文件: main.cpp 项目: djtessari/Thesis
int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
	RayScene scene;

	cmdLineString In;
	cmdLineInt Width,Height,Complexity;
	char* paramNames[]=			{"in",	"width",	"height",	"cplx"};
	cmdLineReadable* params[]=	{&In,	&Width,		&Height,	&Complexity};

		return EXIT_FAILURE;


int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
	// Read the parameters in from the command line
	cmdLineString In;
	char* paramNames[]={"in"};
	cmdLineReadable* params[]={&In};
		fprintf(stderr,"You must specify an input file\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	int res;
	float l2;
	CircularArray<> cIn,cOut;
	Complex<>* coeffs;

	// Read in the array

	// Allocate space for the Fourier coefficients
	coeffs=new Complex<>[res];

	// Run the forward and inverse Fourier transforms
	// Correct for the scaling term

	for(int i=0;i<res;i++){cOut(i)/=res;}

	// Test that the Fourier coefficients satisfy the conjugacy relations (difference should be zero)
	for(int i=0;i<res;i++){l2+=(coeffs[i]-coeffs[(res-i)%res].conjugate()).squareNorm();}
	printf("Conjugate Test: %f\n",l2);

	// Compare the input and output (the difference should be zero)
	printf("Forward-Inverse Test: %f\n",CircularArray<>::SquareDifference(cIn,cOut));

	// Now compare the values of the Fourier coefficients (difference should be zero)
	FourierKey1D<> key;
	FourierTransform<> xForm;


	float n=float(1.0/(2.0*PI))*key.resolution();

	// for(int i=0;i<32;i++){
	// for(int i=0;i<key.size();i++){
		// printf("%d kr: %-15f ki: %-15f cr: %-15f ci: %-15f diff: %f\n", i, key(i).r*n, key(i).i*n, coeffs[i].r, coeffs[i].i, key(i)*n - coeffs[i]);
	// } 

	for(int i=0;i<key.size();i++){l2+=(key(i)*n-coeffs[i]).squareNorm();}
	printf("Coefficient test: %f\n",l2);

int main( int argc , char* argv[] )

	bool resample = true;
#if 0
	unsigned int control_word_x87  , control_word_sse2;
	__control87_2( _DN_FLUSH , _MCW_DN , &control_word_x87 , &control_word_sse2 );
	cmdLineParse( argc-1 , &argv[1] , sizeof(params) / sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 0 );
	char valueString[1024];
	for( int i=0 ; i<sizeof(params) / sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) ; i++ )
		if( params[i]->set )
			params[i]->writeValue( valueString );
			printf( "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , valueString );

	if( !In.set || !Out.set )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	char tmpDir[1024];
	if( TempDir.set) sprintf( tmpDir , "TMP=%s" , TempDir.value );
	else             sprintf( tmpDir , "TMP=" );
	_putenv( tmpDir );

	int w , h;
	GetReadSize< float >( In.value , w , h );
	int height = 1;
	while( 2*height<w || height<h ) height <<= 1;
	if( 2*height==w && height==h ) resample = false;
	if( resample ) printf( "%d x %d -> %d x %d\n" , w , h , 2*height , height );

	IWeight.value = -IWeight.value;
	IWeight.value *= height / 2;
	IWeight.value *= (height*2) / 2;
	IWeight.value /= 4. * M_PI;
	double t = Time( );
	if( HighPrecision.set )
		if( HDRLabels.set ) Execute< double , double , __int16       >( height , resample );
		else                Execute< double , double , unsigned char >( height , resample );
		if( HDRLabels.set ) Execute< float  , half  , __int16       >( height , resample );
		else                Execute< float  , half  , unsigned char >( height , resample );

	size_t current,peak;
	WorkingSetInfo( current , peak );
	printf( "Running Time: %f\n" , Time()-t );
	printf( "Peak working set: %d MB\n" , peak>>20 );
int main( int argc , char* argv[] )
	cmdLineParse( argc-1 , argv+1 , params );
	if( !Resolution.set && !In.set ){ ShowUsage( argv[0] ) ; return EXIT_FAILURE; }

	FILE* fp = fopen( In.value , "rb" );
	if( !fp )
		fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] Failed to open file for reading: %s\n" , In.value );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

  char *filename = Out.set ? Out.value : NULL;

  return IsoSurfaceExtractionFile( fp, SmoothIterations.value, Float.set, Dimensions.values, Resolution.values, IsoValue.value, Out.set, filename, Polygons.set, FullCaseTable.set, QuadraticFit.set, FlipOrientation.set, NonManifold.set );

int main( int argc , char* argv[] )
	double t = Time();

	cmdLineParse( argc-1 , &argv[1] , sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 1 );
	if( Density.set ) Execute< 2 , PlyValueVertex< Real > , true  >( argc , argv );
	else              Execute< 2 ,      PlyVertex< Real > , false >( argc , argv );
#ifdef _WIN32
	if( Performance.set )
		HANDLE cur_thread=GetCurrentThread();
		FILETIME tcreat, texit, tkernel, tuser;
		if( GetThreadTimes( cur_thread , &tcreat , &texit , &tkernel , &tuser ) )
			printf( "Time (Wall/User/Kernel): %.2f / %.2f / %.2f\n" , Time()-t , to_seconds( tuser ) , to_seconds( tkernel ) );
		else printf( "Time: %.2f\n" , Time()-t );
		HANDLE h = GetCurrentProcess();
		if( GetProcessMemoryInfo( h , &pmc , sizeof(pmc) ) ) printf( "Peak Memory (MB): %d\n" , pmc.PeakWorkingSetSize>>20 );
    void PoissonReconstruction::PoissonRecon(int argc , char* argv[], const MagicDGP::Point3DSet* pPC, std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > >& vertices, std::vector< std::vector< int > >& polygons)
            In( "in" ) ,
            Out( "out" ) ,
            VoxelGrid( "voxel" ) ,
            XForm( "xForm" );

            Performance( "performance" ) ,
            ShowResidual( "showResidual" ) ,
            NoComments( "noComments" ) ,
            PolygonMesh( "polygonMesh" ) ,
            Confidence( "confidence" ) ,
            NonManifold( "nonManifold" ) ,
            ASCII( "ascii" ) ,
            Density( "density" ) ,
            Verbose( "verbose" );

            Depth( "depth" , 8 ) ,
            SolverDivide( "solverDivide" , 8 ) ,
            IsoDivide( "isoDivide" , 8 ) ,
            KernelDepth( "kernelDepth" ) ,
            AdaptiveExponent( "adaptiveExp" , 1 ) ,
            MinIters( "minIters" , 24 ) ,
            FixedIters( "iters" , -1 ) ,
            VoxelDepth( "voxelDepth" , -1 ) ,
            MinDepth( "minDepth" , 5 ) ,
            MaxSolveDepth( "maxSolveDepth" ) ,
            BoundaryType( "boundary" , 1 ) ,
            Threads( "threads" , omp_get_num_procs() );

            SamplesPerNode( "samplesPerNode" , 1.f ) ,
            Scale( "scale" , 1.1f ) ,
            SolverAccuracy( "accuracy" , float(1e-3) ) ,
            PointWeight( "pointWeight" , 4.f );

        cmdLineReadable* params[] =
            &In , &Depth , &Out , &XForm ,
            &SolverDivide , &IsoDivide , &Scale , &Verbose , &SolverAccuracy , &NoComments ,
            &KernelDepth , &SamplesPerNode , &Confidence , &NonManifold , &PolygonMesh , &ASCII , &ShowResidual , &MinIters , &FixedIters , &VoxelDepth ,
            &PointWeight , &VoxelGrid , &Threads , &MinDepth , &MaxSolveDepth ,
            &AdaptiveExponent , &BoundaryType ,

        cmdLineParse( argc , argv , sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 1 );
        /*if( Density.set ) 
            return Execute< 2 , PlyValueVertex< Real > , true  >(argc , argv, pPC);
            return Execute< 2 ,      PlyVertex< Real > , false >(argc , argv, pPC);*/
        int i;
        int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*);
        int commentNum=0;
        char **comments;

        comments = new char*[paramNum + 7];
        for( i=0 ; i<paramNum+7 ; i++ ) comments[i] = new char[1024];

        //if( Verbose.set ) echoStdout=1;

        XForm4x4< Real > xForm , iXForm;
        if( XForm.set )
            FILE* fp = fopen( XForm.value , "r" );
            if( !fp )
                fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Could not read x-form from: %s\n" , XForm.value );
                xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity();
                for( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++ ) fscanf( fp , " %f " , &xForm( i , j ) );
                fclose( fp );
        else xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity();
        iXForm = xForm.inverse();

        //DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 5.0)\n" , Degree );
        //char str[1024];
        //for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum ; i++ )
        //    if( params[i]->set )
        //    {
        //        params[i]->writeValue( str );
        //        if( strlen( str ) ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , str );
        //        else                DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s\n" , params[i]->name );
        //    }

        double t;
        double tt=Time();
        Real isoValue = 0;

        //Octree< Degree , OutputDensity > tree;
        Octree< 2 , true > tree;
        tree.threads = Threads.value;
        //if( !In.set )
        //    ShowUsage(argv[0]);
        //    return 0;
        if( !MaxSolveDepth.set ) MaxSolveDepth.value = Depth.value;
        if( SolverDivide.value<MinDepth.value )
            fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , SolverDivide.name , MinDepth.name , SolverDivide.value , MinDepth.value );
            SolverDivide.value = MinDepth.value;
        if( IsoDivide.value<MinDepth.value )
	        fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , IsoDivide.name , MinDepth.name , IsoDivide.value , IsoDivide.value );
	        IsoDivide.value = MinDepth.value;
        OctNode< TreeNodeData< true > , Real >::SetAllocator( MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE );

        int kernelDepth = KernelDepth.set ?  KernelDepth.value : Depth.value-2;

        tree.setBSplineData( Depth.value , BoundaryType.value );
        //if( kernelDepth>Depth.value )
        //    fprintf( stderr,"[ERROR] %s can't be greater than %s: %d <= %d\n" , KernelDepth.name , Depth.name , KernelDepth.value , Depth.value );
        //    return EXIT_FAILURE;
        int pointNumber = pPC->GetPointNumber();
        std::vector<float> posList(pointNumber * 3);
        std::vector<float> norList(pointNumber * 3);
        for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pointNumber; pIndex++)
            posList.at(3 * pIndex + 0) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[0];
            posList.at(3 * pIndex + 1) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[1];
            posList.at(3 * pIndex + 2) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetPosition()[2];
            norList.at(3 * pIndex + 0) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[0];
            norList.at(3 * pIndex + 1) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[1];
            norList.at(3 * pIndex + 2) = pPC->GetPoint(pIndex)->GetNormal()[2];
        double maxMemoryUsage;
        t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
        //int pointCount = tree.setTree( In.value , Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm );
        int pointCount = tree.setTree( posList, norList, Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm );
        tree.finalize( IsoDivide.value );

        /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#             Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        DumpOutput( "Input Points: %d\n" , pointCount );
        DumpOutput( "Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n" , tree.tree.leaves() , tree.tree.nodes() );
        DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );*/

        maxMemoryUsage = tree.maxMemoryUsage;
        t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
        /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#      Constraints set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20) );*/
        maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );

        t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
        tree.LaplacianMatrixIteration( SolverDivide.value, ShowResidual.set , MinIters.value , SolverAccuracy.value , MaxSolveDepth.value , FixedIters.value );
        /*DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Linear system solved in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );*/
        maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );

        CoredFileMeshData< PlyValueVertex< Real > > mesh;

        if( Verbose.set ) tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
        isoValue = tree.GetIsoValue();
        //DumpOutput( "Got average in: %f\n" , Time()-t );
        //DumpOutput( "Iso-Value: %e\n" , isoValue );

        if( VoxelGrid.set )
            double t = Time();
            FILE* fp = fopen( VoxelGrid.value , "wb" );
            if( !fp ) fprintf( stderr , "Failed to open voxel file for writing: %s\n" , VoxelGrid.value );
                int res;
                Pointer( Real ) values = tree.GetSolutionGrid( res , isoValue , VoxelDepth.value );
                fwrite( &res , sizeof(int) , 1 , fp );
                if( sizeof(Real)==sizeof(float) ) fwrite( values , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp );
                    float *fValues = new float[res*res*res];
                    for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) fValues[i] = float( values[i] );
                    fwrite( fValues , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp );
                    delete[] fValues;
                fclose( fp );
                DeletePointer( values );
            //DumpOutput( "Got voxel grid in: %f\n" , Time()-t );

        if( Out.set )
            t = Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage = 0;
            tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , !NonManifold.set , PolygonMesh.set );
            //if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#         Got polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
            //else                  DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#        Got triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
            maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
            //DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++],"#             Total Solve: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-tt , maxMemoryUsage );

            //if( NoComments.set )
            //    if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII         , NULL , 0 , iXForm );
            //    else            PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , NULL , 0 , iXForm );
            //    if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII         , comments , commentNum , iXForm );
            //    else            PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , comments , commentNum , iXForm );
            int incorePointNum = int( mesh.inCorePoints.size() );
            int outofcorePointNum = mesh.outOfCorePointCount();
            DebugLog << "incorePointNum: " << incorePointNum << std::endl;
            DebugLog << "outofcorePointNum: " << outofcorePointNum << std::endl;
            for(int pIndex = 0 ; pIndex < incorePointNum ; pIndex++ )
                PlyValueVertex< Real > vertex = iXForm * mesh.inCorePoints[pIndex];
                //ply_put_element(ply, (void *) &vertex);
            for(int pIndex = 0; pIndex < outofcorePointNum; pIndex++ )
                PlyValueVertex< Real > vertex;
                mesh.nextOutOfCorePoint( vertex );
                vertex = iXForm * ( vertex );
                //ply_put_element(ply, (void *) &vertex);
            int polyNum = mesh.polygonCount();
            DebugLog << "polyNum: " << polyNum << std::endl;
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < polyNum; pIndex++)
                std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > coreIndex;
                std::vector< int > pureIndex;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < coreIndex.size(); ii++)
                    if (coreIndex.at(ii).inCore)
                        pureIndex.push_back(coreIndex.at(ii).idx + incorePointNum);
                if (coreIndex.size() != 3)
                    DebugLog << "Error: coreIndex.size: " << coreIndex.size() << std::endl;
            //just for test
            /*DebugLog << "Export inter object" << std::endl;
            std::ofstream fout("pc_inter.obj");
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < vertices.size(); pIndex++)
                PlyValueVertex< float > vert = vertices.at(pIndex);
                fout << "v " << vert.point[0] << " " << vert.point[1] << " " << vert.point[2] << std::endl;
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < polygons.size(); pIndex++)
                fout << "f " << polygons.at(pIndex).at(0) + 1 << " " << polygons.at(pIndex).at(1) + 1 << " " << polygons.at(pIndex).at(2) + 1 << std::endl;
    MagicDGP::LightMesh3D* PoissonReconstruction::SurfaceTrimmer(int argc , char* argv[], std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > >& vertices, std::vector< std::vector< int > >& polygons)
        cmdLineString In( "in" ) , Out( "out" );
        cmdLineInt Smooth( "smooth" , 5 );
        cmdLineFloat Trim( "trim" ) , IslandAreaRatio( "aRatio" , 0.001f );
        cmdLineFloatArray< 2 > ColorRange( "color" );
        cmdLineReadable PolygonMesh( "polygonMesh" );

        cmdLineReadable* params[] =
            &In , &Out , &Trim , &PolygonMesh , &ColorRange , &Smooth , &IslandAreaRatio

        int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*);
        cmdLineParse( argc , argv, paramNum , params , 0 );

        float min , max;
        //std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > > vertices;
        //std::vector< std::vector< int > > polygons;

        //int ft , commentNum = paramNum+2;
        //char** comments;
        //bool readFlags[ PlyValueVertex< float >::Components ];
        //PlyReadPolygons( In.value , vertices , polygons , PlyValueVertex< float >::Properties , PlyValueVertex< float >::Components , ft , &comments , &commentNum , readFlags );
        //if( !readFlags[3] ){ fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] vertices do not have value flag\n" ) ; return EXIT_FAILURE; }

        for( int i=0 ; i<Smooth.value ; i++ ) SmoothValues( vertices , polygons );

        min = max = vertices[0].value;
        for( size_t i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ ) min = std::min< float >( min , vertices[i].value ) , max = std::max< float >( max , vertices[i].value );
        printf( "Value Range: [%f,%f]\n" , min , max );

        if( Trim.set )
            hash_map< long long , int > vertexTable;
            std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltPolygons , gtPolygons;
            std::vector< bool > ltFlags , gtFlags;

            /*for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum+2 ; i++ ) comments[i+commentNum]=new char[1024];
            sprintf( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Surface Trimmer (V5)" );
            if(              In.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , In.name , In.value );
            if(             Out.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , Out.name , Out.value );
            if(            Trim.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , Trim.name , Trim.value );
            if(          Smooth.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %d" , Smooth.name , Smooth.value );
            if( IslandAreaRatio.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , IslandAreaRatio.name , IslandAreaRatio.value );
            if(     PolygonMesh.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s" , PolygonMesh.name );*/

            double t=Time();
            for( size_t i=0 ; i<polygons.size() ; i++ ) SplitPolygon( polygons[i] , vertices , &ltPolygons , &gtPolygons , &ltFlags , &gtFlags , vertexTable , Trim.value );
            if( IslandAreaRatio.value>0 )
                std::vector< std::vector< int > > _ltPolygons , _gtPolygons;
                std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltComponents , gtComponents;
                SetConnectedComponents( ltPolygons , ltComponents );
                SetConnectedComponents( gtPolygons , gtComponents );
                std::vector< double > ltAreas( ltComponents.size() , 0. ) , gtAreas( gtComponents.size() , 0. );
                std::vector< bool > ltComponentFlags( ltComponents.size() , false ) , gtComponentFlags( gtComponents.size() , false );
                double area = 0.;
                for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ )
                    for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ )
                        ltAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
                        ltComponentFlags[i] = ( ltComponentFlags[i] || ltFlags[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
                    area += ltAreas[i];
                for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ )
                    for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ )
                        gtAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
                        gtComponentFlags[i] = ( gtComponentFlags[i] || gtFlags[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
                    area += gtAreas[i];
                for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ )
                    if( ltAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && ltComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
                    else                                                               for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
                for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ )
                    if( gtAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && gtComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
                    else                                                               for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
                ltPolygons = _ltPolygons , gtPolygons = _gtPolygons;
            if( !PolygonMesh.set )
                    std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = ltPolygons;
                    Triangulate( vertices , ltPolygons , polys ) , ltPolygons = polys;
                    std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = gtPolygons;
                    Triangulate( vertices , gtPolygons , polys ) , gtPolygons = polys;

            RemoveHangingVertices( vertices , gtPolygons );

            MagicDGP::LightMesh3D* pExportMesh = new MagicDGP::LightMesh3D;
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < vertices.size(); pIndex++)
                PlyValueVertex< float > vert = vertices.at(pIndex);
                MagicMath::Vector3 vertPos(vert.point[0], vert.point[1], vert.point[2]);
            for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < gtPolygons.size(); pIndex++)
                MagicDGP::FaceIndex faceIdx;
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    faceIdx.mIndex[k] = gtPolygons.at(pIndex).at(k);
            return pExportMesh;
            //if( ColorRange.set ) min = ColorRange.values[0] , max = ColorRange.values[1];
            //std::vector< PlyColorVertex< float > > outVertices;
            //ColorVertices( vertices , outVertices , min , max );
            ////if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , outVertices , polygons , PlyColorVertex< float >::Properties , PlyColorVertex< float >::Components , ft , comments , commentNum );
            //if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , outVertices , polygons , PlyColorVertex< float >::Properties , PlyColorVertex< float >::Components , 1 , NULL , 0 );

        return NULL;
int ExecuteMemory( int argc , char* argv[], std::vector< std::vector< float > > & positions, std::vector< std::vector< float > > & normals,
                   std::vector< std::vector< float > > & vertices, std::vector< std::vector< int > > & faces )
    argc = (int)argc;
    argv = argv;

    cmdLineParse( argc-1 , &argv[1] , sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 1 );

    typedef PlyVertex< Real > Vertex;
    bool OutputDensity = false;
    OutputDensity = OutputDensity;

    int i;
    int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*);
    int commentNum=0;
    char **comments;

    comments = new char*[paramNum+7];
    for( i=0 ; i<paramNum+7 ; i++ ) comments[i] = new char[1024];

    if( Verbose.set ) echoStdout=1;

    XForm4x4< Real > xForm , iXForm;
    if( XForm.set )
        FILE* fp = fopen( XForm.value , "r" );
        if( !fp )
            fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Could not read x-form from: %s\n" , XForm.value );
            xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity();
            for( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++ ) fscanf( fp , " %f " , &xForm( i , j ) );
            fclose( fp );
    else xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity();
    iXForm = xForm.inverse();

    DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 5.5)\n" , Degree );
    char str[1024];
    for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum ; i++ )
        if( params[i]->set )
            params[i]->writeValue( str );
            if( strlen( str ) ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , str );
            else                DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s\n" , params[i]->name );

    double t;
    double tt=Time();
    Real isoValue = 0;

    Octree< Degree , false > tree;
    tree.threads = Threads.value;

    //if( !In.set )
    //	ShowUsage(argv[0]);
    //	return 0;

    if( !MaxSolveDepth.set ) MaxSolveDepth.value = Depth.value;
    if( SolverDivide.value<MinDepth.value )
        fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , SolverDivide.name , MinDepth.name , SolverDivide.value , MinDepth.value );
        SolverDivide.value = MinDepth.value;
    if( IsoDivide.value<MinDepth.value )
        fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , IsoDivide.name , MinDepth.name , IsoDivide.value , IsoDivide.value );
        IsoDivide.value = MinDepth.value;

    OctNode< TreeNodeData< false > , Real >::SetAllocator( MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE );

    int kernelDepth = KernelDepth.set ?  KernelDepth.value : Depth.value-2;

    tree.setBSplineData( Depth.value , BoundaryType.value );
    if( kernelDepth>Depth.value )
        fprintf( stderr,"[ERROR] %s can't be greater than %s: %d <= %d\n" , KernelDepth.name , Depth.name , KernelDepth.value , Depth.value );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    double maxMemoryUsage;
    t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;

    //int pointCount = tree.setTree( In.value , Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm );

    // Load data
    MemoryPointStream< Real >* ps = new MemoryPointStream< Real >( &positions, &normals );
    int pointCount = tree.setTreeMemory( ps , Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm );

    tree.finalize( IsoDivide.value );

    DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#             Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
    DumpOutput( "Input Points: %d\n" , pointCount );
    DumpOutput( "Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n" , tree.tree.leaves() , tree.tree.nodes() );
    DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );

    maxMemoryUsage = tree.maxMemoryUsage;
    t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
    DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#      Constraints set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
    DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20) );
    maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );

    t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
    tree.LaplacianMatrixIteration( SolverDivide.value, ShowResidual.set , MinIters.value , SolverAccuracy.value , MaxSolveDepth.value , FixedIters.value );
    DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Linear system solved in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
    DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) );
    maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );

    CoredFileMeshData< Vertex > mesh;

    if( Verbose.set ) tree.maxMemoryUsage=0;
    isoValue = tree.GetIsoValue();
    DumpOutput( "Got average in: %f\n" , Time()-t );
    DumpOutput( "Iso-Value: %e\n" , isoValue );

    if( VoxelGrid.set )
        double t = Time();
        FILE* fp = fopen( VoxelGrid.value , "wb" );
        if( !fp ) fprintf( stderr , "Failed to open voxel file for writing: %s\n" , VoxelGrid.value );
            int res;
            Pointer( Real ) values = tree.GetSolutionGrid( res , isoValue , VoxelDepth.value );
            fwrite( &res , sizeof(int) , 1 , fp );
            if( sizeof(Real)==sizeof(float) ) fwrite( values , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp );
                float *fValues = new float[res*res*res];
                for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) fValues[i] = float( values[i] );
                fwrite( fValues , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp );
                delete[] fValues;
            fclose( fp );
            DeletePointer( values );
        DumpOutput( "Got voxel grid in: %f\n" , Time()-t );

    if( Out.set )
        t = Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage = 0;
        tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , !NonManifold.set , PolygonMesh.set );
        if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#         Got polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        else                  DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "#        Got triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage );
        DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++],"#             Total Solve: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-tt , maxMemoryUsage );

        if( NoComments.set )
        	if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII         , NULL , 0 , iXForm );
        	else            PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , NULL , 0 , iXForm );
        	if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII         , comments , commentNum , iXForm );
        	else            PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , comments , commentNum , iXForm );

        // Write to memory
        writeTriMesh(&mesh, vertices, faces);

    return 1;
int Execute(int argc,char* argv[])
	int i;
	cmdLineString In,Out;
	cmdLineReadable Binary,Verbose,NoResetSamples,NoClipTree,Confidence,Manifold,PolygonMesh;
	cmdLineInt Depth(8),SolverDivide(8),IsoDivide(8),Refine(3);
	cmdLineInt KernelDepth;
	cmdLineFloat SamplesPerNode(1.0f),Scale(1.1f);
	char* paramNames[]=
	cmdLineReadable* params[]=
	int paramNum=sizeof(paramNames)/sizeof(char*);
	int commentNum=0;
	char **comments;

	comments=new char*[paramNum+7];
	for(i=0;i<paramNum+7;i++){comments[i]=new char[1024];}

	const char* Rev = "Rev: V2 ";
	const char* Date = "Date: 2006-11-09 (Thur, 09 Nov 2006) ";



	DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"Running Multi-Grid Octree Surface Reconstructor (degree %d). Version 3\n", Degree);
	if(In.set)				{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--in %s\n",In.value);}
	if(Out.set)				{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--out %s\n",Out.value);}
	if(Binary.set)			{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--binary\n");}
	if(Depth.set)			{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--depth %d\n",Depth.value);}
	if(SolverDivide.set)	{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--solverDivide %d\n",SolverDivide.value);}
	if(IsoDivide.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--isoDivide %d\n",IsoDivide.value);}
	if(Refine.set)			{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--refine %d\n",Refine.value);}
	if(Scale.set)			{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--scale %f\n",Scale.value);}
	if(KernelDepth.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--kernelDepth %d\n",KernelDepth.value);}
	if(SamplesPerNode.set)	{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--samplesPerNode %f\n",SamplesPerNode.value);}
	if(NoResetSamples.set)	{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--noResetSamples\n");}
	if(NoClipTree.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--noClipTree\n");}
	if(Confidence.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--confidence\n");}
	if(Manifold.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--manifold\n");}
	if(PolygonMesh.set)		{DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--polygonMesh\n");}

	double t;
	double tt=Time();
	Point3D<float> center;
	Real scale=1.0;
	Real isoValue=0;
	// Fix courtesy of David Gallup //
	TreeNodeData::UseIndex = 1;     //
	Octree<Degree> tree;
	PPolynomial<Degree> ReconstructionFunction=PPolynomial<Degree>::GaussianApproximation();

	if(!In.set || !Out.set)
		return 0;

	int kernelDepth=Depth.value-2;

	DumpOutput("Function Data Set In: %lg\n",Time()-t);
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));
		fprintf(stderr,"KernelDepth can't be greater than Depth: %d <= %d\n",kernelDepth,Depth.value);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

#if 1
	DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#             Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage);
	DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes());
	DumpOutput("   Tree Size: %.3f MB\n",float(sizeof(TreeOctNode)*tree.tree.nodes())/(1<<20));
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));

		DumpOutput("Tree Clipped In: %lg\n",Time()-t);
		DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes());
		DumpOutput("   Tree Size: %.3f MB\n",float(sizeof(TreeOctNode)*tree.tree.nodes())/(1<<20));

	DumpOutput("Finalized 1 In: %lg\n",Time()-t);
	DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes());
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));

	DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#Laplacian Weights Set In: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage);
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));

	DumpOutput("Finalized 2 In: %lg\n",Time()-t);
	DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes());
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));

	DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Linear System Solved In: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage);
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20));

	CoredVectorMeshData mesh;
	DumpOutput("Got average in: %f\n",Time()-t);
	DumpOutput("Iso-Value: %e\n",isoValue);
	DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(tree.MemoryUsage()));

	if(IsoDivide.value) tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , Manifold.set , PolygonMesh.set );
	else                tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue ,                   &mesh , 0 , 1 , Manifold.set , PolygonMesh.set );
	if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#         Got Polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage);
	else                  DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#        Got Triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage);
	DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#              Total Time: %9.1f (s)\n",Time()-tt);

	return 1;
int main( int argc , char* argv[] )
	int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*);
	cmdLineParse( argc-1 , &argv[1] , paramNum , params , 0 );

	if( !In.set || !Trim.set )
		ShowUsage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
#else // !FOR_RELEASE
	if( !In.set )
		ShowUsage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
#endif // FOR_RELEASE
	float min , max;
	std::vector< PlyValueVertex< float > > vertices;
	std::vector< std::vector< int > > polygons;

	int ft , commentNum = paramNum+2;
	char** comments;
	bool readFlags[ PlyValueVertex< float >::Components ];
	PlyReadPolygons( In.value , vertices , polygons , PlyValueVertex< float >::Properties , PlyValueVertex< float >::Components , ft , &comments , &commentNum , readFlags );
	if( !readFlags[3] ){ fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] vertices do not have value flag\n" ) ; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
#if 0
	if( Trim.set ) for( int i=0 ; i<Smooth.value ; i++ ) SmoothValues( vertices , polygons , Trim.value-0.5f , Trim.value+0.5f );
	else           for( int i=0 ; i<Smooth.value ; i++ ) SmoothValues( vertices , polygons );
	for( int i=0 ; i<Smooth.value ; i++ ) SmoothValues( vertices , polygons );
	min = max = vertices[0].value;
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ ) min = std::min< float >( min , vertices[i].value ) , max = std::max< float >( max , vertices[i].value );
	printf( "Value Range: [%f,%f]\n" , min , max );

	if( Trim.set )
		hash_map< long long , int > vertexTable;
		std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltPolygons , gtPolygons;
		std::vector< bool > ltFlags , gtFlags;

		for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum+2 ; i++ ) comments[i+commentNum]=new char[1024];
		sprintf( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Surface Trimmer (V5)" );
		if(              In.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , In.name , In.value );
		if(             Out.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %s" , Out.name , Out.value );
		if(            Trim.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , Trim.name , Trim.value );
		if(          Smooth.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %d" , Smooth.name , Smooth.value );
		if( IslandAreaRatio.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s %f" , IslandAreaRatio.name , IslandAreaRatio.value );
		if(     PolygonMesh.set ) sprintf(comments[commentNum++],"\t--%s" , PolygonMesh.name );

		double t=Time();
		for( size_t i=0 ; i<polygons.size() ; i++ ) SplitPolygon( polygons[i] , vertices , &ltPolygons , &gtPolygons , &ltFlags , &gtFlags , vertexTable , Trim.value );
		if( IslandAreaRatio.value>0 )
			std::vector< std::vector< int > > _ltPolygons , _gtPolygons;
			std::vector< std::vector< int > > ltComponents , gtComponents;
			SetConnectedComponents( ltPolygons , ltComponents );
			SetConnectedComponents( gtPolygons , gtComponents );
			std::vector< double > ltAreas( ltComponents.size() , 0. ) , gtAreas( gtComponents.size() , 0. );
			std::vector< bool > ltComponentFlags( ltComponents.size() , false ) , gtComponentFlags( gtComponents.size() , false );
			double area = 0.;
			for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ )
				for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ )
					ltAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
					ltComponentFlags[i] = ( ltComponentFlags[i] || ltFlags[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
				area += ltAreas[i];
			for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ )
				for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ )
					gtAreas[i] += PolygonArea( vertices , gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
					gtComponentFlags[i] = ( gtComponentFlags[i] || gtFlags[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
				area += gtAreas[i];
			for( size_t i=0 ; i<ltComponents.size() ; i++ )
				if( ltAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && ltComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
				else                                                               for( size_t j=0 ; j<ltComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( ltPolygons[ ltComponents[i][j] ] );
			for( size_t i=0 ; i<gtComponents.size() ; i++ )
				if( gtAreas[i]<area*IslandAreaRatio.value && gtComponentFlags[i] ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _ltPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
				else                                                               for( size_t j=0 ; j<gtComponents[i].size() ; j++ ) _gtPolygons.push_back( gtPolygons[ gtComponents[i][j] ] );
			ltPolygons = _ltPolygons , gtPolygons = _gtPolygons;
		if( !PolygonMesh.set )
				std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = ltPolygons;
				Triangulate( vertices , ltPolygons , polys ) , ltPolygons = polys;
				std::vector< std::vector< int > > polys = gtPolygons;
				Triangulate( vertices , gtPolygons , polys ) , gtPolygons = polys;

		RemoveHangingVertices( vertices , gtPolygons );
		sprintf( comments[commentNum++] , "#Trimmed In: %9.1f (s)" , Time()-t );
		if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , vertices , gtPolygons , PlyValueVertex< float >::Properties , PlyValueVertex< float >::Components , ft , comments , commentNum );
		if( ColorRange.set ) min = ColorRange.values[0] , max = ColorRange.values[1];
		std::vector< PlyColorVertex< float > > outVertices;
		ColorVertices( vertices , outVertices , min , max );
		if( Out.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , outVertices , polygons , PlyColorVertex< float >::Properties , PlyColorVertex< float >::Components , ft , comments , commentNum );
