void Synthesizer::computeAllTerms(const DisembodiedObject &object, const ObjectInstance &parent, const mat4f &modelToWorld, const vec3f &contactPos, ObjectScoreEntry &result)
    computeBaseOffset(object, modelToWorld, contactPos, result);
    // we don't compute left-right here, we just assume the speakers have already been placed correctly.
    //computeLeftRight(object, contactPos, result);

    computeOverhang(object, parent, modelToWorld, result);
    computeInteractionRays(object, modelToWorld, result);
    computeScanPlacement(object, modelToWorld, result);
    computeCollision(object, modelToWorld, result);
void Synthesizer::evaluatePlacementB()

    Timer tCollision;
    if (verbose) cout << "Evaluating collisions...";
    UINT collisionCount = 0, acceptableCount = 0;
    for (CandidateObject &o : candidateObjects)
        for (PlacementLocation &l : o.locations)
            for (ObjectScoreEntry &r : l.rotations)
                if (r.acceptable)
                    mat4f modelToWorld = makeModelToWorld(o.object, l, r.rotation);
                    computeCollision(o.object, modelToWorld, r);
                    if (r.acceptable)

    if (verbose)
        cout << tCollision.getElapsedTime() << "s" << endl;
        cout << acceptableCount << " / " << collisionCount << " collision free locations" << endl;

    Timer tScanPlacement;
    if(verbose) cout << "Evaluating scan placement...";
    for (CandidateObject &o : candidateObjects)
        for (PlacementLocation &l : o.locations)
            for (ObjectScoreEntry &r : l.rotations)
                if (r.acceptable)
                    mat4f modelToWorld = makeModelToWorld(o.object, l, r.rotation);
                    computeScanPlacement(o.object, modelToWorld, r);
    if (verbose) cout << tScanPlacement.getElapsedTime() << "s" << endl;
std::vector<FlowCollisionResult> FlowCollisionSystem::checkFlowThreadCollisions(FlowThread* flowThread) {
    std::vector<std::vector<FlowCollisionResult>> FlowThreadResults;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < _allCollisions.size(); j++) {
        FlowCollisionSphere &sphere = _allCollisions[j];
        FlowCollisionResult rootCollision = sphere.computeSphereCollision(flowThread->_positions[0], flowThread->_radius);
        std::vector<FlowCollisionResult> collisionData = { rootCollision };
        bool tooFar = rootCollision._distance >(flowThread->_length + rootCollision._radius);
        FlowCollisionResult nextCollision;
        if (!tooFar) {
            if (sphere._isTouch) {
                for (size_t i = 1; i < flowThread->_joints.size(); i++) {
                    auto prevCollision = collisionData[i - 1];
                    nextCollision = _allCollisions[j].computeSphereCollision(flowThread->_positions[i], flowThread->_radius);
                    if (prevCollision._offset > 0.0f) {
                        if (i == 1) {
                            FlowThreadResults[i - 1].push_back(prevCollision);
                    } else if (nextCollision._offset > 0.0f) {
                    } else {
                        FlowCollisionResult segmentCollision = _allCollisions[j].checkSegmentCollision(flowThread->_positions[i - 1], flowThread->_positions[i], prevCollision, nextCollision);
                        if (segmentCollision._offset > 0) {
                            FlowThreadResults[i - 1].push_back(segmentCollision);
            } else {
                if (rootCollision._offset > 0.0f) {
                for (size_t i = 1; i < flowThread->_joints.size(); i++) {
                    nextCollision = _allCollisions[j].computeSphereCollision(flowThread->_positions[i], flowThread->_radius);
                    if (nextCollision._offset > 0.0f) {

    std::vector<FlowCollisionResult> results;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < flowThread->_joints.size(); i++) {
    return results;
void CudaMasterContactSolver<real>::step(const core::ExecParams* params /* PARAMS FIRST */, double dt) {


	context = dynamic_cast<simulation::Node *>(this->getContext()); // access to current node
	CTime *timer;
	double timeScale = 1.0 / (double)CTime::getRefTicksPerSec();
	timer = new CTime();
	double time_Free_Motion = (double) timer->getTime();

	// Update the BehaviorModels
	// Required to allow the RayPickInteractor interaction
	simulation::BehaviorUpdatePositionVisitor updatePos(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dt);

	simulation::MechanicalBeginIntegrationVisitor beginVisitor(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dt);

	// Free Motion
	simulation::SolveVisitor freeMotion(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dt, true);
        sofa::core::MechanicalParams mparams(*params);
        sofa::core::MultiVecCoordId xfree = sofa::core::VecCoordId::freePosition();
        mparams.x() = xfree;
        simulation::MechanicalPropagatePositionVisitor(&mparams /* PARAMS FIRST */, 0, xfree, true).execute(context);

	//core::VecId dx_id = (VecId)core::VecDerivId::dx();
	//simulation::MechanicalVOpVisitor(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dx_id).execute( context);
    //simulation::MechanicalPropagateDxVisitor(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dx_id, true).execute( context); //ignore the masks (is it necessary?)
	//simulation::MechanicalVOpVisitor(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dx_id).execute( context);

	time_Free_Motion = ((double) timer->getTime() - time_Free_Motion)*timeScale;
	double time_computeCollision = (double) timer->getTime();

	time_computeCollision = ((double) timer->getTime() - time_computeCollision)*timeScale;
	double time_build_LCP = (double) timer->getTime();

	for (unsigned int i=0;i<constraintCorrections.size();i++) {
		core::behavior::BaseConstraintCorrection* cc = constraintCorrections[i];
	time_build_LCP = ((double) timer->getTime() - time_build_LCP)*timeScale;
	double time_solve_LCP = (double) timer->getTime();

	double _tol = tol.getValue();
	int _maxIt = maxIt.getValue();

	if (! initial_guess.getValue()) _f.clear();

	double error = 0.0;

#ifdef CHECK
		real t1,t2;

		if (_mu > 0.0) {
			for (unsigned i=0;i<_numConstraints;i++) f_check[i] = _f[i];
			real toln = ((int) (_realNumConstraints/3) + 1) * (real)_tol;
			t2 = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaNlcp_gaussseidel(useGPU_d.getValue(),_numConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), f_check.getCudaVector(), _mu,_toln, _maxIt);

			t1 = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaNlcp_gaussseidel(0,_numConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), _f.getCudaVector(), _mu,_toln, _maxIt);
		} else {
			for (unsigned i=0;i<_numConstraints;i++) f_check[i] = _f[i];
			t2 = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaGaussSeidelLCP1(useGPU_d.getValue(),_numConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), f_check.getCudaVector(), _tol, _maxIt);

			t1 = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaGaussSeidelLCP1(0,_numConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), _f.getCudaVector(), _tol, _maxIt);

		for (unsigned i=0;i<f_check.size();i++) {
			if ((f_check.element(i)-_f.element(i)>CHECK) || (f_check.element(i)-_f.element(i)<-CHECK)) {
				std::cerr << "Error(" << useGPU_d.getValue() << ") dim(" << _numConstraints << ") realDim(" << _realNumConstraints << ") elmt(" << i << ") : (cpu," << f_check.element(i) << ") (gpu,(" << _f.element(i) << ")" << std::endl;

		sout << "numcontacts = " << _realNumConstraints << " RealNumContacts =" <<  _numConstraints << sendl;

		if (_mu > 0.0) {

			real toln = ((int) (_realNumConstraints/3) + 1) * (real)_tol;
			error = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaNlcp_gaussseidel(useGPU_d.getValue(),_realNumConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), _f.getCudaVector(), _mu,toln, _maxIt);

// 			printf("\nFE = [");
// 			for (unsigned j=0;j<_numConstraints;j++) {
// 				printf("%f ",_f.element(j));
// 			}
// 			printf("]\n");

// 			real toln = ((int) (_numConstraints/3) + 1) * (real)_tol;
// 			error = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaNlcp_gaussseidel(useGPU_d.getValue(),_realNumConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), _f.getCudaVector(), _mu,toln, _maxIt);
			if (this->f_printLog.getValue()) {
				printf("M = [\n");
				for (unsigned j=0;j<_numConstraints;j++) {
					for (unsigned i=0;i<_numConstraints;i++) {

				printf("q = [");
				for (unsigned j=0;j<_numConstraints;j++) {

				printf("FS = [");
				for (unsigned j=0;j<_numConstraints;j++) {
					printf("%f ",_f.element(j));
		} else {
			error = sofa::gpu::cuda::CudaLCP<real>::CudaGaussSeidelLCP1(useGPU_d.getValue(),_realNumConstraints, _dFree.getCudaVector(), _W.getCudaMatrix(), _f.getCudaVector(), (real)_tol, _maxIt);

		if (error > _tol) sout << "No convergence in gaussSeidelLCP1 : error = " << error << sendl;

		time_solve_LCP = ((double) timer->getTime() - time_solve_LCP)*timeScale;
		double time_contactCorrections = (double) timer->getTime();

	if (initial_guess.getValue()) keepContactForcesValue();

	// MechanicalApplyContactForceVisitor(_result).execute(context);

	for (unsigned int i=0;i<constraintCorrections.size();i++) {
		core::behavior::BaseConstraintCorrection* cc = constraintCorrections[i];

    core::MechanicalParams mparams(*params);


	//simulation::MechanicalPropagateAndAddDxVisitor().execute( context);

	for (unsigned int i=0;i<constraintCorrections.size();i++)
		core::behavior::BaseConstraintCorrection* cc = constraintCorrections[i];

		time_contactCorrections = ((double) timer->getTime() - time_contactCorrections)*timeScale;

		double total = time_Free_Motion + time_computeCollision + time_build_LCP + time_solve_LCP + time_contactCorrections;

		if (this->print_info.getValue()) {
			sout<<"********* Start Iteration : " << _numConstraints << " contacts *********" <<sendl;
			sout<<"Free Motion\t" << time_Free_Motion <<" s \t| " << time_Free_Motion*100.0/total << "%" <<sendl;
			sout<<"ComputeCollision\t" << time_computeCollision <<" s \t| " << time_computeCollision*100.0/total << "%"  <<sendl;
			sout<<"Build_LCP\t" << time_build_LCP <<" s \t| " << time_build_LCP*100.0/total << "%"  <<sendl;
			sout<<"Solve_LCP\t" << time_solve_LCP <<" s \t| " << time_solve_LCP*100.0/total << "%"  <<sendl;
			sout<<"ContactCorrections\t" << time_contactCorrections <<" s \t| " << time_contactCorrections*100.0/total << "%"  <<sendl;

			unsigned nbNnul = 0;
			unsigned sz = _realNumConstraints * _realNumConstraints;
			for (unsigned j=0;j<sz;j++) if (_W.getCudaMatrix().hostRead()[j]==0.0) nbNnul++;

			sout<<"Sparsity =  " << ((double) (((double) nbNnul * 100.0) / ((double)sz))) <<"%" <<sendl;

	simulation::MechanicalEndIntegrationVisitor endVisitor(params /* PARAMS FIRST */, dt);
void Ivy::grow()
	//parameters that depend on the scene object bounding sphere
	float local_ivySize = Common::mesh.boundingSphereRadius * ivySize;

	float local_maxFloatLength = Common::mesh.boundingSphereRadius * maxFloatLength;

	//normalize weights of influence
	float sum = primaryWeight + randomWeight + adhesionWeight;

	primaryWeight /= sum;

	randomWeight /= sum;

	adhesionWeight /= sum;

	//lets grow
	for (std::vector<IvyRoot>::iterator root = roots.begin(); root != roots.end(); ++root)
		//process only roots that are alive
		if (!root->alive) continue;

		//let the ivy die, if the maximum float length is reached
		if (root->nodes.back().floatingLength > local_maxFloatLength) root->alive = false;

		//grow vectors: primary direction, random influence, and adhesion of scene objectss

			//primary vector = weighted sum of previous grow vectors
			Vector3d primaryVector = root->nodes.back().primaryDir;

			//random influence plus a little upright vector
			Vector3d randomVector = Vector3d::getNormalized( Vector3d::getRandomized() + Vector3d(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f) );

			//adhesion influence to the nearest triangle = weighted sum of previous adhesion vectors
			Vector3d adhesionVector = computeAdhesion(root->nodes.back().pos);

			//compute grow vector
			Vector3d growVector = local_ivySize * (primaryVector * primaryWeight + randomVector * randomWeight + adhesionVector * adhesionWeight);

		//gravity influence

			//compute gravity vector
			Vector3d gravityVector = local_ivySize * Vector3d(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f) * gravityWeight;

			//gravity depends on the floating length
			gravityVector *= pow(root->nodes.back().floatingLength / local_maxFloatLength, 0.7f);

		//next possible ivy node

			//climbing state of that ivy node, will be set during collision detection
			bool climbing;

			//compute position of next ivy node
			Vector3d newPos = root->nodes.back().pos + growVector + gravityVector;

			//combine alive state with result of the collision detection, e.g. let the ivy die in case of a collision detection problem
			root->alive = root->alive & computeCollision(root->nodes.back().pos, newPos, climbing);

			//update grow vector due to a changed newPos
			growVector = newPos - root->nodes.back().pos - gravityVector;

		//create next ivy node
			IvyNode tmpNode;

			tmpNode.pos = newPos;

			tmpNode.primaryDir = Vector3d::getNormalized( 0.5f * root->nodes.back().primaryDir + 0.5f * Vector3d::getNormalized( growVector ) );

			tmpNode.adhesionVector = adhesionVector;

			tmpNode.length = root->nodes.back().length + Vector3d::getLength(newPos - root->nodes.back().pos);

			tmpNode.floatingLength = climbing ? 0.0f : root->nodes.back().floatingLength + Vector3d::getLength(newPos - root->nodes.back().pos);

			tmpNode.climb = climbing;

		root->nodes.push_back( tmpNode );

	//lets produce child ivys
	for (std::vector<IvyRoot>::iterator root = roots.begin(); root != roots.end(); ++root)
		//process only roots that are alive
		if (!root->alive) continue;

		//process only roots up to hierarchy level 3, results in a maximum hierarchy level of 4
		if (root->parents > 3) continue;

		//add child ivys on existing ivy nodes
		for (std::vector<IvyNode>::iterator node = root->nodes.begin(); node != root->nodes.end(); ++node)
			//weight depending on ratio of node length to total length
			float weight = 1.0f - ( cos( node->length / root->nodes.back().length * 2.0f * PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f );

			//random influence
			float probability = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

			if (probability * weight > branchingProbability)
				//new ivy node
				IvyNode tmpNode;

				tmpNode.pos = node->pos;

				tmpNode.primaryDir = Vector3d(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

				tmpNode.adhesionVector = Vector3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

				tmpNode.length = 0.0f;

				tmpNode.floatingLength = node->floatingLength;

				tmpNode.climb = true;

				//new ivy root
				IvyRoot tmpRoot;

				tmpRoot.nodes.push_back( tmpNode );

				tmpRoot.alive = true;

				tmpRoot.parents = root->parents + 1;

				roots.push_back( tmpRoot );

				//limit the branching to only one new root per iteration, so return