static void doCorrection(Chassis* c, const vec3* worldOffset, const vec3* axis, float requiredVelocityChange) { float denom = computeDenominator(1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, worldOffset, axis); float correction = requiredVelocityChange / denom; vec3 impulse; vecscale(&impulse, axis, correction); addImpulseAtOffset(&c->vel, &c->angVel, 1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, worldOffset, &impulse); }
void Cosine::computeScore(size_t docId){ // TODO given a doc Id, compute the score of this doc. float cossim=0; // get forward index and make it unique set<size_t> frwdIndx =this->frwdReader->getUniqueTermId(docId); // get term frequency // !!! need an interface.. map<size_t, size_t> docTermFreq; set<size_t>::iterator itDocTermFreq = frwdIndx.begin(); size_t count = 0; for (; itDocTermFreq!=frwdIndx.end(); ++itDocTermFreq){ docTermFreq[*itDocTermFreq] = this->invtReader.getTF(this->, docId); //docTermFreq[*itDocTermFreq] = 1; ++count; } // intersection of two sets vector<size_t> interTermId(min(this->uniQueryTermId.size(), frwdIndx.size())); vector<size_t>::iterator itInterset; itInterset = set_intersection (this->uniQueryTermId.begin(), this->uniQueryTermId.end(), frwdIndx.begin(), frwdIndx.end(), interTermId.begin()); interTermId.erase(itInterset, interTermId.end()); // compute un-normalized cosine similarity itInterset = interTermId.begin(); for(; itInterset!=interTermId.end(); ++itInterset){ cossim += (docTermFreq[*itInterset] * this->uniQueryTermFreq[*itInterset]); } // compute the denominators for current document float docDenominator = computeDenominator(frwdIndx, docTermFreq); // push back the scores into member variant cout << "iterset num: " << interTermId.size() <<" || q term num: " << uniQueryTermId.size() << " || uniqdoctermId: " << frwdIndx.size() << endl; cout << "unnorm cossim: " << cossim; cossim = cossim / docDenominator /this->queryDenominator; cout << " |||| docDenom: " << docDenominator << " |||| queryDenom: "<<this->queryDenominator<<endl; this->score.push_back(cossim); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { #if 0 const int N = 4; float y[N] = {-0.653828, -0.653828, 0.753333, 0.753333}; float k[N]; float l[2] = {0.f, 0.f}; float kdl[2] = {0.f, 0.f}; float n[2] = {0.f, 0.f}; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { if (y[i] > 0.f) { l[1] += y[i]; n[1] += 1.f; } else { l[0] -= y[i]; n[0] += 1.f; } } kdl[1] = l[1] / (n[1]*l[0] + n[0]*l[1]); kdl[0] = l[0] / (n[1]*l[0] + n[0]*l[1]); for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { printf("[%d] l = %f kdl = %f\n", i, l[i], kdl[i]); } for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { k[i] = y[i] > 0.f ? kdl[1] : kdl[0]; } float force = 0.f; float torque = 0.f; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { force += k[i]; torque += y[i] * k[i]; } printf("force = %f\n", force); printf("torque = %f\n", torque); printf("kdl[0]/kdl[1] = %f\n", kdl[0]/kdl[1]); return 0; #endif #if 0 vec3 r = {1.f, -0.3f, 0.f}; vec3 fground = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f}; vec3 fcent = {-1.f, 0.f, 0.f}; vec3 tground; vec3 tcent; veccross(&tground, &r, &fground); veccross(&tcent, &r, &fcent); printf("tground = %f\n", tground.z); printf("tcent = %f\n", tcent.z); return 0; float axleFriction = 200.1f; float mass = 10.f; float invMass = 1.f/mass; float v = 10.0f; float dt = 0.01; for (int r=0; r<100; r++) { float force = -axleFriction*sgn(v); v = v + force*invMass * dt; printf("v = %f\n", v); } return 0; #endif #if 0 float mass = 10.f; float wheelmass = 1.0f; float radius = 0.1f; float wheelInertia = 2.f/5.f*radius*radius*wheelmass; float vel = 0.f; float wheelVel= 0.f; float dt = 0.01f; float torque = 1000.f; float angSpeed = -dt*torque*radius/wheelInertia; float momentum = angSpeed*wheelInertia; printf("momentum put in = %f \n", momentum); for (int repeat = 0; repeat<10; repeat++) { { float contactSpeed = radius * angSpeed + wheelVel; float error = contactSpeed; float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + radius*radius/wheelInertia; float impulse = error / denom; // Add impulse to the wheel wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass; angSpeed = angSpeed - radius*impulse/wheelInertia; } // Axis error { float error = wheelVel - vel; float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + 1.f/mass; float impulse = error/denom; wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass; vel = vel + impulse/mass; } } printf("momentum c = %f\n", vel*mass); printf("momentum w = %f\n", vel*wheelmass); printf("momentum aw = %f\n", angSpeed*wheelInertia); printf("total momentum = %f\n", vel*(mass+wheelmass) + angSpeed*wheelInertia); printf("chassis = %f, wheel = %f\n", vel, wheelVel); return 0; #endif #if 0 float mass = 10.f; float inertia = mass * 0.4f; vec3 wheelOffset = {0.f, 1.5f, -0.2f}; float wheelmass = 1.0f; float radius = 0.1f; float wheelInertia = 2.f/5.f*radius*radius*wheelmass; vec3 vel = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; vec3 w = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; float wheelVel= 0.f; float dt = 0.01f; float torque = 1000.f; float angSpeed = -dt*torque*radius/wheelInertia; for (int repeat = 0; repeat<100; repeat++) { { float contactSpeed = radius * angSpeed + wheelVel; float error = contactSpeed; float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + radius*radius/wheelInertia; float impulse = error / denom; // Add impulse to the wheel wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass; angSpeed = angSpeed - radius*impulse/wheelInertia; } // Axis error { // float axleVel = vel; vec3 cross; veccross(&cross, &w, &wheelOffset); float axleVel = vel.y + cross.y; vec3 pulldir = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f}; float error = wheelVel - axleVel; if (error < 0.000001f) break; float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + computeDenominator(1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &wheelOffset, &pulldir); float impulse = error/denom; wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass; //vel = vel + impulse/mass; { vecscale(&pulldir, &pulldir, impulse); addImpulseAtOffset(&vel, &w, 1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &wheelOffset, &pulldir); } } } printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x); printf("%f\n", w.x/vel.y); // Simple force application! { wheelVel = 0.f; vec3 impulse = {0.f, dt * torque / radius, 0.f}; veczero(&vel); veczero(&w); vec3 offset = wheelOffset; //offset.z -= radius; printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x); addImpulseAtOffset(&vel, &w, 1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &offset, &impulse); } printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x); printf("%f\n", w.x/vel.y); return 0; #endif #if 0 float x = 100.f; float friction = 20.f; float dt = 0.01f; float r = dt*friction; int n=0; while (n<1000) { //x = x - r*x/(fabsf(x)+r); printf("%f\n", x); n++; } return 0; #endif timerUpdate(&g_time); vehicleInit(); // GLUT Window Initialization: glutInit (&argc, argv); glutInitWindowSize (s_width, s_height); glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH); glutCreateWindow ("CS248 GLUT example"); // Initialize OpenGL graphics state initGraphics(); // Register callbacks: glutDisplayFunc (display); glutReshapeFunc (reshape); glutKeyboardFunc (keyboard); glutMouseFunc (mouseButton); glutMotionFunc (mouseMotion); glutIdleFunc (animateScene); //BuildPopupMenu (); //glutAttachMenu (GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); // Turn the flow of control over to GLUT glutMainLoop (); return 0; }
static void vehicleSubTick(Chassis* c, float dt) { if (g_step==0) return; if (g_step&1) g_step = 0; vec3* chassisPos = &c->pose.v[3].v3; vec3* x = &c->pose.v[0].v3; vec3* y = &c->pose.v[1].v3; vec3* z = &c->pose.v[2].v3; // This bit is done by the physics engine if(1) { vecaddscale(chassisPos, chassisPos, &c->vel, dt); mtx rot; matrixRotateByVelocity(&rot, &c->pose, &c->angVel, dt); matrixCopy33(&c->pose, &rot); } // Damp vecscale(&c->vel, &c->vel, expf(-dt*1.f)); vecscale(&c->angVel, &c->angVel, expf(-dt*1.f)); if (fabsf(c->angVel.x)<0.01f) c->angVel.x = 0.f; if (fabsf(c->angVel.y)<0.01f) c->angVel.y = 0.f; if (fabsf(c->angVel.z)<0.01f) c->angVel.z = 0.f; ClampedImpulse frictionImpulse[numWheels][2]; c->steer = g_steer; //g_steer *= expf(-dt*3.f); //g_speed *= expf(-dt*3.f); static float latf = 10.f; static float angSpeed = 0.f; if (g_handBrake>0.f) { g_handBrake *= expf(-4.f*dt); g_speed *= expf(-4.f*dt); if (g_handBrake < 0.1f) { g_handBrake = 0.f; } } // Prepare for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++) { Suspension* s = c->suspension[i]; Wheel* w = s->wheel; // Calculate the world position and offset of the suspension point vec3mtx33mulvec3(&s->worldOffset, &c->pose, &s->offset); vec3mtx43mulvec3(&s->worldDefaultPos, &c->pose, &s->offset); w->pos = s->worldDefaultPos; vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, &s->worldOffset); vecadd(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel); float maxFriction0 = 2.0f * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels); clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][0], maxFriction0); float latfriction = 10.f; float newAngSpeed = vecdot(z, &c->angVel); float changeAngSpeed = (newAngSpeed - angSpeed)/dt; angSpeed = newAngSpeed; printf("changeAngSpeed = %f\n", changeAngSpeed); float speed = fabsf(vecdot(y, &c->vel)); const float base = 0.5f; if (g_speed>=0 && i>=2) { latfriction = 1.f*expf(-5.f*g_handBrake) + base; // latfriction = 1.f*expf(-2.f*fabsf(speed*changeAngSpeed)) + base; // if (angSpeed*g_steer < -0.1f) // { // latfriction = base; // } //if (g_steer == 0.f) //{ // latf += (10.f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-0.1f*dt)); //} //else //{ // latf += (0.1f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-10.f*dt)); //} //latfriction = latf; } else { latfriction = 10.f; } float maxFriction1 = latfriction * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels); clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][1], maxFriction1); vecset(&s->hitNorm, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); float steer = w->maxSteer*c->steer * (1.f + 0.3f*s->offset.x*c->steer); vecscale(&w->wheelAxis, x, cosf(steer)); vecsubscale(&w->wheelAxis, &w->wheelAxis, y, sinf(steer)); w->frictionDir[0]; veccross(&w->frictionDir[0], z, &w->wheelAxis); w->frictionDir[1] = w->wheelAxis; w->angSpeed = -40.f*g_speed; } //============= // VERBOSE //============= #define verbose false #define dump if (verbose) printf dump("==========================================\n"); dump("START ITERATION\n"); dump("==========================================\n"); float solverERP = numIterations>1 ? 0.1f : 1.f; float changeSolverERP = numIterations>1 ? (1.f - solverERP)/(0.01f+ (float)(numIterations-1)) : 0.f; for (int repeat=0; repeat<numIterations; repeat++) { dump(" == Start Iter == \n"); for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++) { Suspension* s = c->suspension[i]; Wheel* w = s->wheel; const bool axisError = true; const bool friction = true; // Friction if (friction) { vec3 lateralVel; vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &w->vel, &s->hitNorm, -vecdot(&s->hitNorm, &w->vel)); vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[0], +w->angSpeed * w->radius); { int dir = 0; float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]); float denom = 1.f/w->mass + w->radius*w->radius*w->invInertia; float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom); vec3 impulseV; vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse); vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass); w->angSpeed = w->angSpeed + (impulse * w->radius * w->invInertia); } if (1) { int dir=1; float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]); float denom = 1.f/w->mass; float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom); vec3 impulseV; vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse); vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass); } //dump("gound collision errorV = %f, vel of wheel after = %f\n", penetration, vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm)); } if (axisError) // Axis Error { vec3 offset; vecsub(&offset, &w->pos, chassisPos); vec3 pointvel = getPointVel(c, &offset); vec3 error; vecsub(&error, &pointvel, &w->vel); vecaddscale(&error, &error, z, -vecdot(&error, z)); vec3 norm; if (vecsizesq(&error)>0.001f) { dump("axis error %f\n", vecsize(&error)); vecnormalise(&norm, &error); float denom = computeDenominator(1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &norm) + 1.f/w->mass; vecscale(&error, &error, -solverERP/denom); addImpulseAtOffset(&c->vel, &c->angVel, 1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &error); vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &error, -solverERP/w->mass); } //dump("axis error vel of wheel after = %f, inline = %f\n", vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm), vecdot(&w->vel, &s->axis)); } } solverERP += changeSolverERP; } for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++) { Suspension* s = c->suspension[i]; Wheel* w = s->wheel; vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, s); // Convert suspension wheel speed back to car space vecsub(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel); } }