coap_list_t *CACreateNewOptionNode(uint16_t key, uint32_t length, const char *data)

    if (!data)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "invalid pointer parameter");
        return NULL;

    coap_option *option = coap_malloc(sizeof(coap_option) + length + 1);
    if (!option)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Out of memory");
        return NULL;
    memset(option, 0, sizeof(coap_option) + length + 1);

    COAP_OPTION_KEY(*option) = key;

    coap_option_def_t* def = coap_opt_def(key);
    if (NULL != def && coap_is_var_bytes(def))
        if (length > def->max)
            // make sure we shrink the value so it fits the coap option definition
            // by truncating the value, disregard the leading bytes.
            OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Option [%d] data size [%d] shrunk to [%d]",
                      def->key, length, def->max);
            data = &(data[length-def->max]);
            length = def->max;
        // Shrink the encoding length to a minimum size for coap
        // options that support variable length encoding.
        COAP_OPTION_LENGTH(*option) = coap_encode_var_bytes(
                                          coap_decode_var_bytes((unsigned char *)data, length));
        COAP_OPTION_LENGTH(*option) = length;
        memcpy(COAP_OPTION_DATA(*option), data, length);

    /* we can pass NULL here as delete function since option is released automatically  */
    coap_list_t *node = coap_new_listnode(option, NULL);

    if (!node)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "node is NULL");
        return NULL;

    return node;
hnd_put_test(coap_context_t  *ctx, struct coap_resource_t *resource, 
	      coap_address_t *peer, coap_pdu_t *request, str *token,
	      coap_pdu_t *response) {
  coap_opt_iterator_t opt_iter;
  coap_opt_t *option;
  coap_payload_t *payload;
  size_t len;
  unsigned char *data;


  response->hdr->code = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(204);

  coap_get_data(request, &len, &data);

  payload = coap_find_payload(resource->key);
  if (payload && payload->max_data < len) { /* need more storage */
    payload = NULL;
    /* bug: when subsequent coap_new_payload() fails, our old contents
       is gone */

  if (!payload) {		/* create new payload */
    payload = coap_new_payload(len);
    if (!payload)
      goto error;

    coap_add_payload(resource->key, payload, NULL);
  payload->length = len;
  memcpy(payload->data, data, len);

  option = coap_check_option(request, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, &opt_iter);
  if (option) {
    /* set media type given in request */
    payload->media_type = 
      coap_decode_var_bytes(COAP_OPT_VALUE(option), COAP_OPT_LENGTH(option));
  } else {
    /* set default value */
    payload->media_type = COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN;
  /* FIXME: need to change attribute ct of resource. 
     To do so, we need dynamic management of the attribute value

  warn("cannot modify resource\n");
  response->hdr->code = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(500);
// When we receive the CoAP response we build and send the HTTP response
void coap_response_handler(struct coap_context_t *ctx, const coap_endpoint_t *local_interface,
                           const coap_address_t *remote, coap_pdu_t *sent, coap_pdu_t *received, const coap_tid_t id) {
    printf("COAP %13s:%-5u -> ",

    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
        if(http_coap_pairs[i].message_id == received->hdr->id) {
            struct MHD_Connection *connection = http_coap_pairs[i].connection;
            size_t len = 0;
            unsigned char *databuf = NULL;

            struct MHD_Response *response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(len, databuf, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY);

            int read_result = coap_get_data(received, &len, &databuf);
            if(received->hdr->code == COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(205) && read_result == 0) {
                coap_abort_to_http(connection, "coap_get_data: cannot read CoAP response data\n");

            static char tid_str[8];
            snprintf(tid_str, sizeof(tid_str), "%u", ntohs(received->hdr->id));
            MHD_add_response_header(response, "X-CoAP-Message-Id", tid_str);
            MHD_add_response_header(response, "X-CoAP-Response-Code", msg_code_string(received->hdr->code));

            // HTTP Content-Type
            const char *http_content_type;
            int coap_content_format;
            coap_opt_iterator_t opt_iter;
            coap_opt_t *option;
            coap_option_iterator_init(received, &opt_iter, COAP_OPT_ALL);
            while((option = coap_option_next(&opt_iter))) {
                switch(opt_iter.type) {
                    case COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT:
                        coap_content_format = (int)coap_decode_var_bytes(COAP_OPT_VALUE(option),
            switch(coap_content_format) {
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN:                 http_content_type = "text/plain"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT:    http_content_type = "application/link-format"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_XML:            http_content_type = "application/xml"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM:   http_content_type = "application/octet-stream"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_EXI:            http_content_type = "application/exi"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_JSON:           http_content_type = "application/json"; break;
                case COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_CBOR:           http_content_type = "application/cbor"; break;
                default:                                        http_content_type = "unknown"; break;
            MHD_add_response_header(response, MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, http_content_type);

            // HTTP Code
            unsigned int http_code;
            switch(received->hdr->code) {
                case COAP_RESPONSE_200:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT;            break; /* 2.00 OK */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_201:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_CREATED;               break; /* 2.01 Created */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(205):   http_code = MHD_HTTP_OK;                    break;
                case COAP_RESPONSE_304:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_ACCEPTED;              break; /* 2.03 Valid */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_400:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;           break; /* 4.00 Bad Request */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_404:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND;             break; /* 4.04 Not Found */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_405:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;        break; /* 4.05 Method Not Allowed */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_415:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE;break; /* 4.15 Unsupported Media Type */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_500:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break; /* 5.00 Internal Server Error */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_501:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;       break; /* 5.01 Not Implemented */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_503:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;   break; /* 5.03 Service Unavailable */
                case COAP_RESPONSE_504:         http_code = MHD_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT;       break; /* 5.04 Gateway Timeout */
                default:                        http_code = MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break;

            // Send the response
            MHD_queue_response(connection, http_code, response);

            const struct sockaddr_in *client_addr = (const struct sockaddr_in *)
                    MHD_get_connection_info(connection, MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CLIENT_ADDRESS)->client_addr;
            printf("HTTP %13s:%-5u <- %u %s [ %s, %zu bytes, \"%s\" ]\n", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr),
                   ntohs(client_addr->sin_port), http_code, http_reason_phrase_for(http_code),
                   http_content_type, len, (databuf != NULL) ? (char *)databuf : "");

        // clear the association
        http_coap_pairs[i].connection = NULL;
hnd_post_test(coap_context_t  *ctx, struct coap_resource_t *resource, 
	      coap_address_t *peer, coap_pdu_t *request, str *token,
	      coap_pdu_t *response) {
  coap_opt_iterator_t opt_iter;
  coap_opt_t *option;
  coap_payload_t *test_payload;
  size_t len;
  size_t l = 6 + sizeof(void *);
  coap_dynamic_uri_t *uri;
  unsigned char *data;

#define BUFSIZE 20
  int res;
  unsigned char _buf[BUFSIZE];
  unsigned char *buf = _buf;
  size_t buflen = BUFSIZE;


  coap_get_data(request, &len, &data);

  /* allocate storage for resource and to hold URI */
  test_payload = coap_new_payload(len);
  uri = (coap_dynamic_uri_t *)coap_malloc(sizeof(coap_dynamic_uri_t) + l);
  if (!(test_payload && uri)) {
    coap_log(LOG_CRIT, "cannot allocate new resource under /test");
    response->hdr->code = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(500);    
  } else {
    coap_resource_t *r;

    memset(uri, 0, sizeof(coap_dynamic_uri_t));
    uri->length = min(l, (size_t)snprintf((char *)uri->data, l, "test/%p", (void*)test_payload));
    test_payload->length = len;

    memcpy(test_payload->data, data, len);

    r = coap_resource_init(uri->data, uri->length, 0);
    coap_register_handler(r, COAP_REQUEST_GET, hnd_get_resource);
    coap_register_handler(r, COAP_REQUEST_DELETE, hnd_delete_resource);

    /* set media_type if available */
    option = coap_check_option(request, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, &opt_iter);
    if (option) {
      test_payload->media_type = 
	coap_decode_var_bytes(COAP_OPT_VALUE(option), COAP_OPT_LENGTH(option));

    coap_add_resource(ctx, r);
    coap_add_payload(r->key, test_payload, uri);

    /* add Location-Path */
    res = coap_split_path(uri->data, uri->length, buf, &buflen);

    while (res--) {
      coap_add_option(response, COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_PATH,
		      COAP_OPT_LENGTH(buf), COAP_OPT_VALUE(buf));
      buf += COAP_OPT_SIZE(buf);      

    response->hdr->code = COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(201);
