bool BinOArchive::operator()(u64& value, const char* name, const char* label) { openNode(name); stream_.write(value); closeNode(name); return true; }
bool BinOArchive::operator()(const Serializer& ser, const char* name, const char* label) { openNode(name, false); ser(*this); closeNode(name, false); return true; }
bool BinOArchive::operator()(WStringInterface& value, const char* name, const char* label) { bool size8 = (wcslen(value.get()) + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t) < SIZE16; openNode(name, size8); stream_ << value.get(); stream_.write(wchar_t(0)); closeNode(name, size8); return true; }
bool BinOArchive::operator()(StringInterface& value, const char* name, const char* label) { bool size8 = strlen(value.get()) + 1 < SIZE16; openNode(name, size8); stream_ << value.get(); stream_.write(char(0)); closeNode(name, size8); return true; }
bool BinIArchive::operator()(const Serializer& ser, const char* name, const char* label) { if(!strlen(name)){ ser(*this); return true; } if(!openNode(name)) return false; ser(*this); closeNode(name, false); return true; }
bool BinIArchive::operator()(char& value, const char* name, const char* label) { if(!strlen(name)){ read(value); return true; } if(!openNode(name)) return false; read(value); closeNode(name); return true; }
bool BinIArchive::operator()(WStringInterface& value, const char* name, const char* label) { if(!strlen(name)){ wstringBuffer_.clear(); read(wstringBuffer_); value.set(wstringBuffer_.c_str()); return true; } if(!openNode(name)) return false; wstringBuffer_.clear(); read(wstringBuffer_); value.set(wstringBuffer_.c_str()); closeNode(name); return true; }
bool BinIArchive::operator()(PointerInterface& ptr, const char* name, const char* label) { if(strlen(name) && !openNode(name)) return false; string typeName; read(typeName); if(ptr.get() && (typeName.empty() || strcmp(typeName.c_str(), ptr.registeredTypeName()) != 0)) ptr.create(""); // 0 if(!typeName.empty() && !ptr.get()) ptr.create(typeName.c_str()); if(Serializer ser = ptr.serializer()) ser(*this); if(strlen(name)) closeNode(name); return true; }
bool BinOArchive::operator()(ContainerInterface& ser, const char* name, const char* label) { openNode(name, false); unsigned int size = (unsigned int)ser.size(); if(size < SIZE16) stream_.write((unsigned char)size); else if(size < 0x10000){ stream_.write(SIZE16); stream_.write((unsigned short)size); } else{ stream_.write(SIZE32); stream_.write(size); } if(strlen(name)){ if(size > 0){ int i = 0; do { char buffer[16]; #ifdef _MSC_VER _itoa(i++, buffer, 10); #else sprintf(buffer, "%d", i++); #endif ser(*this, buffer, ""); } while (; } closeNode(name, false); } else{ if(size > 0) do ser(*this, "", ""); while (; } return true; }
/** * Add pixmap or clipart key. * @param dt date/time * @param filename the filename of the image * @param name the relative path to the image in the store (optional) */ void DomNode::addKey( const QDateTime& dt, const QString& filename, const QString& name ) { const QDate date ( ); const QTime time ( dt.time() ); addNode( "KEY" ); setAttribute( "filename", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(filename) ); setAttribute( "year", date.year() ); setAttribute( "month", date.month() ); setAttribute( "day", ); setAttribute( "hour", time.hour() ); setAttribute( "minute", time.minute() ); setAttribute( "second", time.second() ); setAttribute( "msec", time.msec() ); if (!name.isEmpty()) { setAttribute( "name", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(name) ); } closeNode( "KEY" ); }
void MainWindow::on_ui_removeFile_clicked() { foreach(const QModelIndex& index, ui_projects->selectionModel()->selectedRows()) { const int type = m_projectsModel.indexType(index); Project* project = m_projectsModel.indexToProject(index); if(type == ProjectsModel::FileType) { const TinyNode* node = m_projectsModel.indexToNode(index); QMessageBox::StandardButton ret = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Are You Sure?"), tr("Permanently delete ") + QTinyNode::name(node) + "?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if(ret == QMessageBox::No) continue; qWarning() << "Node path" << QString::fromStdString(node->path()); closeNode(node); project->archive()->TinyArchive::remove(node->path()); project->sync(); } else if(type == ProjectsModel::ProjectType) { project->sync(); ProjectManager::ref().closeProject(project); } } // ui_projects->expandAll(); }
bool BinIArchive::operator()(ContainerInterface& ser, const char* name, const char* label) { if(strlen(name)){ if(!openNode(name)) return false; size_t size = currentBlock().readPackedSize(); ser.resize(size); if(size > 0){ int i = 0; do{ char buffer[16]; #ifdef _MSC_VER _itoa(i++, buffer, 10); #else sprintf(buffer, "%d", i++); #endif ser(*this, buffer, ""); } while(; } closeNode(name); return true; } else{ size_t size = currentBlock().readPackedSize(); ser.resize(size); if(size > 0){ do ser(*this, "", ""); while(; } return true; } }
bool BinOArchive::operator()(PointerInterface& ptr, const char* name, const char* label) { openNode(name, false); const char* typeName = ptr.registeredTypeName(); if (!typeName) typeName = ""; if (typeName[0] == '\0' && ptr.get()) { YASLI_ASSERT(0 && "Writing unregistered class. Use YASLI_CLASS_NAME macro for registration."); } TypeID baseType = ptr.baseType(); if(ptr.get()){ stream_ << typeName; stream_.write(char(0)); ptr.serializer()(*this); } else stream_.write(char(0)); closeNode(name, false); return true; }
path* FlexibleAStar::search(node* start, node* goal) { nodesExpanded=0; nodesTouched=0; searchTime =0; nodesGenerated = 0; if(verbose) { std::cout << "getPath() mapLevel: "; std::cout <<start->getLabelL(kAbstractionLevel)<<std::endl; } if(!checkParameters(start, goal)) return NULL; start->setLabelF(kTemporaryLabel, heuristic->h(start, goal)); start->backpointer = 0; altheap openList(heuristic, goal, 30); std::map<int, node*> closedList; openList.add(start); path *p = NULL; Timer t; t.startTimer(); while(1) { node* current = ((node*)openList.remove()); // check if the current node is the goal (early termination) if(current == goal) { closeNode(current, &closedList); p = extractBestPath(current); if(verbose) debug->printNode(std::string("goal found! "), current); break; } // expand current node expand(current, goal, &openList, &closedList); closeNode(current, &closedList); // terminate when the open list is empty if(openList.empty()) { if(verbose) std::cout << "search failed. "; break; } } searchTime = t.endTimer(); closedList.clear(); start->drawColor = 3; goal->drawColor = 3; if(verbose) { std::cout << "\n"; debug->printPath(p); } return p; }
/* VaultShopMain */ VaultShopMain::VaultShopMain() { // Basic Form Settings setWindowTitle("VaultShop " PLASMASHOP_VERSION); //setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/res/VaultShop.png")); // Set up actions fActions[kFileOpenVault] = new QAction(qStdIcon("document-open"), tr("&Load Vault..."), this); fActions[kFileSaveVault] = new QAction(qStdIcon("document-save"), tr("&Save Vault"), this); fActions[kFileExit] = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this); fActions[kVaultOpenNode] = new QAction(tr("Subscribe to &Node..."), this); fActions[kNodeUnLink] = new QAction(tr("Remove"), this); fActions[kNodeLink] = new QAction(tr("Add Node..."), this); fActions[kNodeCreate] = new QAction(tr("Create Node"), this); fActions[kNodeUnsubscribe] = new QAction(tr("Un-subscribe"), this); //fActions[kNodeRenameVault] = new QAction(tr("Rename Vault..."), this); fActions[kFileOpenVault]->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_O); fActions[kFileSaveVault]->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S); fActions[kFileExit]->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_F4); fActions[kVaultOpenNode]->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F2); // Main Menus QMenu* fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File")); fileMenu->addAction(fActions[kFileOpenVault]); fileMenu->addAction(fActions[kFileSaveVault]); fileMenu->addSeparator(); fileMenu->addAction(fActions[kFileExit]); QMenu* vaultMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Vault")); vaultMenu->addAction(fActions[kVaultOpenNode]); // Toolbars QToolBar* fileTbar = addToolBar(tr("File Toolbar")); fileTbar->setObjectName("FileToolBar"); fileTbar->addAction(fActions[kFileOpenVault]); fileTbar->addAction(fActions[kFileSaveVault]); statusBar(); // Main Splitter QSplitter* splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this); splitter->setObjectName("Splitter"); // Node Browser fVaultTree = new QTreeWidget(splitter); fVaultTree->setUniformRowHeights(true); fVaultTree->setHeaderHidden(true); fVaultTree->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); // Property Editor fNodeTab = new QTabWidget(splitter); fGenericEditor = new QVaultNode(fNodeTab); fNodeTab->addTab(fGenericEditor, tr("Node Properties")); fCustomEditor = NULL; fSavEditor = NULL; fEditorTabPreference = 0; // Layout splitter->addWidget(fVaultTree); splitter->addWidget(fNodeTab); setCentralWidget(splitter); splitter->setSizes(QList<int>() << 160 << 320); // Global UI Signals connect(fActions[kFileExit], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(fActions[kFileOpenVault], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openGame())); connect(fActions[kFileSaveVault], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(performSave())); connect(fActions[kVaultOpenNode], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openNode())); connect(fActions[kNodeUnLink], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unlinkNode())); connect(fActions[kNodeLink], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(linkNode())); connect(fActions[kNodeCreate], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(createNode())); connect(fActions[kNodeUnsubscribe], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(closeNode())); //connect(fActions[kNodeRenameVault], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(renameVault())); connect(fVaultTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(treeItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*))); connect(fVaultTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(treeContextMenu(const QPoint&))); connect(fNodeTab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int))); connect(fGenericEditor, SIGNAL(typeModified()), this, SLOT(typeModified())); connect(this, SIGNAL(nodeChanged(unsigned int)), this, SLOT(refreshNode(unsigned int))); // Load UI Settings QSettings settings("PlasmaShop", "VaultShop"); resize(settings.value("WinSize", QSize(480, 600)).toSize()); if (settings.contains("WinPos")) move(settings.value("WinPos").toPoint()); if (settings.value("WinMaximized", false).toBool()) showMaximized(); if (settings.contains("WinState")) restoreState(settings.value("WinState").toByteArray()); fLastDir = settings.value("LastDir").toString(); if (!fLastDir.isEmpty()) loadGame(fLastDir); }