DenseMatrix RMAExpressMatrixReader::read(std::istream& input, unsigned int opts) const
		//TODO: interpret the passed options

		if(readString_(input) != "RMAExpressionValues") {
			return DenseMatrix(0,0);

		uint32_t version;<char*>(&version), 4);

		if(version != 1) {
			return DenseMatrix(0,0);

		skipString_(input); // Skip the RMAExpress version number
		skipString_(input); // Skip the chiptype

		uint32_t nrows, ncols;<char*>(&ncols), 4);<char*>(&nrows), 4);

		std::vector<std::string> colnames(ncols);
		std::vector<std::string> rownames(nrows);

		readStringVector_(input, colnames);
		readStringVector_(input, rownames);

		DenseMatrix result(std::move(rownames), std::move(colnames));<char*>(result.matrix().data()), nrows * ncols * sizeof(double));

		return result;
SEXP rawSymmetricMatrixSubsetIndices(SEXP object_, SEXP i_, SEXP j_, SEXP drop_)
	Rcpp::S4 object = object_;
	Rcpp::CharacterVector markers = object.slot("markers");
	Rcpp::NumericVector levels = object.slot("levels");
	Rcpp::RawVector data = object.slot("data");
	Rcpp::IntegerVector i = i_;
	Rcpp::IntegerVector j = j_;
	bool drop = Rcpp::as<bool>(drop_);
		if(i.size() == 1 && j.size() == 1)
			R_xlen_t i = Rcpp::as<int>(i_);
			R_xlen_t j = Rcpp::as<int>(j_);
			if(i > j) std::swap(i, j);
			Rbyte rawValue = data[(j*(j-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + i-(R_xlen_t)1];
			if(rawValue == 0xff) return Rcpp::wrap(NA_REAL);
			return Rcpp::wrap(levels[rawValue]);
		else if(i.size() == 1)
			Rcpp::NumericVector result(j.size());
			R_xlen_t i = Rcpp::as<int>(i_);
			Rcpp::CharacterVector names(j.size());
			for(R_xlen_t jCounter = 0; jCounter < j.size(); jCounter++)
				R_xlen_t iCopied = i;
				R_xlen_t jValue = j[jCounter];
				names[jCounter] = markers[jValue-(R_xlen_t)1];
				if(iCopied > jValue) std::swap(iCopied, jValue);
				Rbyte rawValue = data[(jValue*(jValue-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + iCopied-(R_xlen_t)1];
				if(rawValue == 0xff) result[jCounter] = NA_REAL;
				else result[jCounter] = levels[rawValue];
			result.attr("names") = names;
			return result;
		else if(j.size() == 1)
			Rcpp::NumericVector result(i.size());
			R_xlen_t j = Rcpp::as<int>(j_);
			Rcpp::CharacterVector names(i.size());
			for(R_xlen_t iCounter = 0; iCounter < i.size(); iCounter++)
				R_xlen_t jCopied = j;
				R_xlen_t iValue = i[iCounter];
				names[iCounter] = markers[iValue-(R_xlen_t)1];
				if(iValue > jCopied) std::swap(iValue, jCopied);
				Rbyte rawValue = data[(jCopied*(jCopied-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + iValue-(R_xlen_t)1];
				if(rawValue == 0xff) result[iCounter] = NA_REAL;
				else result[iCounter] = levels[rawValue];
			result.attr("names") = names;
			return result;
	Rcpp::NumericMatrix result((int)i.size(), (int)j.size());
	Rcpp::CharacterVector rownames(i.size()), colnames(j.size());
	for(R_xlen_t iCounter = 0; iCounter < i.size(); iCounter++)
		rownames[iCounter] = markers[i[iCounter]-(R_xlen_t)1];
		for(R_xlen_t jCounter = 0; jCounter < j.size(); jCounter++)
			R_xlen_t iCopied = i[iCounter], jCopied = j[jCounter];
			if(iCopied > jCopied) std::swap(iCopied, jCopied);
			Rbyte rawValue = data[(jCopied*(jCopied-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + iCopied-(R_xlen_t)1];
			if(rawValue == 0xff) result(iCounter, jCounter) = NA_REAL;
			else result(iCounter, jCounter) = levels[rawValue];
	for(R_xlen_t jCounter = 0; jCounter < j.size(); jCounter++)
		colnames[jCounter] = markers[j[jCounter]-(R_xlen_t)1];
	result.attr("dimnames") = Rcpp::List::create(rownames, colnames);
	return result;