// Have to overwrite the default InsetCommand method in order to check that
// the \cite command is valid. Eg, the user has natbib enabled, inputs some
// citations and then changes his mind, turning natbib support off. The output
// should revert to the default citation command as provided by the citation
// engine, e.g. \cite[]{} for the basic engine.
void InsetCitation::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const
	vector<CitationStyle> citation_styles = buffer().params().citeStyles();
	CitationStyle cs = asValidLatexCommand(getCmdName(), citation_styles);
	BiblioInfo const & bi = buffer().masterBibInfo();
	docstring const cite_str = from_utf8(citationStyleToString(cs));

	if (runparams.inulemcmd > 0)
		os << "\\mbox{";

	os << "\\" << cite_str;

	docstring const & before = getParam("before");
	docstring const & after  = getParam("after");
	if (!before.empty() && cs.textBefore)
		os << '[' << before << "][" << after << ']';
	else if (!after.empty() && cs.textAfter)
		os << '[' << after << ']';

	if (!bi.isBibtex(getParam("key")))
		// escape chars with bibitems
		os << '{' << escape(cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key"))) << '}';
		os << '{' << cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key")) << '}';

	if (runparams.inulemcmd)
		os << "}";
// Have to overwrite the default InsetCommand method in order to check that
// the \cite command is valid. Eg, the user has natbib enabled, inputs some
// citations and then changes his mind, turning natbib support off. The output
// should revert to \cite[]{}
void InsetCitation::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const
	CiteEngine cite_engine = buffer().params().citeEngine();
	BiblioInfo const & bi = buffer().masterBibInfo();
	docstring const cite_str = from_utf8(
		asValidLatexCommand(getCmdName(), cite_engine));

	if (runparams.inulemcmd)
		os << "\\mbox{";

	os << "\\" << cite_str;

	docstring const & before = getParam("before");
	docstring const & after  = getParam("after");
	if (!before.empty() && cite_engine != ENGINE_BASIC)
		os << '[' << before << "][" << after << ']';
	else if (!after.empty())
		os << '[' << after << ']';

	if (!bi.isBibtex(getParam("key")))
		// escape chars with bibitems
		os << '{' << escape(cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key"))) << '}';
		os << '{' << cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key")) << '}';

	if (runparams.inulemcmd)
		os << "}";
int InsetCitation::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const
	os << from_ascii("<citation>")
	   << cleanupWhitespace(getParam("key"))
	   << from_ascii("</citation>");
	return 0;