 * Initializes the biobjective observer. Possible options:
 * - log_nondominated : none (don't log nondominated solutions)
 * - log_nondominated : final (log only the final nondominated solutions; default value)
 * - log_nondominated : all (log every solution that is nondominated at creation time)
 * - log_decision_variables : none (don't output decision variables)
 * - log_decision_variables : log_dim (output decision variables only for dimensions lower or equal to 5; default value)
 * - log_decision_variables : all (output all decision variables)
 * - compute_indicators : 0 / 1 (whether to compute and output performance indicators; default value is 1)
 * - produce_all_data: 0 / 1 (whether to produce all data; if set to 1, overwrites other options and is equivalent to
 * setting log_nondominated to all, log_decision_variables to log_dim and compute_indicators to 1; if set to 0, it
 * does not change the values of other options; default value is 0)
static void observer_biobj(coco_observer_t *self, const char *options) {

  observer_biobj_t *data;
  char string_value[COCO_PATH_MAX];

  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));

  data->log_nondom_mode = FINAL;
  if (coco_options_read_string(options, "log_nondominated", string_value) > 0) {
    if (strcmp(string_value, "none") == 0)
      data->log_nondom_mode = NONE;
    else if (strcmp(string_value, "all") == 0)
      data->log_nondom_mode = ALL;

  data->log_vars_mode = LOW_DIM;
  if (coco_options_read_string(options, "log_decision_variables", string_value) > 0) {
    if (strcmp(string_value, "none") == 0)
      data->log_vars_mode = NEVER;
    else if (strcmp(string_value, "all") == 0)
      data->log_vars_mode = ALWAYS;

  if (coco_options_read_int(options, "compute_indicators", &(data->compute_indicators)) == 0)
    data->compute_indicators = 1;

  if (coco_options_read_int(options, "produce_all_data", &(data->produce_all_data)) == 0)
    data->produce_all_data = 0;

  if (data->produce_all_data) {
    data->log_vars_mode = LOW_DIM;
    data->compute_indicators = 1;
    data->log_nondom_mode = ALL;

  if (data->compute_indicators) {
    data->previous_function = -1;

  self->logger_initialize_function = logger_biobj;
  self->data_free_function = NULL;
  self->data = data;

  if ((data->log_nondom_mode == NONE) && (!data->compute_indicators)) {
    /* No logging required */
    self->is_active = 0;
 * @brief Initializes the bi-objective observer.
 * Possible options:
 * - log_nondominated : none (don't log nondominated solutions)
 * - log_nondominated : final (log only the final nondominated solutions)
 * - log_nondominated : all (log every solution that is nondominated at creation time; default value)
 * - log_decision_variables : none (don't output decision variables)
 * - log_decision_variables : log_dim (output decision variables only for dimensions lower or equal to 5;
 * default value)
 * - log_decision_variables : all (output all decision variables)
 * - compute_indicators : 0 / 1 (whether to compute and output performance indicators; default value is 1)
 * - produce_all_data: 0 / 1 (whether to produce all data; if set to 1, overwrites other options and is
 * equivalent to setting log_nondominated to all, log_decision_variables to log_dim and compute_indicators
 * to 1; if set to 0, it does not change the values of other options; default value is 0)
static void observer_biobj(coco_observer_t *observer, const char *options) {

  observer_biobj_data_t *observer_biobj;
  char string_value[COCO_PATH_MAX];

  observer_biobj = (observer_biobj_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*observer_biobj));

  observer_biobj->log_nondom_mode = LOG_NONDOM_ALL;
  if (coco_options_read_string(options, "log_nondominated", string_value) > 0) {
    if (strcmp(string_value, "none") == 0)
      observer_biobj->log_nondom_mode = LOG_NONDOM_NONE;
    else if (strcmp(string_value, "final") == 0)
      observer_biobj->log_nondom_mode = LOG_NONDOM_FINAL;

  observer_biobj->log_vars_mode = LOG_VARS_LOW_DIM;
  if (coco_options_read_string(options, "log_decision_variables", string_value) > 0) {
    if (strcmp(string_value, "none") == 0)
      observer_biobj->log_vars_mode = LOG_VARS_NEVER;
    else if (strcmp(string_value, "all") == 0)
      observer_biobj->log_vars_mode = LOG_VARS_ALWAYS;

  if (coco_options_read_int(options, "compute_indicators", &(observer_biobj->compute_indicators)) == 0)
    observer_biobj->compute_indicators = 1;

  if (coco_options_read_int(options, "produce_all_data", &(observer_biobj->produce_all_data)) == 0)
    observer_biobj->produce_all_data = 0;

  if (observer_biobj->produce_all_data) {
    observer_biobj->log_vars_mode = LOG_VARS_LOW_DIM;
    observer_biobj->compute_indicators = 1;
    observer_biobj->log_nondom_mode = LOG_NONDOM_ALL;

  if (observer_biobj->compute_indicators) {
    observer_biobj->previous_function = -1;

  observer->logger_initialize_function = logger_biobj;
  observer->data_free_function = NULL;
  observer->data = observer_biobj;

  if ((observer_biobj->log_nondom_mode == LOG_NONDOM_NONE) && (!observer_biobj->compute_indicators)) {
    /* No logging required */
    observer->is_active = 0;
 * Currently, three observers are supported:
 * - "bbob" is the observer for single-objective (both noisy and noiseless) problems with known optima, which
 * creates *.info, *.dat, *.tdat and *.rdat files and logs the distance to the optimum.
 * - "bbob-biobj" is the observer for bi-objective problems, which creates *.info and *.dat files for the
 * given indicators, as well as an archive folder with *.dat files containing nondominated solutions.
 * - "toy" is a simple observer that logs when a target has been hit.
 * @param observer_name A string containing the name of the observer. Currently supported observer names are
 * "bbob", "bbob-biobj", "toy". "no_observer", "" or NULL return NULL.
 * @param observer_options A string of pairs "key: value" used to pass the options to the observer. Some
 * observer options are general, while others are specific to some observers. Here we list only the general
 * options, see observer_bbob, observer_biobj and observer_toy for options of the specific observers.
 * - "result_folder: NAME" determines the output folder. If the folder with the given name already exists,
 * first NAME_001 will be tried, then NAME_002 and so on. The default value is "results".
 * - "algorithm_name: NAME", where NAME is a short name of the algorithm that will be used in plots (no
 * spaces are allowed). The default value is "ALG".
 * - "algorithm_info: STRING" stores the description of the algorithm. If it contains spaces, it must be
 * surrounded by double quotes. The default value is "" (no description).
 * - "precision_x: VALUE" defines the precision used when outputting variables and corresponds to the number
 * of digits to be printed after the decimal point. The default value is 8.
 * - precision_f: VALUE defines the precision used when outputting f values and corresponds to the number of
 * digits to be printed after the decimal point. The default value is 15.
 * @return The constructed observer object or NULL if observer_name equals NULL, "" or "no_observer".
coco_observer_t *coco_observer(const char *observer_name, const char *observer_options) {

  coco_observer_t *observer;
  char *result_folder, *algorithm_name, *algorithm_info;
  int precision_x, precision_f;

  if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "no_observer")) {
    return NULL;
  } else if (strlen(observer_name) == 0) {
    coco_warning("Empty observer_name has no effect. To prevent this warning use 'no_observer' instead");
    return NULL;

  result_folder = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(COCO_PATH_MAX);
  algorithm_name = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(COCO_PATH_MAX);
  algorithm_info = (char *) coco_allocate_memory(5 * COCO_PATH_MAX);
  /* Read result_folder, algorithm_name and algorithm_info from the observer_options and use
   * them to initialize the observer */
  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "result_folder", result_folder) == 0) {
    strcpy(result_folder, "exdata-default");
  coco_info("Results will be output to folder %s", result_folder);

  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "algorithm_name", algorithm_name) == 0) {
    strcpy(algorithm_name, "ALG");

  if (coco_options_read_string(observer_options, "algorithm_info", algorithm_info) == 0) {
    strcpy(algorithm_info, "");

  precision_x = 8;
  if (coco_options_read_int(observer_options, "precision_x", &precision_x) != 0) {
    if ((precision_x < 1) || (precision_x > 32))
      precision_x = 8;

  precision_f = 15;
  if (coco_options_read_int(observer_options, "precision_f", &precision_f) != 0) {
    if ((precision_f < 1) || (precision_f > 32))
      precision_f = 15;

  observer = coco_observer_allocate(result_folder, algorithm_name, algorithm_info, precision_x, precision_f);


  /* Here each observer must have an entry */
  if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "toy")) {
    observer_toy(observer, observer_options);
  } else if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "bbob")) {
    observer_bbob(observer, observer_options);
  } else if (0 == strcmp(observer_name, "bbob-biobj")) {
    observer_biobj(observer, observer_options);
  } else {
    coco_warning("Unknown observer!");
    return NULL;

  return observer;