsEntityBufferT suList = {0}; ClInt32T numOutOfServiceSUs = 0; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSGSUList(gHandle, sgName, &suList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SG [%.*s] su list returned [%#x]", sgName->name.length-1, sgName->name.value, rc); goto out; } for(i = 0; i < suList.count; ++i) { ClAmsSUConfigT *pSUConfig = NULL; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, suList.entity+i, (ClAmsEntityConfigT**)&pSUConfig); if(rc != CL_OK) { clHeapFree(suList.entity); clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SU [%.*s] get config returned [%#x]", suList.entity[i].name.length-1, suList.entity[i].name.value, rc); goto out; } if(pSUConfig->adminState == CL_AMS_ADMIN_STATE_LOCKED_A || pSUConfig->adminState == CL_AMS_ADMIN_STATE_LOCKED_I) { ++numOutOfServiceSUs; } clHeapFree(pSUConfig); } clHeapFree(suList.entity); if(numOutOfServiceSUs < numShrinkSUs) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Expected a minimum of [%d] SUs to be out of service to satisfy SG. " "redundancy model shrink. Got [%d] out of service", numShrinkSUs, numOutOfServiceSUs); rc = CL_AMS_RC(CL_AMS_ERR_INVALID_ENTITY_STATE); goto out; } } rc = clAmsMgmtSGRedundancyModelEstimate(model, sgName, numActiveSUs, numStandbySUs, &extraSIs, &extraSUs, &extraNodes); if(rc != CL_OK) { goto out; } rc = clAmsMgmtCCBInitialize(gHandle, &ccbHandle); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS ccb initialize returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } /* * Add the existing SI CSI list to the supported list. */ rc = clAmsMgmtGetSGSIList(gHandle, sgName, &siBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS sg si list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } if(siBuffer.count) { rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, siBuffer.entity, &pSGRefSI); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS reference si get config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } for(i = 0; i < siBuffer.count; ++i) { ClUint32T j; ClAmsEntityBufferT csiBuffer = {CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; ClAmsSIConfigT siConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClUint64T mask = 0; memcpy(&siConfig.entity, siBuffer.entity+i, sizeof(siConfig.entity)); mask |= SI_CONFIG_NUM_STANDBY_ASSIGNMENTS; siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = numStandbySUs; if(numActiveSUs > 1) siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = (numStandbySUs+1)&~1; siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = CL_MAX(1, siConfig.numStandbyAssignments/ (numActiveSUs?numActiveSUs:1)); /* * Update the num standby assignments. */ rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &siConfig.entity, mask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SI [%.*s] num standby set returned [%#x]",,, rc); } rc = clAmsMgmtGetSICSIList(gHandle, siBuffer.entity+i, &csiBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS get si csi list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } pNumSupportedCSITypes = (SaNameT*) clHeapRealloc(pNumSupportedCSITypes, (numSupportedCSITypes+csiBuffer.count)*sizeof(SaNameT)); for(j = 0; j < csiBuffer.count ; ++j) { ClAmsEntityConfigT *entityConfig = NULL; ClAmsCSIConfigT csiConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClUint32T k; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, csiBuffer.entity+j, &entityConfig); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS csi get config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&csiConfig, entityConfig, sizeof(csiConfig)); if(!pSIRefCSI) { pSIRefCSI = entityConfig; } else { clHeapFree(entityConfig); } /* * Search for this csi type in the list to see if its * already present */ for(k = 0; k < numSupportedCSITypes; ++k) { if(!memcmp(pNumSupportedCSITypes[k].value, csiConfig.type.value, pNumSupportedCSITypes[k].length)) break; } if(k == numSupportedCSITypes) { memcpy(pNumSupportedCSITypes+numSupportedCSITypes, &csiConfig.type, sizeof(csiConfig.type)); ++numSupportedCSITypes; } } clHeapFree(csiBuffer.entity); } if(extraSIs) { sis = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSIs, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); CL_ASSERT(sis != NULL); csis = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSIs, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); for(i = siBuffer.count; i < siBuffer.count + extraSIs; ++i) { ClAmsEntityT si ={CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; ClAmsEntityT csi = {CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; ClUint64T bitMask = 0; ClAmsSIConfigT siConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClAmsCSIConfigT csiConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; si.type = CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SI; snprintf((ClCharT*), sizeof(, "%s_%.*s_SI%d", prefix, sgName->name.length-1, (const ClCharT*)sgName->name.value, i); clLogNotice("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Creating SI [%s]",; = strlen((const ClCharT*); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntityCreate(ccbHandle, &si); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS entity create returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&sis[i-siBuffer.count], &si, sizeof(si)); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBSetSGSIList(ccbHandle, sgName, &si); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS set sg silist returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } if(pSGRefSI) { /* * Set config to the base SI. */ bitMask = CL_AMS_CONFIG_ATTR_ALL; memcpy(&siConfig, pSGRefSI, sizeof(siConfig)); memcpy(&siConfig.entity, &si, sizeof(siConfig.entity)); siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = numStandbySUs; if(numActiveSUs > 1 ) siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = (numStandbySUs+1)&~1; siConfig.numStandbyAssignments = CL_MAX(1,siConfig.numStandbyAssignments/ (numActiveSUs?numActiveSUs:1)); siConfig.numCSIs = 1; siConfig.adminState = CL_AMS_ADMIN_STATE_LOCKED_A; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &siConfig.entity, bitMask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS entity set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } csi.type = CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_CSI; snprintf((ClCharT*), sizeof(, "%s_CSI%d", (const ClCharT*), i-siBuffer.count); = strlen((const ClCharT*); clLogNotice("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Creating CSI [%s]",; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntityCreate(ccbHandle, &csi); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS csi create returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&csis[i-siBuffer.count], &csi, sizeof(csi)); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBSetSICSIList(ccbHandle, &si, &csi); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SET si csi list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } if(pSIRefCSI) { /* * Load the config. for the base csi type. */ memcpy(&csiConfig, pSIRefCSI, sizeof(csiConfig)); memcpy(&csiConfig.entity, &csi, sizeof(csiConfig.entity)); csiConfig.isProxyCSI = CL_FALSE; memcpy(&csiConfig.type, &, sizeof(csiConfig.type)); bitMask = CL_AMS_CONFIG_ATTR_ALL; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &csiConfig.entity, bitMask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS ref csi set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } /* * Add this to the supported list. */ pNumSupportedCSITypes = (SaNameT*) clHeapRealloc(pNumSupportedCSITypes, (numSupportedCSITypes+1)*sizeof(SaNameT)); CL_ASSERT(pNumSupportedCSITypes != NULL); memcpy(pNumSupportedCSITypes+numSupportedCSITypes, &, sizeof(SaNameT)); ++numSupportedCSITypes; } } if(extraNodes) { nodes = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraNodes, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); CL_ASSERT(nodes != NULL); rc = clAmsMgmtGetNodeList(gHandle, &nodeBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS get node list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } for(i = nodeBuffer.count ; i < nodeBuffer.count + extraNodes; ++i) { ClAmsEntityT node = {CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; node.type = CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_NODE; snprintf((ClCharT*), sizeof(, "%s_Node%d", prefix, i); = strlen((const ClCharT*) + 1; clLogNotice("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Creating node [%s]",; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntityCreate(ccbHandle, &node); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS ccb create returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&nodes[i-nodeBuffer.count], &node, sizeof(node)); } } rc = clAmsMgmtGetSGSUList(gHandle, sgName, &suBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Get SG su list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } for(i = 0 ; i < suBuffer.count; ++i) { ClUint32T j; ClAmsEntityBufferT compBuffer= { 0 } ; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSUCompList(gHandle, &suBuffer.entity[i], &compBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Get SU comp list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } /* * Get the first component properties. */ if(!pSURefComp) { rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, compBuffer.entity, &pSURefComp); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS base comp get config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } /* * Update all config. with supported csi types. * and correct comp config whereever appropriate */ for(j = 0; j < compBuffer.count; ++j) { ClAmsEntityConfigT *entityConfig =NULL; ClAmsCompConfigT compConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClUint64T bitMask = 0; ClUint32T k ; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gHandle, compBuffer.entity+j, &entityConfig); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS comp get config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&compConfig, entityConfig, sizeof(compConfig)); clHeapFree(entityConfig); /* * update supported CSI type incase of SI additions. */ if(extraSIs) { bitMask |= COMP_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_CSI_TYPE; compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes = (SaNameT*) clHeapRealloc(compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes, (compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes + extraSIs)* sizeof(SaNameT)); CL_ASSERT(compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes); for(k = compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes; k < compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes + extraSIs; ++k) { memcpy(compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes+k, &csis[k-compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes].name, sizeof(SaNameT)); } compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes += extraSIs; } bitMask |= COMP_CONFIG_NUM_MAX_STANDBY_CSIS; /* * take active to standby ratio */ compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = numActiveSUs; if(numStandbySUs > 1 ) compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = (numActiveSUs+1)&~1; compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = CL_MAX(1, compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs/ (numStandbySUs?numStandbySUs:1)); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &compConfig.entity, bitMask); clHeapFree(compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS entity set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } clHeapFree(compBuffer.entity); } if(extraSUs) { sus = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSUs, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); CL_ASSERT(sus != NULL); comps = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSUs, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); CL_ASSERT(comps != NULL); nodeList = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSUs + extraNodes, sizeof(ClAmsEntityT)); CL_ASSERT(nodeList != NULL); rc = clAmsMgmtGetSUFreeNodes(sgName, prefix, extraSUs, extraNodes, nodeList, &numNodes); for(i = suBuffer.count; i < suBuffer.count + extraSUs; ++i) { ClAmsEntityT su = {CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; ClAmsEntityT comp = {CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}; ClAmsSUConfigT suConfig = { { CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY } } ; ClAmsCompConfigT compConfig = {{CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_ENTITY}}; ClUint64T bitMask = 0; su.type = CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU; snprintf((ClCharT*), sizeof(, "%s_%s_SU%d", prefix, (const ClCharT*)nodeList[i-suBuffer.count].name.value, i); = strlen((const ClCharT*); clLogNotice("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Creating SU [%s]",; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntityCreate(ccbHandle, &su); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SU create returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&sus[i-suBuffer.count], &su, sizeof(su)); /* * Assign this SU under the parent node and SG */ rc = clAmsMgmtCCBSetNodeSUList(ccbHandle, &nodeList[i-suBuffer.count], &su); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Node su list set returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } /* * Give the parent SG. for this SU */ rc = clAmsMgmtCCBSetSGSUList(ccbHandle, sgName, &su); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Set SG su list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } bitMask = SU_CONFIG_NUM_COMPONENTS; memcpy(&suConfig.entity, &su, sizeof(suConfig.entity)); suConfig.numComponents = 1; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &suConfig.entity, bitMask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "SU set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } comp.type = CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP; snprintf((ClCharT*), sizeof(, "%s_Comp%d",, i - suBuffer.count); = strlen((const ClCharT*) + 1; clLogNotice("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Creating component [%s]",; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntityCreate(ccbHandle, &comp); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "Comp create returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } memcpy(&comps[i-suBuffer.count], &comp, sizeof(comp)); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBSetSUCompList(ccbHandle, &su, &comp); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS set su comp list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } if(pSURefComp) { /* * At this stage, we have created the hierarchy. * Set the comp property to the base component type and * add the num supported CSI types to be part of every component * added to the SU. */ bitMask = CL_AMS_CONFIG_ATTR_ALL; memcpy(&compConfig, pSURefComp, sizeof(compConfig)); memcpy(&compConfig.entity, &comp, sizeof(compConfig.entity)); compConfig.numSupportedCSITypes = numSupportedCSITypes; compConfig.pSupportedCSITypes = pNumSupportedCSITypes; memcpy(&compConfig.parentSU.entity, &su, sizeof(compConfig.parentSU.entity)); /* * Distribute the standbys based on the active/standby ratio. */ compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = numActiveSUs; if(numStandbySUs > 1 ) compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = (numActiveSUs+1)&~1; compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs = CL_MAX(1, compConfig.numMaxStandbyCSIs/ (numStandbySUs?numStandbySUs:1)); rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &compConfig.entity, bitMask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } } } /* * At this stage, we are all set to commit. after updating SG config. */ { ClUint64T bitMask = 0; bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_REDUNDANCY_MODEL; sgConfig.redundancyModel = model; sgConfig.numPrefActiveSUs = numActiveSUs; bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_NUM_PREF_ACTIVE_SUS; sgConfig.numPrefStandbySUs = numStandbySUs; bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_NUM_PREF_STANDBY_SUS; if(sgConfig.numPrefInserviceSUs < numActiveSUs + numStandbySUs) { sgConfig.numPrefInserviceSUs = numActiveSUs + numStandbySUs; bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_NUM_PREF_INSERVICE_SUS; } sgConfig.numPrefAssignedSUs = numActiveSUs + numStandbySUs; bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_NUM_PREF_ASSIGNED_SUS; /* * Active standby ratio. */ sgConfig.maxStandbySIsPerSU = numActiveSUs; if(numStandbySUs > 1 ) sgConfig.maxStandbySIsPerSU = (numActiveSUs+1)&~1; sgConfig.maxStandbySIsPerSU = CL_MAX(1,sgConfig.maxStandbySIsPerSU/ (numStandbySUs?numStandbySUs:1)); bitMask |= SG_CONFIG_MAX_STANDBY_SIS_PER_SU; rc = clAmsMgmtCCBEntitySetConfig(ccbHandle, &sgConfig.entity, bitMask); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS sg set config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } } rc = clAmsMgmtCCBCommit(ccbHandle); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("AMS", "MIGRATE", "AMS database commit returned [%#x]", rc); } /* * Okay, the commit is successful. Now unlock all added entities * except SU so that other attributes could be updated before unlocking * Do that in a separate thread as there could be pending invocations. */ unlockList = (ClAmsMgmtMigrateListT*) clHeapCalloc(1, sizeof(*unlockList)); CL_ASSERT(unlockList != NULL); unlockList->si.count = extraSIs; unlockList->node.count = extraNodes; unlockList->su.count = extraSUs; unlockList->si.entity = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSIs, sizeof(*sis)); unlockList->node.entity = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraNodes, sizeof(*nodes)); unlockList->su.entity = (ClAmsEntityT*) clHeapCalloc(extraSUs, sizeof(*sus)); CL_ASSERT(unlockList->si.entity && unlockList->node.entity && unlockList->su.entity); memcpy(unlockList->si.entity, sis, sizeof(*sis)*extraSIs); memcpy(unlockList->node.entity, nodes, sizeof(*nodes)*extraNodes); memcpy(unlockList->su.entity, sus, sizeof(*sus) * extraSUs); clOsalTaskCreateDetached("MIGRATE-UNLOCK-THREAD", CL_OSAL_SCHED_OTHER, 0, 0, clAmsMgmtMigrateListUnlock, (void*)unlockList); /* * Return the newly created info. in the migrated list. */ if(migrateList) { if(extraSIs) { migrateList->si.count = extraSIs; migrateList->si.entity = sis; migrateList->csi.count = extraSIs; migrateList->csi.entity = csis; sis = csis = NULL; } if(extraNodes) { migrateList->node.count = extraNodes; migrateList->node.entity = nodes; nodes = NULL; } if(extraSUs) { migrateList->su.count = extraSUs; migrateList->su.entity = sus; migrateList->comp.count = extraSUs; migrateList->comp.entity = comps; sus = comps = NULL; } } out_free: clAmsMgmtCCBFinalize(ccbHandle); if(siBuffer.entity) clHeapFree(siBuffer.entity); if(nodeBuffer.entity) clHeapFree(nodeBuffer.entity); if(suBuffer.entity) clHeapFree(suBuffer.entity); if(nodeList) clHeapFree(nodeList); if(nodes) clHeapFree(nodes); if(sus) clHeapFree(sus); if(comps) clHeapFree(comps); if(sis) clHeapFree(sis); if(csis) clHeapFree(csis); if(pSGRefSI) clHeapFree(pSGRefSI); if(pSIRefCSI) clHeapFree(pSIRefCSI); if(pSURefComp) clHeapFree(pSURefComp); if(pNumSupportedCSITypes) clHeapFree(pNumSupportedCSITypes); out: return rc; }
/* * Create objects for the static AMF entities. */ ClRcT corAmfTreeInitialize(void) { ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if(gClAmfMibLoaded) { rc = corAmfMibTreeInitialize(); } else { ClVersionT version = {'B', 0x1 , 0x1}; ClCorMOIdT moId; ClAmsEntityBufferT nodeList = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT suList = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT compList = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT sgList = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT siList = {0}; ClAmsEntityBufferT csiList = {0}; ClCorClassTypeT classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_MAX+2] = {0}; ClCorMOClassPathT sgClassPath; ClInt32T i; rc = corAmfEntityInitialize(); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clAmsMgmtInitialize(&mgmtHandle, NULL, &version); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Mgmt initialize returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } if( (rc = clAmsMgmtGetNodeList(mgmtHandle, &nodeList)) != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Node list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } /* * Create object heirarchy for nodes/sus/comps. */ for(i = 0; i < nodeList.count; ++i) { ClInt32T j; ClCorMOClassPathT nodeClassPath; rc = clCorMoIdInitialize(&moId); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = clCorNodeNameToMoIdGet(nodeList.entity[i].name, &moId); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Node name to moid get for [%s] failed with [%#x]", nodeList.entity[i].name.value, rc); goto out; } rc = clCorMoClassPathInitialize(&nodeClassPath); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = clCorMoIdToMoClassPathGet(&moId, &nodeClassPath); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); /* * Now get nodes su list. */ rc = clAmsMgmtGetNodeSUList(mgmtHandle, &nodeList.entity[i], &suList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Node [%s] su list returned [%#x]", nodeList.entity[i].name.value, rc); goto out; } if(!classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU]) { rc = corAmfEntityClassGet(CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU, classIds+CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Class for entity SU not found"); goto out; } } if(!classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP]) { rc = corAmfEntityClassGet(CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP, classIds+CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Class for entity comp not found"); goto out; } } rc = clCorMoClassPathAppend(&nodeClassPath, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU]); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfMoClassCreate("AMFSu", &nodeClassPath, NULL); if(rc != CL_OK) { if(CL_GET_ERROR_CODE(rc) != CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_FAILED_TO_ADD_NODE) goto out; } if(CL_GET_ERROR_CODE(rc) != CL_COR_MO_TREE_ERR_FAILED_TO_ADD_NODE) { rc = clCorMoClassPathAppend(&nodeClassPath, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP]); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfMoClassCreate("AMFComp", &nodeClassPath, NULL); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; } else { rc = CL_OK; } for(j = 0; j < suList.count; ++j) { ClInt32T k; ClCorMOIdT suMoId; memcpy(&suMoId, &moId, sizeof(suMoId)); rc = clCorMoIdAppend(&suMoId, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU], j); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfObjectCreate(0, &suList.entity[j], &suMoId); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSUCompList(mgmtHandle, &suList.entity[j], &compList); if(rc != CL_OK) { goto out; } for(k = 0; k < compList.count; ++k) { ClCorMOIdT compMoId; memcpy(&compMoId, &suMoId, sizeof(compMoId)); rc = clCorMoIdAppend(&compMoId, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_COMP], k); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfObjectCreate(0, &compList.entity[k], &compMoId); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; } clHeapFree(compList.entity); compList.entity = NULL; } clHeapFree(suList.entity); suList.entity = NULL; } /* * Configure object heirarchy for SGs. */ rc = clAmsMgmtGetSGList(mgmtHandle, &sgList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "SG list returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } rc = corAmfEntityClassGet(CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG, &classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG]); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "SG entity class not found"); goto out; } rc = corAmfEntityClassGet(CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG, &classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SI]); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "SI entity class not found"); goto out; } rc = corAmfEntityClassGet(CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG, &classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_CSI]); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "CSI entity class not found"); goto out; } rc = clCorMoClassPathInitialize(&sgClassPath); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = clCorMoClassPathAppend(&sgClassPath, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG]); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfMoClassCreate("AMFSg", &sgClassPath, NULL); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clCorMoClassPathAppend(&sgClassPath, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SI]); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfMoClassCreate("AMFSi", &sgClassPath, NULL); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clCorMoClassPathAppend(&sgClassPath, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_CSI]); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfMoClassCreate("AMFCsi", &sgClassPath, NULL); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; for(i = 0; i < sgList.count; ++i) { ClInt32T j; rc = clCorMoIdInitialize(&moId); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = clCorMoIdAppend(&moId, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SG], i); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfObjectCreate(0, &sgList.entity[i], &moId); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSGSIList(mgmtHandle, &sgList.entity[i], &siList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "SI list get for SG [%s] returned [%#x]", sgList.entity[i].name.value, rc); goto out; } for(j = 0; j < siList.count; ++j) { ClInt32T k; ClCorMOIdT siMoId; memcpy(&siMoId, &moId, sizeof(siMoId)); rc = clCorMoIdAppend(&siMoId, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SI], j); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfObjectCreate(0, &siList.entity[j], &siMoId); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSICSIList(mgmtHandle, &siList.entity[j], &csiList); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "CSI list for SI [%s] returned [%#x]", siList.entity[j].name.value, rc); goto out; } for(k = 0; k < csiList.count; ++k) { ClCorMOIdT csiMoId; memcpy(&csiMoId, &siMoId, sizeof(csiMoId)); rc = clCorMoIdAppend(&csiMoId, classIds[CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_CSI], k); CL_ASSERT(rc == CL_OK); rc = corAmfObjectCreate(0, &csiList.entity[k], &csiMoId); if(rc != CL_OK) goto out; } clHeapFree(csiList.entity); csiList.entity = NULL; } clHeapFree(siList.entity); siList.entity = NULL; } /* * We are here when the objects are all created. Do a commit */ rc = corAmfObjectCommit(); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("COR", "AMF", "Object commit returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } clLogNotice("COR", "AMF", "COR AMF tree successfully initialized"); out: if(nodeList.entity) clHeapFree(nodeList.entity); if(suList.entity) clHeapFree(suList.entity); if(compList.entity) clHeapFree(compList.entity); if(sgList.entity) clHeapFree(sgList.entity); if(siList.entity) clHeapFree(siList.entity); if(csiList.entity) clHeapFree(csiList.entity); } return rc; }
static ClRcT clAmsCompRecovery(ClAmsEntityT *pEntity, ClAmsThresholdT *pThreshold) { ClAmsEntityConfigT *pEntityConfig = NULL; ClAmsCompConfigT *pCompConfig = NULL; ClRcT rc = CL_OK; if(pEntity->type == CL_AMS_ENTITY_TYPE_SU) { ClAmsEntityBufferT compBuffer = {0}; rc = clAmsMgmtGetSUCompList(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, pEntity, &compBuffer); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "SU [%.*s] get comp list returned [%#x]", pEntity->name.length-1, pEntity->name.value, rc); goto out; } if(!compBuffer.count) { clLogNotice("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "SU doesnt have components. Locking SU"); rc = clAmsMgmtEntityLockAssignment(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, pEntity); if(compBuffer.entity) clHeapFree(compBuffer.entity); goto out_free; } /* * Now overwrite the entity with first comp. */ memcpy(pEntity, &compBuffer.entity[0], sizeof(*pEntity)); clHeapFree(compBuffer.entity); } clLogNotice("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Getting comp config for [%.*s]", pEntity->name.length-1, pEntity->name.value); rc = clAmsMgmtEntityGetConfig(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, pEntity, &pEntityConfig); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Entity get config returned [%#x]", rc); goto out; } pCompConfig = (ClAmsCompConfigT*)pEntityConfig; if(pThreshold->recoveryReset == CL_TRUE) { if(pThreshold->recovery == CL_AMS_ENTITY_RECOVERY_FAILOVER) { /* *Try repairing. */ rc = clAmsMgmtEntityRepaired(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, &pCompConfig->parentSU.entity); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Repair didn't work. Trying lock assignment first"); rc = clAmsMgmtEntityLockAssignment(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, &pCompConfig->parentSU.entity); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Lockassignment didn't work. Trying unlock as a last resort"); } } } clLogNotice("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Recoverying SU [%.*s] through unlock", pCompConfig->, pCompConfig->; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityUnlock(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, &pCompConfig->parentSU.entity); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY RESET", "Unlock for entity [%.*s] returned [%#x]", pCompConfig->, pCompConfig->, rc); } goto out_free; } switch(pThreshold->recovery) { case CL_AMS_ENTITY_RECOVERY_RESTART: clLogNotice("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Restarting comp [%.*s] as part of [%s] recovery", pEntity->name.length-1, pEntity->name.value, CL_METRIC_STR(pThreshold->; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityRestart(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, pEntity); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Comp restart returned with [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } break; case CL_AMS_ENTITY_RECOVERY_FAILOVER: /* * We trigger a fault to AMS with a recommended recovery. */ clAmsTriggerFault(pEntity, CL_AMS_RECOVERY_COMP_FAILOVER); break; case CL_AMS_ENTITY_RECOVERY_LOCK: /* * Graceful lock of the SU */ clLogNotice("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "Locking work for parent SU [%.*s] as part of [%s] recovery", pCompConfig->, pCompConfig->, CL_METRIC_STR(pThreshold->; rc = clAmsMgmtEntityLockAssignment(gClAmsEntityTriggerMgmtHandle, &pCompConfig->parentSU.entity); if(rc != CL_OK) { clLogError("TRIGGER", "RECOVERY", "SU work switchover returned [%#x]", rc); goto out_free; } break; default: break; } out_free: if(pCompConfig->pSupportedCSITypes) clHeapFree(pCompConfig->pSupportedCSITypes); clHeapFree(pCompConfig); out: return rc; }