PedestrianDirectionsEngine::PedestrianDirectionsEngine() : m_typeSteps(classif().GetTypeByPath( { "highway", "steps" })) , m_typeLiftGate(classif().GetTypeByPath({"barrier", "lift_gate"})) , m_typeGate(classif().GetTypeByPath({"barrier", "gate"})) { }
CarModel::CarModel() : VehicleModel(classif(), s_carLimits) { vector<AdditionalRoadTags> const additionalTags = { {{"route", "ferry", "motorcar"}, kSpeedFerryMotorcarKMpH}, {{"route", "ferry", "motor_vehicle"}, kSpeedFerryMotorcarVehicleKMpH}, {{"railway", "rail", "motor_vehicle"}, kSpeedRailMotorcarVehicleKMpH}, {{"route", "shuttle_train"}, kSpeedShuttleTrainKMpH}, }; SetAdditionalRoadTypes(classif(), additionalTags); }
void PedestrianModel::Init() { initializer_list<char const *> hwtagYesFoot = {"hwtag", "yesfoot"}; m_noFootType = classif().GetTypeByPath({ "hwtag", "nofoot" }); m_yesFootType = classif().GetTypeByPath(hwtagYesFoot); initializer_list<char const *> arr[] = { hwtagYesFoot, {"route", "ferry"}, {"man_made", "pier"}, }; SetAdditionalRoadTypes(classif(), arr, ARRAY_SIZE(arr)); }
void PedestrianModel::Init() { initializer_list<char const *> hwtagYesFoot = {"hwtag", "yesfoot"}; m_noFootType = classif().GetTypeByPath({ "hwtag", "nofoot" }); m_yesFootType = classif().GetTypeByPath(hwtagYesFoot); vector<AdditionalRoadTags> const additionalTags = { {hwtagYesFoot, m_maxModelSpeed}, {{"route", "ferry"},}, {{"man_made", "pier"},}}; SetAdditionalRoadTypes(classif(), additionalTags); }
HighwayClass GetHighwayClass(feature::TypesHolder const & types) { Classificator const & c = classif(); static pair<HighwayClass, uint32_t> const kHighwayClasses[] = { {HighwayClass::Trunk, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "motorway"})}, {HighwayClass::Trunk, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "motorway_link"})}, {HighwayClass::Trunk, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "trunk"})}, {HighwayClass::Trunk, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "trunk_link"})}, {HighwayClass::Trunk, c.GetTypeByPath({"route", "ferry"})}, {HighwayClass::Primary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "primary"})}, {HighwayClass::Primary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "primary_link"})}, {HighwayClass::Secondary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "secondary"})}, {HighwayClass::Secondary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "secondary_link"})}, {HighwayClass::Tertiary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "tertiary"})}, {HighwayClass::Tertiary, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "tertiary_link"})}, {HighwayClass::LivingStreet, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "unclassified"})}, {HighwayClass::LivingStreet, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "residential"})}, {HighwayClass::LivingStreet, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "living_street"})}, {HighwayClass::Service, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "service"})}, {HighwayClass::Service, c.GetTypeByPath({"highway", "track"})}}; uint8_t const kTruncLevel = 2; for (auto t : types) { ftype::TruncValue(t, kTruncLevel); for (auto const & cls : kHighwayClasses) { if (cls.second == t) return cls.first; } } return HighwayClass::Error; }
IsBuildingChecker::IsBuildingChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({ "building" })); m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({ "building", "address" })); }
IsStreetChecker::IsStreetChecker() { // TODO (@y, @m, @vng): this list must be up-to-date with // data/categories.txt, so, it's worth it to generate or parse it // from that file. Classificator const & c = classif(); char const * arr[][2] = {{"highway", "living_street"}, {"highway", "footway"}, {"highway", "motorway"}, {"highway", "motorway_link"}, {"highway", "path"}, {"highway", "pedestrian"}, {"highway", "primary"}, {"highway", "primary_link"}, {"highway", "residential"}, {"highway", "road"}, {"highway", "secondary"}, {"highway", "secondary_link"}, {"highway", "service"}, {"highway", "tertiary"}, {"highway", "tertiary_link"}, {"highway", "track"}, {"highway", "trunk"}, {"highway", "trunk_link"}, {"highway", "unclassified"}}; for (auto const & p : arr) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({p[0], p[1]})); }
void BicycleModel::Init() { initializer_list<char const *> hwtagYesBicycle = {"hwtag", "yesbicycle"}; m_yesBicycleType = classif().GetTypeByPath(hwtagYesBicycle); m_noBicycleType = classif().GetTypeByPath({"hwtag", "nobicycle"}); m_bidirBicycleType = classif().GetTypeByPath({"hwtag", "bidir_bicycle"}); vector<AdditionalRoadTags> const additionalTags = { {hwtagYesBicycle, m_maxSpeedKMpH}, {{"route", "ferry"}, m_maxSpeedKMpH}, {{"man_made", "pier"}, kSpeedPierKMpH}, }; SetAdditionalRoadTypes(classif(), additionalTags); }
void BookingDataset::PreprocessMatchedOsmObject(ObjectId, FeatureBuilder1 & fb, std::function<void(FeatureBuilder1 &)> const fn) const { // Turn a hotel into a simple building. if (fb.GetGeomType() == feature::GEOM_AREA) { // Remove all information about the hotel. auto & meta = fb.GetMetadata(); meta.Drop(feature::Metadata::EType::FMD_STARS); meta.Drop(feature::Metadata::EType::FMD_WEBSITE); meta.Drop(feature::Metadata::EType::FMD_PHONE_NUMBER); auto & params = fb.GetParams(); params.ClearName(); auto const tourism = classif().GetTypeByPath({"tourism"}); base::EraseIf(params.m_types, [tourism](uint32_t type) { ftype::TruncValue(type, 1); return type == tourism; }); } fn(fb); }
IsAddressObjectChecker::IsAddressObjectChecker() : BaseChecker(1 /* level */) { auto const paths = {"building", "amenity", "shop", "tourism", "historic", "office", "craft"}; Classificator const & c = classif(); for (auto const & p : paths) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({p})); }
IsHatchingTerritoryChecker::IsHatchingTerritoryChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); char const * arr[][2] = {{"leisure", "nature_reserve"}, {"boundary", "national_park"}, {"landuse", "military"}}; for (auto const & p : arr) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({p[0], p[1]})); }
~EmitterImpl() override { Classificator const & c = classif(); stringstream ss; ss << endl; for (auto const & p : m_mapTypes) ss << c.GetReadableObjectName(p.first) << " : " << p.second << endl; LOG_SHORT(LINFO, ("World types:", ss.str())); }
string DebugPrint(TypesHolder const & holder) { Classificator const & c = classif(); string s; for (uint32_t type : holder) s += c.GetReadableObjectName(type) + " "; if (!s.empty()) s.pop_back(); return s; }
IsVillageChecker::IsVillageChecker() { // TODO (@y, @m, @vng): this list must be up-to-date with // data/categories.txt, so, it's worth it to generate or parse it // from that file. Classificator const & c = classif(); char const * arr[][2] = {{"place", "village"}, {"place", "hamlet"}}; for (auto const & p : arr) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({p[0], p[1]})); }
StreetCategories() { auto const & classificator = classif(); auto addCategory = [&](uint32_t type) { uint32_t const index = classificator.GetIndexForType(type); m_categories.push_back(FeatureTypeToString(index)); }; ftypes::IsStreetChecker::Instance().ForEachType(addCategory); sort(m_categories.begin(), m_categories.end()); }
void LoaderCurrent::ParseTypes() { Classificator & c = classif(); ArrayByteSource source(DataPtr() + m_TypesOffset); size_t const count = m_pF->GetTypesCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) m_pF->m_types[i] = c.GetTypeForIndex(ReadVarUint<uint32_t>(source)); m_CommonOffset = CalcOffset(source); }
IsLinkChecker::IsLinkChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); char const * arr[][2] = {{"highway", "motorway_link"}, {"highway", "trunk_link"}, {"highway", "primary_link"}, {"highway", "secondary_link"}, {"highway", "tertiary_link"}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(arr); ++i) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath(vector<string>(arr[i], arr[i] + 2))); }
TwoLevelPOIChecker::TwoLevelPOIChecker() : ftypes::BaseChecker(2 /* level */) { Classificator const & c = classif(); StringIL arr[] = {{"highway", "bus_stop"}, {"highway", "speed_camera"}, {"waterway", "waterfall"}, {"natural", "volcano"}, {"natural", "cave_entrance"}, {"natural", "beach"}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(arr); ++i) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath(arr[i])); }
void BicycleModel::Init() { // @TODO(bykoianko) Uncomment line below what tags hwtag=nobicycle and hwtag=yesbicycle // will be added to classificator.txt. ( // m_noBicycleType = classif().GetTypeByPath({ "hwtag", "nobicycle" }); // m_yesBicycleType = classif().GetTypeByPath({ "hwtag", "yesbicycle" }); initializer_list<char const *> arr[] = { { "route", "ferry" }, { "man_made", "pier" }, }; SetAdditionalRoadTypes(classif(), arr, ARRAY_SIZE(arr)); }
void BannerSet::Add(Banner const & banner, string const & type) { vector<string> v; strings::Tokenize(type, "-", MakeBackInsertFunctor(v)); uint32_t const ctype = classif().GetTypeByPathSafe(v); if (ctype == 0) { LOG(LWARNING, ("Missing type", type, "for a banner")); } else { CHECK(m_banners.find(ctype) == m_banners.end(), ("Duplicate banner type", type)); m_banners.emplace(make_pair(ctype, banner)); } }
IsLocalityChecker::IsLocalityChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); // Note! The order should be equal with constants in Type enum (add other villages to the end). char const * arr[][2] = { { "place", "country" }, { "place", "state" }, { "place", "city" }, { "place", "town" }, { "place", "village" }, { "place", "hamlet" } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(arr); ++i) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath(vector<string>(arr[i], arr[i] + 2))); }
IsStreetChecker::IsStreetChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); char const * arr[][2] = { { "highway", "trunk" }, { "highway", "primary" }, { "highway", "secondary" }, { "highway", "residential" }, { "highway", "pedestrian" }, { "highway", "tertiary" }, { "highway", "construction" }, { "highway", "living_street" }, { "highway", "service" }, { "highway", "unclassified" } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(arr); ++i) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath(vector<string>(arr[i], arr[i] + 2))); }
void OpentableDataset::PreprocessMatchedOsmObject(ObjectId const matchedObjId, FeatureBuilder1 & fb, function<void(FeatureBuilder1 &)> const fn) const { auto const & restaurant = m_storage.GetObjectById(matchedObjId); auto & metadata = fb.GetMetadata(); metadata.Set(feature::Metadata::FMD_SPONSORED_ID, strings::to_string(restaurant.m_id.Get())); FeatureParams & params = fb.GetParams(); // params.AddAddress(restaurant.address); // TODO(mgsergio): addr:full ??? params.AddName(StringUtf8Multilang::GetLangByCode(StringUtf8Multilang::kDefaultCode), restaurant.m_name); auto const & clf = classif(); params.AddType(clf.GetTypeByPath({"sponsored", "opentable"})); fn(fb); }
void DumpTypes(string const & fPath) { TypesCollector doClass; feature::ForEachFromDat(fPath, doClass); typedef pair<vector<uint32_t>, size_t> stats_elem_type; typedef vector<stats_elem_type> vec_to_sort; vec_to_sort vecToSort(doClass.m_stats.begin(), doClass.m_stats.end()); sort(vecToSort.begin(), vecToSort.end(), &SortFunc<stats_elem_type>); for (vec_to_sort::iterator it = vecToSort.begin(); it != vecToSort.end(); ++it) { cout << it->second << " "; for (size_t i = 0; i < it->first.size(); ++i) cout << classif().GetFullObjectName(it->first[i]) << " "; cout << endl; } cout << "Total features: " << doClass.m_totalCount << endl; cout << "Features with names: " << doClass.m_namesCount << endl; }
bool IsTypeConformed(uint32_t type, vector<string> const & path) { Classificator const & c = classif(); ClassifObject const * p = c.GetRoot(); ASSERT(p, ()); uint8_t val = 0, i = 0; for (auto const n : path) { if (!ftype::GetValue(type, i, val)) return false; p = p->GetObject(val); if (p == 0) return false; string const name = p->GetName(); if (n != name && n != "*") return false; ++i; } return true; }
bool IsTypeConformed(uint32_t type, StringIL const & path) { ClassifObject const * p = classif().GetRoot(); ASSERT(p, ()); uint8_t val = 0, i = 0; for (char const * s : path) { if (!ftype::GetValue(type, i, val)) return false; p = p->GetObject(val); if (p == 0) return false; if (p->GetName() != s && strcmp(s, "*") != 0) return false; ++i; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { google::SetUsageMessage( "Takes OSM XML data from stdin and creates data and index files in several passes."); google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); Platform & pl = GetPlatform(); if (!FLAGS_user_resource_path.empty()) pl.SetResourceDir(FLAGS_user_resource_path); string const path = FLAGS_data_path.empty() ? pl.WritableDir() : my::AddSlashIfNeeded(FLAGS_data_path); feature::GenerateInfo genInfo; genInfo.m_intermediateDir = FLAGS_intermediate_data_path.empty() ? path : my::AddSlashIfNeeded(FLAGS_intermediate_data_path); genInfo.m_targetDir = genInfo.m_tmpDir = path; /// @todo Probably, it's better to add separate option for .mwm.tmp files. if (!FLAGS_intermediate_data_path.empty()) { string const tmpPath = genInfo.m_intermediateDir + "tmp" + my::GetNativeSeparator(); if (pl.MkDir(tmpPath) != Platform::ERR_UNKNOWN) genInfo.m_tmpDir = tmpPath; } genInfo.m_osmFileName = FLAGS_osm_file_name; genInfo.m_failOnCoasts = FLAGS_fail_on_coasts; genInfo.m_preloadCache = FLAGS_preload_cache; genInfo.m_versionDate = static_cast<uint32_t>(FLAGS_planet_version); if (!FLAGS_node_storage.empty()) genInfo.SetNodeStorageType(FLAGS_node_storage); if (!FLAGS_osm_file_type.empty()) genInfo.SetOsmFileType(FLAGS_osm_file_type); // Generating intermediate files if (FLAGS_preprocess) { LOG(LINFO, ("Generating intermediate data ....")); if (!GenerateIntermediateData(genInfo)) { return -1; } } // load classificator only if necessary if (FLAGS_make_coasts || FLAGS_generate_features || FLAGS_generate_geometry || FLAGS_generate_index || FLAGS_generate_search_index || FLAGS_calc_statistics || FLAGS_type_statistics || FLAGS_dump_types || FLAGS_dump_prefixes || FLAGS_check_mwm) { classificator::Load(); classif().SortClassificator(); } // Generate dat file if (FLAGS_generate_features || FLAGS_make_coasts) { LOG(LINFO, ("Generating final data ...")); genInfo.m_splitByPolygons = FLAGS_split_by_polygons; genInfo.m_createWorld = FLAGS_generate_world; genInfo.m_makeCoasts = FLAGS_make_coasts; genInfo.m_emitCoasts = FLAGS_emit_coasts; genInfo.m_fileName = FLAGS_output; genInfo.m_genAddresses = FLAGS_generate_addresses_file; if (!GenerateFeatures(genInfo)) return -1; if (FLAGS_generate_world) { genInfo.m_bucketNames.push_back(WORLD_FILE_NAME); genInfo.m_bucketNames.push_back(WORLD_COASTS_FILE_NAME); } } else { if (!FLAGS_output.empty()) genInfo.m_bucketNames.push_back(FLAGS_output); } // Enumerate over all dat files that were created. size_t const count = genInfo.m_bucketNames.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { string const & country = genInfo.m_bucketNames[i]; string const datFile = my::JoinFoldersToPath(path, country + DATA_FILE_EXTENSION); if (FLAGS_generate_geometry) { int mapType = feature::DataHeader::country; if (country == WORLD_FILE_NAME) mapType = feature::DataHeader::world; if (country == WORLD_COASTS_FILE_NAME) mapType = feature::DataHeader::worldcoasts; // If error - move to next bucket without index generation. LOG(LINFO, ("Generating result features for", country)); if (!feature::GenerateFinalFeatures(genInfo, country, mapType)) continue; LOG(LINFO, ("Generating offsets table for", datFile)); if (!feature::BuildOffsetsTable(datFile)) continue; } if (FLAGS_generate_index) { LOG(LINFO, ("Generating index for", datFile)); if (!indexer::BuildIndexFromDatFile(datFile, FLAGS_intermediate_data_path + country)) LOG(LCRITICAL, ("Error generating index.")); } if (FLAGS_generate_search_index) { LOG(LINFO, ("Generating search index for ", datFile)); if (!indexer::BuildSearchIndexFromDatFile(datFile, true)) LOG(LCRITICAL, ("Error generating search index.")); } } // Create http update list for countries and corresponding files if (FLAGS_generate_update) { LOG(LINFO, ("Updating countries file...")); update::UpdateCountries(path); } string const datFile = path + FLAGS_output + DATA_FILE_EXTENSION; if (FLAGS_calc_statistics) { LOG(LINFO, ("Calculating statistics for ", datFile)); stats::FileContainerStatistic(datFile); stats::FileContainerStatistic(datFile + ROUTING_FILE_EXTENSION); stats::MapInfo info; stats::CalcStatistic(datFile, info); stats::PrintStatistic(info); } if (FLAGS_type_statistics) { LOG(LINFO, ("Calculating type statistics for ", datFile)); stats::MapInfo info; stats::CalcStatistic(datFile, info); stats::PrintTypeStatistic(info); } if (FLAGS_dump_types) feature::DumpTypes(datFile); if (FLAGS_dump_prefixes) feature::DumpPrefixes(datFile); if (FLAGS_dump_search_tokens) feature::DumpSearchTokens(datFile); if (FLAGS_unpack_mwm) UnpackMwm(datFile); if (!FLAGS_delete_section.empty()) DeleteSection(datFile, FLAGS_delete_section); if (FLAGS_generate_packed_borders) borders::GeneratePackedBorders(path); if (FLAGS_check_mwm) check_model::ReadFeatures(datFile); if (!FLAGS_osrm_file_name.empty() && FLAGS_make_routing) routing::BuildRoutingIndex(path, FLAGS_output, FLAGS_osrm_file_name); if (!FLAGS_osrm_file_name.empty() && FLAGS_make_cross_section) routing::BuildCrossRoutingIndex(path, FLAGS_output, FLAGS_osrm_file_name); return 0; }
IsHotelChecker::IsHotelChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); for (auto const & tag : GetHotelTags()) m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({"tourism", tag})); }
IsBookingChecker::IsBookingChecker() { Classificator const & c = classif(); m_types.push_back(c.GetTypeByPath({"sponsored", "booking"})); }
IsBuildingPartChecker::IsBuildingPartChecker() : BaseChecker(1 /* level */) { m_types.push_back(classif().GetTypeByPath({"building:part"})); }