文件: default1D.c 项目: tesch1/Xrecon
void default1D(struct data *d)
  struct file fref;
  struct data ref;
  struct datablockhead *dbh;
  int /*dim1,dim2,*/dim3,nr;
  int i,j;
  int wref=FALSE;

#ifdef DEBUG
  char function[20];
  strcpy(function,"default1D"); /* Set function name */

  /* Open data and phasefile file pointers for writing */

  /* Write data and phasefile file headers */

  /* Set data dimensions */

  /* Set nuber of "volumes" */

  /* Check if there is a water reference */
  if (spar(d,"ws","y") && spar(d,"wref","y") && spar(d,"wrefstatus","ws")) wref=TRUE;

  /* Prepare water reference */
  if (wref) {
    setreffile(&fref,d,"waterref"); /* Set reference file */
    getpars(fref.procpar[0],&ref);  /* Get pars from reference procpar */
    opendata(fref.fid[0],&ref);     /* Open reference data file fid */
    getvol1D(&ref,0,NDCC);          /* Get volume without applying dbh.lvl and dbh.tlt */
    weightdata1D(&ref,STD,D1);      /* Weight data using standard VnmrJ parameters */

  /* Allocate memory for blocks headers from all receivers */
  if ((dbh = malloc(nr*sizeof(d->bh))) == NULL) nomem();

  /* For spectra we anticipate there is easily sufficient memory for data
     from all receiver blocks */
  for (d->vol=0;d->vol<d->nvols;d->vol++) { /* loop over "volumes" */

    for (i=0;i<nr;i++) { /* loop over receivers */
      getdbh(d,nr*d->vol+i);       /* Get block header */
      copydbh(&d->bh,&dbh[i]);     /* Store the block headers for writing */

    getvol1D(d,d->vol,NDCC); /* Get data block without applying dbh.lvl and dbh.tlt */

    weightdata1D(d,STD,D1);         /* Weight data using standard VnmrJ parameters */

    if (wref) refcorr1D(d,&ref);    /* Phase correct using the reference */

    else combine1D(d);              /* Combine data from multiple receivers */

    zerofill1D(d,STD,D1);           /* Zero fill data using standard VnmrJ parameters */

    fft1D(d,D1);                    /* 1D fft */

    shiftdata1D(d,STD,D1);          /* Shift data to get spectra */

    for (i=0;i<nr;i++) {            /* loop over receivers */
      copydbh(&dbh[i],&d->bh);      /* Copy block header for writing */
      for (j=0;j<dim3;j++) {
        d->bh.index=d->vol*nr*dim3+i*dim3+j; /* Set block index */
        wdbh(d,DATA_FILE);            /* Write block header */
        wdbh(d,PHAS_FILE);            /* Write block header */
        w1Dtrace(d,i,j,DATA_FILE);    /* Write block */
        w1Dtrace(d,i,j,PHAS_FILE);    /* Write block */

    clear1Ddata(d);               /* Clear data "volume" from memory */


  clear1Dall(d);                /* Clear everything from memory */


/* Paul modify 2013/2/7 */
int	initandparserfile(void)
	//FILE *fp = NULL;
	char *pk = NULL;
	char	str_path[PATH_LENGTH] = {0};
	char stream[MAX_STREAM] = {0};
	char str_key[MAX_KEY] = {0};
	char	str_type[4] = {0};
	int	nIndex = 0;
	uint	offset = 0;
	HASH	s_hash;
	SParser	s_parse_tmp;

	//Andy Chiu, 2015/03/03. retry for cfg_manager restart scoket issue.
	int res = 0, i;
	for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		res = tcapi_get("LanguageSwitch_Entry", "Type", str_type);
		if(!res && strlen(str_type) > 0 )
		tcdbg_printf("[%s, %d]get lang failed!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
	if (strlen(str_type))
		nIndex = atoi(str_type);

	if(nIndex == 0)
		for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
			memset(str_type, 0, sizeof(str_type));
			res = tcapi_get("WebCurSet_Entry", "detected_lang_type", str_type);
			if(!res && strlen(str_type) > 0 )
			tcdbg_printf("[%s, %d]get lang failed!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		if (strlen(str_type))
			nIndex = atoi(str_type);

	init_flag = nIndex;
	closefp();//close file pointer at first
	if(nIndex == 1) //English
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "EN");
	else if(nIndex == 2) //Brazil
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "BR");
	else if(nIndex == 3) //Simplified Chinese
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "CN");
	else if(nIndex == 4) //Cesky
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "CZ");
	else if(nIndex == 5) //Dansk
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "DA");
	else if(nIndex == 6) //Deutsch
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "DE");
	else if(nIndex == 7) //Espanol
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "ES");
	else if(nIndex == 8) //Finsk
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "FI");
	else if(nIndex == 9) //Francais
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "FR");
	else if(nIndex == 10) //Italiano
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "IT");
	else if(nIndex == 11) //Malay
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "MS");
	else if(nIndex == 12) //Norsk
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "NO");
	else if(nIndex == 13) //Polski
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "PL");
	else if(nIndex == 14) //Russian
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "RU");
	else if(nIndex == 15) //Svensk
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "SV");
	else if(nIndex == 16) //Thai
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "TH");
	else if(nIndex == 17) //Turkey
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "TR");
	else if(nIndex == 18) //Traditional Chinese
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "TW");
	else if(nIndex == 19) //Ukraine
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "UK");
		sprintf(str_path, STRING_PATH, "EN");
	if(fpl == NULL)
		tcdbg_printf("\r\n%s:can't open %s\r\n",__FUNCTION__, str_path);
		return FAILURE;
	if (FAILURE == initHashTable(&s_parse_tmp)) {
		tcdbg_printf("\r\n%s:alloc memory\n", __FUNCTION__);
		return FAILURE;
	ResetHashTable(&s_parse);//free memory at first
	s_parse = s_parse_tmp;
	fseek(fpl, 0, SEEK_SET);
	while(fgets(stream, MAX_STREAM, fpl) != NULL)
		int	len = strlen(stream);
		pk = strstr(stream,"=");
		if ((stream[0] == ';') || (NULL == pk)) {
			offset += len;
		*pk = '\0';
		strncpy(str_key, stream, strlen(stream));
		s_hash.key = getkey(str_key);
		s_hash.ioffset = offset;
		offset += len;
		strcpy(str_attrname, str_key);
		insertToHash(&s_parse, s_hash);
		memset(stream, 0, MAX_STREAM);
		memset(str_key, 0, MAX_KEY);
	return SUCCESS;