int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int ret; if( getuid() ) { printf("You must be root to run the MOL debugger\n"); return 1; } mregs = &sv.mregs; res_manager_init(0, argc, argv ); atexit( res_manager_cleanup ); /* Initialize socket and connect to MOL */ sv.fd = -1; do_connect(); symbols_init(); monitor_init(); cmdline_init(); install_monitor_cmds(); printm("Mac-on-Linux debugger %s, ", MOL_RELEASE); printm("(C) 2001 Samuel Rydh <*****@*****.**>\n"); atexit(exit_hook); for( ;; ) { if( (ret = mon_debugger()) == kDbgExit ) break; send_dgram1( sv.fd, kMDG_debug_action, ret ); } send_dgram( sv.fd, kMDG_disconnect ); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *fnm1, *fnm2; const char *survey = NULL; msg_init(argv); cmdline_set_syntax_message(/*FILE1 FILE2 [THRESHOLD]*/218, /*FILE1 and FILE2 can be .pos or .3d files\nTHRESHOLD is the max. ignorable change along any axis in metres (default %s)*/255, STRING(DFLT_MAX_THRESHOLD)); cmdline_init(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL, help, 2, 3); while (1) { int opt = cmdline_getopt(); if (opt == EOF) break; if (opt == 's') survey = optarg; } fnm1 = argv[optind++]; fnm2 = argv[optind++]; if (argv[optind]) { optarg = argv[optind]; threshold = cmdline_double_arg(); } tree_init(); old_separator = parse_file(fnm1, survey, tree_insert); new_separator = parse_file(fnm2, survey, tree_remove); return tree_check() ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Initialize random seed */ srand(time(NULL)); /* Initialize command line and fill all parameters */ cmdline_init(argc, argv); /* Check if user requires help */ if (help) { cmdline_print_usage(false); return 0; } /* Validate that a path was given */ if (!env_get_data_path()) { LOG_E("No path specified!\n"); goto err; } /* Initialize, run, and deinitialize machine */ if (!machine_init()) goto err; machine_run(); machine_deinit(); return 0; err: cmdline_print_usage(true); return 1; }
int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); get_device_id(); /* start stdout port */ sdStart(SD_STDIO, NULL); xflash_init(); cmdline_init(); rngStart(&RNGD); app_cfg_init(); check_for_faults(); gfx_init(); touch_init(); sensor_init(SENSOR_1, SD_OW1); sensor_init(SENSOR_2, SD_OW2); temp_control_init(CONTROLLER_1); temp_control_init(CONTROLLER_2); ota_update_init(); net_init(); web_api_init(); sntp_init(); gui_init(); thread_watchdog_init(); create_home_screen(); recovery_screen_create(); screen_saver_create(); if (palReadPad(PORT_SELF_TEST_EN, PAD_SELF_TEST_EN) == 0) { widget_t* self_test_screen = self_test_screen_create(); gui_push_screen(self_test_screen); } recovery_img_init(); while (TRUE) { cmdline_restart(); toggle_LED1(); } }
/** * Initialise command line and initrd * */ static void runtime_init ( void ) { int rc; /* Initialise command line */ if ( ( rc = cmdline_init() ) != 0 ) { /* No way to report failure */ return; } /* Initialise initrd */ if ( ( rc = initrd_init() ) != 0 ) { /* No way to report failure */ return; } }
void modules_init( void ) { #ifdef CONFIG_CMDLINE cmdline_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DEBLOCKER deblocker_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DISK_LABEL disklabel_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HFSP hfsp_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_HFS hfs_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_EXT2 ext2_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_ISO9660 iso9660_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_GRUBFS grubfs_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MAC_PARTS macparts_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PC_PARTS pcparts_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_SUN_PARTS sunparts_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LOADER_XCOFF xcoff_loader_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LOADER_ELF elf_loader_init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LOADER_BOOTINFO bootinfo_loader_init(); #endif }
int main(void) { lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); lcd_command(LCD_DISP_ON_CURSOR_BLINK); lcd_clrscr(); lcd_puts_P("Beispiel 2 v0.1"); DDRA = _BV(PA4); cmdline_init(); sei(); for (;;) /* main event loop */ { process_cmdline(); } return 0; }
extern CDECL int main(int argc, char **argv) { int d; time_t tmUserStart = time(NULL); clock_t tmCPUStart = clock(); { /* FIXME: localtime? */ struct tm * t = localtime(&tmUserStart); int y = t->tm_year + 1900; current_days_since_1900 = days_since_1900(y, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday); } /* Always buffer by line for aven's benefit. */ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); msg_init(argv); #if OS_WIN32 || OS_UNIX_MACOSX pj_set_finder(msg_proj_finder); #endif pcs = osnew(settings); pcs->next = NULL; pcs->Translate = ((short*) osmalloc(ossizeof(short) * 257)) + 1; pcs->meta = NULL; pcs->proj = NULL; pcs->declination = HUGE_REAL; pcs->convergence = 0.0; /* Set up root of prefix hierarchy */ root = osnew(prefix); root->up = root->right = root->down = NULL; root->stn = NULL; root->pos = NULL; root->ident = NULL; root->min_export = root->max_export = 0; root->sflags = BIT(SFLAGS_SURVEY); root->filename = NULL; nosurveyhead = NULL; stnlist = NULL; cLegs = cStns = cComponents = 0; totadj = total = totplan = totvert = 0.0; for (d = 0; d <= 2; d++) { min[d] = HUGE_REAL; max[d] = -HUGE_REAL; pfxHi[d] = pfxLo[d] = NULL; } /* at least one argument must be given */ cmdline_init(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL, help, 1, -1); while (1) { int opt = cmdline_getopt(); if (opt == EOF) break; switch (opt) { case 'p': /* Ignore for compatibility with older versions. */ break; case 'o': { osfree(fnm_output_base); /* in case of multiple -o options */ /* can be a directory (in which case use basename of leaf input) * or a file (in which case just trim the extension off) */ if (fDirectory(optarg)) { /* this is a little tricky - we need to note the path here, * and then add the leaf later on (in datain.c) */ fnm_output_base = base_from_fnm(optarg); fnm_output_base_is_dir = 1; } else { fnm_output_base = base_from_fnm(optarg); } break; } case 'q': if (fQuiet) fMute = 1; fQuiet = 1; break; case 's': fSuppress = 1; break; case 'v': { int v = atoi(optarg); if (v < IMG_VERSION_MIN || v > IMG_VERSION_MAX) fatalerror(/*3d file format versions %d to %d supported*/88, IMG_VERSION_MIN, IMG_VERSION_MAX); img_output_version = v; break; } case 'w': f_warnings_are_errors = 1; break; case 'z': { /* Control which network optimisations are used (development tool) */ static int first_opt_z = 1; char c; if (first_opt_z) { optimize = 0; first_opt_z = 0; } /* Lollipops, Parallel legs, Iterate mx, Delta* */ while ((c = *optarg++) != '\0') if (islower((unsigned char)c)) optimize |= BITA(c); break; case 1: fLog = fTrue; break; #if OS_WIN32 case 2: atexit(pause_on_exit); break; #endif } } } if (fLog) { char *fnm; if (!fnm_output_base) { char *p; p = baseleaf_from_fnm(argv[optind]); fnm = add_ext(p, EXT_LOG); osfree(p); } else if (fnm_output_base_is_dir) { char *p; fnm = baseleaf_from_fnm(argv[optind]); p = use_path(fnm_output_base, fnm); osfree(fnm); fnm = add_ext(p, EXT_LOG); osfree(p); } else { fnm = add_ext(fnm_output_base, EXT_LOG); } if (!freopen(fnm, "w", stdout)) fatalerror(/*Failed to open output file “%s”*/47, fnm); osfree(fnm); } if (!fMute) { const char *p = COPYRIGHT_MSG; puts(PRETTYPACKAGE" "VERSION); while (1) { const char *q = p; p = strstr(p, "(C)"); if (p == NULL) { puts(q); break; } fwrite(q, 1, p - q, stdout); fputs(msg(/*©*/0), stdout); p += 3; } } atexit(delete_output_on_error); /* end of options, now process data files */ while (argv[optind]) { const char *fnm = argv[optind]; if (!fExplicitTitle) { char *lf; lf = baseleaf_from_fnm(fnm); if (survey_title) s_catchar(&survey_title, &survey_title_len, ' '); s_cat(&survey_title, &survey_title_len, lf); osfree(lf); } /* Select defaults settings */ default_all(pcs); data_file(NULL, fnm); /* first argument is current path */ optind++; } validate(); solve_network(/*stnlist*/); /* Find coordinates of all points */ validate(); /* close .3d file */ if (!img_close(pimg)) { char *fnm = add_ext(fnm_output_base, EXT_SVX_3D); fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm); } if (fhErrStat) safe_fclose(fhErrStat); out_current_action(msg(/*Calculating statistics*/120)); if (!fMute) do_stats(); if (!fQuiet) { /* clock() typically wraps after 72 minutes, but there doesn't seem * to be a better way. Still 72 minutes means some cave! * We detect if clock() could have wrapped and suppress CPU time * printing in this case. */ double tmUser = difftime(time(NULL), tmUserStart); double tmCPU; clock_t now = clock(); #define CLOCK_T_WRAP \ (sizeof(clock_t)<sizeof(long)?(1ul << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(clock_t))):0) tmCPU = (now - (unsigned long)tmCPUStart) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (now < tmCPUStart) tmCPU += CLOCK_T_WRAP / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (tmUser >= tmCPU + CLOCK_T_WRAP / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) tmCPU = 0; /* tmUser is integer, tmCPU not - equivalent to (ceil(tmCPU) >= tmUser) */ if (tmCPU + 1 > tmUser) { printf(msg(/*CPU time used %5.2fs*/140), tmCPU); } else if (tmCPU == 0) { if (tmUser != 0.0) { printf(msg(/*Time used %5.2fs*/141), tmUser); } else { fputs(msg(/*Time used unavailable*/142), stdout); } } else { printf(msg(/*Time used %5.2fs (%5.2fs CPU time)*/143), tmUser, tmCPU); } putnl(); } if (msg_warnings || msg_errors) { if (msg_errors || (f_warnings_are_errors && msg_warnings)) { printf(msg(/*There were %d warning(s) and %d error(s) - no output files produced.*/113), msg_warnings, msg_errors); putnl(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf(msg(/*There were %d warning(s).*/16), msg_warnings); putnl(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ CMDLINE_CONTEXT cmd_context; const char *zhonx_info = (char *)CONFIG_ZHONX_INFO_ADDR; /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC1_Init(); MX_ADC2_Init(); MX_ADC3_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); MX_RNG_Init(); MX_TIM1_Init(); MX_TIM2_Init(); MX_TIM3_Init(); MX_TIM4_Init(); MX_TIM5_Init(); MX_TIM6_Init(); MX_TIM7_Init(); MX_TIM8_Init(); MX_TIM11_Init(); MX_USART3_UART_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ expanderInit(); HAL_Delay(100); mainControlInit(); ssd1306Init(0); timesBaseInit(); ledPowerBlink(990, 10); settingsInit(); mulimeterInit(); bluetoothInit(); toneInit(); spyPostInit(); positionControlSetPositionType(GYRO); mainControlSetFollowType(NO_FOLLOW); toneSetVolulme(100); tone(F4, 50); toneItMode(A4, 50); // Register Output callback cmd_context.out = blockingPrintf; // Initialize Command Line module cmdline_init(&cmd_context); // Check if robot name is populated in Flash memset(zhonxName, 0, sizeof(zhonxName)); // Retrieve ZHONX information from flash if any if (zhonx_info[0] == 'Z') { strcpy(zhonxName, zhonx_info); } while (zhonxName[0] == 0) { menu(zhonxNameMenu); } while (1) { menu(mainMenu); powerOffConfirmation(); } /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) ; /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
int init_cmdline_options(void) { if (cmdline_init()) { archdep_startup_log_error("Cannot initialize command-line handling.\n"); return -1; } if (log_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("log"); return -1; } if (initcmdline_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("main"); return -1; } if (sysfile_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("system file locator"); return -1; } if (!video_disabled_mode && ui_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("UI"); return -1; } if (machine_class != VICE_MACHINE_VSID) { if (autostart_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_resource_fail("autostart"); return -1; } if (romset_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("romset"); return -1; } if (fliplist_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("flip list"); return -1; } if (file_system_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("attach"); return -1; } if (disk_image_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("disk image"); return -1; } if (event_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("event"); return -1; } } if (monitor_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("monitor"); return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG if (debug_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("debug"); return -1; } #endif if (machine_common_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("machine common"); return -1; } if (machine_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("machine"); return -1; } if (machine_class != VICE_MACHINE_VSID) { if (fsdevice_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("file system"); return -1; } } if (!video_disabled_mode && joystick_init_cmdline_options() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("joystick"); return -1; } if (machine_class != VICE_MACHINE_VSID) { if (kbdbuf_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("keyboard"); return -1; } if (ram_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("RAM"); return -1; } if (gfxoutput_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("GFXOUTPUT"); return -1; } } #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK if (monitor_network_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("MONITOR_NETWORK"); return -1; } #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { transfer * st_sender =NULL; int chk_interval = 0, attach = 0, cap_num = 0; char *dst_ip = NULL; unsigned short dst_port = 0; int opt_idx = 0, opt_id = 0, arg_num = 0; void *arglist = NULL; pkt_cap_ctx_p p_cap_ctx = NULL; st_ctx_p p_st_ctx = NULL; cpu_set_t set; if (argc < 2) return 1; if (0 != cmdline_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "cmdline_init failed!\n"); return 1; } if (0 != cmdline_parse(argc-1, &argv[1], opt_prof)) { fprintf(stderr, "cmdline_parse failed!\n"); return 1; } while (-1 != cmdline_result_loop(&opt_idx, &opt_id, &arglist, &arg_num)) { switch (opt_id) { case OPT_HELP: return usage(); break; case OPT_DEST: dst_ip = strdup(cmdline_get_arg(arglist, 0)); dst_port = atoi(cmdline_get_arg(arglist, 1)); break; case OPT_INTERVAL: chk_interval = atoi(cmdline_get_arg(arglist, 0)); break; case OPT_CAP_NUM: cap_num = atoi(cmdline_get_arg(arglist, 0)); break; case OPT_ATTACH: attach = atoi(cmdline_get_arg(arglist, 0)); break; default: break; } } cmdline_show(); cmdline_destroy(); st_sender = new transfer(IS_CLIENT, SOCK_DGRAM, dst_ip, dst_port); if (!st_sender || true != st_sender->is_ok()) { return -1; } p_cap_ctx = pkt_cap_ctx_new(cap_num); MEM_ALLOC(p_st_ctx, st_ctx_p, sizeof(st_ctx_t), 1); int cpu_num = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); fprintf(stdout, "cpu num = %d\n", cpu_num); p_st_ctx->num = cap_num; p_st_ctx->chk_interval = chk_interval; p_st_ctx->p_cap_ctx = p_cap_ctx; p_st_ctx->sender = st_sender; if (attach) p_st_ctx->id = cap_num > cpu_num ? (cpu_num-1) : cap_num; else p_st_ctx->id = -1; pthread_t st_thd; if (0 != pthread_create(&st_thd, NULL, st_cb, (void*)p_st_ctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "create st_cb failed!\n"); return 1; } pthread_t cap_thd; for (int i = 0; i < cap_num; i++) { if (attach) p_cap_ctx[i].id = cap_num > cpu_num ? (i%(cpu_num-1)) : i; else p_cap_ctx[i].id = -1; if (0 != pthread_create(&cap_thd, NULL, pkt_cap_cb, &p_cap_ctx[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "create pkt_cap_cb failed!\n"); return 1; } } void *ret = NULL; pthread_join(st_thd, &ret); return 0; }
int init_cmdline_options(void) { if (cmdline_init()) { archdep_startup_log_error("Cannot initialize command-line handling.\n"); return -1; } if (log_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("log"); return -1; } if (initcmdline_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("main"); return -1; } if (sysfile_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("system file locator"); return -1; } if (!video_disabled_mode && ui_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("UI"); return -1; } if (machine_class != VICE_MACHINE_VSID) { if (romset_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("romset"); return -1; } } if (monitor_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("monitor"); return -1; } if (machine_common_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("machine common"); return -1; } if (vsync_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("vsync"); return -1; } if (sound_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("sound"); return -1; } if (keyboard_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("keyboard"); return -1; } if (video_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("video"); return -1; } if (machine_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("machine"); return -1; } if (machine_class != VICE_MACHINE_VSID) { if (ram_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("RAM"); return -1; } } #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK if (monitor_network_cmdline_options_init() < 0) { init_cmdline_options_fail("MONITOR_NETWORK"); return -1; } #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *fnm_in, *fnm_out; char *desc; img_point pt; int result; point *fr = NULL, *to; double zMax = -DBL_MAX; point *p; const char *survey = NULL; const char *specfile = NULL; img *pimg; int have_xsect = 0; msg_init(argv); /* TRANSLATORS: Part of extend --help */ cmdline_set_syntax_message(/*INPUT_3D_FILE [OUTPUT_3D_FILE]*/267, 0, NULL); cmdline_init(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL, help, 1, 2); while (1) { int opt = cmdline_getopt(); if (opt == EOF) break; if (opt == 's') survey = optarg; if (opt == 'p') specfile = optarg; } fnm_in = argv[optind++]; if (argv[optind]) { fnm_out = argv[optind]; } else { char * base_in = base_from_fnm(fnm_in); char * base_out = osmalloc(strlen(base_in) + 8); strcpy(base_out, base_in); strcat(base_out, "_extend"); fnm_out = add_ext(base_out, EXT_SVX_3D); osfree(base_in); osfree(base_out); } /* try to open image file, and check it has correct header */ pimg = img_open_survey(fnm_in, survey); if (pimg == NULL) fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_in); putnl(); puts(msg(/*Reading in data - please wait…*/105)); htab = osmalloc(ossizeof(pfx*) * HTAB_SIZE); { int i; for (i = 0; i < HTAB_SIZE; ++i) htab[i] = NULL; } do { result = img_read_item(pimg, &pt); switch (result) { case img_MOVE: fr = find_point(&pt); break; case img_LINE: if (!fr) { result = img_BAD; break; } to = find_point(&pt); if (!(pimg->flags & (img_FLAG_SURFACE|img_FLAG_SPLAY))) add_leg(fr, to, pimg->label, pimg->flags); fr = to; break; case img_LABEL: to = find_point(&pt); add_label(to, pimg->label, pimg->flags); break; case img_BAD: (void)img_close(pimg); fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_in); break; case img_XSECT: have_xsect = 1; break; } } while (result != img_STOP); desc = osstrdup(pimg->title); if (specfile) { FILE *fs = NULL; char *fnm_used; /* TRANSLATORS: for extend: */ printf(msg(/*Applying specfile: “%s”*/521), specfile); putnl(); fs = fopenWithPthAndExt("", specfile, NULL, "r", &fnm_used); if (fs == NULL) fatalerror(/*Couldn’t open file “%s”*/93, specfile); while (!feof(fs)) { char *lbuf = getline_alloc(fs, 32); lineno++; if (!lbuf) fatalerror_in_file(fnm_used, lineno, /*Error reading file*/18); parseconfigline(fnm_used, lbuf); osfree(lbuf); } osfree(fnm_used); } if (start == NULL) { /* i.e. start wasn't specified in specfile */ /* start at the highest entrance with some legs attached */ for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->order > 0 && p->p.z > zMax) { const stn *s; for (s = p->stns; s; s = s->next) { if (s->flags & img_SFLAG_ENTRANCE) { start = p; zMax = p->p.z; break; } } } } if (start == NULL) { /* if no entrances with legs, start at the highest 1-node */ for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->order == 1 && p->p.z > zMax) { start = p; zMax = p->p.z; } } /* of course we may have no 1-nodes... */ if (start == NULL) { for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->order != 0 && p->p.z > zMax) { start = p; zMax = p->p.z; } } if (start == NULL) { /* There are no legs - just pick the highest station... */ for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->p.z > zMax) { start = p; zMax = p->p.z; } } if (!start) fatalerror(/*No survey data*/43); } } } } /* TRANSLATORS: for extend: * Used to tell the user that a file is being written - %s is the filename */ printf(msg(/*Writing %s…*/522), fnm_out); putnl(); pimg_out = img_open_write(fnm_out, desc, img_FFLAG_EXTENDED); /* Only does single connected component currently. */ do_stn(start, 0.0, NULL, ERIGHT, 0); if (have_xsect) { img_rewind(pimg); /* Read ahead on pimg before writing pimg_out so we find out if an * img_XSECT_END comes next. */ char * label = NULL; int flags = 0; do { result = img_read_item(pimg, &pt); if (result == img_XSECT || result == img_XSECT_END) { if (label) { if (result == img_XSECT_END) flags |= img_XFLAG_END; img_write_item(pimg_out, img_XSECT, flags, label, 0, 0, 0); osfree(label); label = NULL; } } if (result == img_XSECT) { label = osstrdup(pimg->label); flags = pimg->flags; pimg_out->l = pimg->l; pimg_out->r = pimg->r; pimg_out->u = pimg->u; pimg_out->d = pimg->d; } } while (result != img_STOP); } (void)img_close(pimg); if (!img_close(pimg_out)) { (void)remove(fnm_out); fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_out); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = -1; #if 1 #ifndef DEEBE_RELEASE FILE *try_log = fopen(LOG_FILENAME, "wt"); if (NULL != try_log) fp_log = try_log; else fp_log = stdout; try_log = NULL; #endif #else fp_log = stdout; #endif /* Signal handlers */ signal_handle_sigio = main_sigio; signal_handle_sigrtmin = main_sigrtmin; signal_handle_sigchld = main_sigchld; if (0 != cmdline_init(argc, argv)) { /* start the watchdog timer */ if (cmdline_watchdog_minutes > 0) { /* watchdog is in seconds, for *= 60 */ long seconds = 60 * cmdline_watchdog_minutes; if (!watchdog_init(seconds)) { /* * Only report this error if timer_create * is supported. If it isn't then the watchdog * functionality is simulated in the network * code where read or connect delays are * expected. */ #ifdef HAVE_TIMER_CREATE fprintf(stderr, "Problem initializing watchdog timer for %ld seconds\n", seconds); /* * watchdog_init does not turn on the * the signal unless it is successful * so we do not have to disable it */ #endif } } if (cmdline_port_fwd > 0) ret = main_forward(); else ret = main_debug(); } cmdline_cleanup(); if (fp_log) { if (fp_log != stdout) { fflush(fp_log); fclose(fp_log); fp_log = stdout; } } return ret; }
/* The main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct utsname system; FILE *infile, *outfile; unsigned short int i, n, filesize; unsigned char buffer, optiondefs = 0; unsigned char programData[28000]; unsigned short int checksum; /* --- Header File Values --- */ /* The header will be modified if your destcalc_id is not 3... */ unsigned char header[11] = { '*', '*', 'T', 'I', '8', '3', '*', '*', 0x1A, 0x0A, 0x00 }; unsigned char comment[42] = "File created under "; unsigned char fileLenLL = 0x00; unsigned char fileLenHH = 0x00; unsigned char varHeadLL = 0x00; unsigned char varHeadHH = 0x00; unsigned char dataLenLL = 0x00; unsigned char dataLenHH = 0x00; unsigned char programLenLL = 0x00; unsigned char programLenHH = 0x00; if (uname(&system) == -1) strcat(comment, "unknown system"); else strncat(comment, system.sysname, 20); /* --- Header File Values --- */ /* Parse all arguments */ struct CmdLineArgs *cmdline = (CmdLineArgs *) malloc(sizeof(CmdLineArgs)); cmdline_init(cmdline); /* set to null or default values all the fields of the struct */ getargs(argc, argv, cmdline); /* Get cmdline args */ cmdline_finalize(cmdline); /* Set to uppercase (or not). Add inverted a for crash (only 82p) */ /* At this point, all cmdline args should be parsed correctly */ if(cmdline->verbose) { puts("Bin8x v1.3 Ti-82/83/83+ squisher"); puts("Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Martijn Kuipers <*****@*****.**>"); puts("Copyright (C) 2003 Tijl Coosemans <*****@*****.**>"); puts("Copyright (C) 2004 Guillaume Hoffman <*****@*****.**>"); puts("Copyright (C) 2011 Thibault Duponchelle <*****@*****.**>"); } /* Concat extension */ switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) { case EXT_82P: header[5] = '2'; strcat(cmdline->output, ext82); break; case EXT_83P: strcat(cmdline->output, ext83); break; case EXT_8XP: header[6] = 'F'; strcat(cmdline->output, ext8x); break; default: puts("\nError : not a valid extension!"); exit(2); break; } /* At this point, all the informations are correct, we can do the real job */ if(cmdline->verbose) print_cmdline(cmdline); /* Unsquish the code if user asked for it (option -q) */ if(cmdline->unsquish) { if((strcmp(cmdline->input, "__temp__.bin") == 0) || strcmp(cmdline->output, "__temp__.bin") == 0) { printf("You must use another input/output filename...\n"); exit(2); } int ret = unsquish(cmdline->input); if(ret == 1) return 1; } /* Unsquisher use a different file */ if (cmdline->input) { if(cmdline->unsquish){ if(!(infile = fopen("__temp__.bin", "r"))) { puts("Error opening inputfile!"); printf("File: __temp__.bin\n"); return (2); } } else { if (!(infile = fopen(cmdline->input, "r"))) { puts("Error opening inputfile!"); printf("File: %s\n", cmdline->input); return (2); } } printf("Using inputfile : %s\n", cmdline->input); } if (!(outfile = fopen(cmdline->output, "w"))) { puts("Error opening outputfile!"); return (3); } printf("Using outputfile : %s\n", cmdline->output); printf("Filename on calculator : %s\n", cmdline->name); filesize = -1; if (cmdline->executable && cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_8XP) { filesize++; programData[filesize] = 0xBB; filesize++; programData[filesize] = 0x6D; } // UNTESTED : (works only for CrASH(19006)) if (cmdline->destcalc_id == EXT_82P) { filesize++; programData[filesize] = 0xD5; filesize++; programData[filesize] = 0x00; filesize++; programData[filesize] = 0x11; } while (!feof(infile)) { filesize++; buffer = fgetc(infile); programData[filesize] = buffer; /* put this byte in the data * array, and increase the count */ } //printf("dcid : %c\n", cmdline->destcalc_id); switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) { case EXT_82P: // THAT IT WORKS printf("Size on calculator : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 6); fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x11); /* the file length = the size of the data array + 17 (0x11) */ fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x11); varHeadLL = 0x0B; break; case EXT_83P: printf("Size on calculator : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 6); fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x11); /* the file length = the size of the data array + 17 (0x11) */ fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x11); varHeadLL = 0x0B; break; default: //EXT_8XP: printf("Size on calculator : %u bytes\n", filesize + strlen(cmdline->name) + 8); fileLenHH = HH(filesize + 0x13); /* the file length = the size of the data array + 19 (0x13) */ fileLenLL = LL(filesize + 0x13); varHeadLL = 0x0D; break; } dataLenHH = HH(filesize + 2); /* the length of the data includes the 2 checksum bytes */ dataLenLL = LL(filesize + 2); programLenHH = HH(filesize); programLenLL = LL(filesize); checksum = 0x00; /* begin with the checksum set on zero */ for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) /* write the static header */ fputc(header[i], outfile); for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) fputc(comment[i], outfile); fputc(fileLenLL, outfile); /* file length */ fputc(fileLenHH, outfile); fputc(varHeadLL, outfile); /* length of variable header */ checksum += varHeadLL; /* checksum calculs start here */ fputc(varHeadHH, outfile); checksum += varHeadHH; fputc(dataLenLL, outfile); /* length of data */ checksum += dataLenLL; fputc(dataLenHH, outfile); checksum += dataLenHH; fputc(cmdline->progtype, outfile); /* protected program */ checksum += cmdline->progtype; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { /* write the name of the variable */ fputc(cmdline->name[i], outfile); checksum += cmdline->name[i]; } switch(cmdline->destcalc_id) { case EXT_8XP: puts("\nTI-83 Plus file made!!"); fputc(0x01, outfile); checksum += 0x01; fputc(0x00, outfile); break; /* checksum += 0x00; */ case EXT_83P: puts("\nPlain TI-83 file made!!"); break; case EXT_82P: puts("\nTI-82 file made!!"); break; default: puts("\nError : not a valid extension!"); exit(2); break; } fputc(dataLenLL, outfile); checksum += dataLenLL; fputc(dataLenHH, outfile); checksum += dataLenHH; fputc(programLenLL, outfile); /* length of program */ checksum += programLenLL; fputc(programLenHH, outfile); checksum += programLenHH; for (i = 0; i < filesize; i++) { /* now write the data array to the * file */ fputc(programData[i], outfile); checksum += programData[i]; /* and add it to the checksum */ } fputc(LL(checksum), outfile); /* write the checksum to the file */ fputc(HH(checksum), outfile); /* * Close all Handles */ fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); free(cmdline); return (0); }